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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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    of 402
    							C-72 Progra mming Tables
    Tabl e C-2 0: Ins ert /Del et e Tabl es
    Tabl eDigits D iale d
    00 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    01 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    02 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    03 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    04 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    05 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    06 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    07 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    08 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    09 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE ) 
    							Programming Tables C-73
    10 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    11 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    12 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    13 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    14 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    15 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    16 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    17 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    18 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    19 INSERT [1] PRE
    [2 ] P OS T
    DE LET E [0] (PRE )
    Tabl e C-2 0: Ins ert /Del et e Tabl es
    Tabl eDigits D iale d 
    							C-74 Progra mming Tables
    Table C-21: 3-Digit Area /Of fice Code Route Lis t Table
    Non-L ead ing (0)
    Leading (1)Code
    (NNN)Ro ute
    ( RR)No.of
    Dig its6-Di gi t
    Leading (1)Code
    (N NN)Rou te
    ( RR)No.of
    Digits6-D igi t
    (Y/N )
    							Programming Tables C-75
    Ta ble C-22 : 6-Di gi t A rea Co de/Ro uti ng Tabl e
    Area C ode Rou te 
    							C-76 Progra mming Tables
    TableC-23:6-Digit OfficeCodeTable
    Code #Exception Codes
    (XX)R oute (00-15)
    (RR )Cod e #Ex c e pt i o n C o de s
    (XX)Rout e (00-15)
    (R R )
    10 20 
    							Nu meri cs
    3 CO Line/8 Digital Station Board 9-5
    3 CO Line/8 Single Line Station Board
    Acc ount Codes 2-13, 3-5, 5-8, 6-6
    Forced 2-13
    Traveling COS (Verified) 2-13
    Acc ou n t Co des/Travelin g CO S 5- 8
    ACD 2-1 5, 3-5, 5-12, 6-6
    ACD Call Facto r 5 -17
    ACD Call Qualification 5-17
    Answering Mac hine Emulation 2-14,
    Assignment 2-14
    Features 4-4
    Rec al l 2-1 4
    Attendant O verride 7 -20
    Attendant Unavailable (Alternate Po-
    si t i o n) 7- 7
    Call Back Timer 2-14
    Li n e A cc e ss 3-6
    Night Service 2-2 1
    Pause Insertion With Speed Dial 2-
    Priv ac y 2- 21
    Selection/Line Access 2-20
    Automatic Call Distribution 2-15, 6-6
    Background Music 2-2 2, 5-23Ba s i c Key Serv i ce Un i t ( BK SU) 9- 3
    Battery Back-Up (Memory) 2-22
    Bu s y La mp Fi el d ( BL F ) 2- 22
    Call Back 2 -22 , 5-2 4
    Call Brokering 3-6
    Call Cost Display 2-2 2
    Call Coverage 2-23, 5-24
