GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001 Table 15.1 Entry Fields for Record Code #MCOMMENTS flash isrecognizedon the linecallingvia the -The field is used to keep track of local calls for billing purposes. -Another option with this feature is to disallow a hookswitch flash on Record Code NC, columns 30-31. message meter pcounts on calls from lines to outgoing t -The field is used tabulate the number of localcallsmadeby a Removedeactivated whenthe guest room telephone. a wake-up call is-The wake-up call feature overrides the do answerednot disturb feature. -- = N/A 18-19Print on WakeWU = output isEnter WU if a print-out is output by the printer UPprintedwhen the wake-up call feature is activated or -- = N/Adeactivated by a station user from the guest room telephone. -It is recommended to always have a print- out to provide proof that the wake-up call was received by the guest. 20-22Print on DNDDND = output isEnter DND if a print-out is output to the (Do Not Disturb) printedprinter when the ward control of the DND -- = N/Afeature is activated or deactivated by a station user from a guest room telephone. 23-25 Print on WardATT = output isEnter ATT if a print-out is output to the printer Control by printedwhen the ward control of the DND feature is Attendant of-- = N/Aactivated or deactivated by the attendant. DND (Do Not-The system may have an automatic timer Disturb)that controls this feature. SVR 5210 8187D-275

TL-130400-1001Table 15.1Entry Fields for Record Code HM (Continued)COMMENTS is activated or deactivated by the when a wake-up call is placed to a busy or no answer station. counts on trunkcounts that are registered up -This feature isused toincreNo Dial AlarmY = no dial alarmEnter Y if the no dial alarm feature is activatedactivated. - = no dial alarm not activated 35RoomY = room stationEnter Y if the system is to automatically Restriction onrestriction Occupancyrestrict a room station from making outside activated Status Changecalls when the room status is changed to- = room station unoccupied. restriction not-This prevents unauthorized use of the activatedtelephone. D-2768187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001Record Code KD:15.2 Record Code KD, Figure 15.2, defines the physical location Key Entry Display Unitof the KEDU circuit card(s) and the features that can be Assignmentactivated or deactivated at each KEDU. Because the maximum number of KEDUs that the OMNI SI will support is two, the maximum number of entries for this record code is two. r---------r-- r-- r------- r- ------------T-~-------------------------------------~II; I ;T ;T T T T T fTITII,N,6 ,3 3 6 3 3, i 16 I1I,D,4 ,2 2 4 2 2,I4 II III7.,E18 10 18 2 3,‘” ,Xl2Il 1211,1:: !I IF S fIw 5’M f,I I1 ,I I1 I1 I1 I17~8~9,9111213141516 I I II I ;I ’ I ;I I Ii I I I 1 I I I 1 , I I ’--r-t-t-t-t-r- i I I I I I I I I $;I i+- ’,.I.- ‘CIRII I I -;-I 1I I9-+- -t-t-t-t-t-.+-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-2 I212 12 12 I2 I2 12 12 I2 13 1313 13 13 I3 13 13 I3 I3 14 14I4011121314151617181910111213141516171819101112-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Figure 15.2Record Code KD: Key Entry Display Unit Assignment Data SheetSVR 5210 8187D-277

TL-130400-1001Table 15.2Entry Fields for Record Code KDCOMMENTS owing parameters. mber must be unique across Which card slot within the group is this card? -The FB-17209 card used to support the KEDU is a double width card. 17CircuitO-l = circuit Which circuit on the card is being used? number - A maximum of two KEDU circuits or one KEDU circuit and one printer circuit can be used on the same card. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Wake UpY = allowed Enter Y if access to the wake-up feature is - = not allowedallowed. Message MeterY = allowed Enter Y if access to the message meter - = not allowed feature is allowed. -This feature requires a printer. RoomY = allowedEnter Y if access to the room restriction Restriction - = not allowedfeature is allowed. TimeY = allowedEnter Y if access to the time feature is - = not allowedallowed. MessageY = allowed Enter Y if access to the message waiting Waiting - = not allowedfeature is allowed. Room StatusY = allowed Enter Y if access to the room status feature is -=not allowedallowed. Do Not DisturbY = allowedEnter Y if access to the do not disturb feature - = not allowed is allowed. PropertyP = PMS equippedEnter Y if the PMS (Property Management Management - = PMS not System) is equipped in place of this KEDU. Systemequipped-If this field is marked P, OPI must be equipped on Record Code FR. -For this feature to work properly, an OPI card, a KEDU with PMS, and a KEDU printer must be equipped. D-2788187SVR 5210

--TL-130400-1001 Record Code KS:15.3 Record Code KS, Figure 15.3, defines the special functions Key Entry Display Unitperformed by the KEDU for the audit feature. Special Function Access ;I =II1011 121314l5~617lI I I l I II I r-t-~-r-~-$-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-r-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~11111111111111111111212121212121212121213131313131313131313l4l4l4l171619,011 12131415161718191011 l2131415161718191011 12131415161718191011 I21L-+-+-c-c- t -~+-+-~-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~/4!0!5lKI D OIDIDII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- --~-~-~_I_~c-*-l-~--L-~-~-I-I-*-~-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--- Figure 15.3Record Code KS: Key Entry Display Unit Special Function Access Data Sheet Table 15.3AEntrv Fields for Record Code KSCOMMENTS number is used by the system for identification allKD forms. SVR 5210 8187D-279

