Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100 Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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INSTALLATiZN 4-25 - _ The UPDATE program is used to LIST, MODIFY, ADD, or DELETE information. The system expects a verb-noun-modifier combinarJn as a command string. Verb _ The action Lvord to be used. It can be LIST, ADD. DELETE. . or MODIFY-. Type in the entire word or type in from one to three characters. Noun The name of the configuration table to be+ised. T\yz in from one to six characters, depending upon the table name. Modifier An element within a table. It is usually one character. Occasionally a command may allow an extension after the modifier; this extension is usually one or two characters long. Examples of the commands are.provided in the Configuration manual - UPDATE. Press (1 after typing each command string. TlG key may be labeled IReturn on some terminals. -. . ._ ._ _ . .

4-26 lnstallai~,-n and Maintenance Manual 4.8 CONNECTING THE PHONE SYSTEM WITH THE VP 100 _- .- After completing the software installation procedures, connect the VP 160 to the PBX. . Verifying..the Be sure the appropriate number of RJI 1 jacks are installed. Make sure Equipment enough modular line cords of sufficient length are available to make the connections. One line cord for each VP 100 port is required. Making the Connections Plug the RJl 1 jacks into the port openings at the bottom of-the VP 100. Refer to Figure 4-5 for the location. A black plastic cable holder is located on the left bottom of the cabinet. The line cords and power cord can be secured by the cable holder. - _ Fuse Holder Port Numbers 1 Power Switch IEC Connector, \ _. _ I I 1 \ I I ._ =. Term 1 Term 2 AUX Connector . . Figure 4-5 VP 100 Bottom View of Metal Case Toshiba VP Systems Wease 6.1 December, 1992

INSTALLATKIN 4-27 3 4.9 VP 100 TESTING Tbe VP 100 should always be checked for proper operation after the configuration databacs is . __ .- installed 0-r changes are made. In addition td the system test, other tests should be made beiore the L-P 100 is connected. These tests are described in this section. The tests require the follou_ing equipment: . Quantity d“ Table 4-5 . Testikg Equipment Description 3 25~type (single line touchtone) telephones. 1 Terminal directly connected to VP 100 TERM 1, via RS-232C cable. 1 2 Hard copy of the Configuration database. Extensions for testing, connected to RJl 1 jacks (in addition to VP 100 extensions). e These tests assume no other calls are being made into the VP 100. If calls are received, the port status becomes confused and invalidates the test results. 1. PRE-VP 100 OPERATIONAL TEST Verify that dial tone is present on each PBX extension associated with the VP 100. A. Connect a 2500-type single line telephone to the first PBX extension RJl 1 jack connecting to a VP 100 port. B. Go off-hook. Is dial tone present? YES # c f ii t ontmue or a ex ensions and go to Step 2. ,_ _ NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. ’ EXTENSION NUMBER CHECK . . -. Verify that the PBX extension numbers match the VP 100 PORTS Table. A. Refer to the configuration database listing, and specifically to the PORTS Table. B. Connect the telephone labeled B to the RJ 11 jack connected to Port 1. c. Connect the telephone labeled A to a test telephone RJl 1 jack. D. From telephone A, dial the extension number associated with telephone B. E. Does telephone B ring? Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 Fkwnber. 1992

4-28 installation zd Maintenance Manual I YES ti Answer the call, verify the circuit quality, and move Telephone B to the nest VP 100 RJ 1 1. Continue the procedure until all extensions are tested. then go :I to Step 3. _ NO * Determine the cause and correct the problem befoie continuing. 3. PBX FUNCTIONAL TEST Verify that each VP 100 port extension can initiate a transfer by doing i bookstitch flash and a transfer code or just a bookswitch flash, before dialing an extension number. Also, verify that you can reconnect to the caller when the extension called is not answered or busy. A. Connect telephone B to the RJI 1 jack associated with port 1 of the VP 100. B. - z C. Connect telephone Cto a test RJI 1 jack. From telephone A, call the extension number associated with teIephone B. D. _. - E. Answer telephone B and perform a bookswitch flash. Does the PBX provide stutter or solid dial tone after the hookswitch flash? F. G. H. -. . ._ ._ _ I. Ez YES # If either tone is present, dial the extension number associated with telephone c. . NO + S top and correct the problem before continuing. Dial the transfer initiate code, if any; then dial the extension number associated lvith telephone C. After several ringbacks have occurred, perform a hookswitch flash and reconnect code, if required, to reconnect to telephone A. Did telephone C stop ringing? Did you get reconnected to telephone A which was on hold? YES t C ’ onnect telephone B to the next VP 100 port extension and continue until the extensions for each port has been tested. NO # Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. . . Make telephone C busy by taking it off-hook. Then repeat the test starting with step A and calling a busy extension instead of the ring no ans\ver extension. The extension number connected to telephone C should start with the same first digit as those configured in the USER Table. 4. CALLS TO THE INTERCEPT EXTENSION (ATTENDANT) Verify each extension can transfer a call to the intercept extension (attendant). .a. Connect telephone B to the RJ 1 1 jack associated with port 1 of the VP 100. B. From telephone A, call the extension number associated with telephone B. Toshiba VP Systerrs Ree?zze 6.1 Decerlmer. 1992

