GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001Table 5.1DCode Type/Code Type Identifiers Definition and Description (Continued)Code Description of Applicable ApplicableDB Table - CodeCPG Record TypeCode TypeCPG RecordSVRType Identifier No.Code Code Type Values in DecimalIdentifier (Hex Values inValues Parenthesis) s-Values.1 .”.^119 &yx3;;uCodeACAll CAS from0002= 100 c?3.3~l;ogllsI,2 (3) Unassigned$21;~ allingSpeed CallNo’s _0003=1000Speed Call No’s. 120 Access CodefoozgzzzalizedCarrier Processing 121Access Code for ACD Agent Unstaff PositionAC ACAll SI, SII, Sill O-4(0-4) SCC ID Numberoogm&oDNumber as Defined on SA Record CAS from 0 (0) Unassigned 0000 3.4.1 .O All Sill122 Access Code for ACD Agent Supervisor AssistACCAS from0 (0) Unassigned 00003.4.1 .O All Sill 123 Access Code for ACD Agent Emergency Request 124 Access Code for ACD A wentBad Lineeport 125 Access Code for ACD Agent Staff PositronAC AC ACCAS from0 (0) Unassigned 0000 3.4.1 .O All SillCAS from 0000 3.4.1 .O All Sill0 (0) Unassigned CAS from 3.4.1 .O All Sill0 (0) Unassigned0000 126First Digit of a ACCAS from Flexible3.3.1 .l SII5-10 (5-10Number ofA0005-0010 Numbering Planfrom 6.1 .l .Oigits All SI, Sill127 Access Code for Flexible Numbering Plan 128 Access Code for integrated Feature hone Station nlock8AC ACCAS from Sll5-10 (5-10A0005-0010 Number offrom 6.1 .l .Oigits All SI, Sill S!L!Y?0 (0) Unassigned0000All SI Sill SVR 52108187D-l 01

TL-130400-1001Table 5.1 DCode Type/Code Type Identifiers Definition and Description (Continued) Code Type Description of No.Code Type 129. 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 s-AccessCodefor IFP Message -Leaving .Access -Codefor Agent Group Night/Day Mode Internal Code Type for FRL Authorization Codes Access Code Issued by VMS to Turn Message Waiting On Access Code Issued by VMS to Turn Message Waiting Off Access Code Issued by VMS for Outgoing Call to Remote VMS Access Code’ Issued by VMS for Outgoing Call to Remote VMS Access Code Issued by VMS for Outgoing Call to User Applicable CPG Record CodeAC . .AC N/A AC AC AC AC AC Applicable SVR SII from 7.2.1 .OAll SI SillAll SillSI from 52.1 .oSI from 5.2.1 .OSI from 52.1 .o E-E. .SI from 5.2.1 .OSI from 5.2.1 .O DB Table - Code Type Identifier Values in Decimal (Hex Values in Parenthesis) Values0 (0) Unassigned O(0) for Day Mode l(1) for Night Mode 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned CPG Record Code Type Identifier Values 0000 0000-0001CPG does not collect data for this code type 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000D-l 02 8187SVR 5210

TL-130400-10011rable 5.1DCode Type/Code Type ldentifiers Definition and Description (Continued) Code TypeNO. Description ofCode TypeApplicable CPG Record Code - 137 i38 139 140 141 142 143 144%-.1 .” Reserved for Future Feature Terminal multi--pilot huntgroup Circular multi-pilot hunt groupAC AC, HG (HuTnt FoupT MP=)iv?AC, HG (Hunt Group Type =CRMP) VMS Directory Number for Message Desk UnattendedOD (Type = MDU) Access Code for VMS for Message Desk AttendedAC Display FRL Assignment MAP Access Code Update FRLAssignment MAP Access Code Second Paging Answer CodeAC AC AC Applicable SVRSI from 5.2.1 .oSI from 5.2.1 .OSI from 5.2.1 .o Sill from Sill from Sill from Table - Code Type Identifier Values in Decimal (Hex Values in Parenthesis) Values0 (0) Unassigned Remainder of the First Line Software ID of the Terminal Hunt Group Divided by 256 00-79 (00-4F LCircul~J-lu& roup 00-63 (00-3F)VMS ;T$keFroup 00-63 (00-3F)VMS Trunk Group Number 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) Unassigned 0 (0) UnassignedCPG Record Code Type Identifier Values 0000AC: OOOO-9999 Hunt GN’UP,;;; HG:CT/CTIis Internal1GenerateJAC: OOOO-9999 Circular HuN”,‘,Gb’,“,“P HG:CT/CTIis Internally Generated CT/CT1 is Internally Generated 0000-0063 0000 00000000SVR 5210 8187D-l 03

