Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 22. CALI., FORWARDING 22.1 With call forwarding, a station user can route in- coming intercom and outside calls (including direct ring-in calls and DID calls) to another station, to a hunt group, or to an outside telephone number, if allowed by toll and trunk restrictions. The four forwarding options are: Forward all calls: All incoming calls are immedi- ately forwarded. Forward if no answer: Incoming calls are forwarded if they are not answered before the For- ward No Answer timer expires. Forward if busy: Incoming calls are immediately forwarded if the station is busy. Forward if no answer or busy: Incoming calls are forwarded immediately if the station is busy, or for- warded if calls are not answered before the Forward No Answer timer expires. 22.2 If forward all calls is enabled, display keysets show the call forwarding status and destination until the request is cancelled. If one of the conditional forwards is enabled (no answer, busy, or no answer/busy), display keysets show the forward status for five seconds and then return to normal. If the station receiving the for- ward is a display keyset, it shows XXXX FORWARD FROM EX XXXX [or user name] for each forwarded call received. 223 Station users can chain forwards from station to station Providing the forwards do not form a loop. The conditional forward features (if busy, if no answer, if busy/no answer) may form a loop that the system cannot detect until a call is placed to the forwarding station. For example, if two station users forward their calls to each other using the Call Forward If Busy feature, the system accepts the requests. However, if a call rings in while both stations are busy, the forwards create an illegal loop. In this case, the call camps on to the called station. 22.4 If more than one station has ring in for a trunk group, direct ring-in calls on that trunk group will for- ward to extension numbers, but not outside numbers or voice mail ports. The display of the keyset receiving the forwarded call will show it as a direct ring-in call, not as a forwarded call, and the call or individual trunk key flashes to show ring in. (The individual trunk key also flashes on the keyset that is being forwarded.) 22.5 Calls cannot be forwarded to restricted outside telephone numbers or to stations in do-not-disturb. If the station that programmed to receive your forwarded calls is later placed in do-not-disturb, intercom callers will see the receiving station’s do-not-disturb display, but the call will be forwarded. 22.6 If your station is in do-not-disturb and you have call forwarding programmed, the call is still forwarded. If you enabled call forward no answer, intercom callers will see the do-not-disturb display that you programmed before the call is forwarded. 22.7 - Call forwarding overrides system call forward- ing at the principal station. 228 Queue callbacks and recalls do not forward, ex- cept that a recall at the attendant’s station will forward to another station. FWD Key 22.9 Keyset users may program their FWD key with any of the four options listed in paragraph 22.1. In the default configuration, the FWD key is programmed to forward all calls. 22.10 A keyset’s FWD key is lit when the station is programmed for call forwarding. Forwarding To An Outside Number Or E&M Destination 22.11 When programming a station for call forward to an outside telephone number or EBtM destination, a select trunk group feature code is programmed before the telephone number. If the station is called while the selected trunk group is busy, the call will not be for- warded. An intercom caller will hear busy signals. An outside call will ring at the forwarded station until the call is answered or the caller hangs up. 22.12 The forwarding station’s (not the intercom call- er’s) trunk and toll restrictions are checked when the call is forwarded to an outside number. NOTE: While this system is designed to be reasonably secure against CO trunk misuse by outside callers, there is no implied warranty that it is invulnerable to unautho- rized intrusions. If the central office does not provide su- pervision and disconnect the call when one party hangs up, it is possible for a caller to remain connected to a CO trunk circuit. If this happens, and the caller begins dial- ing, the call could be placed through the 416/832 System and would then be billed to the system’s owner. The sys- tem cannot check this type of call for toll restriction and may not register the call in SMDR. This problem could arise when a call is connected to a station, when a call is in an unsupervised conference, when a call is forwarded or transferred to the public network, or when DISA is used for placing outgoing calls. 22.13 If using an E&M trunk that is connected to an- other telephone system, and forwarding to an outside Page 4-82

