GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001Table 16.10Entry Fields for Record Code RA (Continued)000-l 27 = trunkIdentify the trunk used in support of alternate recorder announcer #2. - = not selecteder announcer #3 is used, enter 0. order announcer is used for the night Announcer #3Announcer #lN = not selected -A trunk must be answered before anRA message can be heard (a ringdown central to an RA without answer supervision being returned. 33Return AnswerY = return answerEnter Y if alternate RA #l has message return on AlternateN = not selectedanswer supervision. Recorder Announcer #l34 Return AnswerY = return answerEnter Y if RA #2 has message return answer on RecorderN = not selectedsupervision. Announcer #2 35Return AnswerY = return answerEnter Y if alternate RA #2 has message return on AlternateN = not selectedanswer supervision. Recorder Announcer #2 36Return AnswerY = return answerEnter Y if RA #3 has message return answer on RecorderN = not selectedsupervision. Announcer #3SVR 5210 8187D-325

TL-130400-1001Record Code SD:16.11 Record Code SD, Figure 16.11, defines the secondary CAS Secondarydirectory numbers of a branch that are directed to the primary Directory Numbersdirectory numbers of that branch. All secondary directory numbers must be unique and cannot be a primary directory number or a pilot number of a station hunt group. CAS SECONDARY DIRECTORY NUMBERSI I I T-------T-------7-------T-------;I4IIII II5I6I7I IIII I III I IIII III II IIIIIIII I I II I tIIIIII I IIIII III IIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII1I I ;IIIII I II I I5-T-L-T-T-+-T-T-T-+I I II1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 11 I1 11 11 1212121212121212121213131313131313131313l4l4l4l4l171819101112131415161718~9~0i1~2t314i51617181910111213141516171819101112131c-+-+-*-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~lOl8lOl~l~I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL-*-~---L-L-*-~-~-~--C-~-~-*-*-~-L-~-~-*-~-~-~-~-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ r-------------------____r_______________---------------------------------III I II II I II I I II I I I Ic--e---- IT------- T-------,IaI9III10I II III IIII III I IIII I II I III IIII ;II I I II Ii i I ITI IRI IAI INI IS II IcI IO I IDI IEI I I I I I I IIII I I;I1 1 I:-T-T-T-+-T-T-T-+II I-T-T-T-t-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-+-T-T-t-T-T-T-T-T-T-ib-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~18 I141516171819101112131415l6l7l8l9l011121314151617l81910111213141516171IO IL-*-l-*-*-~-l-l-l-*-*-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-*-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-, L-J -lI Figure 16.11Record Code SD: CAS Secondary Directory Numbers Data Sheet D-3268187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001COL.NO. Table 16.11Entry Fields for Record Code SD COL.VALID NAME ENTRIESCOMMENTS 12-15 . . . .Primary Directory Numbers s- 0000-9999 =numberAssign the primary directory number of a line that is to have secondary directory numbers. -The primary directory number must have an n-displayable class of service with SD (CAS secondary number) specified. -This number must be a valid directory number appearing on Record Code LD. 16-55CAS Secondary 0000-9999 =This field determines the CAS Branch Numbers numbersecondary directory numbers. -m-w = N/A-Enter the secondary directory numbers NOTE: Theassociated with a primary directory number. numbers must be-These numbers are divided into IO four-filled in from right digit number groups. to left;-Columns 16-l 9 cannot be dashed. if dashes are-If three-digit numbers are used, they must used, they must bebe right justified. consistent,NOTE: A line number defined on Record Code LD, with a class of service specifying a secondary directory number, must appear as the primary directory number on Record Code SD.SVR 5210 ah37D-327


SVR 5210PD-20017.0 This section describes the record codes required to PACKET DATAdefine the various system packet data features. The following record codes are required: l Record Code RT defines the data system routing patterns. l Record Code CP defines additional call routing information. l Record Code AP defines the system’s APMs (Asynchronous Packet Managers). e Record Code AQ defines port parameters that can be modifiec’by another device. o Record Code XP defines the system’s SPMs (Synchronous Packet Managers). l Record Code Pl defines the ADMP parameters. l Record Code P2 defines additional ADMP parameters. l Record Code Cl defines global information. l Record Code C2 defines additional global information. e Record Code SR defines PD-200 speed call numbers. In addition to the above record codes, FR, LD, and SL must be completed for a data system. 8187D-329

