Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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INTER-TELPRACTICES PROGRAMMING lM.X/GMX 416/832 INS’MLLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 Include Source of Backup Exclude Source of Backup 13.62 BACKUP: This command button allows you to program backups for the system reference clock. When selected, the window shown above appears. 0 INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: The include list can contain all Tl Cards with designated “slave” clocks, the “master” Tl Card, and the Matrix Card. The cards appear in the list according to backup priority, from highest priority (at the top of the list) to lowest priority. “Master” Tl Cards share the same priority and always appear just above the Matrix Card (which is at the bottom of the list). To change the priority of a “slave” TlC, locate that card on the In- clude list and press SPACE BAR, it moves to the Bx- elude list. Then scroll to the desired new location for the card in the Include list and move the highlight to the Exclude list. Select the card again to move it back to the Include list in the new location. To com- pletely remove a card from the list, select it in the In- clude list to automatically move it to the Exclude list. OK or CANCEL: When Backup programming is completed, select the OK command button. To exit without saving any changes, select the Cancel com- mand button. Page 5-127

PROG-G INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE - Zero Code Suppression Scheme DSX-1 Line Length @ AMI @it 7> 0 BgZS 0 None @ 0-133 Feet 0 266-399 Feet 0 133-266 Feet 0 399-533 Feet pcM Encoding Law 0 533-655 Feet Transmit mu-Law to mu-Law + Relay Activation ~ (7) (ErrorDiag) 02 Relay Not Enabled +. (xz&-) (ok) (cancel) 13.63 Tl CARD PROG RAMMING: The list box on page 5-126 shows all Tl Cards that are configured in the system. To program a Tl Card, highlight and select it. The window shown above appears: CARD TYPE: Select the type of framing scheme, D4 Superframe or Extended Superframe @SF), used by the Tl trunk connected to each card. ZERO CODE SUPPRESSION SCHEME: Select the type zero suppression scheme - AMl (Bit 7), Bipolar Eight Zero Substitution (BSZS), or None - used by the Tl trunk connected to each card. CHANNEL SERVICE UNIT (CSU): Designate whether the optional on-board CSU is installed on the Tl Card or the DSX-1 interface is used. Depend- ing on which is selected, also program one of the fol- lowing. - LINE BUILD-OUT (LBO): If the optional on- board CSU is installed, designate the LB0 atten- uation of the Tl trunk connected to the card. This value is determined by the distance to the nearest public network Tl repeater and the type of cable used. The LB0 options are: CklB (3000t feet) 7SdB (1600-3000 feet) 15dB (O-1600 feet) - DSX-1 LINE LENGTH: If the optional on- board CSU is not installed and DSX-1 is used, designate the length of the cabling between the Tl Card and the external CSU, or between the Tl Card and the other telephone system (within the same building) to which it is connected. The line length options are: O-133 feet 133-266 feet 266-399 feet 399433 feet 533-655 feet NOTE: The programming prompts for LB0 attenu- ation and DSX-1 line length assume that proper Tl cable (with the above characteristics) is being used. When transmittiug over shorter distances (e.g., when the nearest public network Tl repeater is less than 2OW feet from the MDP), it may be possible to use standard two-pair voice frequency cable instead; however, the programmer may have to compensate by selecting longer LB0 distances or DSX-1 line lengths. Also, no matter which type of cable is used, the transmit and receive pairs must be shielded from each other (or run in separate cables or binder groups). Page 5-128

PROGRAMMING INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMX/GMX 416/832 INST4LLATION & MAINTENANCE 13.64 EXXTz (Shown in the Tl Programming window on page 5-126.) When Tl programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the data- base and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Tl Programmiug window with- out updating the database. Page 5-130

PROGRAMMING INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 AWGMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 0 Tabular Errors per Hour/Day Graphical Errors per Hour Graphical Errors per Day (gizii-) Error ‘Ifipe orrent Errors Current Hour Current Day Controlled Slips CRC-6 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) ES (Errored Seconds) OOF/COFA (Out-of-Frame) SES (Severely Errored Seconds) TODV (Transmit One’s Density Violations) UAS (Unavailable Seconds) ERROR DIAGNOSTICS: (Shown in Tl Interface window on page 5-128.) You can view selected re- ports that show the current Tl error counts (by hour and day) for the selected card in a graph or table. If using a stand-alone PC, the reports can be sent to files on the PC or to a printer port. To print the re- ports, the necessary printer driver must be installed on the PC. For information on installing a driver, re- fer to page 5-8. - OUTPUT TYPE: Determine whether the out- put will be printed in a table or as a graph. If you want a graph, determine whether it will represent errors by the hour or by the day. Select the de- sired option to place a dot in the option button. - UPDATIQ To ensure that the error statistics are as current as possible, select the Update com- mand button. - CURRENT ERRORS: This list box shows how many errors have occurred in the current day and the current hour. To select the error type that will be shown in the graph or table, move the high- light bar to the desired error type in the list box. When you press the SPACE BAR, the table or graph is displayed on the screen (and, if enabled, can be sent to the printer). - PORT/FILE Available in stand-alone pm- gramming sessions only. Select the Port/File command button to designate the destination printer port or PC file for the report. The follow- ing window appears. Place a dot in the desired port or file option button by selecting it. If FILE is selected, enter the destination file path name in the text box. When the destination is pro- grammed, select the OK command button. To exit without changing the destination, select the Cancel command button. Destination 0 LpTl 0 COMI : I 0 LET2 0 COMZ 0 LPD @ FILE Pm_/FILE: 1 I (ok) (pz-) OK: When finished viewing the graph or table, select the OK command button to return to the Tl Interface window. Page 5-132