INTKR-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAlNTENANCE FEATURFS Issue 1, November 1994 number through the other system, the E&M trunk access code is entered, followed by the other system’s trunk ac- cess code (which the 416/832 has been programmed to absorb as described on page 4-26), and the telephone number. Then, when a call is forwarded, the system au- tomatically pauses after the E&M trunk access code, for the duration of the Pause Digit timer, before dialing the rest of the number. 22.14 When an outside call is forwarded to an outside number using a loop start trunk, the Unsupervised CO timer is activated. When the timer expires, both parties hear a burst of dial tone. Either party can reset the timer by pressing any M’MF key. If the timer is not reset, the call recalls the attendant. If the attendant does not answer the recall before the Abandoned Call timer ex- pires, the call is disconnected. NOTE: There may be some reduction in voice volume when an outside call is forwarded to an outside tele- phone number, depending on central office trunk quali- ty- 22.15 Ifthe Weekly Toll Limit feature is enabled and a station is forwarded to .a toll number that is being disallowed due to the weekly limit being exceeded, calls will be handled as follows: l An intercom caller will hear reorder tones and see a CALL FAILED - TOLL LIMlT EXCEEDED dis- play* 0 A direct ring-in outside call will ring at the station until it is answered or the caller hangs up. 0 Calls through DISA or an automated attendant will ring at the station until the Transfer Available timer expires before being sent to the appropriate recall destination. l Transferred calls will remain at the transferring sta- I tion. 0 Calls from a voice computer will be sent to the atten- dant. Forwarding Calis To An Extension, Outside Number, Or E&M Destination 22.16 To FORWARD CALLS: (1) Keyset: To use the FWD key: While on or off hook, press the FWD key to forward calls according to FWD key programming. If on hook, the SPKR key is lit. (Display keysets show PROGRAM FORWARD.) To use a call forward feature code: While on or off hook, press the SPCL key and enter one of the following feature codes. If on hook the SPKR key is lit. (Display keysets show PROGRAM FORWARD.) a. Call Forward All Calls (355) b. Call Forward If No Answer (356) c. Call Forward If Busy (357) d. Call Forward If No Answer Or Busy (358) Siugle-Line Set: Lift the handset enter one of the feature codes listed above. (2) Ifforwarding to an intexom numbex dial the ex- tension number of the station to receive the calls, the voice mail access number, or 0 for the atten- dant. (Or, keysets can press the MSG key to for- ward calls to the assigned message center.) If you dialed an invalid extension number, your display shows FORWARD To INVALID NUMBER and you hear reorder tones. If forwarding to an outside telephone numbe5 dial a trunk access code (e.g., 801-889 or 89) and then the desired telephone number. If you en- tered an invalid trunk group feature code or dialed a restricted number, you hear repeatingre- order tones. (Display keysets show FORWARD ‘l’DRESTRICl-EDTRUNK.) Ifforwanfing to an outside telephone number via anE&Mtrunk, dial theE&Mtrunkgroupfeature code, then dial the other system’s trunk access code and the desired outside telephone number. The system automatically enters a pause and the display keysets show an “S” to indicate a short pause. If you entered an invalid E&M trunk group feature code or dialed a restricted number, you hear repeating reorder tones. (Display key- sets show FORWARD To RESTRICTED TRUNEL) If forwarding to an extension on the other tele- phone system via an E&M trunk, dial the E&M trunk group feature code and then the desired ex- tension number. If you entered an invalid E&M trunk group feature code or dialed a restricted number, you hear repeating reorder tones. (Dis- play keysets show FORWARD To RE- STRICIEDTRUNK) (3) KeysekIfoffhooS hangup.Ifonbok pressthe SPKR key (SPKR key goes off). You hear a prog- ress tone and the FWD key is lit (display shows FWD [condition] ‘ID XXXQ If you attempted to forward calls to a station that is unconditional- ly forwarded to your station, your display shows SYSTEM DETECTED FORWARD LOOP and you hear repeating reorder tones. Single-Line Set: Hang up. Page 4-83

FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICJZS lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 22.17 lV CiWCELAhTCALL FORWARD REQUEST: Keyset: Press the lit FWD key (tj.te key goes off). Ifon hook, press the lit SPKR key (the key goes off), or ifofhook, hang up. You hear a progress tone. (Display keysets show CANCEL ANY CALL FORWARD.) Single-Line Set: Lift the handset, enter the can- cel any Call Forward feature code (359), and hang UP. Forwarding To The Message Center 22.18 Keyset users have a simple method for forward- ing calls to their designated message center. The user prcsscs the FWD key and then the MSG key. Calls for- warded through the keyset are then sent to the keyset’s designated message center. 22.19 To QUICKLY FORWARD CALLS To YOUR MESSAGE CENTER(KEysETsO~: While on or off hook, press the FWD key and then the MSG key. (Display keysets show FWD [condition] TG EX XXXX [or user namel). Ifon hook, press the lit SPKR key (the key goes off). 1. off hook, hang up. Forwarding To Voice Mail 22.20 If the station is forwarded to the voice mail unit or if the message center is a voice mail unit, the keyset uaer’s“mailbox” is automatically dialed when the voice mail unit answers the forwarded call. In fact, whenever any station (keyset or single-line) is forwarded to a des- ignated voice mail unit, the station’s assigned “mail- box” is automatically dialed when the voice mail unit answers the forwarded call. 22.21 If a chain of forwarded stations ends in voice mail, the mailbox of the first station in the chain will be selected when the voice mail unit answer the call. NOTE: If a trunk group is assigned direct ring in to mul- tiple stations, and one of those stations is forwarded to a voice mail unit, incoming calls on that trunk group are not forwarded to the voice mail unit. Page 4-U

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, No”%= 23. SPEED DIALING 23.1 Three 416/832 features provide speed-dialing. They arc as follows: System Speed Dialing: Up to 400 (500 in the expanded system), 32digit system or tenant-specif- ic speed-dial numbers can be stored in system memory. Station Speed Dialing: Each station user can pro- gram individual speed-dial numbers. Single-line set users can store up to 10,16digit numbers. Keyset users can store 10 outside telephone numbers (up to 16 digits each) and 10 extension numbers (up to four digits each). System Directory (Intercom and Outside): The in- tercom directory enables display keyset users to “look up” intercom extension numbers and user names. The outside directory enables display keyset users to “look up” system speed-dial numbers and associated names. (This feature is available only in the Etieu&f software packages.) A SYSTEM SPEED DL4LING 23.2 Speed dialing allows station users to dial stored telephone numbers quickly. Up to 400,32-d&t system or tenant-specific speed-dial numbers can be stored in system memory (500 in the expanded system). Through database programming or the designated speeddial pro- gramming station, each individual number can be desig- nated in the database as available to all stations (tenant group 0) or available only to stations within a certain tenant group. If desired, an identifying name can also be stored with each speed-dial number. (See also the Sys- tem Directory feature on page 4-90.) 233 To keep system speed-dial numbers confidential, some or all of them can be programmed as non-display numbers (see PRGGRAMhfJN G, page 5-75). Nondis- play numbers can be used by any station user (as long as the number is assigned to the user’s tenant group), but can only be displayed on the programming station’s keyset. (Non-display numbers cannot be redialed or saved as station speed-dial numbers.) Nondisplaynum- bets will appear in the SMDR report when dialed. 23.4 System speed-dial numbers are subject to toll re- striction unless a system-wide option has been enabled that allows any station to dial any system speed-dial number regardless of that station’s SCOS. 23.5 The system speed-dial numbers are stored using location codes (000-399 on standard systems, 000-499 on expanded systems). When dialed, the numbers ap pear on a display keyset unless they have been pro- grammed as non-display numbers. Display keyset users can also view system speed-dial numbers and names without dialing (unless the numbers are designated for another tenant group or designated as non-display); however, with non-display numbers only the name is displayed. 