TL-130400-I 001Record Code RT: Data System17.1 Record Code RT, Figure 17.1 defines the system Routingnumbering plan by groups according to the type of usage. Since each server number represents one type of usage, one entry is required per server number. The sub-port field (columns 29- 30) must be dashed for both asynchronous a.rld synchronous (X.25) groups. Primary and secondary destination fields (columns 33-42) are only used if the usage type defined in columns 15-16 is 01 or 02. The primary and secondary destination fields define the VPLC (Voice Packet Line Card) location and the VPLC circuit, which is connected to the associated SPM (Synchronous Packef Manager). Any X.121 address defined on this record code must also be defined on Record Code CP. NOTE: A NIC (Network Interface Card) is treated the same as an SPM (X.25). r---------~---------~---------------------------------------------------- IIIr--iI III IzII I I EII II I II II fIEI II I II I8I I1III II I; f $ PRIMARY ,ISECONDARY ; ’1-r’ fX. 121 ADDRESSIX II ’ II II ’I ’!A fI M ;I X.25 ROUTEIU, , DESTINATIONI ’I II I I I I I I I :I : Ix fIM SIII I IIIIE ’S ; S RI Pi Gi C Si C; P; G; C Si C’I II U I I 01 EI RI A LI I I EI RI A LI I;IDNIC tSERVERI It ; ; ; ‘E A; CI 01 R 01 RI C; $1 fj, UI D TI CII p; El fI 0 II PIIIBII PI I II YII u;I I II IfIi B II I IITI I I’ ‘I1 TI -T-t-t-T-t-T-T-T-T-t-T-T-T-;-T-T-T-T-T-T-7~8~91011121314151617181910111213141516171819101112131415161718191011121~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -1-~-1-1-1-1-1-~-1-1-1-1-1 1 1 1 1 I 8 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I a I 1 I 8 I II I I1 I I I I Ii Figure 17.1Record Code RT: Data System Routing Data Sheet D-3306167SVR 5210

T-L-1 30400-l 001Table 17.1Entry Fields for Record Code RTCOMMENTS them.This field is generally set to 5 for asynchronous devices. The types are: 00= X.25 single line. The device routed to is an X.25 SPM, and only one device can receive calls to this address. 01 = X.25 load share. Two SPMs can receive calls to this address, and the one with the most current LCN (Logical Channel Number) capacity receives the call. This feature is often used to double the LCN capacity into a single X.25 host or to provide connections into two physical hosts that act as a single virtual 02= X.25 backup. Two SPMs are also addressed by this type, but the secondary device is used only in cases where the primary cannot be used (either the line is down or it is at LCN capacity). This provides an emergency route to a host via another PD-200 or a PDN (Public Data Network). 03 = ADMP. The Administrative Pseudo-Packet Device Handler can be specified in the routing tables. Calls to it are treated like a single line X.25 route, but are sent to the ADMP. 04 = asynchronous direct ordered non-rotary groups. Asynchronous devices can be directly addressed by sub-address (digits 13 and 14 of the X.121 address can be from 01 - 89), the group is built in incrementally increasing sub-address order. Terminals are normally put into this category. 05 = Asynchronous, direct-ordered rotary hunt groups. Asynchronous devices can be called directly as above or can be addressed as a group with sub-address 00. When a sub-address is used, the first device available and usable in the group is selected; if it does not answer (e.g., - host ringing timeout), the next available usable device is tried, and so on. SVR 5210 8187D-331

TL-130400-1001COL. NO. Table 17.1Entry Fields for Record Code RT (Continued) COL.VALID NAMEENTRIESCOMMENTS 15-16Usage0006 = asynchronous, random-ordered non-cont’d 01rotary groups. Asynchronous devices are__02addressed directly by sub-address 01-89, 03but the actual order in which the group is built 04depends only on the order in which the 05devices are loaded and initialized. Unlike the 06direct-ordered variety, these groups can :;have any sub-address (from 01 - 89) no matter what the group size. Direct-ordered groups are limited in sub-address from 01 to size-of-group. Terminals can be configured in this type of group. 07 = asynchronous, random-ordered rotary hunt groups. Asynchronous devices are addressable with sub-address 00 or (directly) with any sub-address allowed in the group. 17-20X.1 21 AddressO-9 = selectThis field contains the Data Network Identifier (DNIC) - = not selectedCode (DNIC: first 4 digits of the X.121 address), the main server address (next 8 digits), and port number (last 2 digits). -The full address is structured as DNICSSSSSSSS PP, where SSSSSSSS is the 8-digit server number and PP is the sub-address number of the port. -The DNIC will usually be 3110. The server number will identify the PD-200 network end routing group (when data calls are made outside this network e.g., to Telenet). -The network assigns the X.121 sever ID number. The port number is the portion of the address that is used to sequence “ordered” type asynchronous device groups. -Column 17 cannot be dashed. 21-28X.121 Address O-9Indicate the server number of the X.121 (server) - = not selectedaddress used for this route. 29-30X.1 21 Address-- = notIndicate the sub-port number of the X.121 (sub-port)selected,address used for this route. this is the only-This field must be dashed. allowed entry D-3328187SVR 5210

