Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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C-42 Progra mming Tables _401400000_40 _41 1410000_41 _42 1420000_42 _43 1430000_43 _44 1440000_44 _45 1450000_45 _46 1460000_46 _47 1470000_47 _48 1480000_48 _49 1490000_49 Route 00 1 in the I CLI D Ringing A ssignment Table is used for Busy calls. If Route 0 01 is def aulted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001. _50 1500000_50 _51 1510000_51 _52 1520000_52 _53 1530000_53 _54 1540000_54 _55 1550000_55 _56 001*0000_56 _57 001*0000_57 Ta b l e C - 9 : D I D D e f a u l t T a b l e E n t r y ( F L A S H 4 4 ) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e
Programming Tables C-43 _58001*0000_58 _59 001*0000_59 _60 001*0000_60 _61 001*0000_61 _62 001*0000_62 _63 001*0000_63 _66 001*0000_66 _67 001*0000_67 _68 001*0000_68 Route 00 1 in the I CLI D Ringing A ssignment Table is used for Busy calls. If Route 0 01 is def aulted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001. _69 001*0000_69 _70 001*0000_070 _71 001*0000_71 _72 001*0000_72 _73 001*0000_73 _74 001*0000_74 _75 001*0000_75 _76 001*0000_76 _77 001*0000_77 Ta b l e C - 9 : D I D D e f a u l t T a b l e E n t r y ( F L A S H 4 4 ) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e
C-44 Progra mming Tables _78001*0000_78 _79 001*0000_79 _80 001*0000_80 _81 001*0000_81 _82 001*0000_82 _83 001*0000_83 _84 001*0000_84 _85 001*0000_85 Route 00 1 in the I CLI D Ringing A ssignment Table is used for Busy calls. If Route 0 01 is def aulted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001. _86 001*0000_86 _87 001*0000_87 _88 001*0000_88 _89 001*0000_89 _90 001*0000_90 _91 001*0000_91 _92 001*0000_92 _93 001*0000_93 _94 001*0000_94 _95 001*0000_95 Ta b l e C - 9 : D I D D e f a u l t T a b l e E n t r y ( F L A S H 4 4 ) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e
Programming Tables C-45 _96001*0000_96 _97 001*0000_97 _98 001*0000_98 _99 1990000_99 Route 00 1 in the I CLI D Ringing A ssignment Table is used for Busy calls. If Route 0 01 is def aulted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001. Ta b l e C - 9 : D I D D e f a u l t T a b l e E n t r y ( F L A S H 4 4 ) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e
C-46 Progra mming Tables Tabl e C-1 0: St at i on Program mi ng (FLA SH 5 0) Da ta F i el dPage /Bt nSt at io n N u m b e rsDe fa ul t PAGE A18 Pa ge A is s ele cted by pre ss ing PAGE A fl exible button Pa ging Acce ss A/1 Enable d Do Not Di sturb A/2 Enable d Confe rence Enab le/Dis able (p er Sta tion) A/3 Enable d Executive O verri de A/4 Disab led Pri vacy (pe r S tation) A/5 Enable d Sys t em Spe ed Dia l Acce ss A/6 Enable d Line Queuing A/7 Enable d Preferred Line Answer A/8 Enable d Of f-Hook Voice Ov er ( OHVO) A/9 Disab led Call For wa rdi ng A /1 0 Enable d ForcedLeastCostRouting(LCR) A/11 Disab led ACD*S uper vis or M oni tor w /Barge -I n A /1 2 Disab led Executive O verri de Blocking A/13 Disab led CO Line Ringing Options A /14 Muted Nam e/Numb er Dis play at I dle A /1 5 Name ACD Z a p To n e A /1 6 Disab led CO Pool Loop Buttons Programming A/17 Disab led Adm in Acce ss A /18 Disab led
