GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001Feature Button18.4.9 The number shown in this column designates the feature button to be used to assign and program the desired functions on this specific IFP. Physically, the buttons are numbered starting with the row of buttons nearest the keypad, starting at the top of the row and proceeding downward in order, i.e., button number 1 is the top button in the first row; button number 9 is the top button in the second row. . . .NOTE: A FeatureComm II has one row of buttons (8) and the FeatureComm IV has two rows of buttons (16). Function Assignment18.4.10 Enter the name of the function or feature to be assigned to the designated button. Examples of 47 feature and function . .descriptions are shown at the bottom of Figure 18-2. Code 18.4.11Enter the two-digit code corresponding to the feature or function shown in the previous column. Examples of 47 codes are shown at the bottom of Figure 18-2. Feature Button Data18.4.12 If the following functions or features have been selected, additional information about the feature button needs to be entered: l Station speed calling l Repertory dial l Dual access l Reminder 0 Time and date l Call forward l Special call forward l Auto intercom l Message waiting l Special call waiting l Manual signal If the information is known at the time of form preparation, enter it in the column under the heading “If Feature Button Only”. If the information is not available, the user must be alerted at the time of user training and/or telephone installation to add the appropriate information. Consult the User’s Manual or Programming Manual as necessary. If the feature button has been designated a line button, enter the directory number and ring type of the line in the column under “If Line Button Enter”. If the feature button has been designated a DSS button, enter the directory number, ring type, and coverage type of the line in the column under the heading of “If DSS Button Enter”.Examples of the ring and coverage types are summarized at the bottom of Figure 18.2. Consult the User’s Manual or Programming Manual for detailed input directions as necessary. SVR 5210 8187D-395

TL-130400-1001Remarks Button Label . . . . Single-Line Feature- Comm Feature Button Assignments Instructions Key Plan Number Prime Directory Number Instrument Type18.4.13 At the originator’s discretion, enter any note or comment to further clarify the programmable information. 18.4.14 Enter, if known, the description that should appear on the button label when the telephone is installed. Preprinted labels are available for most features and are packaged with the instrument at the factory. Blank labels are also provided to allow the user discretion in button labeling. For stations to be equipped with add-on modules, the reverse side of the form can be used in a similar fashion to describe feature button assignments on the add-on module. The button numbering on the add-on module begins with the top-left button (row number 1, button number 1) and ends with the bottom-right button (row number 3, button number 30). 18.5 The Single-Line FeatureComm Feature Button Assignments (Figure 18.3) include information on intercom group, call pickup group, feature button number and functional assignment, feature/function code, feature button data, and button label information. 18.6 18.6.1If the instrument is associated with a Key Plan, enter the number of the Key Plan as shown on Key Plan (Figure 18.1). If it is not associated with the Key Plan, enter “None”. 18.6.2 Enter the assigned or prime directory number for this specific telephone. 18.6.3 Enter one of the following codes to properly describe the instrument to be used: e FC3= FeatureComm III . FC3A=FeatureComm III w/Add-on Module . FC4= FeatureComm IV e FC4A=FeatureComm IV w/Add-on Module 0 FC3S=FeatureComm IV w/Speakerphone 8 C4AS=FeatureComm IV w/Add-on Module & Speakerphone 0 FCV= FeatureComm V Q FCVI= FeatureComm VI D-3968187SVR 5210