TL-130400-1001 Table 17.aEntry Fields for3ecord Code RT (Continued) L COL.NO.COL.NAMEVALID ENTRIESCOMMENTS 31-32Maximum Size of This Rotary01-89 = numberIdentify the number of asynchronous devices that make up this rotary group. -Thisis the number of ports actually defined for this group of devices. -The field must be less than or equal to the Maximum Number To Configure field. -This field applies only if columns 15-16 are marked 05 or 07. -If columns 15-l 6 are marked 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, or 06, this field must be dashed. -Since each number defined here requires a software address, it is not recommended to overbuild for possible growth. Primary X.25 RouteDestination PEC 0 = PEC numberThis field determines the location of the first route used by an SPM (X.25) or NIC when the usage type defined in columns 15-16 is 01 or 02.-If the usage type defined in columns 15-l 6 is 00, 03, 04, 05, 06, or 07, this field must be dashed. Enter PEC 0. 35-36Which group (A, B, C, or D) within PEC 0 is this card? Group Card Slot A-D = groupnumber 00-l 0 = slotnumberWhich card slot within the group is this card? 37Circuit NumberWhich circuit on the card is being used? 38 39 40-41O-7 = assignedcircuit number -=N/A0 = PEC number Secondary X.25 RouteDestination. PECThis field determines the location of the second route used by an SPM (X.25) or NIC when the usage type defined in columns 15- 16isOl or02. -If the usage type defined in columns 15-16 is 00, 03, 04, 05, 06, or 07, this field must be dashed. Enter PEC 0. Group Card Slot A-D = groupWhich group (A, B, C, or D) within PEC 0 is number this card? 00-l 0 = slotnumberWhich card slot within the group is this card? 42Circuit NumberO-7 = assignedcircuit number -=N/AWhich circuit on the card is being used? SVR 5210 8187D-333

TL-I 30400-l 001 Record Code CP:17.2 Record Code CP, Figure 17.2, defines the parameters for Data Systemthe common asynchronous and synchronous (X.25) port Common Portattributes. The parameters required by the data system ADMP processor are also defined. The X.121 address is used for data call setup and verification.The system requires an entry in this record code for each of the following: IIINIDIElXl r----^----r---------~---------------------------~------------------------------I I II zTTI ii I III I II II II f10III1 I 1 I EI AI FI TI WI BI MI MI A, Dl , , A;X. 121 ADDRESSII CI AI HI II AI AI Al C, Al S, D,II Cl St RI NI RI KI Kl c, TlI MIIYI 01 TI UI DII EI El EI A, Dl PIII IIEI UII PI 01 Cl I’ PIII II II; y; 2; y; WI AI C, pt T, Si 5; 0: FiI LII LI AI AlIII &II Yl IlRl : CI AI CILl Ll I I ClIILII AI CI LI’ 7 kI D’ O’ SI ClPII E,M;I LI DII DIII III I;I El “A ?I 7;II LI CI A, AI TIII Cl Ll C, Al RI Cl 0; R Of RfI s ;II uI Ll EI SI Cl 01 TI Al EI El I ,I IDNICISERVERI B ;T’ 7 7; s’ K’IO1 Ll Cl,DI I fI UI DI pI PIT; 5,I I1siI EI DIDI AI NI TI EII LI TIICI I II II II II II fI I II II II II I ;I-T-T-+-T-I I II1 I11718191011 c-+-+-+-t- II II 1’II T;II T;;I EI NI EIDI S’I VI ElIEI , I VI CI GI St 11 VIId I I I II 1I IFI II ElI IICI IIIAI I I ,ILI I I III II II IIL, I I I II I1 iII It-t-t-T-t-t-T-T-T-t-T-r-T-r-r-T-r-r-r-t-T-T-I1 11 I1 I1 11 11 I1 I1 ,212,21212,21212,2,213131313131313131313l4,4,4l4l4l4l12131415,6,718191Ot112,3141~16l~l6191O1112,31415161716l9,O1112,314151.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-~1615101~Ipl I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL-~-~----L-~-~-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-*-*-~-~-~-~-~-*-*-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-*-*-~-~-*-~* SPM (Synchronous Packet Manager) l APM (Asynchronous Packet Manager) l ADMP (each two-card set) l NIC (Network Interface Card) ,Record Code RT establishes groups of lines by usage; Record Code CP identifies each member of each group. The sub-ports for the asynchronous groups (established on Record Code RT) must be defined here. Sub-ports are never defined for SPMs or NICs. A synchronous (X.25) group can have a maximum of two synchronous members.If a synchronous (X.25) group has two members, both members must have the same X.121 address. D-334 8187 Figure 17.2Record Code CP: Data System Common Port Data SheetSVR 5210