TL-130400-1001 Record Code HD:5.2 Record Code HD (Figure 5.2) defines the hundreds groupsHundreds Groupsused as directory numbers by the system. The number of directory numbers in each hundreds group is also defined. The audit field is used in support of the Hotel/Motel feature that allows hotel staff telephones to be audited while guest telephones are normally not audited. ,---------,-----------I II IT1’----T-~ ITIIRI $;ISIIAIICIITI1 IlOIINI ICl101IDIIElII III I lI I I 1 II II II I I 1I II I --r-T-;-T-t-+-t-+-T-T-t-T-T-T-T-T-T-t-T-T-T-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-,r-7111111111111111111111212121212121212121213131313131313131313l4l4l4l 1811~8~9101112131415181718191011121314151617181910111213141516171819101112110~ -+-+-+-LJ-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~ c-4,l,1OIHIlJI I I I I I I I III, t I I,,, I I I I I I t I I I I I I II I-*--L-~--~-~-~-_L-~---~--L . . . , . - . . . . . . 1. .-A-.3 Figure 5.2Record Code HD: Hundreds Groups Data SheetD-l 04 8187

TL-130400-1001CQL.NO.Table 5.2 Entry Fields for Record Code HD COL.VALID NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 12Selected AuditA = auditThis field determines whether or not this ConditionN = not auditedhundreds group can be audited. %-NOTE: In a motel application, auditing is./ .”provided to guest room telephones. -It is not provided to management and motel operations telephones. 13-l 4. Hundreds Group., 00-99 = numberThis field determines the Dl/D2 (00-99) combination. -One entry must be made for each hundreds group in the system. NOTE: If three-digit numbers are used, column 13 must be dashed and column 14 must contain O-9. 15-17Number of005-l 00 = numberAssign the number of directory numbers, Directoryreserved for this hundreds group. Numbers per-Because Recent Change cannot be used for Hundredsthis field, it is recommended to always set this Groupvalue at 100. Setting this value at 100 allows for future growth. -It is recommended to build spare numbers into the system. Spare numbers can be used for pilot/phantom numbers. Spare numbers should also be built into the hundreds group numbers to allow for the addition of station lines in the future. -Each hundreds group should reserve 100 directory numbers when 25 or less hundreds groups are used: If this number is not a multiple of five, the amount allocated is the next higher multiple of five.SVR 5210 8f87D-l 05

TL-130400-1001Record Code IR: Intercept Routing5.3 Record Code IR, Figure 5.3, assigns, intercept conditions for the various call configurations. Numbers IC:101IDIIEII I II I I I lI I I I I II I II I I -T-~-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-I I I T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-t-T-~-, r-411111111111111,1,11112121212121212121212131313l3l3,3l3l3l3l3l4,4l4l18(~7181910111213141516171819101112l314t51617181910111213141516171819101112110(t-+-+-+-c--c-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~ c-41214101~ IRIOl,,l I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL-A-A-A--*-1_&-&-A_~--_~ . A * . . . . . * . . . . . . . . * . __a Figure 5.3Record Code IR: Intercept Routing Numbers Data Sheet COL.NO. Table 5.3Entry Fields For Record Code IR COL.VALID NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 12-13Intercept00-15 = numberThis field determines the type of call to be Routing Numberintercepted. Routes 00 and 12-l 5 are available for special applications and are defined by the user. They can be routed to a station line, attendant, recorder announcer, or 120 IPM tone (e.g., Record Code CL, columns 18-21,AG, columns 25-26, 31-32). Routes 01-l 1 are predefined as listed below: 01 =The call is toll restricted. It is not recommended to send these calls to the console because the attendant may not be able to answer all of them. It is preferred to send these calls to tone. 02 = The feature dialed is not allowed for the station line or the system. 03 = The call was made to a vacant number. 04 = The call was made to an invalid number 05=The call was a DID (Direct Inward Dialing) to a restricted station.