    Call Forward 3-6, 5-26, 6-10
    Preset 2-24
    Station 2-25
    Call Hold 7-8
    Call Park 2-27, 5-33, 7-8
    Call Park (by Station Number) 5-34
    Call Pick-Up 2-2 7, 5-35
    Call Pick-Up Directed 3-7
    Call Pick-Up Group 3-7
    Call Transfer 2-28, 5-36
    Caller ID Name/Number 5-3 2
    Calling Station Tone Mode 2-28, 5 -33
    Camp-On 2 -28 , 3-7
    Camp-On Recall 2-29
    Centrex Compatibility 2-29
    Centrex/PBX Transfer 2-30
    CKIB 9-5
    Class O f Service (CO S)
    CO Line 2-31
    Day/Night 2-30
    Station 2-30
    CO Line
    Acc ess 2-31
    Class O f Service (CO S) 2 -31
    Control (Contact) 2 -31
    Distinctive Ring 2 -32
    Ind ex 
    							iiMar ch 20 01
    Groups 2-32
    Identific ation 2-32
    Incoming Ringing Assignment 2-
    Loop Button 2-33
    Loop Supervision 2-34
    Pool Button O peration 2-34
    Queuing 2-34, 3-7
    Ringing Options 2 -34
    CO Line A ccess 5-38
    CO Line Queuing 5 -38
    CO Lines Off-Net Forward - Incoming
    (via Speed Dial) 7 -9
    CO Ring Detect 2-3 5
    Conference 2-35, 3-7
    Conference Combinations 5-39
    Conference With Personal Park 3-8
    CSIB 9-5
    Printout ( Dump) 2-36
    Upload/Download 2-36
    Day/Night/Spec ial Mode 7-10
    Dial By Name 2-3 6, 5-41
    Dial Pulse Sending 2-36
    Dialing Privileges 2-37
    DID 2-37
    Digital DSS/DLS Console 9-22
    Direc t Inward Dialing 2-37
    Direct Inward System Access 2-37
    Direc t Inward System Ac cess (DISA ) 5-
    Direct Outside Line Group Access 3-8
    Direct Outside Line Ringing 3-8
    Direc t Station Se lec tion 2-38
    Direc t Transf er Mode 2-39
    Direc tory Dialing 2-3 9, 7-10Directory Dialing - Stations 5-42
    DISA 2 -37
    Disable Outgoing CO Line Access 2-3 9
    DND 2-40, 3-8
    Do Not Disturb 2-40, 3 -8
    Do Not Disturb (DND) 5 -45
    DSS 2-38
    DSS/DLS Features 4-7
    DTMF Rec eiver Unit 9 -6
    DTMF Sending 2-40
    DTMF-A 9-6
    E911 Integration 2-40
    EKSU 9 -4
    End-to-End Signaling 2-40
    Exec utive O verride 2-41, 5 -46
    Exec utive/Secretary
    Pairin g 2 -41
    Exec utive/Secretary Pairing 5-4 8
    Expansion Key Service Unit 9-4
    External Night R inging 2-41
    Flash 2-42, 5-48
    Flash Rates (Programmable) 2-42
    Flexible Button Assignment 2-4 2, 5-4 8
    Flexible Numbering 2-46
    Forced LeastCostRouting (LCR)2-46
    Forward Override 2-46, 5-51
    Gr o u p L is t e n i ng 2 -4 6 , 5 - 5 1
    Handset Re ceiver Gain 3 -8
    Headset Compatibility 2-47 
    							Mar ch 20 01ii i
    Headset Mode 2-47, 5-52
    Exclusive 2-47
    Prefere nc e 2-48
    Rec al l 2-4 8
    System 2-4 8
    Hold - Exclusive 5-5 2
    Hot Keypad 2-48, 5-53
    Hot Line/Ring Down 2-48
    Hunt Groups 2-49
    ICLID Answered Call Management Ta-
    ble 5-53
    ICLID Answered Call Mgmt Table 7-16
    ICLID Unanswered Call Management
    Table 5-54
    ICLID Unanswered Call Mgmt Table 7-
    ICLID/Caller ID 2 -50
    Idle Speaker Mode 2-52
    Inc oming CO Call Transfer 2-5 2
    Button(s) 2-52
    Calling 2-53, 3-9
    Signaling Select 2-53
    Intercom Buttons 5-56
    Keyset Mode 5-59
    Key s et M od e (Di g ita l KTU O nl y ) 2-5 4
