Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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6-24 Voice Mail O peratio n Vo i c e Ma i l O p e ra t i o n Receiving a Voice Mail Message Wait To re cei ve a m ess age wai t ing ind icat i on t hat a voi ce m ess age i s wa it ing , the Voice Mail s ystem must b e prog ram med to provide the indica tion. Af te r the v oic e mai l sys te m r ec e iv es a voic e me ss age for a st at ion user , the vo ice mai l must go off- hook. 1. Dial the Voice Mail Message Wait code [420] on the dial pad. 2. Dial the extension number of the station user who received a voice message. Tu rni n g the Mes sa ge Wai ti n g Lamp Off When a station user retrieves the voice messages from the voice mail system,thevoicemailsystemmustbeprogrammedtogooff-hook. 1. Dial the Message Cancel code [421] on the dial pad. 2. Dial the extension number of the station user who received a voice message. Conditions Only VM extensions are allowed to turn ON/OFF VM message wait ind ic at i ons.
7 Digital Attendant Operations This chapter contains the following Digital Attendant Operations inf orma ti on: †Op erating ins tructions for Atten dant Digita l Key Te le phone use r(s). †An il lu st rat io n of t he dig it al ke y t el eph one us ed in theTr iad-SSystem. †A de scription of the teleph one k eys and their functions . This chap ter is intended for use in conjunction with the Station Operation chapt er t o p rov ide st e p-b y-st e p i nst ruct i ons f or oper at in g t he Attend ant(s) D ig ital Te le phone (s) in the s ystem . Visua l and a udible cue s tha t accompa ny t he var i ous f eat ur e op er at ion st ep s ar e al so i ncl uded . Di git al A t te ndant f eat u r es ar e an a ddi ti o n t o di gi ta l s ta ti o n f eat u r es . A n Att endant User’sGuidei s als o av ai lab le t hat pr ovi de s de t ail e d ope ra ti ng ins tr uc t ions . * A F le x B utton mus t be prog ramme d f or de si gna ted f eatu res to op era te. Refe r to Table5-3: Digital Station - Flex Button Programming Codes.
Introduction7-3 Introduction EachTr iad-SS ystem provides the following keys, indica tors and fea tures : Handset and Speakerarelocatedattheleftsideofthefrontpanel.A hands et is prov ide d to a llow conf ide ntial conv ersation whe n de sire d. Lifting the han dse t from its cra dle (going off-h ook) dise ngage s the st at ion’sbuilt-in speaker. The speaker is located directly below the center portion of the handset. The station ma y be ope rate d w ith the hands et on- hook. Whe n this occurs, audio is transmitted to the station u ser through the station’s spe ake r. Flexible Bu tton sac c es s i dl e o uts ide l ine s, pr ovi de DSS / BL F f or int er nal stations , a cce ss sp ee d dial numb ers a nd a ctivate fe atu re s. The se button s can b e p rogr am med by t he i ndiv id ual st at ion use r. The de faul t fl ex feature buttons are described as follows: †CALL BACK butto n lets you initiate a call back request to another busy st at ion. A s s oon as t hat st at io n be comes i dle , t he st at ion tha t le ft th e call b ack req ues t is automatica lly s igna led. A f lex button mus t b e ass ign ed to use thi s fea tur e. †PIC K-UP bu tton lets you pickup a tone ringing intercom call, transferred, incoming,or recalling outside line call to a specific unat te nde d s tat i on by group or di re cte d ca ll pi ck-u p. †DND (DO NOT DISTURB) button. On Attendant stations, this button be com es the s ystem Night Mode button. A flex button must be ass ign ed to use thi s fea tur e. †LI NE Q UEUE but ton le ts you que ue ont o an out si de li ne wh en al l li nes in a g roup are b usy. Your s ta tion is p la ce d in q ueue awa iting a line in the s ame gr oup t o be come avai l abl e.
7-4I ntr o ducti o n Fixed Featu re Bu tton sfunct ion as fol lows : †VOLUME BAR lets the user adjust ringer, speakerphone and handset vol ume. †H-T -P l et s the us er se l ec t t he IC M Si gnal in g M ode, hand sfr ee t one, or pr iva cy. †FLA SH bu t to n te r mina te s a n o u t si de c al l and r es to r es di al t o ne without ha nging up the ha ndse t. It also tra nsfe rs calls b ehind a PBX or Centrex within those sys te ms. †CAMP-ON button lets you alert a busy party that an outside line is on hold and waiting for the m. †MSG ( ME SS AGE WAI T ) but ton le ts you ini ti at e a me ss age wai ti ng ind icat i on at s tat i ons t hat a re bus y, unat te nde d, or in Do Not Di st urb. MessageWaitingCallbackrequestleftatyourstationisindicatedbya flashing MS G WAIT LED. †SP EE D b utt on g ive s y ou ac c e ss to s pe ed dia li ng, s ave numbe r re di al and la st numbe r re di al . Th is but ton al so a cce ss es fl ex butt on pr ogra mmin g. †TRA NS ( TRA NS FER) but ton tr ans fer s an out si de cal l from one st at ion to ano t her. †CON F (C ONF EREN CE) but ton es ta bli she s and buil ds confe re nce ca ll s. †FO RWA RD (FW D) b utt on l et s you for wa rd your call s to anot her st at ion. †ON/OFF button lets you make a telephone call without lifting the hands et. It turns the telepho ne on and off when using the spe ake rphone. †MUTE but ton le ts you swi tch the bui l t- in micr ophone on or o ff whe n using the spe ake rp hone, or the han dse t m icrophone whe n using the hands et. †HOLD button lets you place an outside caller on hold.