INTER-TELPRACTICES PROGRAMMING IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 14. ATI’ENDANTS 14.1 When the Attendants option is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following choices: Attendants... Attendant’s Console Alias Programming DSS/BLF Assignment 14.2 Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. A. ATTENDANT’S CONSOLE (CONS) 14.3 The window shown below allows you to save the Attendant Computer Console database on a floppy disk that can then be loaded into the console PC. This proce- dure is not necessary if the console is equipped with a modem for database downloads. NOTE: The floppy disk must be formatted in the con- sole PC to ensure that the console PC will be able to read the data. If the programming PC and the console PC do not have compatible disk drives, the data must be copied onto the properly formatted disk using a third PC before it can be used in the console PC. The following instruc- tions assume that the console PC and programming PC have compatible drives. 14.4 To CREATE A DAZiBASE DISK: (1) On the Attendant Computer Console press the GIRL, SHIFf, and X keys at the same time to display the C:\OPTERM prompt. NOTE: The console will not be able to place or receive calls during this procedure. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Q (8) c-4 (10) (11) Insert the floppy disk into the console PC disk drive. Type FORMAT AZ and press RETURN. When disk formatting is complete, remove the floppy disk from the drive. Insert the floppy disk in the programming PC disk drive. Select the Attendant’s Console window (shown below). Set the database destination by selecting the Drive A: option button or selecting the Path op tion button. If Path is selected, a text box appears that allows you to type the destination path name. When you enter the path name, be sure it ends with a backslash 6). Select the “Create Database” command button. The database is automatically loaded onto the disk and the window shows “Percent complete” to indicate progress. When the database has been loaded onto the disk, select the Exit command button and remove the disk from the floppy drive. Insert the disk in drive A: of the console PC. At the C:\OPTERM prompt, type NEWDB and press RETURN. The PC automatically copies the data and restarts the Console. When the “Station is Idle” prompt appears, the console is ready for use. Remove the floppy disk from the drive. ictions setup Exit - Database Dest 0 l Drive A: 0 Drive B: 0 Path (YZKZ-) (BeateDatabase) I Exit I Page 5-133

I PROGRAMMING INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMK/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Actions Setup Exit Enter the station to alias: Current Aliases B. ALIAS PROGRAMMING (AL!%) 14.5 The system intercom directory is stored in the 4161832 System database and transferred to the Atten- dant Computer Console during database download. Aliases can be assigned to extension numbers that have more than one user or purpose so that they appear in the console directory more than once. For example, if two users share a station, one name can be programmed as the user description for that station and the other name can be programmed as an alias. If these two users also have a special function, such as “customer service” that name can also be programmed as an alias for that sta- tion. There can be a total of up to 280 aliases pro- grammed in the system. (The program plamting sheet for alias progr amming is in Figure 5-27 on page 5-240.) NOTE: Aliases will not appear in the IC directory that is accessed by keysets. These aliases can only be viewed on Attendant Computer Console stations. 14.6 ENTER THE STATION TO ALLA!% Select the “Enter the station to alias” text box and enter the desired extension number. (Or press F2 to display a list of sta- tions then select the desired station.) 14.7 ALIAS: For each alias to be programmed for this station, select the Alias command button. The following window appears. Description: I I 0 0 DESCRIPTION: Select the Description text box and enter an alias of up to 20 characters. OK or CANCEL: Select the OKbutton to exit to the Alias programming window. The station appears in the Current Aliases list box. Or, select the Cancel button to exit without saving the alias. Page 5-134

PROGRAMMING INTEaTELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Actions setup Exit QSWBLF KeYmaP Associated Keyset Station Pick List 1002 01.03 ‘Station Undefined (Delete] 1003 01.04 ‘Station Undefined 1004 01.05 ‘Station Undefined 1005 01.06 ‘Station Undefined [-XT) C. DSWBLF ASSIGNMENT (DSS) 14.9 The window shown above can be accessed by se- lecting DSWBLF Assignment from the Attendants menu or by entering the DSS command. To prepare to program the attendant stations, determine which circuits will be connected to DSS/BLF Units, the sta- tions they will be associated with, and the stations that they will access. A program planning sheet is in Figure 5-28onpage5-241. I 14.10 There can be a maximum of 50 DSS/BLF- equipped keyset stations on the system. 0 I 0 Analog IMK and DVK DSS/BLF Units are pro- grammed to be used with specific keysets, but are not physically attached to the keysets. Each unit re- quires separate cabling and a separate Keyset Card (KSC) circuit. For each DSS/BLFUnit installed, one fewer keyset can be installed. Digital DSS/BLF Units are connected to Digital Keysets using a PC Data Port Module (PCDPM) at- tached to the keyset. Up to four Digital DSS/BLF Units can be connected in series to one PCDPM. 14.11 STATION PICK LIST: To assign a station cir- cuit for DSS/BLF use, scroll through the Station Pick list until the desired station is highlighted, and select it. The following window appears which warns you that any previous programming for the station (attendant, mes- sage center, etc.) will be erased. If you select OK, the window described on the next page appears. If you se- lect Cancel, the window shown above returns. Any references to the keyset selected by other 14.12 DSS/BLR To change the keymap and associated keyset for an existing DSWBLF station, se- lect the desired station in the DSS/BLF stations list box. A window appears as shown on the next page. 14.13 DELETEDSS: To delete an existing DSS/BLF station, highlight the desired DSS/BLF station in the DSWBLF list box and select the Delete DSS/BLF com- mand button. 14.14 EXIT: When DSWBLF programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window ap- pears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To up date the database and exit to the Applications Menu, se- lect Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the DSWBLF Assignment window without updating the database. Page 5-136