Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 lNS’L4LLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 Warning: Stations may be assigned to secondary call keys even though no secondary call keys exist in the keymap or as station programmable keys. Secondary 011 Keys . . . . . . . . . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.~~.:.:.~.;.:.~~.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.~~~.:.~.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.~~~~~~: . . . . . . . . . . . ..__.____.._..... ~::~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.~.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.. . . . . . .____............._.....~~.....,.,,, : :.:.: . . . . . . . . . 021 t 03- 04- 05- 06- 07- 08- 09- Station: III Enable Ring Cadence G. SECONDARY CALL KEYS 8.40 Secondary call keys are first created in a key map in the Key Assignments window of Station Rogram- ming (page 5-44) and the secondary station is assigned to that key map. Or, if the key map for the secondary sta- tion contains station programmable keys, those keys can be designated as secondary call keys using the Program- mable Key window on page 5-35. The window shown above is used to determine which primary station is as- sociated with each secondary call key and whether the secondary station will ring when receiving a call on that secondary call key. A program planning sheet for this window is located in Figure 5-4 on page 5-175. For a full explanation of secondary call keys, refer to FEA- TURES, page 4-44. , 8.41 SECONDARY CALLKEY: To select a second- ary call key for programming, highlight the desired sec- ondary call key number in the list box. You can then as- sign the associated primary station and/or enable ring cadence. To delete a secondary call key entry, highlight the entry to be deleted and press the SPACE BAR. 8.42 STATION: While the desired secondary call key is highlighted, press TAB to select the Station text box. Type the extension number of the primary station that will be associated with this key. (If this is the first sec- ondary call key associated with that station, it corre- sponds to call key #l at the primary station; if this is the second key associated with that same station, it corre- sponds to call key #2 at the primary station; and so on.) Press RETURN. The primary station’s extension num- ber, circuit number, and description are shown next to the secondary call key number in the list box. 8.43 ENARLE RING CADENCE: To determine whether the secondary station will ring when receiving a call on the secondary key, highlight the desired second- ary call key in the list box and then press TAB until the Enable Ring Cadence check box is highlighted. If the station should not ring, leave the box blank (or remove a previous X by pressing the SPACE BAR). To program the station to ring when receiving a call on the secondary key, place an-X in the box by pressing the SPACE BAR or simultaneously pressing the ALT and E keys. 8.44 OK: When all secondary keys have been pro- grammed for this station, select the OK command but- ton to return to the Station Programming window. Page 5-37

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 lNTER-TELPRACTxcES IMx/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Station J&e ~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 : Automated Attendant No House Phone Message Center No No I Stations Served 1 H. SPECIAL PURPOSE STATION WINDOW 8.45 The window shown above is an example of one that would appear for a keyset station. If a single-line station was being programmed, the options would be: Automated Attendant, FAX Station, House Phone, Mes- sage Center, and Voice Mail Station. Stations can be programmed to serve the follouGrg functions. Refer to FEAWRES for more details on these special purpose stations. The program planning sheet for this window is located in Figure 5-4 on page 5-175. 0 Attendant: (Keysets only) A keyset station can be designated as an attendant and assigned a list of sta- tions that it will serve. 0 Automated Attendant: Ifusing Exrendedsoftware, the station can be designated as an automated atten- dant. The recall destination and digit translation ta- ble for the automated attendant can also be pro- grammed. 0 FAX Station: (Single-line station only) A single- line station can be designated as a FAX station if the station circuit will be connected to a facsimile machine. The FAX message station can also be assigned. 0 House Phone: The station can be designated as a house phone that automatically dials a pre- determined number when the handset is lifted. The assigned day number is dialed when the system is in day mode and the assigned night number is dialed when the system is in night mode. The day/night house phone numbers can alsobe programmed using the house phone station speed-dial locations. 0 Message Center: A station can be designated as a message center and assigned a list of stations that it will serve. 0 Voice Mail Station: (Single-line station only) A single-line station can be designated as a voice mail station if the circuit is connected to a voice mail unit. Page 5-38

