GE Logiq 9 Service Manual
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GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL Chapter 7 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting 7-43 7-10-4 Front Panel Light Tests From the ScFpApiTest screen, the front panel indicator light function can be tested. 1.) In the LED section of the dialog box, under Indicator, select High. 2.) Click on SET ALL . All lights on the front panel that are capable should turn green. 3.) In the LED section of the dialog box, under Indicator, select Off. 4.) Click on SET ALL . All lights on the front panel that are capable should turn off. From the ScFpApiTest screen the front panel backlight function can be tested. 1.) In the LED section of the dialog box, under Backlight, select High. 2.) Click on SET ALL . All lights on the front panel that are capable should turn amber (yellow). 3.) In the LED section of the dialog box, under Backlight, select Off. 4.) Click on SET ALL . All lights on the front panel that are capable should turn off. 7-10-5 Ending the Program When testing is complete you must close out of Windows, shutdown the system and reboot the Ultrasound Scanner to return to the applications scanning mode. 7-10-6 Console Troubleshooting Aids For more information on troubleshooting console problems with audio, microphone, power and control, refer to Section 5-5 Operator Console Control PWA on page 5-31. Figure 7-41
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMSPROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL 7-44 Section 7-11 - Common Diagnostics Section 7-11 Common Diagnostics Common Diagnostics is the second main heading under the GSUI heading of Diagnostics. Figure 7-42 shows the top level menu choices under Common Diagnostics. The subheadings and their respective diagnostic/troubleshooting menu choices are called out and described in the sections below. 7-11-1 Utilities Provides two selections: 7-11-1-1 Disruptive Mode Allows you to enable or disable disruptive mode troubleshooting. If you are accessing through InSite, this can only be enabled with the customer/operator confirmation. 7-11-1-2 System Shutdown Allows for system shutdown from the diagnostic menu. Select to Restart System or Shutdown System. Also, select to retain Disruptive Mode or Not. After submitting to restart or shutdown a confirmation screen gives one last chance to confirm or cancel the request.Figure 7-42 Common Diagnostics
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL Chapter 7 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting 7-45 7-11-2 PC Diagnostics (Non-Interactive Tests) 7-11-2-1 CPU Tests •CPU Test (All) - This diagnostic performs a battery of tests on your CPU to ensure it is working properly. The following tests are a complete list of the tests performed on the PCs CPU. •CPU: Registers - The CPU registers are tested using the default test patterns defined above. On 32 bit CPUs, the extended registers are also checked. If errors are detected, the failed registers are listed. •CPU: Arithimetics - Tests the proper function of arithmetic commands ADC, ADD, DEC, DIV, IDIV, IMUL, INC, MUL, SBB and SUB with 16 and 32-bit operands. If errors are detected, the failed commands and operands are listed. •CPU: String Operations - Tests the proper operation of string commands LODS, MOVS, SCAS and STOS with 8, 16 and 32-bit operands. If errors are detected, the failed commands and operands are listed. •CPU: Logical Operations - Tests the proper operation of logical operations AND, NOT, OR and XOR with 16 and 32-bit operands. If errors are detected, the failed operands are listed. •CPU: Math Registers - Tests coprocessor register stack, pointers and commands FLDLZ, FLDPI, FLDLN2, FLDLG2, FLDL2T, FLDL2E and FLD1. If errors are detected, the failed steps and commands are listed. •CPU: Math Commands - Tests coprocessor commands FBLD/FBSTP, FLD/FST, FXCH, FCOM, FICOM, FTST, FXAM and FUCOM. If errors are detected, the failed instructions are listed. •CPU: Math Arithimetics - •CPU: Transcendental - Tests coprocessor transcendental commands F2XM1, FPATAN, FPTAN, FYL2X, FYL2XP1, FCOS, FSIN and FSINCOS. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed. •CPU: MMX Arithmetic - Tests MMX commands PADD, PSUB, PMUL and PMADD. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed. •CPU: MMX Logical - Tests MMX commands PAND, PANDN, POR and PXOR. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed. •CPU: MMX Shift - Tests MMX commands PSLL and PSRL. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed. •CPU: MMX Data Transfer - Tests MMX commands MOVD and MOVQ. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed. •CPU: MMX Misc. - Tests MMX commands PCMPEQ, PCMPGT, PACKSS, PACKUS, PUNPCK and PUNPCK. If errors are detected, the failed commands are listed.
