Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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5-90 Uniform Call Dis tribution (UCD) Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Ei ght Uni for m Ca ll Di st r ibu ti on (UC D) group s ca n be pr ogr amme d, each conta ining up to e ight 3-d igit station numbe rs. E ach group is as signed a pi lot numb er . Whe n t his numb er is di ale d, the fi rs t avai l abl e a gent i n t hat gro up is rung. Calls are routed to the statio n that has been on-hook for the longest period of time. UCD Calls In Q ueue Dis play From an idle display key telephone: 1 . Di al [5 67 ] on th e d ial p ad, f oll owed by t he UCD gr oup nu mber ( 55 X), -or - Pr es s p re -pr o gr amme d fl ex bu t to n. O N/ OF F bu tt o n LE D l ig hts st ea dy. †This idle display prompts a Supervisor that a group is having pr oble ms answe r ing the i r c a ll s. †The display te lls the ag ent and their supe rvisor how m any ca lls ar e i n q ueue, how many a gent s ar e a vai lab le or l ogged i nto t he grou p, and the time (in minute s) tha t the oldes t call h as bee n in queu e. †The agent automatically receives the calls in queue display whenever there is a call in queue. 2. Hang up the handset or press ON/OFF button to terminate the display. Th is fe atur e can not be used wi th a cal l in p rogre ss. The st ation is cons id ere d bus y for i ncom ing ca lls duri ng th is o per ation .
Uniform Ca ll Distribution (UCD) 5 -91 UCD Overflow Station - Forwarding Assignments The UCD Overflow Station Forwarding feature enables UCD calls re aching a n Overflow S ta tion to be f orwa rde d. 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. 3 . Di al th e d esi r ed cod e: [6] = All Ca lls [7] = No Ans wer Ca lls [8] = Busy Calls [9 ] = Busy and No A nswe r Cal ls 4. Dial th e d estination number where to forward calls (S ta tion, Voice M a il , UC D g roups , or Hunt g roup) . Con fir mat i on t one is hea rd. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FW D b utton. Confirma tion tone is he ard an d the FWD LE D extinguishes. Conditions An ove rf low st ati on m ay b e ass igne d t o r out e ca ll er s in queue t o a des ig nat ed st ati on aft er a spe c if ie d t ime . A queue d c a ll i s on e t hat ha s been answered by a recorded announcement device or transferred into the gr o u p. Sk ip th e pre ce din g ste p for imm edi ate forw ardin g.
5-92 Univers al D ay/N ight Ans wer (UD A/ UNA ) Universal Day/Night Answer (UDA/UNA) Incom ing CO line s ca n be programme d f or Univ ersal D ay Ans wer (UD A) or Univ ersa l N ight Ans wer (UN A). UDA/UNA a ssigne d C O lines can a ls o signal over th e external pa ge port(s ). If E xternal Da y programming is ena ble d a nd t he sy ste m i s in the d ay mo d e, th e a ssi gne d e xte r nal pag e port(s ) pre sent a ringing signal. UD A/UNA is es ta blishe d on a per C O line bas is in adm in prog ram ming . When the sys tem is in D ay or N igh t m ode and you hear an outs id e line ringing a t another station, a nd wish to answ er it: Dial [#5] on the dial pad. The connected outside line can be transferred or disconne cte d. Conditions †During the Day mode, all common CO lines ring when programmed for UDA r i ngin g. †CO lines not p rogrammed f or UDA ringing do not p articip ate in c ommon a udi ble r ing ing. †If External Day ring is disabled, or the system is not in the day mode, external page ringing is disabled. †Ring ing CO lines not a ssigne d CO line group a ccess for a particular SLT may be ans wer ed in a U DA se r vic e . D ia li ng pr i vi le ges ar e unavailable onCOlinestowhichanSLTdoes nothave access. CO lines with out UDA status may not be answe re d o r a ccess ed via UD A pr oce dur es. †If two single- line te le phone s a ttem pt to re trieve one ring ing CO line simultane ously, one use r is conne cte d to the in com ing CO line and the other user receives intercom bu sy tone. †The special ring mode is treated as day mode. Ea ch tel eph one ut iliz ing Uni ve rs al Day /Ni ght A ns wer mus t hav e a l oop butto n app eara nce if the r ingi ng ou tsi de l ine doe s no t dis pla y at the ir phon e.
