Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100 Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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6-38 installation and Maintenance Manual HARDWARE ERRORS The VP 100 logs each hardware error. along Lvith its date, time, and type, in the HardLvare Error Table. This section explains how to read and intfrpret the information in the Hardware Error Table. It also suggests some probable causes and remedies. 0 To LIST the Hardware Error Table, from the @ prompt, enter: a*- LIST HARDWW or (L H) 1-1 . l To CLEAR the Hardware Error Table, from the @ prompt, enter: CLEAR HARDW.m or (C H) -1 - _ Hardware Error Table Example: TYPE SLOT CHNL PRIO DATE TIME *BAD DATA1 DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 ## #e # # mmldd hh:mm # #I# f#: #k# ##I The Hardware Error Table field descriptions are as follows. TYPE Range I-nn. Indicates which hardware assembly detected an error or failed to perform a function. n SLOT CHNL krdicates the number of the failed channel. PRlO . Range l-3, with 1 the lowest. Indicates the priority of the error. Always correct the higher priority errors first. Priority 3 errors attempt an alarm call immediately. Priority 2 attempts an alarm call after 25 failures of exactly the same type. (including data fields). Priority 1 attempts the alarm call after 50 failures of the same type. DATE TIME #BAD DATAl-DATA4 Where applicable, shows slot number in which PCA was installed when the error was reported. Shows the month and date the error was first detected. . . Shotvs the hour and minute the error was first detected, usinp a 24-hour ClOCk. Indicates the number of times the error occurred (up to 99 times). These fields contain information used by Toshiba when an assembly is returned for repair. D Hardware Error Types The following table outlines the probable cause and su_ Ooested remedy for errors. Clear errors with the highest priority first. Priority 3 is the highest: I is the lowest. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 December. 1992
MAINTENANCE 6-39 - _ Error Type:Name 2: Tone Reflection Table 6-2 Hardware Error Types and Remedies Source Remedy Pr‘iority Selftest or Clear Hardware Error Table. Run TE L 1. 2 TEST LIKE 1. If one channel fails, disconnect line cord and run TE L 1 again . If errors repeat, replace the LI. If all lines fail. check the configuration or MB as possible cause,If error repeats. replace MB and metal case. 3: Prompt Selftest or TEST LIKE 1. Same as error 2. 2 4: DTlMF Reflection Selftest or l-EsT LIKE 1. Same as error 2. 2 5: Ring Through TEST LIKE 2. Verify extension numbers in the PORT 2 Table are correct. Could be a problem in - _- PBX extensions or LIC. 9: Hard Disk 10: Disk is Getting Full Error detected or reported Replace HD. Re-boot the system if error 3 by HD. repeats. replace MB and metal case. Percentage of storage has DATA 1 = 01 t alarm threshold has been -3 reached threshold. reached. Increase alarm threshold or erase some messages. 11: Disk Initiaion Failure 12: CPU Parit! . Error detected while initirializmg the HD. Parity error detected on the _MB. . Replace the hard disk. If error repeats, replace MB and metal case. Replace power supply. If error repeats, replace MB and metal case. 15: System Status Error Temperat;rs. If D_ATA 1 = 1, the inner cabinet temperature has either risen above 113 F (45 C) or ix dropped bslow 41 F 15 C). LIC I Check that the room temperature is within / 3 the range of 65 F-80 F (18 C-27 C). Also i check tha the fan is \vorking properly. If error persists. replace MB and metal case. i / If DATA 1 = 10 , the number of LICs does ; not correspond to the number of ports defined for System Parameter -I. \-oltage Replace the power supply. If the error If D.ATA 1 does not equal repeats. replace MB and metal case. I or 10. rhsn one of the system voltages is out of range. Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 December. 1992
6-40 installation and Maintenance Manual - _ ‘. Table 6-2 Hardware Error Types and Remedies (continued) Error Type:Name Source Remedy Priority . 16: HD =l PROMPTS Defect in prompt area Restore system prompts from the CAT to 3 logged into Defect List. the HD. Refer to the PROCEDURES chapter. If errors repeat, replace the HD. If the error repeats, replace MB and mef;rl .case. 17: HD Defects DATA-1 = DXTA-2 = D.XTA-3 = D.ATA-4 = Too many defects, or defects in a critical area. ERROR CODES DISK # NOT USED NOT USED Replace the hard disk with a spare 3 provided by Toshiba. Possible cause: HD, VCU. Replace one at a time. If error repeats, contact Toshiba technical support. 18: HD Relocate Error 23: PBS Integration Failed attempt to relocate Replace HD. If the error repeats, replace 3 a bad sector. MB and metal case. Problem w&the Check the RS-232C connections. If error 3 RS-232C link with the repeats, check the PBX configuration. PBX. 24: PBS Integration D.iTA-1 Problem with the RS-232C. link with the PBX. This error pertains only to RS-232C 1 integrated systems. The following outlines . the probable cause and suggested remedy for that error. . 09 GOT CALL, BUT NO qALL RECORD (OR CALL RECORD WAS TOO LATE) DATA-2 = PORT # CALL CAME IN ON DATA-3 = NOT USED DATA-4 = NOT USED c The call rang in on the Port. but the call record was not received on the RS-232C link. Thtrefore, the VP 100 port answered the call after 5 rings and played the generic company oreetino. 5 z RESIEDY: Check the RS-232C conneciton to the PBX. If the cabling is correct and the problem persists, call Toshiba technical support 26: Hard Disk Error HD was unable to handle a Replace the HD. If the error repeats. 3 disk error properly. replace MB and the metal case. Toshiba VP Systems lweass 6.1 December. 1992
