GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001Record Code CR: Code Restriction10.3 Record Code CR, Figure 40.3, gives toll restricted stations limited DDD (Direct Distance Dialing) access. A maximum of Numberseight code restriction tables are provided in the system’s data base. Each code restriction table can contain up to 1,000 NPA/ABC codes. x-.”. . . .SVR 5210For normal applications, one code restriction table is all that is required, and it is assigned to all applicable trunk groups. This table includes all the allowed ABC codes of the HNPA (Home Numbering Plan Area) and all the FNPA (Foreign Numbering Plan Area) codes. Toll restriction stations accessing a trunk group assigned to this table are allowed to make calls to the NPAs/ABCs that are listed. . .NOTE: When a code restriction table is assigned to a trunk group, normal toll restriction checks are expanded. The system allows only toll restricted stations accessing the trunk group to complete calls to codes entered in this table. These can be assigned per trunk group. If greater flexibility is needed, up to eight tables can be defined with NPA /ABC codes. These tables can be assigned to different trunk groups. Toll restricted stations can be assigned to access only certain trunk groups. Since these trunk groups are only allowed to access certain NPAs/ABCs, the stations are restricted from calling unlisted NPAs/ABCs.If six-digit analysis is needed for any NPA(s), Record Code EC must also be completed. Six-digit analysis is required for the following reasons: Q An NPA has ABC(s) that are conflicting codes. That is, the ABC has a 0 or 1 as the middle (B) digit. @ Cross boundary dialing is in effect (e.g., calls to certain ABCswithin an NPA other than the HNPA are dialed/billed as local calls). o Certain ABC(s) within the NPA will be treated in a different manner than other ABCs. That is, they will be routed differently because some ABCs are local calls while others are toll calls (e.g., an FX line or toll ABCs for the HNPA). 8187D-203

TL-130400-1001 r---------r-r--------------------------- hi ------------------------------------~TI IDIIEIsI I IIX1I --r-r---------------------~--1 pi ---------------------------------------tI I El E ;I I ‘RII;$I r-I ITl (‘II 1NII ALLOWABLE 3-DIGIT NPAIABCI‘TiCODENUMBERSI!?II I IIL1I I III’I I II III I I I ; I-iil7-7-r r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-T-T-T-r-s-T-T-s-T-r-T--l-n-r-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17181910111213141516171819101112131415161718191011121314151617181910111213141 c-+-+-u-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-iIOl9l5lCIRI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL-~-*----L--C-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-.&.-A-L-A.-&-~-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-*-~-~-~-&-&-.&-4.-A-*-dD-204 Figure 10.3Record Code CR: Code Restriction Numbers Data Sheet 8f87SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001Table 10.3Entry Fields for Record Code CRCOL. COL.VALID NO.NAME ENTRIESCOMMENTS 12 . . . CodeRestriction Table x-.”l-8 = numberThis field determines the table number assigned to the allowable codes listed in columns 13-72. -This number is used by the system for identification purposes. .-A code restriction table with no codes allowed is programmed by entering the code restriction table number in column 12 and dashes for the first entry in columns 13-15. 13-72Allowable000-999 =This field determines the allowable three-digit Three-Digit NPAIABC numbercode numbers (NPAABC) that can be Numbering Plan - = range markerassigned for the possible eight different code Area/ABC Code, = end of rangerestriction tables. Numbersmarker -Commas are entered between individual NPA/ABC codes (e.g., 220,474). -Dashes are entered to indicate a series of codes (e.g., 220-229). -Column 72 can only contain a comma. -When a code restriction table is assigned in column 12, the codes are entered in sequence going from left to right across the page.SVR 5210 8187D-205