Vo i c e M a i l G r o u p s ( V M ) 5 - 9 3 Vo i c e Ma i l Gro u ps ( V M ) Forwarding Callers to Your Mailbox Int e rc o m and Tr ansf er re d C O ca ll er s may be ro ut e d di re c t ly to yo ur mai l box b y forwarding y our phone to a v oice ma il group. Callers a re then greeted by your personal voice mail greeting, if available. (Refer to Call Forward - Voice Mail Operation.) Retrieving Voice Messages If your Mess age Waiting b utton or programmed Voice Ma il Gro up button is flashing, you may have a voice message waiting. To enter the voice mail system to check for mail: 1. Dial the Voice Mail Group nu mber [440-447], -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med Vo ic e M ai l g roup but ton or fla shi ng Mes sage Wai t but ton. 2 . Whe n pr ompt ed, ent er t he mai l box pa sswor d. VM Transfer with ID Digits The VM Transfer with ID Digits feature lets an Attendant or station user trans fer a calle r dire ctly into a voice ma il box. T his allows e ntry o f the st at ion ide nt ifi c at io n di git s by t he t ra nsfe rr in g pa rt y. A c all e r u sin g t his feature can transfer to a voice mail box when: 1) a station user on the system is not forwarded to VM, or 2) the destination Voice Mail Box owner is not a s ta tion us er. When a caller wants to be transferred into a user’sVoiceMailboxand tha t use rs st at io n i s not fo rwar de d i nt o voi ce mai l, th e A t te ndan t or a station user may initiate a Voice Mail Transfer as follows: 1. The initiating station presses the TRANS button. 2. Dial th e Voice Ma il Group nu mber, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med VM gr oup b utt on.
5-94 Voice Mail Gro ups ( VM ) 3. Dial the desired party’s V MID (Mail Box location) a nd go on -hook. The s ystem make s the conne ction to a n ava ilable Voice Mail p ort and sends the Leave Mail Prefix (if any) plus the digits dialed as the VMID nu mber, then the Le ave Mail S uffix d igits (if a ny). The sys te m then cuts through the transferred caller. -or - 1. The initiating system presses the Voice Mail button. 2 . Pr es s D SS bu t to n to tr ans fer d esi r ed par t y’sVoice Mail ID. Conditions †CO Trunk s a nd Inte rnal Calls ma y be tra nsfe rred into Voice Ma il us ing thi s fea tu r e. †If no V MID dig its a re dialed by the tran sfe rrin g statio n, the identification digits of the transferring station are sent to VM. VM Tone Mode Calling Option VM To ne M o de C all i ng fe atu re le ts the Vo i ce M ai l sy st em o v er ri de a c al le d st at ion’s H or P intercom settings. The VM system must be programmed when placing a call to a station and Tone Ringin g is de sire d. 1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad. 2. Dial the station extension (call tone rings station). The VMID (m ail bo x loc ation ) c an be any n umbe r be twee n 000 t hroug h 999. If 4- digi t VMID (Flash 09) is ena bled, the rang e is b etween 0000 th rough 9999.
Volume Cont rol B ar (DK T ) 5 -95 Vo l u m e C o n tr o l B ar (D K T ) The re is a volume control b ar below the ke ypad to control the ringing, hands et, and s pe ake rphon e v olum es. Di spl ay Me ssa ges While us ing the se function/f eatures , D igita l Key Te le phone s d isp la y the following messages: Listening to Background Music... Using the speake rphone on a I ntercom call... Using the handset on a Inte rcom call... Using the speake rphone on a CO call... Using the handset on a CO call... S PE AK ER BG M [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am S PE AK ER CALL [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am H AN D SE T ICM [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am S PE AK ER CALL [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am H AN D SE T CO [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am
5-96Zap Tone Receiving a page announcement... Rec ei v in g a n i nc o m in g t on e r i n gi n g In t erc o m or CO c a ll . . . Za p To ne The Za p T one fea ture ena ble s AC D a gents in the he ads et mod e, to have ACD calls connected to them automatically. The feature removes the requirement for the agent to press the ON/OFF button to answer ACD calls. AC D ca lls are conne cte d w hen the ag ent is logge d into any group a nd is ava ilable. (A flex b utton m ust be progra mmed for this button to operate. ) S PE AK ER PA GE [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am S PE AK ER RIN G [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am
6 Single Line Telephone Operation T hi s c ha p t e r o f t he m an u al co nt a i ns t h e f o ll o w in g t y p e s of information on Single Line Telephones (SLTs): †Illustrations of the 2700 SLT models. †SLT Numbering Plan listing the available features and their codes. †Step-by-step instructions for using the SLTs in the system. †Operating instructions for single line users. Literature similar to the operating instruc tions was prepared for customer us e in t he fo r m o f aS i ngl e Li ne Te l eph one U ser G ui de.
Introduction6-3 Introduction Fe ature s p erta ining to the Single Lin e T elep hones are listed and des c ri be d i n al pha bet i c al ord er . T he foll owi ng i ll ust r at ions show th e var io us S LT mode ls ava il abl e: 270 5 Model Figure 6-1: 2700 Series SLT Telephones