23.6 The system speed-dial numbers and names are stored on the hard disk and will not be erased in the event of a power failure. Programming System Speed Dial Numbers 23.7 The system speed-dial numbers and names are programmed by the installer or at any attendant station. However, attendants can only program or view numbers that are accessible system wide or in their particular ten- ant group. In addition to the attendant stations, one dis- play keyset can be designated as the system speed-dial programming station to program or view all system speed-dial numbers and all tenant-specific speed-dial numbers. When the system is in the default state, the pri- mary attendant station is the designated system speed- dial programming station. 23.g The system speed-dial numbers can contain upto 32 digits each and can include hookflashes and/or short or long pauses for dialing a series of numbers. For exam- ple, the speed-dial number can contain an SCC local number, a pause, an access code, and the telephone number. For using E&M trunks, the other systems’ trunk access codes, followed by a pause, may be included in speed-dial numbers. The lengths of the hookflash and the pause are determined by the programmable CO Hookflash and Pause Digit timers. 23.9 To program system speeddial numbers, use one of the following methods: l Use the keypad to manually dial the number. If you make a mistake, press the MUTE key to backspace. l Press the REDJAL key to enter the last number dialed or saved at the station (up to 32 digits). l Press one of the SD keys on the keyset to enter the outside telephone number (up to 16 digits) pro- grammed under that key. 23.10 To program speed-dial names, keypad keys are used to enter the desired letters, numbers, and punctua- tion. The number of times a key is pressed determines which character is entered. For example, 77776444844 would enter “SMlTH”. When adjoining characters are located under the same key, press the FWD key once to advance to the next character. For example, 5666 FWD 66337777 would enter “JONES”. Refer to the chart be- Page 4-85

FEATURES Issue 1. November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE low to program speed-dial names. (Note that letters cor- respond to the letters printed on the keypad keys.) 23.11 To PROGRAMOR CIUNGE ZXSTEMSPEED-DL4LN BERSANDNAMES( AlTENDANlS AND THE DESIGNATED SYS- TEMSPRELLDLQL PROGRAM&UN GKEYSETOW: NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the MUTE key to backspace. Or, lift and replace the handset (the name and number in memory remains unchanged); then start over. (1) (2) (3) (4 While on hook, press the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the Program System Speed-Dial feature code - 020). (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) Enter the speed-dial location code (000- 499). (The MSG key is lit and the display shows the name and number or, if one does not exist, NO OUTSIDE #.) If you do not continue to the next step, the display times out after the Long Interdi- git timer expires and you must start over. If you wish to program a name or change the er- isting name, enter or change the name for the speed-dial number using your keypad. Refer to the chart on this page. If necessary, use the MUTE key to back up and erase existing charac- ters. If the existing name is corwct, or you do not wish to program a name, proceed to the next step. Press the MSG key (it will go out and the cursor will move to the top line). Enter or change the number (up to 32 digits) to be stored using the keypad, one of the SD keys, or the REDIAL key. If necessary, use the MUTE key to back up and erase existing numbers. (Display keyseta show the number as it is entered.) To includepauses or (5) 03) hookjlashe.s in the numbe~ press the SPCL key once for a hookflash (F), twice for a short pause (S), and three times for a long pause Q. You may not exceed 32 digits. Press any trunk access key (call, individual trunk, ANSWER, or OUTGOING) to save the number. You hear a single progress tone when the number is accepted. (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) To enter or change additional numbers: Re- peat steps 2 through 5 for each number to be en- tered or changed. To end the programming session: Lift and replace the handset or wait for the display to re- turn to the date and time (when the Long Interdi- git timer expires). 