MAINTENANCE 6-41 Table 6-2 Hardware Error Types and Remedies (continued) Error Type:Name Source Remedy Priority . 27: Option Control Problem wide rhr Option Contact Toshiba technical support. 3 Chip Error Control Chip. DATA-1 = ERROR C(?lJE: -._-.- - 01 = OCC READ ERROR (OCC CHIP PRqBABLY BAD OR MISSDG) l ‘- 02 = OCC CHECKSml ERROR ’ 03 = SERLV. NUhlBERS ON THE OCC AND SECTOR 3 ARE DIFFERENT 0-t = COATENTS OF THE OCC AlW SECTOR 3 ARE DIFFERENT 05 = OCC SERIAL WJlBER IS ALL ZEROES 06 = SECTOR 3 RE.kD ERROR 07 = SECTOR 3 CHEC%UI\I ERROR DATA -2 L\-USED DAT_a-3 l_?WSED DAT,I-1 L’USED 29: D&IA Timeout 30: Arbitration Timeout i Non-maskable interrupt. Contact Toshiba technical suport. 3 / Non-ma&able interrupt. Contact Toshiba technical support. -3 37: Ring Detection Failure ( TEST Line 4 Ensure that the PBX is properly connected 2 to the LIC, and verify that rhe PBX type provides sufficient loop current for the test. If the test still fails. replace the LIC. DATA-l = LJJEXPECTED EVE\T TYPE DATA-2 = SOT UNUSED * DATA-3 = SOT UNL-SED DATA-1 = SOT UNLSED . . . Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 December. 1992
6-42 Installation and Maintenance Manual 6.8 VP 100 SYSTEM DIAGRAMS Figure 6-3 through Figure 6-5 illustrate various vie\vs of the VP 100 cabinet. t Tosht~a VP Systems Release 6.1 December, 1992
MAINTENANCE 6-43 Power and Telephone Cables Figure 6-3 The VP 100 Cabinet Front View Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 * December, 1992
fi-AA /nsta//;ltinn and Maimsm~~~ Manual . . Card Reset xX LEDs Mounting - Locations ‘ Channel Statrjs LEDs -i- ._Q___Q__-Q___Q~ __-_-_-------- 0 / I 03 05 07 0 . Ho’der Mo;&ing Locations Figure 6-4 The VP 100 Front View of Metal Enclosure Alarm LED Power LED Toshiba VP Syskms Release 6.1 December. 1992
MAINTENANCE 6-45 __ .._ . Fuse Holder, - Power Switch Port Numbers IEC Connector I I I d- II OI’ cl’ cl3 cl5 cl7 cl - _ cl2 04 0.6 08 _. - I A 1 I I / . * Term 1 Term 2 AUX Connector Figure &!5 VP 100 Bottom View of Metal Enclosure . . Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 December. 1992
’ 6-46 Installation and hfaintenance Manual 6.9 HARDWARE REPLACEMENT .- The following sections explain how to safely replace sub-assemblies in the VP 100 cabinet. The sub-assemblies do not contain any replaceable components. Replacing. attempting to replace. or modifying any of the sub-assemblies voids all warranties. An assembly may be replaced by the manufacturer with an equivalent assembly. .*- b WARNI’NG 4 Use’of a wrist grounding strap prevents damage to sensitive electronic components. Before handling any electronic equipment, including the power supply and cables, attach one end of the strap around your wrist and the other end to any unpainted surface of the VP 100 cabinet. - _ n _. _ . n . . . _ .-= n Access to the VP 100 Inner Components The following are the instructions for removing the outer plastic cover and the inner metal case. Specific instructions for replacing hardware components are in this chapter. 5. Unlock and remove the plastic cover. The plastic cover swings up and is removed at the hinges. 6. Turn OFF the input power switch located at the right side on the bottom of the VP 100 cabinet. 7. Loosen the four screws at the sides of the VP 100 metal case and swing the metal cover down. Closing the VP 100 Metal and Plastic Cases . To close the case after replacing hardware components: 1. Close the metal case and tighten the four retaining screws. . . 2. Connect the input line cord. 3. Turn ON the input power. 4. Observe system startup messages on a terminal. 5. Rotate the plastic case down over the metal cover and lock it in place. Component Locations The following diagrams illustrate the components and their mounting locations, and the components with their connectors. Refer to these drawings when reading the replacement instructions in the following sections. -> .) ‘) Toshiba VP Sysems FleleaE 5 t December, 1992
MAINTENANCE 6-47 Pin Pin 1 / Indicator . . Ha;d Disk Mounting Screws Fan Mounting - Power T-----l / SUPPlY Line Card Line Card Extractors , Fan Main Board , III II ’ I II \ Power 1 ’ IIA Mounting Screws Figure 6-6 The VP 100 Components and Their Mounting Locations _ _ A. a Toshiba VP Systems Release 6.1 December. 1992