TL-130400-1001Table 15.3AEntry Fields for Record Code KS (Continued) COL.NO. 15-22 COL.NAME Function Access Digits Allowed __VALID ENTRIES 0 = print function without clearing the memory1 = functioncanceled 2 = print function, then clear the memory (this value isused for the message meter feature only) 3-7 = not definedat this time; do not useCOMMENTS ndicate the action taken by the system when a particular function button is depressed from :he KEDU. NOTE: If an access digit is indicated for a specific function code, one or more printers must be defined for that function on Record Code AL associated with the KEDU number. See Table 153B.Table 15.38 KS Rules Example: RetKEDU Code .No AL 0MeterStatus Message PrinterRoomPrinter StatusIDStatusID AL01 -- -- KEDUFunction Diaits Allowed Code .No KS0Code Oi234567MM ()I--- ___ Allowed RS 01-v- --aIncorrect D-2808187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001Record Code MK:15.4 Record Code MK, Figure 15.4, defines the special functions Master Key Entrythat are assigned to the KEDU. If more than one KEDU is in use, Display Unitone must be assigned as a master for control of the features. If only one KEDU is in use, it is assigned as the master KEDU. T---------r-r-----------------------------------------------,-------------~I tITiII IT 16 IBI I ‘4 IiI2I I’$ II9I I>-IIc’ II ILIIMASTER KEDU SECURITY CODES CLEAR MEMORYIsT-----‘-T---‘---T-------T--------~-------~-------~-------------~I II III=I El i RI“u”p”’ IMSG ;ROOM )MSGROOM ;ALL,- IMETER ,RESTN , WTGi ANT!% jSTATUSFUNCTIONS ;N; ; ; ;;loI I I I II II’ I I I , II I I I I I I I I I II1 I I I I I I I I I’ I I I I I I I I I’ I I I I I I II’ I I II I II I’ I I II I ,,I,I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I cI I I11111111111111111111121212 l7,a,9io,i,2,314,5,6,7,8,9,01112c-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-r3171o,MIK, I , I I I I I I I IL-~-~----L-~-*-*-*-~-*-*-~-~-L- T-I;IIIIIIIIIII i-I ;I :,C.I.A.. T-T- I T-II I -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-121212,2121213131313~14151617181910111213 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-c- , I I, I I I I, 1-~-~-~-~-*-~-~-*-~-~-31313131313141414 ~1516171819101112 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- , I I I I I I I-.L-*-*-A-L-l-*-*- D-281 Figure 15.4Record Code MK: Master Key Entry Display Unit Data SheetSVR 5210 7187

TL-130400-1001Table 15.4Entry Fields for Record Code MK COL.COL.VALID NO.NAMEENTRIES 12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-4344 45Master KEDU Number Clear Memory 0000-9999 =Code for Wakeclears memory UP--:: = N/AClear Memory 0000-9999 =Code forclears memory Message Meter -mm- = N/AClear Memory Code for Room Restriction Clear Memory Code for Message Waiting Clear Memory Code for Do Not Disturb Clear Memory Code for Room Status Clear Memory Code for All Functions Allowed Wake-Up Function Allowed Message Meter Function AllowedO-l = number 0000-9999 =clears memory -m-m = N/A 0000-9999 =clears memory w-mm = N/A 0000-9999 =clears memory mm-m = N/A 0000-9999 =clears memory w-mm = N/A 0000-9999 =Assign the security code used by the master clears memoryKEDU to clear the memory for the all functions m--w = N/Aallowed feature. Y = allowed - = not allowed Y = allowed - = not allowed D-2827187SVR 5210 COMMENTS This field is used to identify the master KEDU, which is defined by the following parameters. The KEDU number must be unique across all KD forms. Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the wake-up feature.Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the message meter feature. Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the room restriction feature. Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the message waiting feature. Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the do not disturb feature. Assign the security code used by the master KEDU to clear the memory for the room status feature.Enter Y if the master KEDU is allowed access to the wake-up feature through its control buttons.NOTE: If this field is dashed, the security code corresponding to this feature must also be dashed. Enter Y if the master KEDU is allowed access to the message meter feature through its control buttons. NOTE: If this field is dashed, the security code corresponding to this feature must also be dashed.

TL-130400-1001Table 15.4Entry Fields for Record Code MK (Continued)COMMENTS s field is dashed, the security ponding to this feature must also - = not allowedto the time feature through its control buttons. NOTE: If this field is dashed, the security code corresponding to this feature must also NOTE:If this field is dashed, the security sponding to this feature must also - = not allowed NOTE: If this field is dashed, the security codecorresponding to this feature must also NOTE: If this field is dashed, the security codecorrespondingto this feature must also SVR 5210 7187D-283

TL-130400-1001Record Code PD:15.5 Record Code PD, Figure 15.5, defines the physical location Printer Assignmentof the printer card circuit(s). It also gives the speed, format, and data transfer information for the printer assigned to support the KEDU. The card used in support of this feature is the FB-17209-A card. Figure 15.5Record Code PD: Printer Assignment Data Sheet D-284 7187SVR 5210