Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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APPENDIX A- GX STATION INSTRUMENTS Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 4. FEATURES 4.1 GX keysets and SLIs have feature keys that allow one-key dialing of feature codes. Information is pro- grammed in the database to determine the arrangement of the feature keys and their default values. If desired, some of the keyset feature keys can be designated as user-programmable keys. All SLI feature keys are user- programmable. 4.2 Although their function is the same, some of the feature keys on the GX keyset have labels that are differ- ent than those described on page 4-46. For example, the LCR key on GX keysets is the same as the OUTGOING key on the other keyseta. Likewise, the AUTO key on GX keysets is the same as the ANSWER key on the other keysets. 4.3 The POOL key on GX keysets actually defaults to “data” when the system is in the default configuration. However, since GX keysets cannot have Data PortMod- ules installed, the key is non-functional. If desired, the key can be reprogrammed in the database or by the user to access another feature code. 4.4 If the off-hook voice announce (OHVA) feature is enabled system-wide, each GX keyset can be allowed or disallowed from phcing OHVA calls. However, since GX keysets do not have secondary voice path circuitry, they cannot receive off-hook voice announce (OHVA) calls. 4.5 Each SLI can be programmed for placing OHVA calls, as desired. (SLIs cannot receive OHVAcalls since they do not have secondary voice path circuitry.) 5. PROGRAMMING _ i / 5.1 To fully enable the GX version software on an IMX 416/832 System, access the Key Assignments win- dow (see page 5-44) and then press the CTRL, SHIPI’, and G keys all at the same time. The words “GX24-Line Keyset” should appear in the Keyset Map View ‘Qpe box. Then exit and perform the update. 5.2 The database contains up to 20 keys maps (30 in expanded systems) of default values for the database- programmable feature keys. Each GX keyset can be assigned to one of the key maps using either the Station Programmable Key Programming window (see page 5-35) or the Key Assignments window (see page 5-44). 5.3 To help determine the layout of the keys on GX keysets, a program planning sheet is provided in Figure A-4 on the following page. (Also refer to the program planning sheets beginning on page 5-178.) 5.4 The key maps and key values for GX DSWBLF Units are assigned using the prmdures similar to those outlined in the manual (refer to pages 5-47 and 5-181). For SingZe units, select only the “1st Half” command button to program Part 1 of the key map. For tandem units, also select the “2nd Half” command button to pro- gram Part 2 of the key map. 5.5 The key maps and key values for GX SLIs are assigned using the same procedures as those outlined for the SLI described in the main part of the manual (refer to pages 5-48 and 5-182). Page A-10

INTER-TELPRACTICES APPENDIX A- GX STATION INSTRUMENTS IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & -ANCE Issue 1, November 1994 FIGURE A-4. KEY ASSIGNMENTS (KEY) TO USE: This page shows the key numbering scheme and the default values of the keys on the GX 24-line keyset. Copy the diagram, identify the key maps, and change the names of the appropriate keys to reflect their assignments in each keymap. KEYSl3 KEY MAP NUMBER DESCRIPTION S’MIJONS: GMX 24-LINE KEYSET Page A-11