INSTALLATl3N 4-29 C. Answer telephone B and .psrform a hooksu-irch flash and dial the transfer code. ii required, then dial q (or the attendant’s extension number), then hang-up telephone B. D. Did telephone A get connected to the Operator? . YES ) Continue test f& all extensions. then proceed with Step 5. NO # Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. e Some PBXs do not allow a blind (unscreened) transfer to the attendant. If this is the case, do not assign Attribute 15 - TRANSFER TO A RINGING EXTENSION to the COS for this mailbox. - _ When all VP 100 port extensions pass these tests. proceed by connecting the modular line cords from the RJI 1 jacks to the VP 100 ports and test the system for standard operation. Label the modular line cords with the PBX extension number for easy reference. The VP 100 must initialize each of the PBX ports. To verify that all the ports are initialized, at the @ prompt, type PS. All ports should return IDL. 5. CALLING A RING-NO-ANSWER EXTENSION @Z The extension to b& called must have a valid first digit (a mailbox with this first digit must already exist in the USER Table) or be entered in the USER Table as a mailbox (mailbox number same as the extension number and a COS). Verify that the VP 100 properly handles a ring-no-answer (RNA) call: A. B. . C. D. E. From telephone A, call the extension associated with port 1. Did the VP 100 answer with the correct company greeting (a custom greeting or the generic greeting)? . YES e Continue. NO r) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. Enter the extension number for telephone C. . . Did the VP 100 respond with the prompt: “73nr& you. Jltst CI moment...” (Prima?- .- swer Mode example). YES I) Continue. NO e Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. After a predetermined interval (defined by the entry in the INFORMATION Table ior ringbacks before no answer) does the system reconnect and speak the prompt: “E\-rt,lz~io~ XXX doesn’t mswer. Please leave (I priiwte messqe at the tone, din1 another Exrzmion number or din1 zero for assisfcmce.” us If the mailbos has not been entered in rhe USER Table, the VP 100 does not c)ifer to take.a message. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 c.se-wr. 1992

4-30 lnstaN=‘on and Maintenance Manual ’ .- .- YES ) Press m then hang up. :. , .: / NO * : Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. _ F. Repeat the test for each VP .I00 port. 6. CALLING A BUSY EXTENSION Verify that the VP 100 properly handles a call directed to a busy extension: A. B. - _ C. _. _ D. E. . F. From telephone A, call the extension associated with port 1. Did the VP 100 answer with the correct company greeting? YES ) Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. Make sure telephone C is busy by taking it off-hook. Enter the extension number for telephone C. Did the VP 100 respond with the prompt: “Thankyaujust a monzent...” (Primary Answer Mode Example). YES ti Continue. NO # Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing_ After a short interval, does the system reconnect and speak the prompt “Extension Xxx is busy. Please leave a private message at rhe tone, dial another extension number or dial zero for assisrance”. YES I) Press q H then hang up. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. Repeat the test for each Vi 100 port. ) / 7. HUNT GROUP OPERATION TEST ._ ._ _ Verify the hunting sequence @? The terminal command PS displays the current status of each VP 100 port. A three- character abbreviation denotes the state of each port. Refer to the MAINTENXSCE chapter for more information on using the PS command and the meaning of the states. A. From the system level @ prompt, type PS. B. Does the port status show all ports in the IDL (idle) state? If not, determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 Oecember. 1992

INSTALLATKN 4-31 “.\;. 3 C. D. E: LG@ Some ports may be in the TST (test) state momentarily due to on-line diagnostics. If a port is in the TST state, you should enter PS several times before deciding if the port is in trouble or if self-test is running. Self-test runs e ery five minutes 2nd if a problem is encountered, it is entered in the Hardware Error Table. Ifother calls are being made into VP 100, all ports may not be idle. If they are not all idle. check to see if anyone else is calling. If the terminal is connected remotely, one of the ports shows the modem as MOD. .*- From telephone A, dial the extension number or access code associated with the 1P hunt group. 100 Does the VP 100 answer properly? If no, determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. From the terminal, enter PS. e Port status should show the port in WFD (Wait For Digits) state when an incoming call is answered. _. - F. L .- ._ _ G. H. I. Did the correct port answer, based upon how the PBX is programmed for hunting groups? YES # Continue. NO @ Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. From telephone A, press E q and hang up after the system says “good-bye.” Busy out the PBX extension identified in Step F above. Continue the process from Step C until all ports have been busied out. 8. TESTING FAIL-SAFE OPERATtON . All Ports Busy . A. B. C. While all ports are busied out, use telephone A to dial the extension number or access code of the hunt group. Does the call overflow to the correct answering extension as determined for fail-safe operation? YES + Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. e Some PBXs may not support hunt group overflow, in which case the caller may experience a ring no-answer condition until a port is available to accept the 41 Remove the busy condition from all VP 100 port PBX extensions. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 &.:srIer. 1992