TL-130400-1001Record Code EC: Expanded or Conflicting Code Check Tables -=_.”10.4 Record Code EC, Figure 10.4, is used in conjunction with expanded code restriction capabilities. This record code must be set up along with Record Code CR. Expanded code restriction is used to allow access to certain ABC codes within an NPA or for an NPA that has conflicting ABC codes. An ABC code is a conflicting code if it has a 0 or 1 as the middle digit (e.g., ABC = 212). 212 is an NPA in New York. A 0 or 1 as the middle digit is only applied to NPAs. However, some NPAs have more ABCs than they have numbers to accommodate. In these NPA areas, the,ABCs are allowed a 0 or 1 as the middle digit, thereby causing a conflict between the ABC and NPA codes. ‘------‘--r-r7--------I III I I IIN, IIDII!E! Tc------------_---------------7------------------------TII i II II II1III i11I I Figure 10.4 Record Code EC: Expanded or Conflicting Code Check Tables Data SheetSVR 5210

,TL-130400-1001 Table 10.4 Entry Fields for Record Code EC COL.COL.VALID NO.NAME ENTRIESCOMMENTS 12Table Number1-8 = numberThis field defines the table number of the expanded or conflicting code or codes that are allowed in the system. The table number is used by the system for identification purposes. -This number must be defined on Record Code CR, column 12. -The table number must be unique across this record code. 13-15,Expanded or000-999 = N PAEnter the NPA requiring expanded toll 18-20,Conflicting Code numberrestriction. 23-25,Numbers l-8-=N/A-The NPA codes must be unique on a per andtable (one EC form) basis. 28-30-This field can only contain an NPA. 16,1 + Restriction1-8 =This field determines whether or not the NPA 21,Code Table table numberlisted in preceding columns has conflicting 26,-= N/Acodes. and-This field points to Record Code CR, 31column 12, where the allowed ABCs for the NPA requiring six-digit analysis are listed. -For normal applications, either the 1 + restriction code table or the restriction code table will have an entry, not both. There are, however, applications that require an entry in both of these fields (e.g., conflicting codes in an NPA with cross boundary dialing). -If this application exists, fields for 1 + restriction (16, 21, 26, and/or 31) define the NPA with conflicting codes, and fields 17, 22, 27, and/or 32 point to Record Code CR for the ABC listing. 17,Restrictionl-8=This field points to Record Code CR, column 22,Code Table table number12, where the allowed ABCs for the NPA 27,-=NlArequiring six-digit analysis are listed. and-1 + restriction code tables and restriction 32code tables for normal applications are mutually exclusive; however, an entry can be made in each of these fields when required. SVR 5210 8187D-207

TL-130400-1001 Record Code AS: 10.5 Record Code AS, Figure 10.5, defines the service codes Allowable Service Codes such as 411, 611, and 911, that the system is allowed to dial. This record code is used in conjunction with the toll restriction feature and is applied on a trunk-group by trunk-group basis. If service codes are accessed through MERS, Record Code ST must be used.T---------r---r-----r------------------~---------------~-----------------------~III -’ -j’I II I ; N”,::iiII EliiI I I, II 4 III. .fII I III I IIx, 1 I II I VALID SERVICE CODE VALUES OF N ALLOWED Figure 10.5Record Codk AS: Allowable Service Codes Data Sheet 8187SVR 5210

COL.NO. 12-13 14-16 17-24 25-32TL-130400-1001 Table 10.5Entry Fields for Record Code AS COL.NAME Trunk Group Number x-.IService Code Prefixing Valid Service Code Values of N Allowable 11 N codes 2- 9Valid Service Code Values of N Allowable Nil codes 2- 9 VALID ENTRIES 00-63 = trunkgroup NON = no prefixing required Nl 1 = formatprefixed 11 N = formatprefixed BTH = both formatsprefixed Y = allowed - = not allowed Y = allowed - = not allowedCOMMENTS This field determines the trunk groups allowed to access the service codes listed in columns 17-32.-The trunk group listed must be defined on Record Code Tl , column 12-l 3. -Each trunk group number defined in columns 12-l 3 must be unique. Assign the service code prefixing method applied to a toll access code (1 + etc.) dialed before a service code number. This field determines the allowed dialed digits that follow the digits 11 (e.g., if 112, 113, and 114 are allowed, enter a Y in fields 17, 18, and 19).-The 11 N format is seldom found in use today. This field determines the allowed leading digits that precede the digits 11 (e.g., if 411, 611, and 911 are allowed, enter a Y in fields 27, 29, and 32). SW 52108187D-209