23.12 TVERAXSYSTEbfSPRED-DLQLNAMEsAND/ORNUM- BERS (AlTENDAh’lS Ah?D lZE DES.IGNm Si’XL?MSPEED- DL4L PROGRAbfhUN GKEYSETONL;Y): (1) (2) (3) (4 (5) While on hook, press the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the Program System Speed-Dial feature code - 020). (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) Enter the speed-dial location code (000- 499). (The MSG key is lit and the display shows the name and number.) You may erase the name only, the number only, or both: a. Zf you wish to erase the name, press the MUTE key repeatedly until the name is erased. b. If you wish to erase the number press the MSG key, then press the MUTE key repeat- edly until the number is erased. Ress any trunk access key (call, individual trunk, ANSWER, or OUTWING). You hear a single progress tone when accepted. (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) To enter or change additional numbers: Re- peat steps 2 through 4 for each number to be erased. To end the programming session: Lift and replace the handset or wait for the display to re- turn to the date and time (when the Long Interdi- gjt timer expires). Page 4-86

INTER-TELPRACTICES FEATURES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALI.A’l’ION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 Viewing System Speed-Dial Numbers 23.13 lV WEWSYSlEbiSPEED-DLQLNU..AND NAMES AT AllENDANT S2XlTONS AND THE DESIGNm SPEED-DL4L PROGRAMMING SlAl7ON: NOTE: If you make a mistake, lift and replace the hand- set; then start over. (1) Using the Keysetz a. While on hook. mess the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the System Speed$al feature code - 381). (Display keysets show PROGRAM SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) You hear a confirmation tone. (1) (2) b. Enter the desired location code (000-499). (The display shows the programmed name and number.) I Using a DSS/BLF Unit with Speed-Dial Keys: While on hook, press the desired speed-dial key. (2) Wait for the display to return to the date and time (when the long Interdigit timer expires) or lift and replace the handset. Then repeat the proce- dure for each number to be viewed. 23.14 TOWEW SYSTEMSPEW-DLALNUMBERSANDNAMES ATAh’YDISPLAYKEXSEE (1) Using the Keyset: Using a DSS/BLF Unit with Speed-Dial Keys: While on hook, press the desired speed-dial key. I (2) Wait for the display to return to the date and time (when the Long Interdigit timer expires) or lift and replace the handset. Then repeat the proce- dure for each number to be viewed. Dialing System Speed-Dial Numbers a.15 lVDL4LSk3lEhfSPEED-DL4LNU..: a. b. While on hook, press the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the System Speed-Dial feature code - 381). (Display keysets show REVIEW SYSTEM SPEED DIAL.) You hear a confirmation tone. Enter the desired location code (000499). (Display keysets show the programmed name and number. Or, if it is a non-display number, the display shows the name and NON DISPLAY #.) Lift the handset and select an outgoing trunk. Keyset: a. Press the SYS SPD key (or press SPCL and enter the System Speed-Dial feature code - 381). You hear a confirmation tone. b. Enter the location code (000499) for the de- sired number. The number is automatically dialed. (Display keysets show the number dialed unless it is a non-display number.) If you hear reorder tones, your station is re- stricted from dialing the selected number. DSS/BLFUnit with Speed-DialKeys: Press the desired speeddial key. The number is automati- I tally dialed. (Display keysets show the number dialed unless it is a nondisplay number.) If you hear reorder tones, your station is restricted from dialing the selected number. Single-Line Set: a. Press ESLS SYS SPD key, or press the PLASH key (hookflash) and enter the Sys- tem Speed-Dial feature code (381). You hear a confirmation tone. b. Enter the location code (M10-499) for the de- sired number. The number is automatically dialed. If you hear reorder tones, your station is restricted from dialing the selected num- ber. Page 4-87

FEATURES INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMx/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. STATION SPEED DIALING 23.16 For convenience, each station user can program individual speeddial numbers. Single-line set users can store up to 10,16-d@ numbers using speed-dial loca- tion codes (O-9). Keyset users can store 10 outside tele- phone numbers (up to 16 digits each) and 10 extension numbers (up to four digits each; see paragraph 23.18 be- low), using IC/CO speed-dial (SD) keys or location codes O-9. Together, the lamps in the keyset SD keys create a busy lamp field that indicates the status of the stations programmed under the keys (refer to the lamp status chart on page 4-47). Extension numbers can be either station extension numbers or hunt group pilot numbers. Programming Station Speed-Dial Numbels 23.17 When entering the outside telephone numbers, use one of the following methods: Use the keypad to manually dial the number. Chr a keyset, press the REDIAL key to enter the last number (up to the first 16 digits) dialed or saved at the station. On a keyset, press the SYS SPD key and enter the system speed-dial location code (000-499) to store one of the system speed-dial numbers in a station speed-dial location. (If the number is over 16 digits, only the first 16 digits are stored.) Non-display sys- tem speed-dial numbers cannot be stored in keyset station speed-dial locations. 