Introduction7-5 Outside Callsare announced by a tone signal repeated every 3.2 seconds. The correspon ding outside line ind icator flashes slowly. Interco m Callscan b e tone ringing or voice a nnounce. If it is voice announce d, the rece iv ing station re ceive s two b urs ts of tone prio r to the announce me nt. If it is a tone ringing ca ll, the rece iving station hears a ton e ring e very 2.4 s econds . Fi gure 7 -1 : A t tenda nt Di git al Di spl ay T el epho ne
7-6I ntr o ducti o n Table 7-1: Digital Attendant Numbering Plan 911 Attendant Alert Clear 608 Keyset Mode 648+[#,✳] ACD * Ag e n t H elp 57 4 La st N u mbe r R edia l [S P EED ] +[ #] ACD* Agent Login (Primary Grp) 572+[5UU] LCR or CO Line Grp 1( if LCR disabled)9 ACD* Agent Logon (S econdar y Grp) 582+[5UU] LCR Queue Cancel 626 ACD* Agent Logout (S econdar y Grp ) 581 Loop Key (Requi res Button) 89 ACD * Ag e n t Lo g o u t (P r ima r y G r p) 57 1 Me ss ag e Wait 62 3 ACD* Cal l Fa ctor 580+[ 5UU] Mode m vi a DISA Acce ss or T fr 499 (re quires button) +[ FFF ] Nam e in Dis play P rogram ming 69 0 ACD* Cal l Qualifier 570+[YY ] Off-Hook Pref Programmi ng 691+[BB] ACD* Group Mem ber S tatus 573 OHVO E nable 628 ACD* Group Pil ot Num bers 5+ [UU] Page - Al l Call ( Int and Ex t) 70 0 ACD* Ava ilable /Unavai lable 56 6 Page - Ex ternal A ll Cal l (A ll Zone s ) 76 +[ 0] ACD* Cal ls in Que ue Display 567+[5UU] Page - Ex ternal Zone s 76+[P] ACD* Ov erf low S ta Ava il/Unavai l 57 8 Page - Interna l All Ca ll 70 9 ACD* Supervi sor Login 576 Page - Internal Zones 1-8 701-708 ACD* Supe rvi sor Logout 57 5 P age - Me et Me (A nsw er) 77 0 ACD* Supe rvi sor Que ue Sta tus Dis p 57 7 Pers ona lized M es sage s 63 3 +[ZZ] Atte ndant Cle ar T-1 A larm 60 6 Pers ona lized M es sage s - Cle ar 63 3 +[0 0 ] Atte ndant Ove rride 601 Ring Tone 695+[X X] Atte ndant Unavail . ( Alt Position) 60 7 Sa ve Num ber Red ial [S PEED] +[ ✳] Background Music 632+[0,1,2] Software Version Disp lay 605 Call For ward - Al l [F WD] +[ 6] Sp ee d D ial Acce ss [S PEED] +[ YY Y] Cal l Fo r war d - B u sy [F WD ] +[ 8] ( 00 0- 0 19 St a ) ( 02 0- 0 99 Sys ) Call For ward - Busy /No A nsw er [F WD] +[ 9] Sta tion Re locate 63 6 +[X XX] Call For ward - No Answer [FWD]+[7] Ti me and Date Programming 692 Call For ward O verrid e 5# (first progra mm ed A ttendant) Call For ward - Of f Ne t [F WD] +[ ✳] Tone Mode Ring Option 6# [XXX ] Call Park Loca tion - Personal 438 UCD Group Pilot Numbers 55+[UUU] Call Park Loca tion - S ystem 43+[C] Unanswered CO Ca ll Transfer 639 Call Park Pickup ( Key a nd SLT ) #4 3+ [C ] Unive rsal Da y/Night Ans we r #5 CO Line Direct Ac ce s s 88 +[ LLL ] CO Line Group 0-23 800-823LEGEND-- CO Line Of f- Net Forw ard 60 3BB = Button Number Custom Mes s age( s) Progra m Code 694+[ XX]C= Call ParkLocation(0-7) Day/Night/S pecia l (A ttenda nt only ) 631FFF = ACD * Ca ll Fa c to r (0 00- 9 99) Dial By Nam e 6 ✳H = Hunt Group Number (0-7) Directory Dial 680LLL= Line Number (00 1- 01 2) Directory List Program C od e 693P=External Page ZoneNumber(1-2) DisableOutgoingCO LineAccess 602U=UCDGroupNumber(0-7) Executive O verrid e/Monitor Barge-In 625UU = ACD * Gr p ( 50 - 65) Exte nsi on N u m ber s -Tria d -S100-131V= Voice MailGroup Number(0-7) GroupCallPickUp(KeyandSLT) #0XXX = Intercom Station Numbers Head set M ode 634YYY = Speed Dial Bin Numbers Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 45+[H]ZZ = Personalized Mess ages ICLI D Di sp ( Ans we red Ca lls) 65 9 ICLI D Una nsw ered C alls Displa y 63 5* Features available with optional software