INTER-TELPRAcTIcES APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTRUMENTS IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION % MAINTENANCE Issue 1. November 1994 APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTRUMENTS CONTENTS PAGE 1. Overview ............................................................ B-l 2. Specifications ......................................................... B-l . Keysets .......................................................... B-l B. Direct Station Selection/Busy Lamp Field @SS/BLF) Units .............. B-2 C. Single-Line Instruments (SLIs) ...................................... B-2 3. Installation ........................................................... B-5 . Keyset Installation ................................................. B-S B. DSS/BLF Unit Installation .......................................... B-8 C. SLI Installation ................................................... B-8 4. Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 5. Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 1. OVERVIEW Except for the differences noted in this appendix, the Inter-Tel GMX station instruments install and oper- ate the same as those previously outlined in this man- ual. I 1.1 The Inter-Tel GMX station instruments may be used on any GMX-416/832 System. They cannot be installed on IMX 4161832 Systems. Height 3.5 io. (8.9 cm.) Height 3.5 io. (8.9 cm.) Width 8.8 io. (22.3 cm.) Width 7.5 io. (19.1 cm.) Length 9.0 io. (22.9 cm.) Length 9.0 io. (22.9 cm.) Weight 2.8 lb. (1.3 kg.) Weight 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg.) 2.2 Since GMK 1Zline keysets do not have secondary voice path circuitry, they camwt be equipped with Data Port Modules and they cannot receive off-hook voice announce (OBVA) calls. GMX 12-line keysets can place OBVA calls (see page B-10 for more informa- tion). 1.2 GMX station instruments include: Optional Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Unit 24Line Standard Keysets - part no. 662.3000 24-Line Display Keysets -part no. 662.3100 12-Line Keysets (non-display only) - part no. 662.3200 Direct Station Selection/Busy Lamp Field @SS/ BLF) Units (single only) - part no. 662.3300 Single-Line Instruments (SLIs) -part no. 662.4100 Y. SPECIFICATIONS A. KEYSETS 2.1 For drawings of the GMX 24-line and 1Zline key- sets, refer to Figures B-l and B-2 on pages B-3 and B-4. The keyset dimensions are: 2.3 If desired, standard GMX 24line keysets can be converted to display keysets by installing an LCD Unit (part no. 828.1052). The messages shown on the display help the user to process calls more efficiently and pro- fessionally. (GMX 12&e keysets cannot be equipped with LCDs.) Optional Data Port Module 2.4 GMX 24-&e keysets may be equipped with op- tional Data Port Modules (part number 828.1094). The module board contains a four-conductor, RJll modular jack that can be used to connect either a data device (such as a personal computer equipped with a modem) or a loud ringing adapter (LEA) and an external signal- ling device (such as a loud bell, horn, flashing light, etc.) to the keyset. GMX 1Zline keysets cannot be equipped with Data Port Modules. Page B-l

APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTBUhawn Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. DIRECT STATION SELECTION/BUSY LAMP FTELD @SS/BLFJ UNITS 2.5 GMX DSS/BLP Units are single units only; they culvtot be connected together to form tandem units. Each unit provides one-key access to 60 extension num- bers. C. SINGLE-LINE INSTRUMJINTS (SLIs) 2.7 GMX Single-Line Instruments (SLIs) are identi- cal in design and function to the SLIs described in the main part of the manual. 2.6 GMX DSS/BLP Unit dimensions are: Height 3.5 in. (8.9 cm.) Width 8.8 in. (22.3 cm.) Length 9.0 in. (22.9 cm.) Weight 2.0 lb. (0.9 kg.) Page B-2

INTJm-TELPRACTKES APPFaNDIX B - GMX STATION INSTRUMENTS IMWGMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 FIGURE B-l. GMX 24-LINE KEYSET HEARING AID-COMPATIBLE OPTIONAL (HAC) HANDSET 4 CALL KEYS Xi-CHARACTER LCD INTERNAL SPEAKER 8 STATION PRO- GRAMMABLE KEYS (5-12) / / 12 UNDEFINED KEYS (X3-24) \I I I 1 aeon ::::::::::::: . . . . . . . ::::: ~;~~~::“‘:::::::::c:‘rr:: ..,.:: ff.y.. .;;: II I/ I I \I t 10 SPEED-DIAL KEYS / RING AND VOICE VOLUME CONTROLS (underneath edge) / 18 FEATURE 12-KEY PUSHBlJlTON KEYS HANDSFREE KEYPAD MICROPHONE (underneath edge) NOTE: The keys are shown as they appear in the default key map configuration. Page B-3