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMSPROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL 7-46 Section 7-11 - Common Diagnostics 7-11-2-2 Hard Drive Tests •Hard Drive Test (All) - The Hard Drive test examines your hard disk drive using a series of tests to ensure that your drive can perform its functions. The following tests are performed on your hard drive to ensure the hard disk controller and the drive mechanism are working correctly. The disk surface itself is also checked. NOTE: The hard drive test can take over ten minutes. •Hard Drive: Linear Seek - Hard disk drive heads are moved from track 0 to the maximum track one track at a time. •Hard Drive: Random Seek - Hard disk drive heads are moved randomly several hundred times. •Hard Drive: Funnel Seek - Hard disk drive heads are moved in a funnel fashion, i.e., from the first track on the drive to the last, then to the second track, then to the second to last track, then to the third track, and so on. •Hard Drive: Surface Scan - This test scans for surface defects on the hard disk drive. 7-11-2-3 Memory Tests •Memory Test (All) - Eighteen test patterns are used to test memory locations. If errors are detected, the address of the block the error was detected in is shown. During testing, these diagnostics will also look out for parity errors and other exceptions. These will be added to the Test Log as errors if encountered. •Memory: Pattern Test - PC-Doctor uses several test patterns to test as much memory as possible. •Memory: Parity Test - This test checks for parity errors on the memory bus during intensive string transfer operations. If an error is detected, the address of the failed block is displayed.
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL Chapter 7 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting 7-47 7-11-2-4 CD/DVD Drive Test NOTE: Although the global aspect of the diagnostics allow for DVD testing, the LOGIQ™ 9 does not have a DVD drive. •DVD/CD-ROM Test (All) - The CD-ROM/DVD test examines the CD-ROM/DVD drive to make sure it is working properly. You may use either a data CD-ROM disk or a DVD disk for these tests. You cannot use an audio CD, such as a regular commercial music CD, with this test. NOTE: The PC is sometimes slow in recognizing a newly inserted CD-ROM/DVD disk. It is best to wait a few seconds after inserting a disk into the drive before you run any tests. There are two types of CD-ROM/DVD tests: 1.)Seek Tests: Ensures the drive can access all locations on a disk, and 2.)Read Tests: Ensures the drive can read all the data. •DVD/CD-ROM: Linear Seek - Tests that all locations can be accessed on a CD-ROM or DVD disk in a linear fashion, starting from the first to the last. •DVD/CD-ROM: Random Seek - Tests that all locations can be accessed on a CD-ROM or DVD disk randomly. •DVD/CD-ROM: Funnel Seek - Tests that all locations can be accessed on a CD-ROM or DVD disk in a funnel fashion, starting from the first then moving to the last, then, at the next pass starting from the second location then moving to the next to the last, and so on •DVD/CD-ROM: Linear Read - Reads the data on the CD-ROM or DVD in a linear fashion, starting from the start to the end. •DVD/CD-ROM: Random Read - Reads the data on the CD-ROM or DVD randomly. 7-11-2-5 Video Test •Video Test (All) - This diagnostic tests your systems video capabilities. This involves testing the video memory with 18 patterns, testing your graphics acceleration, and text output. You will see these tests being performed on your monitor. You can cancel this test at any time by hitting the Escape (Esc) key. The following tests are performed on your monitor: •Video: Memory - Video memory is tested by filling the video buffer with 18 test patterns, one pattern at a time. The tests will fill the entire screen with a single color. •Video: Data Transfer - This tests the graphics acceleration part of your video controller. These tests will appear on your screen as black and white concentric squares and rectangles of various sizes and colors. If errors are detected, the locations of the problems are displayed. •Video: Text Output - This test prints a text string in random sizes and colors to tests your video device driver and video controller.