    Keyset Self Test 5-61
    La s t N u m b e r R e di a l 2 -54
    Last Number Redial (LNR) 5-61LCD Display - Contrast 5 -62
    LC D I nt e r a ct i v e D is p l a y 2- 54
    LC R 2 -55
    LeastCostRouting 2-55
    LeastCostRouting (LCR)5-62
    Li q u id C r ys t a l D i s pl a y s 8- 1
    Li s t o f E q ui p m e n t B -3
    LN R 2- 54
    Local Number/Name Translation Ta-
    ble 2-55
    Mailbox B utton(s) 2-55
    Mailbox B uttons 5-63
    Meet Me Page 2-5 6, 5-64
    Message Wait Unit 9-6
    Message Waiting 2 -56, 3-9 , 5-6 4
    Message Waiting Reminder Tone 2-56
    Messages 3-10
    Messages - Custom 7-18
    Miscellaneous Service Unit 9-6
    MI S U 9 -6
    Mo d e m U n i t 9- 6
    MO D U 9- 6
    MS G U 9 -6
    Mu s i c- On -H o ld 2- 56
    Mute Key 2-57, 5 -65
    Name In Display 2-57, 3 -10
    Name in Display 5-66
    Name/ Number Display At Idle 2-57
    Night Service 2-5 7, 5-67
    Night Service Mode 2-58
    Of f-Hoo k
    Pref ere nc e 2-59, 3-11 
    							ivMar ch 20 01
    Signaling 2-60
    Vo i ce Ov e r 2- 60
    Off-Hook Preferenc e 5-67
    Of f-Hoo k Voice Over ( OHVO) 5-68
    OHVO 2-60
    One-Time Do Not Disturb 5-46
    One-Touch R ecording 2-61, 5-71
    On-Hook Dialing 2-6 1
    Online P rogramming 2 -61
    Optional Boards 9-6
    Outgoing Ac cess - Attendant Disable
    Ou tside Call 5 -73
    Ou tside Call - An swer 7-2 0
    Outside Call - Place 7 -21
    Pag e/Relay Co ntro l 2- 61
    Paging 2-62, 3 -11 , 5-7 4
    Park - P erso n al 5-7 5
    Park Pers o nal 2 -62
    Pause Timer 2-63
    PB X Dialin g Co des 2- 63
    PBX/ Centrex Transfer 5-76
    Peripheral Boards 9-5
    Personal Park 3 -11
    Personaliz ed Messages 2-63, 5-76
    Preferred Line A nswer 2 -65
    Preset Call Forward - Stations 2-2 5
    Privac y Release 2-65
    Programming Tables C-3
    Pu lse- To -To ne Switc h ov er 2- 66
    Pu lse- to -To ne Switc h ov er 5- 80
    Range Programming 2-66
    Rec al l 7-2 1Regulatory Information 1-3
    Release Button 7-21
    Remo te
    Administration 2-66
    System Monitor And Maintenance
    Repeat Redial 2 -68 , 5-8 1
    Ring Tone 5-82
    Ring Tone (User Selectable) 2-68
    Save Number Redial 2-68
    Save Number Redial (SNR) 5-84
    Scrollable Canned Messages 5 -79
    Setting System Time/Date 7-22
    SLT Compatibility 2-69
    SMDR 2-71
    SNR 2-6 8
    Software Ve rsion Display 7-22
    Speakerphone 2-69, 5-85
    Spee d Bins/Chaining 2-69
    Spee d Dial 5-85
    Flash 2-69
    Station 2-70, 3-12
    System 2-7 0, 3-12
    Spee d Dial - System Storing 7-23
    Station ID Lock 2-70
    Station Message Detail Recording 2-
    Station Relocation 2-7 1, 5-87
    Text Messaging 2-71, 5-88
    Toll R estriction (Table Driven) 2-72, 3-
    Transfer 3-12
    Transfer Rec all 2-7 2, 3-13 
    							Mar ch 20 01v
    UCD 2-72, 3-5, 5-90
    UDA/UNA 2 -75 , 3-1 3, 5-92
    Uniform Call Distribution 2-7 2, 5-90
    Universal Day/Night Answer 2 -75 , 3-
    13, 5-92
    VM 2-7 5, 3-13, 5-93
    Voice Mail Groups 2-75, 3 -13 , 5-9 3
    Volume Control B ar 2-77, 5-95
    Za p To n e 5- 96 
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