33.18 A threedigit station extension number can be preceded with a pound (#) to always speed dial private intercom calls to the station. Or, a “4” may be entered before a three-digit station extension number or hunt group pilot number to quickly reverse transfer (pick up) calls from that station or hunt group. If either of these options is used, normal handsfree intercom calls cannot be placed using that station speeddial location or SD key. Also, when an extension number is preceded by a “4,” the SD key will not show the station’s status. This option cannot be used if the system has four-digit exten- sion numbers. 23.19 Station users can also program pauses and/or hookflashes into the stored outside telephone numbers. For example, the number can contain an SCC local num- ber, a pause, and an access code. For using E&M trunks, speed-dial numbers may contain the other system’s trunk access code if it is followed by a pause. When pro- gramming speeddial numbers, each hookflash and each pause is considered one digit. The durations of the hook- flash and the pause are determined by the programmable CO Hookflash and Pause Digit timers. 23.20 If desired, station speed-dial numbers can be used for dialing the voice mail unit password code. Store the code in an outside number location. Then, after the call to the voice mail unit is connected, dial the outside location that contains the password code. 23.21 The station speed-dial numbers are stored on the hard disk and will not be erased by unplugging the station instrument or by a power failure. 23.22 TOPROGRAMSlXlTONSPEED-DLdLNUbfBaUWG AKhYSET.: One extension number and one outside telephone num- ber can be stored under each of the 10 SD keys/location codes. NOTE: If you make a mistake, lift and replace the hand- set; then start over. The number in memory remains un- changed. Or, use the MUTE key to backspace. (1) (2) (3) (4) Keysets with SD keys: While on hook, press the SD key to be programmed. (Display keysets show PROGRAM STATION SPEED DIAL # and the key number.) Keysets without SD keys: While on hook, press SPCL and enter the Station Speed-Dial Program- ming feature code (383). You hear a progress tone Then dial the speeddial location code (O-9). (Display keysets show PROGRAM STA- TION SPEED DIAL # and the key number.) Dial the extension number (up to four digits) or telephone number (up to 16 digits, including pauses and hookflashes) to be stored. Refer to paragraph 23.17. (Display keysets show the number.) To inchdepauses or hookjlashes in an outside telephone numbec press the SPCL key once for a hookflash (F), twice for a short pause (S), and three times for a long pause (L). You may not exceed 16 digits. Do not program hook- flashes or pauses in extension numbers, or you will receive reorder tones when trying to dial them. If you entered an extension number press the IC key. You hear a single progress tone when the system has accepted the number. (Display key- sets show both numbers stored under the SD key*) Ifyou enteredan outside telephone numbec press any call or individual trunk key. You hear a single progress tone when the system has accepted the number. (Display keysets show both numbers stored under the SD key.) Wait five seconds for the display to return to the date and time. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional number to be stored. Page 4-88

INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & -ANCE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 23.23 lOPROGRAbtSTA.lTONSPEED-DLUNUMBERSUSBJG A SINGLE-LLWShT: Up to 10 numbers can be stored using speed-dial loca- tion codes O-9. If you make a mistake, hang up and start (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Lift the handset and enter the Station Speed-Dial Programming feature code (383) or press the ESLS FGM SPD key. You hear a confirmation tone. Dial the speed-dial location code (O-9). You hear a confirmation tone. Dial the telephone number (up to 16 digits, in- cluding pauses and hookflashes) to be stored and hang up. To includkpauses or hookj7ashes in the nrunbq press the FLASH (hookflash) key once for a hookflash (P), twice for a short pause (S), and three times for a long pause Q. Each pause or hookflash counts as one digit. Wait 2 seconds after pressing the FLASH key before pressing it again; the system’ only recognizes one FLASH every 2 seconds. Hang up. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each number to be stored. 23.24 TOERASEASljQTIONSP~-DIALNUMBER: Repeat the programming procedures, but do not dial a number (skip step 2 in the keyset instruc- tions, or step 3 in the single-line instructions). To VLTW lFD% SEXED NUMBERS (ONA DISPLAYREY- Viewing Station Speed-Dial Numbers 23.25 sn): (1) While on hook, press the desired SD key twice. (Display keysets show the currently stored num- btXS.) (2) If aksirecl, press other SD keys once to view their numbers. (Ifthe date and time displays, the pro- gram has timed out; repeat the first step.) Dialing Station Speed-Dial Numbers 23.26 (1) (2) (3) To DL4L A SlMlON SPEED-DIAL NUMBER: Lift the handset. If placing an outside call, select an outgoing trunk or use LCR. Zf placing an intercom call, skip this step. Keysets with SD keys: Press the SD key of the desired number. The number is dialed. (Display keysets show the number.) Keysets without SD Iuzys: Press the SFCL key, enter the Station Speed-Dial feature code (382), and then enter the location code (O-9). The num- ber is dialed. You hear a confirmation tone. ESLS: Press the STN SPD key. You hear a con- firmation tone. Then dial the location code (O-9). The number is dialed. Other Single-Line Sets: Press the FLASH key (hookflash) and then press the SLI !XN SPD key or enter the Station Speed-Dial feature code (382). You hear a confirmation tone. Then dial the location code (O-9). The number is dialed. Page 4-89

FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GM.X 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 24. OPTIONAL SYSTEM DIRECTORY - INTERCOM AND OUTSIDE (KEYSETS ONLY) NOTE: This feature is available only in the Ertended software packages. 24.1 The intercom directory enables display keyset users to “look up” intercom extension numbers and user names. The outside directory enables display keyset users to “look up” system speed-dial numbers and associated names. 24.2 Once the desired extension number/name or sys- tem speed-dial number/name has been selected, the user may automatically dial the number, store the number in a station speed-dial location, select a different number/ name, terminate the directory routine, or switch to the other directory. A directory search can be performed when a call is waiting on conference or transfer hold at the station, if necessary. 24.3 The intercom directory is automatically updated whenever user names and/or extension number in- formation is reprogrammed (see PROGRAMMING pages 5-28 and 5-58). The outside directory is updated whenever a system speed-dial number or name is repro- grammed (see PROGRAMMIN G page 5-76). 24.4 To use the directory, the user enters a letter, a string of letters, or a valid extension number. If search- ing for a name, the full name need not be entered. The system will find the closest match and show the number and its associated name on the keyset display. Or, the user can press the asterisk (*) or pound (#) keys to scroll backward or forward alphabetically through the stored list of names. (It is not possible to scroll through the ex- tensions by number.) 24.5 Keypad keys are used to enter the desired letters, numbers, and punctuation. The station user can switch between numeric and alphanumeric modes. (Numeric mode = MSG key unlit; alphanumeric mode = MSG key lit.) In alphanumeric mode, the number of times a key is pressed determines which character is entered. For ex- ample, 77776444844 would enter “SMITH.” When ad- joining characters are located under the same key, press the FWD key once to advance to the next character. For example, 5666 FWD 66337777 would enter “JONES.” Refer to the following chart. The letters correspond to the letters printed on the keypad keys. I I NOTE: The character values for key number 1 above are not the same as those used for custom programming do-notdisturb messages (see page 4-95). This is due to the loss of the pound (#) key and asterisk (*) key charac- ter values. A. INTERCOM DIRECTORY 24.6 (1) (2) (3) To PERFORMANMlERCOMDIREClORYSL4RCH: While on or off hook, press SPCL and