User Name User Location Intercom Group s- . . . - Call Pickup Group Feature Button Function Assignment CodeSVR 5210TL-130400-1001 18.6.4 Enter user’s name using last name only, if known. If unknown, leave blank. 18.6.5 Enter a brief description of user’s location, i.e., room number, post number, or grid location or floor. 18.6.6 Enter S.A.K.P. (Same As Key Plan) since all IFPs on this Key Plan should be in the same intercom group. If more than one intercom group is desired per Key Plan, enter S.A. (Same As) followed by the directory numbers to be included in the specific group. 18.6.7 Enter the number of the call pickup group assigned on the basis of overall station reviews, typically by user department, functional group, or physical layout. If assignment has not been made or is unknown, enter S.A. (Same As) followed by the directory numbers to be in the group 18.6.8 The number shown in this column designates the feature button to be used to assign and program the desired functions on this specific IFP. Physically, the buttons are numbered in order, starting at the top-left button (row number 1, button number 1) and ending with the bottom-right button (row number 2, button number 16). 18.6.9 Enter the name of the function or feature to be assigned to the designated button. Examples of 47 feature and function descriptions are shown at the bottom of Figure 18 3. 18.6.10 Enter the two-digit code corresponding to the feature or function shown in the previous column. Examples of 47 codes are shown at the bottom of Figure 18 3. 8187D-397

TL-130400-1001i Prime Directory #User Namekey plan # Instrument TypeUser Location 1213 14 15 16 Function Assignment Programming 1 Push & Hold FB (“Beep’)2. Push &Hold 2 (“Beep-Beep’) 3. Key In Function CodeVia Keypad 4. Push & Hold FB (“Beep’) D-3988187 Button Data Entry Programming 1 . Push & Hold FB (“Beep’)2 - Key in Data Via Keypad 3. Push & Hold FB (“Beep’) IIIf DSS Button Enter IIf Feature Button0nlvI(1)(2)(3) Enter User Data, AsRequired 10 -Dual Access 11 Direct Station Selection (DSS)12. Extended Group13. Reminder14. Time/Alarm15. Time and Date16. Di I Display17. RePease19. &II Forward18.5 eakerphone (Optional) ‘:IntercOrn Group ___Call Pick-UpGroup-Other x’s in GroupOther b’s in Group-- ____ RemarksButton Label PS,~;ci$&ll Forward Intercom Auto Intercom Message Wait,ing Message Leavmg 40. Acco”“~ Code 41 -Unassigned$$ : QF;Buttons44 Remote Tone 45. Bad Line46. Privacy Relea e47. System SpeedCalling Ring Type1 = Immed. Visual2 = immed. Visual . No Audible3 = Immed. Visual - Delat;Au,dlble 4 = Delay Visual. Delayudlble Enter “X’ Under Type Selected Figure 18.3Single-Line FeatureComm Feature Button Assignments (Form 3) Coverage Type 1 = Always 2 : Alternate 3 = Call Only - No Status4=Enter “X’ Under Type Selected 5210

TL-130400-1001Feature Button Data18.6.11If the following functions or features have .been selected, additional information about the feature button needs to be entered: 0 Station speed calling l Repertory dial l Dual access l Reminder l Time and date l Call forward . . .l Special call forward l Auto inercoml Message waiting . .l Special call waiting l Manual signal If the information is known at the time of form preparation, enter it in the column under the heading “If Feature Button Only”. If the information is not available, the user must be alerted at the time of user training and/or telephone installation to add the appropriate information. Consult the User’s Manual or Programming Manual as necessary. If the feature button has been designated a DSS button, enter the directory number, ring type, and coverage type of the line in the column under the heading of “If DSS Button Enter”. As a reminder, line buttons are not allowed on single-line configured FeatureComm III/IV telephones. Examples of the ring and coverage types are summarized at the bottom of Figure 18.3. Consult the User’s Manual or Programming Manual for detailed input directions as necessary. For stations to be equipped with add-on modules, the reverse side of the form may be used in a similar fashion to describe feature button assignments on the add-on module. The button numbering on the add-on module begins with the top-left button (row number 1, button number 1) and ends with the bottom-right button (row number 3, button number 30). Also, line buttons cannot be assigned or programmed on the add-on module. Remarks18.6.12 At the originator’s discretion, enter any note or comment to further clarify the programmable information. SVR 5210 8187D-399

