Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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INTER-l?ELPRAcTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 sure that a station is always part of a tenant group and department. l ALL: To include all stations in the list, select the All command button. (The None command button can- not be used in this window.) l OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as desired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. 0 SORT: To sort the stations and list themnumerically by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com- mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, se.- lect the Cancel command button. Ii- Ordering II 0 l By &tension 0 By Circuit 0 By Name 10.98 TRUNK GROUPS: To determine which trunk groups that the attendant for this tenant group can place in night ring mode, select the Trunk Groups command button. The following window appears. Each trunk group can be assigned to only one tenant group. Include Exclude 0 INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a trunk group, locate it on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a trunk group from the list, select another tenant group then place the trunk group in that tenant group’s list. This pro- cedure must be followed to ensure that a trunk group is always assigned to a tenant group. 0 ALL: To include all trunk groups in the list, high- light a line in the Include list box and select the All command button. l OK: When the trunk group lists appear as desired, select the OK command button. 10.99 DID GROUPS: To determine which DID groups that the attendant for this tenant group can place in night ring mode, select the DID Groups command button. Awindow appears, like the one described above for trunk groups; follow the same procedures. Bach DID group can be assigned to only one tenant group. Placing a DID group in a tenant group removes it from the group to which it was previously assigned. 10.100 OK: When tenant group programming is com- plete, select the OK command button in the Tenant Group X window (shown on the previous page). You will return to the Tenant Groups window shown on page 5-85. Page 5-87

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 11. TOLL RESTRICTION 11.1 When Toll Restriction is selected from the Appli- cations Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: Toll Restriction... Alternate Carriers and Allowed Long Distance Area/Office Codes Allowed/Restricted SCOS Information i Toll Security 11.2 Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. A. AIXERNATECARRIERS ANDALLOWED LONG DISTANCE (AJX) 11.3 Alternate Carrier Numbers: Alternate carrier numbers are the telephone numbers that you wish to re- strict some stations from dialing. Stations that have been assigned SCOS 7 (Restrict Alternate Carrier List) can- not use these numbers. List up to 20 alternate carrier numbers with up to 10 digits each. You may use X in the number to indicate any digit O-9. For example, 976XXXX restricts SCOS 7 users from dialing 7-digit numbers that begin with 976. The numbers should not contain the toll field, but can contain equal access digits (e.g., do not enter l+ or 0+ numbers, except 10xXx and 1OlXXXX numbers). (Refer to Figure 5-19, page 5-222, for a program planning sheet.) NOTE: Allowed long distance numbers override alter- nate carrier number restrictions. Also, numbers are only restricted if they exactly match the number on the alter- nate carrier list. For this reason, alternate carrier num- bers can have a plus (+) added to the end of the number to restrict users from bypassing toll restriction by dial- ing extra digits after dialing the alternate carrier num- ber. For example, 976+ restricts all calls that begin with 976, no matter how many digits are dialed. 11.4 Allowed Long Distance Numbers: Allowed long distance numbers are the toll-call numbers that sta- tions with SCOS 8 (Allowed Long Distance Access) are permitted to dial. List up to 20 long distance numbers (30 in an expanded system). The numbers can contain up to 10 digits each. You may use X in the number to in- dicate any digit O-9. For example entering, XXX5551212 allows SCOS 8 users to dial directory in- formation using any area code. You can also use a ‘+ n at the end of the number to indicate that any digits can be dialed. For example, 800+ allows any number begin- ning with 800. In the default state, the allowed long dis- tance numbers are 911 and BOOXXXXXXX. (Refer to Figure 5-19, page 5-222, for a program planning sheet.) NOTE: Even if 0+ numbers are included in the allowed long distance number list, they cannot be dialed by a sta- tion with SCOS 1. CAUTION REGARDING EMERGENCY NUMJ3ERS In areas where the emergency number is 1911, be sure that toll-restricted stations have SCOS 8 (Enable ALD) and that 911 is in the allowed long distance number list. Otherwise, toll-re- stricted users may not be able to find a station that is permitted to dial “l+” numbers. Note that 911 is allowed at every station regardless of toll restriction, but 1911 requires this special programming. 11.5 Select Alternate Carriers and Allowed Long Dis- tance from the Toll Restriction menu or enter the ALT command to access the window shown on the next page. Page 5-88