enter the System Intercom Directory feature code (307). The MSG key lights (and the SPKR key lights if on hook) and the display shows INTERCOM NAME: on the top line, while the cursor is lo- cated on the bottom line. Enter up to seven alpha and/or numeric charac- ters for the extension number or user name. If searching for a name, the whole name does not have to be entered. You may switch between modes by pressing the MSG key (lit = alphanu- meric, unlit = numeric). a. b. In numeric mode (MSG key unlit): Press the keypad keys to enter a valid extension num- ber. Press MUTE to backspace, if necessary. In a&hmuneric mo& (MSG k.ey lit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired charac- ters. Refer to the chart above. Press FWD once to advance or twice to leave a space. Press MUTE to backspace. If d&id press the pound (#) key to scroll for- ward alphabetically through the directory or press the asterisk (*) key to scroll backward. If this method is used, skip step 4 and proceed to step 5. Page 4-90

Nl-ER-TEL PRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALJATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 (4 (5) (6) B. Pressthe pound (#) or asterisk (‘) key to begin the search. The closest match will be displayed on your keyset. If you entered an invalid exten- sion number, you will hear reorder tones. Repeat sfep 2. If a%si+ store the selected extension number in a station speed-dial location by pressing the de- sired SD key. You hear confirmation tone when the number is accepted. To automatically dial the extension number: Press the IC key. Ifan intercom call is camped on and the IC key is lit, pressing the IC key accesses the waiting call and terminates the Directory fea- ture. To search for a different extension number or user name: Repeat steps 2 and 4. To terminate the directory routine: Ifoffhook,’ hang up. Zf on hook, press the SPKR key. To switch to the outside directory: Press anon- flashing call or individual trunk key or the ANSWER or OUTGOING key. (Outside direc- tory instructions are given below.) If a call is ringing in or holding on the selected trunk, press- ing the flashing call key, flashing individual trunk key, or ANSWER key will answer the call and terminate the directory function. OUTSIDE DIRECTORY 24.7 To PERFORMANOUTSIDE DIREClORYSE4RCH: (1) While on or off hook, press SPCL and enter the System Outside Directory feature code (308). The MSG key lights (and the SPKR key lights if on hook) and the display shows OUTSIDE NAME: on the top line, while the cursor is lo- cated on the bottom line. (2) To enter a name: Enter alphanumeric characters (up to 16) for the speed-dial name. You do not have to enter the whole name. Press the keypad keys to enter the desired characters. Refer to the chart on page 4-90. Press the FWD key once to (3) (4 (5) advance or twice to leave a space. Ress the MUTE key to backspace. To scroll through the directory: Press the pound (#) key to scroll forward alphabetically through the directory or press the asterisk (*) key to scroll backward. If this rnecthod is us4 skip step 3 and proceed to step 4. Press either the pound (#) or asterisk (*) key to begin searching. The closest match will be dis- played on your keyset. If you selected a nondis- play number, NON DISPLAY # will appear on the top line and the name (if assigned) will ap pear on the bottom line; the number is not dis- played. If desid store the selected system speed-dial number in a station speed-dial location by press- ing the desired SD key. You hear a confirmation tone when the number is accepted. NOTE: If the system speed-dial number is long- er than 16 digits, only the first 16 digits will be stored in the station speeddial location. Also, if the number is a non-display number, it cannot be stored. To automatically dial the speed-dial number: Ress an individual trunk key, the OUTGOING or ANSWER key, or a trunk group key. If off hook, lift the handset when the call is answered. If a call is ringing in or holding on the selected trunk, pressing the flashing individual trunk key or the ANSWER key will answer the call and ter- minate the directory function. To search for a different system speed-dial number: Repeat steps 2 and 3. To terminate the dkctory ruutine: If offhook, hang up. If on hook, press the SPKR key. To switch to the intercom dbxtory: Press the IC key. (Intercom directory instructions are giv- en on page 4-90.) If an intercom call is camped on and the IC key is flashing, pressing the IC key accesses the waiting call and terminates the Di- rectory feature. Page 4-91