INTJB-TELPRACTICES APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTBUMENTS IMX/GMX 416/832 INSlXLLA’K’ION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 3. INSTALLATION 3.1 The installation instructions iu this appendix con- tain information that differs from or is not covered in the rest of the manual. For complete installation informa- tion, use this appendix in conjunction with the INSTAL- LAI’ION section of the manual. 3.2 When performing the loop resistance test (see page 3-30), use the following loop limit values for GMX station instruments: GMX ULine Keyaeta (standard or display) 65 ohms/1260 ft. (384 m.) GMX 244ioc Key&s with Data Port Modules SO ohms1970 ft. (295 m.) GMX 124ine Keysets 65 ohm&M60 ft. (384 m.) GMX DWBLF units 65 ohms/l260 ft. (384 m.) A. KEYSET INSTALLATION 33 Before performing the installation instructions outlined in this section, refer to the information begin- ning on page 3-114. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Installation 3.4 To convert a standard GMX keyset to a display keyset, install an LCD Kit (part no. 828.1052) as fol- lows: (1) Unpack the LCD Kit. There should be a clear plastic display window, an LCD unit, a ribbon cable, and two small Phillips-head screws. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Remove the keyset baseplate by pressing on the top edge of the baseplate to release the tab and by pulling the plate off. Remove the line cord.and handset cord from the keyset. Then loosen the four screws on the bot- tom of the keyset (enough so that the keyset can be opened). Careful1 y open the keyset to expose the back of the keyboard that has the LCD connector. (Refer to Figure 3-66 on page 3-115.) Remove the cover from the display opening in thetophousingofthekeysetbyreleasingthetabs from the inside of the housing and pushing out the cover. From the front of the keyset, insert one end of the clear plastic window in the display opening, with the painted side of the dark edging facing the in- side of the keyset. Then slightly bend the win- dow, insert the other end into the opening, and case the window into place. (7) Remove the covering from the LCD and install as a. follows: Insert one end of the ribbon cable into the black connector on the LCD unit. Ensure that the metal strips on the ribbon cable make contact with the metal tabs in the black con- nector. b. C. With the LCD facing up, insert the other end of the ribbon cable into the black connector on the back of the keyboard. Position the LCD on the plastic window so that the screw holes in the LCD unit and in the keyset housing are aligned. Install the screws to hold the LCD in place. (8) Reassemble the keyset. (9) If there is a potentiometer located underneath the ertension numberplate on the face of the key- set, the LCD contrast can be adjusted. Turn the potentiometer to lighten or darken the display. Keyset Self-Test 3.5 To perform the GMX keyset self-test, follow these instructions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) While pressing the asterisk (*) and pound (#) keys, unplug and replace the keyset line cord. Release the keys. The ke yset rings momentarily. (Display keysets show RTS SELF TRST HOOK-SWITCH.) Lift and replace the handset to test the hook- switch. The LED-equipped keys light and the ke yset rings momentarily. (Display ke ysets show KTSSELFTESTLED h&WUX.) If any of the LEDs do not light, return the keyset for repair. Lift and replace the handset. The keyset rings momentarily and all of the LRDs go out. (Dis- play keysets show KTS SELF TEST KEY h&4- =4 Press keys in the following order. A progress tone is heard and the keyset rings momentarily if the key is functioning properly. If the sign& are not heani, the key was either pressed out of order or is faulty. Return the keyset for repair if any ke y is faulty. 24-L& ICkysets: a. The call keys, station programmable keys, and undefined keys in order: l-24. Page B-5

APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTRUMENTS INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE b. Peature keys in this order: HOLD, XFR, CNF, OUT &CR), ANS (AUTO), DAI’A, REDL, SYS SPD, QUE, PAGE, SPKR, IC, MUTE, FWD, DND, MSG, BGND MUSIC, and SPCL. c. Keypad keys in the following order: l-9, l , 0, and #. d. Speed-dial keys in this order: 1,6,2,7,3,8,4, 9,5, and 0. 12-Line Keysets: a. b. C. d. e. The speed-dial keys in order: 1-S. The call keys and station programmable keys in order: 1-12. Feature keys in this order: CNF, SPKR, IC; OVER, HOLD, and Xl%. Keypad keys in the following order: l-9, *, 0, and #. Feature keys in this order: FWD, DND, MSG, and SPCL. (6) After all the keys have been tested, it takes about ten seconds for the keyset to return to normal op eration. (Display keysets show KIS SELFTEST COMPLETED! for about five seconds. Then the keyset’s identification displays for about five se- conds.) (7) Replace the keyset if faulty. Optional Data port Module 3.6 GMX 24-line keysets may be equipped with op tional Data Port Modules (refer to REPLACEMENT PARTS for the part number). The Data Port Module con- tains a four-conductor modular jack that can be used to 3.7 Install the Data Port Module as outlined below. For a diagram, see Figure B-3 on page B-7. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Remove the keyset baseplate. Unplug the line cord from its modular jack. Remove the Xl-pin shorting plug located on the keyset control board. Save the shorting plug by taping it to the bottom cover of the keyset or to the inside of the base- plate. The plug must be replaced if the Data Port Module is later removed. Align the Data Port Module over the appropriate screw holes (see Figure B-3) on the back cover of the keyset and insert the screws (do not over tighten). Plug the Data Port Module cable into the pins on the keyset control board (where the shorting plug was previously located). Make sure the cable connector is securely seated. Place jumper straps SPl, SIT?, SP3, and SP4 on the Data Port Module in the appropriate posi- tions. Depending on how the Data Port Module will be used, refer to one of the two possible set- tings outlined in Figure B-3. If connecting a modem-equippeddata device, re- fer to paragraphs 7.23 through 7.25 on page 3-121. connect either a data device (such as a personal comput- er with a direct-connect modem) or an LRA and an ex- temal signaling device (such as a loud bell, horn, flashing light, etc.) to the keyset. If connecting a loud ringing adapter and an ts- temal signaling device, refer to paragraphs 7.26 through 7.28 on page 3-123. Page B-6


APPENDIX B - GMX STATION INSTRUMENTS INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. DSS/BLF UNIT INSWLLATION 3% Before performing the installation instructions outlined in this section, refer to the information begin- ning on page 3-135. DSS/BLF Unit Self-Test 3.9 To perform the GMX DSS/BLF Unit self-test, fol- low these instructions: (1) (2) (3) Remove the baseplate and locate the four DIP switches on the bottom of the unit (see Figure B-4 on the next page). NOTE: Most DSS/BLF Units have a cutout in the bottom cover so that the DIP switches can be reached without having to take the unit apart. With other units, the four screws on the bottom must be removed and the bottom cover must be opened. Set DIP switch 1 to the TEST (closed) position. (If the bottom cover was previously opened, reassemble the unit without replacing the screws.) Plug one end of the line cord into the modular jack assembly and plug the other end into the (4 (9 (6) KSU jack on the bottom of the DSS/BLF Unit. The system automatically tests the unit’s proces- sor. NOTE: If the test fails, you will not be able to continue to the next step; the unit will ignore all input. Remove and replace the line cord. If the test fails again, replace the DSS/BLF Unit. Test the keys by pressing them one at a time, starting with the key in the upper-left comer and continuing from the top to the bottom of each column. As each key is pressed, the LED lights and remains lit. If an LED does not light, either the key was pressed out of order, the key is faulty, or the LED is faulty; the DSS/BLF Unit must be replaced. Return DIP switch 1 to the RUN (open) position. NO’I’IQ DIP switches 2-4 are not used. Reassemble the DSS/BLF Unit. C. SLI INSTACLATION 3.10 The GMX SLI installs and operates the same as the SLI described in the main part of the manual. Refer to the information beginning on page 3-138. Page B-8