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 8.46 STATION TYPE: Select the Station Type list box, then select the desired option to change the Yes/No status. 0 Attendant: When Attendant status is “Yes,” a Stations Served command button appears to the right of the list box as shown on the previous page. Select this command button to assign the stations that will be served by this attendant. The following window appears. Include 1002 01.03 ‘Station Undefined (sort] 1009 02.02 ‘Station Undefined 1010 02.03 -Station Undefined [p=] 101102.04 -Station Undefined 1012 02.05 -Station Undefined - INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station, locate it on the Exclude list and select it by press- ing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a station, select it in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. NOTE: A station can only be served by one attendant. Including a station in an attendant’s lists removes it from its previous attendant’s list. - ALL or NONE: To include all stations, select the All command button. To delete all stations, select the None command button. - OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as desired, select the OKcommand button to exit and record your changes or select the Cancel command button to exit without saving changes. - SORT: To sort the stations and list them numeri- cally by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort command button. The window appears as follows. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the sta- tions in the selected order. To exit without chang- ing the sorting method, select the Cancel com- mand button. 0 By Circuit (Z=-) 0 By Name l Automated Attendant: (Extended sofiware only) When the Automated Attendant status is “Yes,” a text box labeled “Recall Destination” appears as shown below. Select this text box and enter the ex- tension or circuit number of the station that will re- ceive this automated attendant station’s recalls. Also, text boxes for the Digit Translation feature are given. Select the text box for the desired digit and type the extension number that will be dialed when a caller enters that digit. Recall Destination: I Digit Translation 1:f-l 6’1-1 2:1] 7:1( 3:n 8f-j 4: I 5: I 9: I 0: I Page 5-39

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 lNTER.TELPRAcTIcES IMx/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCE l FAX Station : (Single-line station only) When the FAX Station status is changed to “Yes,” a text box appears, as shown below, that is used for designating the station that will receive a message indication whenever a FAX is received. Select the Message Center box and type the circuit or extension number of the desired FAX message station. Message Center: I I 0 House Phone: When the House Phone status is “Yes,” two text boxes appear as shown below. Select the UDay Number” box to enter the extension or out- side number (up to 16 digits) that will be dialed when the house phone is used during the day. Select the “Night Number” text box to enter the number (up to 16 digits) that will be accessed when the system is placed in night mode. (These numbers can also be programmed at the house phone station by entering the day number in the outside number location of station speeddial location 1 and the night number in the outside number location of station speed-dial lo- cation 2.) When entering an outside number, enter a trunk group access code or the LCR code before the telephone number. In numbers that are routed through a trunk group, you can enter a short pause by entering an S, a long pause by entering an L, or a hookflash by entering an F. Day Number: I Night Number: I. NOTE: If a station is programmed as both a house phone and an automated attendant, the numbers pro- grammed in speed-dial locations 1 and 2 will also appear as digit translations 1 and 2. The house phone programming overrides the automated attendant programming for the first two speed-dial locations. Message Cent& k%en;Message Center status is “Yes,” a Stations Served command button appears to the right of the list box as shown on page 5-38. Se- lect this command button to assign the stations that will be served by this station. A station list window appears as shown for attendant programming. To as- sign the stations to the message center, use the meth- ods as described for attendant stations on the preced- ing page. . ‘. 2,’ Voice Mail Station: (Single-line station only) If the single-line station circuit will be connected to a voice mail unit, change the status to “Yes.” No addi- tional information is requested in this window. NOTE: When a voice mail unit is connected to an DC circuit, the off-premises extension option described on page 5-31 must be set to “no” to prevent MMP digit recognition errors. 8.47 OK: When finished with special purpose station programming, select the OK command button to return to the Station Programming window. .: Page 5-40