Programming Tables C-47 Da ta F i el dPage /Bt nSt at io n N u m b e rsDe fa ul t PAG E B19 Page B is se le cted by pre ssing PAGE B flexi ble button Stati on I dentif ication B/1 0(24-Btn) 6(SLT) Stati on Da y Clas s O f S erv ice B /2 1 Stati on Night Cl ass Of Se rvice B /3 1 Spe ake rphone/ He adset Programm ing B/4 1 Pick-Up Group(s) Programmi ng B/5 1 Pa ging Zone (s) Programm ing B/6 1 CO Line Group A cces s B/8 1 LCR Clas s of Se rvice (COS ) B/9 0 Off-Hook Preference Progra mming B/10 00 (Keyset) Fle xible Button Programming B/11 Re fe r to F lexib le Button Program ming C hart Keyset M ode B/12 Ina ctive Vo i c e M a i l I D T r a n s l a t i o n B / 13 VMID Digits Cordless Key (C KTU) Button B/17 00 *Fe atures ava ilable wi th opti ona l sof twa re. Tabl e C-1 0: St at i on Program mi ng (FLA SH 5 0)
C-48 Progra mming Tables Ta ble C-11: Button Ass ignment Chart (F LASH 50)ST A# PORT # ST A# POR T# 1234512345 678910678910 11121314151112131415 16171819201617181920 21222324252122232425 26272829302627282930 This ch ar t is to b e used t o assi gn each flexi bl e b utt on a fu ncti on. Defaults Buttons 1 thru 12 are assigne d as Stations 100 thru 111. Buttons 13 thru 18 are a ssigned a s CO L ines 01 thru 06. Buttons 19 is assigned as a Loop button. Button 20 is assigne d as a Pool Group button. Buttons 21 thru 30 are fle xible b uttons wi th fe atures assigne d to the m. Ke y Sta tion Button Pr o g r am mi n g BB = Button Numb er 01-24 LLL =001-012To assign a button as a Fle xible button (user program mab le) ente r: BB [ 0] H O L D To a ssign a button as a CO Line button, e nter: BB [ 1] LLL HO LD To assign a button as a Loop button, ente r: BB [ 2] H O L D To enter a button a s a Pooled Group button, enter : BB [ 3] G HO L D To enter a button a s a Fe ature b utton, e nte r: BB [ 4] [XX X] HOLD To una ssign a button, ente r: BB [ #] H O L D SLT Ent r y (Of f -H o o k P r ef er e n c e)Wh e n an SLT is bei ng a ss ig n ed f o r Of f- H o o k P r ef er e n c e, en t e r : 01 [1 ] L LL HOLD f or a sp ecif ic CO Line (LL L=001-012), or 01 [3 ] G H OLD f o r a CO G r o u p Ac c es s (G = Lin e G ro u p 1 - 7)
Programming Tables C-49 Tabl e C-1 2: Sys tem Spe ed Di al Num ber s Programmed from the first Attendant Station. B IN # Te le ph one Num be r BI N # Tel e phon e N umb e r M on itor e d by Toll Re stri ctio n ( COS) 02 0 0 40 02 1 0 41 02 2 0 42 02 3 0 43 02 4 4 40 02 5 0 45 02 6 0 46 02 7 0 47 02 8 0 48 02 9 0 49 03 0 0 50 03 1 0 51 03 2 0 52 03 3 0 53 03 4 0 54 03 5 0 55 03 6 0 56 03 7 0 57 03 8 0 58 03 9 0 59
C-50 Progra mming Tables Ov e rr idd en by T o ll R es t rict ion ( C OS ) 06 0 0 80 06 1 0 81 06 2 0 82 06 3 0 83 06 4 0 84 06 5 0 85 06 6 0 86 06 7 0 87 06 8 0 88 06 9 0 89 07 0 0 90 07 1 0 91 07 2 0 92 07 3 0 93 07 4 0 94 07 5 0 95 07 6 0 96 07 7 0 97 07 8 0 98 07 9 0 99 M on itor e d by Toll Re stri ctio n ( COS) 100-999 Tabl e C-1 2: Sys tem Spe ed Di al Num ber s Programmed from the first Attendant Station. B IN # Te le ph one Num be r BI N # Tel e phon e N umb e r
Programming Tables C-51 Table C-13: ACD Group Paramete rs (FL ASH 60) Pr ogr am CodeFlex BtnFunction Data FLASH 60 ACD* Group 550 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rflow S tation 4Supervisor 5 CIQ Threshold (00-99) 6 Wrap-Up Timer (000-999) 7PrimaryAgent 8SecondaryAgent 9GuaranteedRAN 10 P r i mar y R AN 11 Se c o n d ar y RA N 12 Transferred RAN 13 Ove r f l o w T i me r (0 0 0- 6 00 ) 14 Cal l Fa c t o r (0 - 99 9) ACD* Group 551 Programming 1GroupName 2AlternateGroup 3 Ove rflow S tation 4Supervisor 5 CIQ Threshold (00-99) 6 Wrap-Up Timer (000-999) 7PrimaryAgent 8SecondaryAgent 9GuaranteedRAN 10 P r i mar y R AN 11 Se c o n d ar y RA N 12 Transferred RAN 13 Ove r f l o w T i me r (0 0 0- 6 00 ) 14 Cal l Fa c t o r (0 - 99 9)