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMSPROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL 7-48 Section 7-11 - Common Diagnostics 7-11-2-6 USB Test • USB Test (All) •USB Configuration Test - •USB Devices Test - 7-11-2-7 PCI Board Configuration Test A bus is a set of circuits, wires or connectors which connect the various components of your system. A PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus is a fast standard bus which is common in Pentium systems. Various tests are run on the PCI bus in order to ensure it is working up to speed. The motherboard is scanned to verify the configuration space and to make sure the diagnostics can communicate with the board. 7-11-2-8 SCSI Device Test 7-11-2-9 AGP Video Card Test 7-11-2-10 Network Test
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL Chapter 7 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting 7-49 7-11-3 PC Diagnostics (Interactive Tests) 7-11-3-1 Keyboard Test 1.) Double-click Keyboard Test from the PC Diagnostics interactive tests menu. 2.) When you activate the test, you are first asked to choose your keyboard type from the drop-down menu. Usually the default choice is the correct one. 3.) Click the Test button. A keyboard layout is displayed on which you can see the keys of your keyboard. 4.) Press each key on your keyboard once and make sure that the corresponding keys on-screen are removed from view. If a key on-screen is not removed, that key may be damaged and you may have to have your keyboard repaired or replaced. 5.) To reset the keyboard, click the Reset Keys button. 6.) To exit the test, click Close. 7-11-3-2 Audio Test 1.) Double-click Audio Test from the PC Diagnostic interactive tests menu. 2.) To test the WAV sound reproduction click Left Channel, Right Channel, or Both Channels to test your speakers. You should hear a guitar chord. 3.) To test MIDI sound reproduction click the button under MIDI. You should hear a few seconds of recorded music. 4.) Click on the Beep button. You should hear a low beep from your PC. If no sound is produced in these tests, choose the More Info button in the Audio Test dialog box for information about possible causes and solutions. 7-11-3-3 Monitor Test Double-click Monitor Test from the PC Diagnostic interactive tests menu. The monitor test dialog box presents you with three options: •Combination Test - Checks the monitor for alignment, color depth, and monitor resolution. It will put four cross-hairs in each corner, RGB (Red Green Blue) spectrum arrays and horizontal and vertical alignment bars on the screen. NOTE: In most cases, you will choose the Combination Test. •Solid Color Test - The solid color test is for laptops and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel display. This test displays solid color screens to allow you to make sure all color pixels are operating correctly. •VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) Test Patterns - The VESA test patterns checks luminance, geometry, and focus. The VESA tests are designed for professional measurement use.
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMSPROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL 7-50 Section 7-12 - Troubleshooting Trees Section 7-12 Troubleshooting Trees 7-12-1 System Does Not Power On / Boot Up Figure 7-43 Power On / Boot Up Flowchart
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL Chapter 7 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting 7-51 7-12-2 System Does Not Boot Figure 7-44 System does not Boot System doesn’t boot! Connect the AC power cable between the Scanner and the wall power outlet in right way.YES YESNO Turn ON the main breaker of the Scanner. Go on to the next page. NO Is the AC power cable seated to the Scanner and to the wall power outlet? Is the main breaker turned ON? Press the ON/OFF button on the Control Panel. NO Has the ON/OFF key on the Control Panel been pressed once? YES
GE MEDICAL SYSTEMSPROPRIETARY TO GE D IRECTION 2294854-100, REVISION 3 LOGIQ™ 9 PROPRIETARYMANUAL 7-52 Section 7-12 - Troubleshooting Trees 7-12-1System Does Not Power On / Boot Up (cont’d) Figure 7-45 System does not Boot (contd.)