--TL-130400-1001 Button Label18.6.13 Enter, if known, the description that should appear on the button label when the telephone is installed. Preprinted labels are available for most features and are packaged with the instrument at the factory. Blank labels are also provided to allow user discretion in button labeling. . . .Upon completion, this form, along with the Key Plan and Multi-Line Feature Button Assignments, if applicable, must be sent to the persons responsible for the following tasks: l PABX Data Base Generation and Maintenance 0 Station Installation ,-* Customer Training D-4008187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001 REFERENCES19.0 The following reference documents (Table 19.1) complement/supplement the information provided in this practice: Table 19.1 References DOCUMENT FujitsuGTEPractices:Hardware Ordering Guide: Data Base Sheets: Configuration Management: Customer Instructions: NUMBERISSUEDESCRIPTION TL-130000-1001 3Introduction/Features TL-130500-1001 3System Configuration TL-130100-1001 13Operation 278-904-l 80I3IPD-200 Packet Data SystemITL-130300-1001 3 TL-130200-1001 3 FM-41 444Hardware/Software Installation Maintenance Ordering Guide FM-41 444-A,-B, or -C FM-41 4794186Ordering Sheets Software Programming Data Sheets (Instructions for completing the software programming data sheets are contained in Technical Practice TL-130400-1001.)CM-638202-SV - I ISystem Version StocklistI CM-638202- - I ISystem Version Release 52.1 .O SVR Cl-278-248 2I IExecutive Features Insert Cl-278-294 12Busy Lamp Display Unit Cl-278-4011Attendant Manual Hotel/Motel Health-Care Features Insert Cl-278-402 1Key Entry Display Unit Instructions SVR 5210 8187D-401

TL-130400-1001Table 19.1References (Continued) BESCRlPTlQN Cl-278-41 0 Cl-278-41 1 Cl-278-41 2 Cl-278-41 71OMNI Series Attendant Manual 1Maid Service Features Insert 1OMNI Series Generic Station User’s Guide (No Access Codes Included) 1Asynchronous Packet Manager User’s Guide Cl-278-41 8Cl-473-3651Integrated Voice Messaging System User’s Guide 1FeatureComm V/VI Handbook for CD-100 Data Cl-473-366 Cl-473-395 1FeatureComm V/VI User’s Manual (Voice Features Only) 1FeatureComm V/VI Handbook for PD-200 Data Cl-473-396 1FeatureComm VNI User’s Manual for PD-200 Data Cl-473-397 1OMNI FeatureComm Handbook (Voice Features Only) Cl-473-398 1OMNI FeatureComm User’s Manual (Voice Features Only) Cl-473-51 91FeatureComm Quick Reference Guide D-4028187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001CROSS REFERENCE Record Code Number to Recent Change Number -.. Record Code =: Number to Form Sequence Number Record Co,de Number to T Table Number SW 521020.0 This section provides cross-references to other documents which may prove useful in configuring the data base. 20.1 Table 20.1 provides a cross-reference of the record code numbers to Recent Change numbers. When the Recent Change number pertains to a specific record code column number, the column number is included. 20.2 Table 20.2 provides a cross-reference of the record code numbers to the form sequence numbers. 20.3 Table 20.2 provides a cross-reference of the record code numbers to the T table numbers.8i87D-403

rTL-130400-1001Table 20.1Cross Reference of Features to Record Codes and Recent Change RecordRecord Code Feature CodesColumn(s)Recent Change Numbers Used in UsedNumbersSupport of FeatureAccess AC Code all .AttendantAT,. ConSole CA DC DD NC. OFOT ACA TlACD AD AF AG DKDT HG LD z: OFRA SD Tl AIODTl BLDUAT BD BKCA CAS CF BranchOEOT SD TlCAS MainAD AF AGAL DK HG MH TM allAT=117, 181,184, 188, 218 allBD= 189 allBK= 190 allCA=183, 185,186, 187 -allNC=203, 211,213 allOF = 89, 209 30-32,45-47 56-67 all all all all all allHG= 125, 127, 128 16-18 allMH=126 all 42OF = 89, 209 all all 45-48 38 37189 all190 all 61 all 218 15-17 51-62 all 49 all46, 61, 65, 66,45, 142, 218 all all all all all all allD-404 8187SVR 5210