TL-130400-1001 COL. NO.Table 5.3Entry Fields for Record Code IR (Continued) COL.VALID NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 12-13Intercept00-l 5 = number (cont’d) Routing Number06 = The call cannot be completed due to present call configuration (e.g., the call is in DND (Do Not Disturb). %-.1 I _07 = The trunk group is restricted by ACOF (Attendant Control Of Facilities). 08= Digit timeout /no dial alarm calls should be routed to the console or a security station. If routed to the console once the key is released, the station number that is causing the alarm is no longer visible on the LCD. 09 = Wake-up or appointment reminder answer routing. 10 = Recorder announcer for TMPI or CRPItype hunt groups (see Record Code HG). 11 = The number called has been changed. NOTE: The intercept routing number must be unique across this record code. 14-15DestinationTO = 120-IPMThis field determines whether the call will Typetoneintercept to a line, trunk, attendant, tone, orLN = linerecorder announcer. AT = attendant-If the destination type is AT, it must be RA = recorderdefined on Record Code AT, column 12. announcer-If the destination type is RA, the trunk must TI = Tie trunkbe defined on Record Code TC, columns 14- RL = release link16, and marked G in column 45. trunk -If the destination type is LN, it must be defined on Record Code LD, columns 12-15. -If the destination type is TI, the trunk must be defined on Record Code Tl , columns 12-13, and must be marked TIE in columns 14- 16.SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001 Table 5.3Entry Fields for Record Code IR (Continued) c COL.COL.VALID NO.NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 16-19Intercept0000 = tone (TO)This field determines the intercept destination Destination 0000-9999 =of the destination type. directory number-A destination type of TO must have an U’J)s-intercept destination value of 0000..I 10128 = console 0-A destination type of LN must have an (AT)intercept destination value of 0000-9999 or if 0064 = console 1three-digit station numbers are used (AT)(-000) - (-999). 0192 = either of the-A destination type of AT must have an two consolesintercept destination value of 0128, 0064 or 0000 = to an RLT 0192. W-1-A destination type of RL must have an (--OO)-(--63)intercept destination value of 0000: =Tie trunk (TI)-A destination type of TI must have an XXXX = recorderintercept destination value of (--OO)-announcer (RA) (--63).XXXX = the trunk-A destination type of RA must have an number (OOOO)-intercept destination value of (OOOO)-(0063). (0063)D-l 08 8/87SVR 5210

TL-130400-I 001Record Code SA:5.4 Record Code SA, Figure 5.4, defines the access codes, Specializeddirectory numbers, and authorization codes for up to five SCC Common Carrier(Specialized Common Carrier) networks. When the MERS option is in effect, this record code is not normally used as the SCC(s)will be in the MERS routing. This record code provides SCC information when the SCC is not routed through MERS. IGATEWAY NUMBERII I I I I ---------------------,AUT;liRZ3~ION I II DIRECTORYr---r-r-- ---------------_-_________r_____________-------------------- I ;ITI1 016 IIO I I8 IPISVR 5210 Figure 5.4Record Code SA: Specialized Common Carrier Data Sheet 8187D-109

TL-130400-1001 Table 5.4Entry Fields for Record Code SACOMMENTSare placed over an SCC. -If a trunk is normally restricted from a station user, an entry of TG allows SCC calls to use the restricted trunk. - If a station is normally toll restricted, an entry of TL allows SCC calls to be made. - An entry of BT allows for bothtypesofNumber/Accessallowable entries three-digit access code of the SCC. Codefor column 15 -This code tells the system that the user O-9, *, #, or -wants to access the SCC. = allowable entries-Column 15 cannot be dashed. for columns 16 and 17 - = N/A 18-29GatewayO-9, *, #, L (longThis field gives the directory number that Number/pause), S (shortaccesses the SCC. Directorypause), or-Column 18 cannot be dashed. Number -=N/A-This number must be left justified. NOTE: If the SCC feature is used for applications other than SCC where no authorization code is necessary, a pound sign (#) should be entered in column 29. 30-39AuthorizationO-9, *, #= allowedThis field gives the authorization code number. Numbercodes-Column 30 cannot be dashed. -= N/A40-42Time Between000-254 = time inThis field determines the maximum time Access andsecondsbetween the end of sending an SCC gateway Authorization ordirectory number and the start of authorization Number045 = suggestedcode. value