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMxlGMX 416/8X INSTALLATION & -ANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1. November 1994 [nk) Forwarding Path 2 Forward Cali’Qpes Forwarding Path 2 ir - III Ring-h 0 nansfer q IC Calls 0 Recall 40 DISA/AA~ DID 0 E&h ~s~~~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~s~~~~~~l System Conditions System Conditions System Conditions Day Mode q Night Mode Day Mode 0 Night Mode 17 Day Mode 0 Night Mode w Ring Principal Once cl Ring Principal once 0 Ring Principal Once I. SYSTEM FORWARDING 8.48 The forwarding path assignment is made on a sta- tion-by-station basis. Refer to FEAWRES, page 479 for more details on system forwarding. The program planning sheet for this window is located in Figure 5-4 on page 5-175. 8.49 FORWARDING PATHS: To select the for- warding path to be programmed for the station, move the highlight bar in the list box to the desired path num- ber. You now have two programming options for that Forwarding Path number: l To assign, delete, or change a forwarding path for this path number, highlight the path number in the list box and press the SPACE BAR. A list box will appear that shows “000 No Forwarding Path” and a list of forwarding path numbers. To delete the path, highlight the “000” line and press the SPACE BAR to select it. To change the path, highlight the desired path and press the SPACE BAR. l If a forwarding path has not been assigned to that number, the Forwarding Path column (1,2, or 3) in the lower half of the window is grey; assign a path as described above to change the column to black. When the column is black, programming can be per- formed as described in the following paragraphs. 8.50 FORWARD CALL TYPES: Determine the types of calls that will follow the forwarding path by highlighting each desired call type and pressing the SPACE BAR to place an X in the check box. In the sam- ple shown in Forwarding Path 1 above, only calls through DID or E&M will be sent to the forwarding path. In the default state, all but Recalls and IC calls are selected. 8.51 STATION CONJWI’IONS: Determine which station conditions will cause the calls to follow the for- warding path by highlighting the desired station condi- tion(s) and pressing the SPACE BARto place an X in the desired check box(es). In the sample shown in Forward- ing Path 1 above, calls will be sent to the forwarding path immediately. In the default state, all but Immediate are selected. Note that if any condition other than Imme- diate is selected, Immediate cannot be selected. 8.52 SYSTEM CONDITIONS: Indicate whether calls will follow the forwarding path in day and/or night mode by highlighting the desired system condition(s) and pressing the SPACE BAR to place an X in the de- sired check box(es). In the sample shown in Forwarding Path 1 above, calls are forwarded during both day and night modes. In the default state, both day and night mode are selected. 8.53 RING PRINCIFAL ONCE: Ifthe principal sta- tion is a keyset and the user wishes to hear a single ring signal each time a call enters the forwarding path, select the Ring Principal Once check box to place an X in it. In the default state, this is not selected. 8.54 OK: When all forwarding paths are pro- grammed, select the OK command button to exit to the System Forwarding window. Page 5-41

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TIELPRAcTxcES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SCOS Restrictions > Day Night (2) Toll Access (3) International Access (4) Eight Digit Access (5) Area/Office Code (6) LCR Only (7) Alternate Carriers (8) Allowed Long Distance No No No No No No No No No No No No No No User Group ( ToggleDay Mode ( Toggle Night Mode u Night Follow Day LCR Advance Limit - Day Mode Night Mode J. TOLL RESTRICTION JNFORMATION WIN-DOW 8.55 Determine the following toll restriction informa- tion for each station. Refer to FEAWRES, page 4-27, for a full explanation of toll restrictions. The program planning sheet for this window is located in Figure 5-4 on page 5-175. l Station class of service (SCOS): Determine which SCOS designations the station will have during day and night modes. l Day/night mode toll restriction user group: Deter- mine which user group the station is assigned to in day and night modes. 0 Day/night mode LCR advance limit: When a call is placed using LCR, the most economical facility groups are accessed first. The LCR advance limit (O-22 or unlimited) sets the number of facility group levels the station will access. Determine the number of advances the station will be allowed during day and night modes. CAUTION REGARDING EMERGENCY NUMBERS In areas where the emergency number is 1911, be sure that toll-restricted stations have SCOS 8 (Enable ALD) and that 911 is in the allowed long distance number list. Otherwise, toll-re- stricted users may not be able to find a station that is permitted to dial “l+” numbers. Note that 911 is allowed at every station regardless of toll restriction, but 1911 requires this special programming. 856 SCOS RESTRICTIONS: This list box contains all of the possible SCOS restrictions. Determine the SCOS restrictions that should be assigned to the station for day and night modes. To program the day and/or night mode SCOS, use a combination of the Toggle command buttons, the Night Follow Day check box, and the list box as described below: 0 To change only the airy mu& SCOS: Highlight the desired line in the list box and press the SPACE BAR. OR, highlight the desired line in the list box and then select the Toggle Day Mode command but- Page 5-42