4-32 Installation 2-d Maintenance Manual I D. E. F. G. I-I. I. - _ J. K. L. M. N. Port Ring-No-Answer ‘.,. . . 0. P. .- ._ _ Disconnect all modular line.cords associated with VP 100 ports. From telephone A, dial the hunt group extension number or acc’ess code associat,-f Lvith the extensions connected to the VP 100. Does the call divert to the correct alternate answer point when the VP 100 does rr.2~ answer? .‘- Reconnect the modular line cords. . From the terminal, type TE C 1. The VP 100 should respond showing each poq forwarded (PORT X FORWARDED) until all ports have been forwarded. Type PS to verify all ports are in the FWD (forwarded) state. From telephone A, dial the hunt group extension number or access code. Does the call forward to the correct position as specified in the call forwarding string (System Parameter 45)? YES + Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct before continuing. From the terminal, type TE C 2 to cancel call forwarding. The VP 100 should respond with ALL PORTS INITIALIZED. From telephone A, dial the hunt group extension number or access code. Does the VP 100 answer correctly? YES 6 Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct before continuing. Type PS at the terminal. e Verify that all ports are in the IDL state and that the cancel forwarding string (S1;-tern Parameter 46) is correct. If any ports still show FWD, use TE C 2 x, where x is the port number, to cancel forwarding. If cancel forwarding does not work, determine the zu.rse and correct before continuing. 3. VERIFYING TRUNK TO VP 100 OPERATION A. From the terminal enter the PS command. B. Does the port status show all ports in the IDL state? YES # Continue. NO # Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. C. From telephone A, call outside of the PBX and back in on trunks dedicated to the hunt group. i Toshiba VP Systems R%+xF j 1 December. 1992

INSTALLATIXN 4-33 -I D. ._ E. F. G. - _ H. I. J. K. L. . M. N. ._ ‘. - 0. P. Remove the busy condition from all VP 100 port extensions. Q. Does the VP 100 answer properly? YES ) Continue. NO ) D etermine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. From the terminal, enter the PS command. Does the port that answered show WFD state? .‘- YES # Continue. . NO # D etermine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. From telephone A, enter the extension number associated with telephone C. The 1P 100 should respond with “Thank you. Just a moment.” Does telephone C ring? YES * Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. Enter the PS command. Port status should show port 1 in the AIC (Assisted Incoming Call/Automated Attendant) state. Answer telephone C. Does the VP 100 say “Beep, beep, beep...Connecting” and transfer the incoming trunk to telephone C? YES # Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. From the terminal, enter the PS command and verify the port state is IDL. Busy out the port that answered. Repeat the procedure from stkp C for all ports until all ports are busied out. Verif?- calls can be placed through the VP 100 from each port. From telephone A, call out and back in on a trunk dedicated to the hunt group. c Does the call overflow to the correct destination? YES ) Continue. NO $ D etermine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. m Some PBXs may not support overflow in which case a ring-no-answer condition may be encountered. Repeat steps C through M substitutin, 0 calling a station that answers with calling a station that does not answer and then repeat by calling a busy station. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 [?*x-cer. 1992

’ 4-34 lnstal:~-tin and htaintenancs Manual 10. ._ .- - _ 11. _. _ . 1’. VERIFYING TRUNKS - A. B. C. i :’ From telephone X. call outside the PBX and back in on the first trunk dedicated 10 the VP , 100. _ . Does the VP 100 answer properly? YES # Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before contiiuing. Repeat the procedure from step A for each trunk until all hunts have been tested. Verify that each trunk is answered by the VP 100 with the correct greeting. uzr l-800 (InWATS) lines can be tested individually, even if they are bands from other areas, by using the “plant test” number. Get these from the CO if you do not already know them. CALLS TO THE INTERCEPT EXTENSION Verify that the VP 100 can transfer a call to the intercept position (attendant) when the caller does nothing or dials q . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. From telephone A, call the extension associated with‘port 1. Does the VP IO0 answer correctly? Listen to the complete company greeting. Do nothing and let the VP 100 time-out and .) transfer the call to the attendant. Did you reach the attendant? YES ) Continue for all ports. NO I) Determine themcause and correct the problem before continuing. Repeat the procedure by dialing 0 instead of waiting for time-out. From telephone A. call out and back in on a trunk dedicated to the hunt group. Uhen the VP 100 answers. let the system time out (do not enter any digits.). Does the VP 100 transfer the call to the intercept position? YES r) Continue. NO ) Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing. MESSAGE WAITING A. From telephone A. call out and back B. Does the VP 100 answer properly? YES ? Continue. in on a trunk dedicated to a VP 100 port. _ 1)’ Toshiba VP Systems Release 5 1 Decemk. 1992