TL-130400-1001Record Code TC:10.6 Record Code TC, Figure 10.6, defines the trunk circuit data Trunk Circuitrequired and its related assignment. Dictation/paging, recorder announcer, and NIC (Network Interface Card) circuits require an entry in columns 12-28. All other columns for these cards must contain dashes except when recorder announcer access is required. I I I I III I I I 1II II I ;-,-,-;-,-I I IIll11718191011t-r-f-r-r-t-t-$-T-$-f-T-t-T-T-$-T-f-T-f--~- ’ ,T111111111111111112l2121212121212121213131313131313131313l4i4l414141,2,3,415,6,71819101112l314151617~819101112,3,415161718,910111213141c-+-+-u-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~1,12101TI~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL-*-~----L-~-I-_C-*-~-~-_C--L-~-~_~-*-*-~_*-~-*-*-~-~-I-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-_L-I-~-*-. D-2 Figure 10.6Record Code TC: Trunk Circuit Data Sheet 8187SVR 5210

I TL-130400-1001 Table 10.6Entry Fields for Record Code TC CCL.COL.VALID NO.NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 12-13Trunk Group00-63 = trunkThis number must be a trunk group defined on Numbergroup numberRecord Code Tl , columns 12-l 3. 14-l 6 Member 000-063 = trunkThis’field determines the outgoing order of the. . .Numbergroup membertrunks. number-The member numbers for each trunk group must be in sequential order beginning with member zero. -No gaps or duplications are allowed in the number order. 17PEC0 = PEC numberEnter PEC 0. -This card must be defined on Record Code FR and must be valid for that trunk type. -Each location for a trunk must be unique. 18GroupA-D = groupWhich group (A, B, C, or D) within PEC 0 is numberthis card? 19-20Card Slot00-l 1 = slotWhich card slot within the group is this card? number 21Circuit NumberO-3 = assignedWhich circuit on the card is being used? circuit number-There must be at least one trunk circuit defined for each trunk group. -If the trunk group is defined on Record Code Tl, columns 14-I 6, as DIC, only circuit position 0 or 1 can be used. -If the trunk group is .defined on Record Code Tl, columns 14-16, as PAG, only circuit position 2 can be used. -Circuits on the PADIC (Public Address and Dictation) card are assigned as required. This is a wiring option only; no software is needed. The circuits on the dictation/paging card are assigned as follows: circuit 0 dictation, circuit 1 dictation, circuit 2 paging. -CAUTION: Tl span cards are programmed in universal card slots in the CPG and not in Recent Change, but they are not physically mounted in these slots.-The Tl cards must be mounted in the PEC files in dedicated card slots as indicated on the file designation strip.SVR 5210 8187D-21 1

TL-130400-1001Table 10.6Entry Fields for Record Code TC (Continued)COMMENTS GS = ground start -If this field is markedEM, then Record Code -If this field is marked GS or LD, then Record Code FR,columns16-l 9,must bemarked -If this field is marked LD, then Record Code FR, columns 16-19, must be defined as ILT. -If this field is marked LP, the trunk must be defined on Record Code FR as a PDIC or as -If the trunk is defined on Record Code Tl,columns 14-16, as DIC or PAG, this field must be marked LP. -If the trunk is defined on Record Code Tl , columns 14-16, as REC, this field must be marked EM. 29-30Incoming SignalWS = wink startThis field determines the incoming start dial DD = delay dialingmethod used for the incoming trunk IZ?) fast accessrequirements in a trunk =;/A-Fast access is used by dial trunk groups from non-delay dial offices or systems. -WS is normally used for E&M, CCSA, or DID trunks that are sent from a stepper CO. - (--) will normally apply to DOD, ground, and loop start trunks. -FA is sometimes used by DID trunks. -If FA is marked, the trunk must be marked IN in columns 21-22 on Record Code Tl.-If the trunk is defined on Record Code Tl , columns 14-16, as DIC, PAG, or REC, this field must be dashed. -If this field is marked FA, thenRecord Code Tl, columns 23-24, can only be dashed or marked DP. 8187SVR 5210