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSlILLATION & WANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 ton. The -day mode will toggle between Yes and No each time the SPACE BAR is pressed or the com- mand button is selected. To change only the nigh! mode SCQS: Highlight the desired line in the list box and then select the Toggle Night Mode command button. The night mode will toggle between Yes and No each time the command button is selected. To match the day and night mode SCOS settings and change them simultaneously: Place an X in the Night Follow Day check box by highlighting it and press- ing the SPACE BAR (pressing SPACE BAR again will remove the X). Then highlight the desired line in the SCOS Restrictions list box and press the SPACE BAR. If the day and night modes were not the same, only the day mode status will change. If day and night modes match, each time you press the SPACE bar the status of both will toggle between Yes and No. (The Toggle Night Mode command but- ton will not function, and selecting the Toggle Day Mode command button will change both day and night modes, when this option is enabled.) 8.57 USER GROUP DAY/NIGHT: Determine the toll restriction user group for the station being pro- grammed. Then select the User Croup list box and high- light the desired user group number. The black line indi- cates the selected user group. 8.58 LCR ADVANCE LIMIT DAYMIGHT: To program how many levels of facility groups the station will lx permitted to access when LCR is used, select the LCR Advance Limit list box and scroll to the desired number (Unlimited, No Advance, or l-30 Advances). The black line indicates the selected advance limit. 8.59 OK: When finished, select the OK command button to return to the Station Programming window. Page 5-43

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICRS IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 9. STATION PROGRAMMING - BATCH PROGRAMMING OPTIONS 9.1 When Station programming is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: station Programming... Individual Station Information Key Assignments Ring Zone programming Station Features 9.2 The Individual Station Information option is de- scribed beginning on page 5-25. The remaining options apply to batch programming of key assignments, ring zones, and station features. They are described in the following pages. A. KEY ASSIGNMENTS (KEY) 9.3 The window shown below is a sample from the IMX System. The Key Assignments window can be reached by selecting Key Assignments from the Station Programming menu or entering the KEY command. The program plamring sheets are in Figure 5-5 on page 5-178. The window is used for performing the follow- ing programming tasks for keysets, DSWBLF Units, and single-line sets. l Name the key maps. 0 Determine the layout of the keys for the station in- strument(s) that will use each key map. Note that when a key is designated on one type of keyset or single-line set, it will appear on the corresponding key in all stations in that key map. 0 Assign the station that will use each map. 0 Determines the default values for the user-program- mable keys and, if desired, updates selected stations. 9.4 There can be up to 20 keyset map groups and 8 DSS/BLF map groups in a standard system. In an expan- ded system there can bc 30 keyset map groups and 12 DSWBLF groups. Actions setup Exit - Byset Map Groups - DSS MaD Grout Digital DSS Map View DSS L&2 List DSS 38~4 List -- I DSS Desq. 1 1 Default Sets 1 Exit 1 page 5-44