INTER-TELPRACTICES PROGRAMMING IMX/GMX 416/832 INSlXLLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, November 1994 Actions setup Exit Alternate Qrrier Allowed Long Distance 05 06 07 11.6 ALTERNATE CARRIER and ALLOWED LONG DISTANCE: To enter an alternate carrier num- ber or allowed long distance number in the appropriate list, highlight the desired position on the list and select it. The following window appears. Number: [Y-) 0 NUMBER: Select the text box and type the number. 0 OK: When finished, select the OK command button and the number will appear in the selected list box. 11.7 EXIT: When programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To return to the Alternate Carrier and Allowed Long Distance window without updating the database, select the Cancel button. Page S-89

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE B. AREA/OFFICE CODES 11.8 The window shown on the next page is used for programming the numbering plan flags for the system and for programming area/office code user groups. Numbering Plan Flags 11.9 The growth of telecommunications services has created an increasing demand for more telephone num- bers. To meet the demand, Bellcore has prepared a long- range North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to pro- vide additional telephone numbers. The plan expands the capacity of the current numbering system by making area and office codes interchangeable. That is, number- ing patterns formerly reserved for office codes can be used as new area codes, and office codes within existing area codes can have the same pattern as other area codes. 11.10 With interchangeable area and office codes, switching systems lose the ability to distinguish be- tween 7- and IO-digit numbers by examining the first three digits. TQ address this, the database contains the following flags: Office Codes Used as Area Codes: An area code in another location uses an NXX pattern that matches an office code within the system site’s area code. (This flag defaults to no.) Area Codes Used as Offke Codes: One or more of- fice codes within the system site’s area code use an NZX pattern that is the same as an area code in another area. (This flag defaults to M unless you are converting a database that has the “Overlap Area/ Office Code flag enabled.) Toll Digit Allowed On Toll Local Calls: This op tion applies only if the area and office codes overlap. Callers in the site’s area code usually dial a 1 when placing a call within the local area code(s). (This flag defaults to no.) 0 Toll Digit Required On Toll Long Distance Calls: This option applies only if the area and office codes overlap. Callers in the site’s area code must dial a 1 when placing a call outside of the local area code(s). (This flag defaults to yes.) AFlEA CODES OFFICE CODES CANBE: CANBEI Office Codes NZXorNXX NXX as Area Codes AreaCodesas NZX NXXorNZX Office Codes User Groups ll.ll Set up area and office code tables for up to eight user groups to allow different area/office code restric- tion to be used. This is useful for reducing restrictions for some users while increasing restrictions for others. * Each station is assigned to a user group. Within each user group, area codes can be restricted, allowed, or ex- tended. Restricting an area code prevents users from placing calls to that area code and all of its office codes. Allowing an area code also allows all office codes with- in that area code. Designating an area code as extended allows the programmer to determine which office codes within that area code are allowed or restricted. There can be up to four extended area codes per user group. List the area codes that are allowed, restricted, or ex- tended. Also, list the offke codes within the extended area code(s) that are allowed and restricted. (Refer to Figure S-20, page 5-223, for a program planning sheet.) NOTE: Area/office code programming also affects call cost designation for the SMDR feature. When a seven- digit number is dialed from a station without area/office code restriction, the system still checks the office code against the area/office code tables for the station’s user group. If the office code is allowed, the call is recorded as a local call (LOC). If it is restricted, the call is re- corded as a seven-digit toll call 07). Page 5-90