Att endan t Unavailable ( Alte rnate Pos it ion) 7-7 Attendant Unavailable (Alternate Position) The Attendant Unavailable feature lets Attendant stations have a button that places their station in an Unavailable Mode. When the station is in the Una vaila ble Mode , the ne xt Attenda nt station re ceives incoming and dial 0 calls. All other available Attendants receive recalls. This feature is based on the three programmed Attendant stations. 1. Whenthe(firstprogrammed)Attendantpressesthe pr e-p rogr amm ed* UNAVAI LA BLE fl exi ble b utt on, -or - Dials the Attenda nt Unavailable cod e [ 607] on the dial pad, the following results occur: †TheLEDontheflexiblebuttonlightssolid,ifprogrammed. †Recalls that were ringing at the first Attendant station now ring at the s ec o nd. †If t he sec ond A tt end ant pl ac es t hei r phone i n unava il abl e, t he thi r d A tt en dant t ake s r ec a ll s. 2. When the first Attendantrepeats the proces s(us ing Unavai l abl e b utton or code 607), the f ollowin g results occur: †TheLEDontheflexiblebutton,ifprogrammed,extinguishes. †The first Attendant resumes normal operation. †The second Attendant does not receive recalls or dial 0 calls.
7-8Call Hold Conditions †Thi s f eat u r e l e ts t he p ro gr amm ed At te ndan t sta ti o ns re c ei ve Attenda nt re calls only. No other Atte ndant typ e f unctions are g ive n to this station when the s tation is in the Attend ant mode . †If Attendant A (first programmed) is available, incoming calls and recalls are directed to this station regardless of other Attendant st at ions st at us. †The special ring mode can be set so the alternate Attendant does not re ceive an incoming CO rin g until the main Atte ndant place s the ir phone i n sp eci al and unavai l abl e modes . †If all Attendants in the system are unavailable, no Attendants are avai la bl e f or int er nal /ext er nal ca ll er s. †Recalls are directed to all programmed available Attendants. †If only one Atten dant is p rogrammed in the sy stem, and tha t Attenda nt is unava ilable, use rs dialing ze ro hea r an e rror ton e. Ca l l Ho ld †If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Sys te m H old Pr ef er enc e, pr es s HOL D b utton once for S ystem Hold and twice for Exclusive Hold. †If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Excl usi ve Hol d Pre fer en ce , p re ss HOL D b utton once for E xclusive Hold a nd twice fo r S ystem Hold. Ca l l P ar k Pa rk in g an Outs id e C al l(to consu lt/ page /cal l in ternal p arty) While connected to an outside line: 1 . Pr es s T RANS but ton. The cal le r is put on hol d. 2. Dial parking location (430 to 437). A confirmation tone is heard. 3 . If you h ear b usy t one, pr es s T R AN S t wi c e a nd d ial a noth er par ki ng location.
CO L ines O ff-Net Forw ard - I ncom ing ( via Spe ed Dial) 7-9 Retrieving a Parked Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the [# ] button. 3 . Di al par ki ng locat i on (4 30 t o 4 3 7) wher e the cal l was pa rke d. CO L ines Off -Ne t Forward - Incoming (via Speed D ial) The C O L ine s O ff- Ne t Forw ard fe at ure l et s t he fi rs t At t end ant s t at ion for war d i ncomin g CO cal l s t o a n off- net l ocat ion . In a s pe ed dia l bin, store the numb er of the off -ne t location whe re calls are to f orwa rd. Follow instructio ns p rovided for s toring s tation or sy stem spe ed di al numbe r s. 1 . Di al [6 03 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d* CO OF F-N ET FO RWARD button . 2. Press CO LINE button for an individual CO Line for Off-Net Forward, -or - Di al th e C O g ro u p ac c es s c o de o f th e g ro u p to be fo r war ded : [8 01 -8 23 ] = CO Gr o u p 1- 23 [824] = All CO Groups 3 . Di al th e s pe ed bin numbe r th at conta ins t he numbe r wher e call s are t o f o rw ard. A c o nfi rma ti o n t o ne i s he ar d. Canceling Off-Net Forwarding 1 . Di al [6 03 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press pre-programmed* CO Off-Net Forward button. 2. Dial th e CO g roup acces s code, -or - Pres s the CO Line button. 3 . Di al [#] on t he di al pad. A confi rm ati on tone i s he ar d.