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMx/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 9.5 Refer to the proper page for the type of station in- strument you wish to program: 0 Keyset programming begins on the next page. 0 DSS/BLF programming begins on page 547. 0 Single-line set programming begins on page 548. NOTE: For more information on the GX and GMX sta- tion instruments, see appendixes A and B in the back of this manual. To Program Keyset Key Assignments 9.6 The keyset programming procedures are de- scribed in the following paragraphs. 9.7 KEYSET DESCR: To enter a keyset map group name (or change a previously programmed name), high- light the desired line in the Keyset Map Groups list box and then select the Keyset Descr command button. The following window appears. Type the name in the text box and select the OK command button to accept the change. Select the Cancel command button to exit with- out saving any changes. Description: ‘I I ‘I 9.8 KEYSET MAP GROUPS and KEYSET MAP VIEW TYPE: To assign the common keys for the instruments in the map group perform the following steps. The default values of the keysets are represented in the illustrations at the end of SPECIFICATIONS and in the program planning sheets that begin on page 5-178. (1) Select the Keyset Map View Type box and scroll the highlight bar to the desired keyset type. (2) Select the Keyset Map Group box and choose the map group by highlighting it and pressing the SPACE BAR. A map of the selected keyset type appears. (3) Locate the key(s) to be programmed. The keys are grouped together according to location on the keyset. To move from group to group, use the TAB key. To move within the group, use the arrow keys. To view (I key, highlight it. Its current value ap pears in the box at the bottom of the map. To program a key, select it. The Key Program- ming window shown on page 549 appears. NOTE: Key assignments within a key map are common to all keyset types in that map. Modifying a key changes that key assignment for ALL keysets assigned to that map, regardless of keyset type. For example, if the top left key is changed to a user-programmable key for IMX 24-line keysets in Keyset Map Group 1, the top left key will also be user-programmable on IhJX 12-line and 8-line keysets in Keyset Map Group 1. 9.9 STATION LIST: To assign the stations to a key map, highlight the desired map in the Keyset Map Groups list box and then select the Station List command button. A window with Include and Exclude station list boxes appears (as shown below) to allow you to select the stations that will use the keyset map that you have programmed. 0 INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station in the keyset map group, locate that station on the Ex- clude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Include list. To re- move a station from the keyset map group, you must exit and select another keyset map group and include the station there. This procedure ensures that a key- set is always assigned to a map group. l ALIz To include all stations in the keyset map group, select the All command button. (Ihe None button cannot be used in this window.) 0 OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as desired, select the OKcommand button to accept the change. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. Page 545

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TEEPRACTICES IMX/GM.X 416/832 INSTALL.ATION & MAINTENANCE l SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com- mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, se- lect the Cancel command button. 0 By Circuit [W] 0 By &me 9.10 USER PRG KEYS: Select this command button to assign the default value of the user-programmable keys in each keyset map; the following window appears. When the desired key is selected, the procedure for as- signing the key value is the same as described for keyset map keys on page 5-49, except that the options include only: Feature Key, Trunk Group key, or Undefined key. The new values will be assigned to the keys when the user enters the Feature Key Default feature code (325) or the programmer selects the Default Set command button shown on page 5-44 and described in the next paragraph. User Programmable Key Number- 2 User Programmable Key Number- 3 User Programmable Key Number- 4 User Programmable Key Number- 5 User Programmable Key Number- 6 User Rogrammable Key Number- 7 User Rogrammable Key Number- 8 User Roaammable Kev Number- 9 9.11 DEFAULT SETS: (Command button shown in the window on page 544.) When user-programmable key values have been changed, you can allow the users to update their own stations by entering the Feature Key Default feature code (325), or you can use the Default Sets command button to update stations in selected key maps. When the Default Sets command button is selected, the following window appears. Select the de- sired map groups as described below. The stations in the selected maps will be updated with the new default val- ues when you exit from the Key Assignments window and perform the database update. Keyset Map Group CL? l MAP GROUPS PICK LIST and MAP GROUP UPDATE LIST: Select the map groups to be updated in the pick list. They automatically move to the update list. The pick list includes all 20 keyset maps and the single-line map. l ALL or NONE: To include all key map groups in the update list, select the All command button. To exclude all key map groups, select the None com- mand button. l OK: When all of the desired map groups are in the update list, select the OK command button. This list will remain as programmed until an update to the da- tabase is performed. The Key Assignments window returns. Page S-46