INTER-TELPRACTICES IMXtGMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 Actions &tup Exit User Groups Day Station List cl Office Codes Used As Area Codes 0 kmea codes Used As Office Codes n Toll Digit Allowed On Toll Local Calls 0 Toll Digit Required On Toll Long Distance Calls sight Station List (Erif) 11.12 The window shown above is used for pro- gramming the various aspects of area and O&X code re- striction used for SCOS 5 (Area/Office Code Restric- tion). To reach it, select Area/Office Codes Allowed/ Restricted from the Toll Restriction menu or enter the AREA command. 11.13 FLAGS: If any of the numbering plan flags ap ply to the system location (see explanation on previous page), select the flag to place a check mark in the check box. To remove a check mark, select the check box again. Depending on the combination of flags that.are selected, some flags may be dimmed and cannot be se- lected. 11.14 USER GROUPS: The list box shows the user groups and their descriptions (if programmed). To pro- gram a description for a user group, highlight the desired ik and then select it by pressing the SPACE BAR. The following window appears. I Qescription: [ok) [-xz-] 0 NAME: A name, up to 20 characters, can be as- signed to each user group. Select the Name text box and type the desired name. 0 OK or CANCEL: When the name appear as de- sired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Can- cel command button. 11.15 DAY/NIGHT STATION LISTS: To program the list of stations that are included in a specific user group in day or night mode, select the Day or Night Sta- tion List command button. The following window ap 1009 02.02 ‘Station Undefined 1010 02.03 ‘Station Undefined lOllU2.04 ‘Station Undefined 0 INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station, locate that station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a station from the list, exit and select another user group then place the desired station in a new user group. This proce- Page 5-91

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMx/GM.X 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE dure must be followed to ensure that a station is al- corresponding option button. Then select the OK ways part of a user group. command button. When the list of stations returns, * AIL To include all stations in the list, select the All the list box will show the stations in the selected or- command button. (The None command button can- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, se- lect the Cancel command button. not be used in this window.) l OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as desired, select the OK command button.-‘?0 exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. , l SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com- mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the 0 By Circuit 0 By Name Page 5-92

INTER-TELPRACTICES IhXX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 Al_lowed Area codes Regricted Area Codes E&ended Area Codes 11.16 AREA CODES: To program the area codes for a specific user group, highlight the desired line in the User Groups list box then select the Area Codes com- mand button. An area code programming window will appear as shown above. 0 ALLOWED and RJZSTRKTED ARFA CODES: To allow users in the user group to access area codes, the codes must be placed in the Allowed list. To place an area code in the Allowed Area Codes list box, locate that area code on the Restricted Area Codes list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Allowed list. To re- move an area code from the Allowed list, select the code in the Allowed list to move it to the Restricted list. l ALL or NONE: To include all area codes in the allowed list, select the All command button. To ex- clude all codes from the list, select the None com- mand button. l EXTEND: There can be up to four extended area codes per user group, each with individual lists of al- lowed and restricted office codes. To create an ex- tended area code, move the desired code to the Al- lowed list box and highlight it. Then select the Ex- tend command button. The area code moves to the Extended Area Codes list box. Office codes can then be programmed as allowed or restricted, for that area code as described on the next page. To remove an ex- tended area code from the list, highlight the code in the Extended Area Codes list box and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it automatically moves to the Allowed Area Codes list box. 0 OK: When all area code programming has been completed, select the OK command button to return to the User Croup programming window. Page 5-93

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 lNTER-TELPRACTIcE!3 IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Al_lowed Of&x codes Res@icted Off& codes 0 LYl El Npne E&ended Area Codes 11.17 OFFICE CODES: To program the 0502 codes for the extended area codes in a specific User Croup, highlight the desired line in the User Croups list box then select the 05ce Codes command button. An 05ce code programmixg window will appear as shown above. 0 EXTENDEDAREACODES: Beginprogramming by selecting the extended area code to be programmed. Locate the desired area code in the Ex- tended Area Codes list box then press the SPACE BAR. The 05ce Codes list boxes will show the cur- rent programming for that extended area code. . ALLOWED/RESTRICTED OFFICE CODES: To allow users in the user group to access 05ce codes, the codes must be placed in the Allowed Of- fice Codes list. To place an 05ce code in the Al- lowed Office Codes list box, locate it on the Restricted Office Codes list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Allowed list. To remove an 05ce code from the Al- lowed list, select the code in the Allowed list to move it to the Restricted list. 0 ALL or NONE: To include all 05ce codes in the al- lowed list, select the All command button. To ex- clude all codes from the list, select the None com- mand button. l OK: When all 05ce code Programming has been completed, select the OK command button to return to the User Croup programming window. 11.18 EXIT: When programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To return to the Area/Office Code Allowed/Restricted window without updating the database, select the Cancel button. Page 5-94

INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 416/832 INSZ4LLATION & -ANCE PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 C. SCOS INFORMATION (SCOS) 11.19 To prepare for programming this information, list all unrestricted stations and those that are affected by each of the followingrestrictions. (Refer to Figure 5-21, page 5-224, for a program planning sheet. Refer to FFHWRES page 4-27 for further explanation of SCOS.) 0 Restrict operator access (O+): Calls that begin with 0 are not permitted, including international calls. If this restriction is not set, all calls beginning with 0 are permitted, unless the station also has SCOS 3. 0 Restrict toll access (l+): Calls that begin with 1 are not permitted unless the number is on the allowed long distance list and the station has allowed long distance number access. 0 Restrict international access (Ol+): Calls that begin with 01 are restricted. If this restriction is not set, all calls beginning with 01 are permitted regard- less of other restrictions. 0 Restrict eight-digit call access (7+): Calls are not permitted if they are over seven digits in length, un- less the number is in the allowed long distance num- ber list and the station has allowed long distance number access. l Use doffice code tables (table-driven toll): Calls can only be placed to the allowed area and of- fice codes, as determined by the station’s user group. l Use LCR Only: Calls can only be placed using the Least-Cost Routing @CR) feature. l Restrict alternate carrier: Calls cannot be placed to any of the numbers on the alternate carrier number list if this option is selected. Allowed long distance numbers override alternate carrier number restric- tiOIlS. l Enable allowed long distance list: Calls can be placed to any of the numbers on the allowed long dis- tance number list. 11.20 LCR advances determine the number of facility groups to which a station will be allowed to advance when the facility groups are busy. If there is not an ad- vance limit, the station is limited to the first facility group in the selected route group. If one advance is al- lowed, the station can move to the next facility group when the first one is busy. If two advances are allowed, it can advance to the third group, and so on. The station can be given unlimited advances to allow access to all facility groups. 11.21 When SCOS Information is selected from the Toll Restriction menu, or the SCOS command is entered, the window appears as shown below. Actions setup Exit Station Class of Service Programming LCR Advances 4 Qay Mode 01 Restrict Operator Access 02 Restrict Toll Access 03 Restrict International Access 04 Restrict Eight Digit Calls 05 Use Area/Offke Tables 06 Use LCR Only 07 Restrict Alternate Carriers 08 Enable Allowed Long Distance List No Advances N&ht Mode 01 Advance 02 Advances 03 Advances 04 Advances 05 Advances (Z) (NightList) (7) Page 5-95

PROGRAMMING IPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMTVGMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 11.22 STATION CLASS OF SERVICE PROGRAMMING DAY/NIGHT LISTS, and LCR ADVANCES: To program the list of stations that have a specific SCOS designation, highlight the desired SCOS in the Station Class of Service Programming list box and then select the Day List or Night List command button. A window appears as shown below. To program LCR Advance, highlight and select the desired LCR advance number in either the Day Mode or Night Mode LCR Ad- vances list box. The following window appears. Include [XJ 1002 01.03 -Station Undefined 1003 01.04 -Station Undefined I 1004 01.05 ‘Station Undefined [sort) 1009 02.02 ‘Station Undefined 1010 02.03 ‘Station Undefined [p=i) l INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station, locate that station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a station from an SCOS list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. To remove a station from the LCR Advances list, select another advance list and include it there. This ensures that a station al- ways appears on an LCR Advance list. NOTE: When a station that was previously programmed with “unrestricted” station class of ser- vice (00) is removed from that class of service using the list box, it is automatically given all station toll restriction classes of service (01-M). ALL or NONE: To include all stations in either list, select the All command button. To exclude all stations from the SCOS list, select the None com- mand button. Stations cannot be deleted from the LCR Advances list. OK or CANCEL: When finished, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select Cancel. SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com- mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. The list box will show the stations in the selected order. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel button. - - 0 By Circuit 0 By Name 11.23 EXIT: When programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the SCOS Information window without updat- ing the database. ,/ Page 5-96