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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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    of 402
    							5-50 F le xibl e B utt on As signme nt
    Ta ble 5-3 : Digi t al St ati o n - Fl ex But to n Program mi ng Co de s
    * Features available with optional software†IDX = I ndex numbers refere nce Mai lbox numbers
    (Co nta ct System Ad minist rat or for specif ic Ind ex /M ailb ox num ber s.)
    A ccount Code Ente r 6 27 ICLID Dis play ( Unans we red Ca lls) 6 35
    A CD* A gent He lp 574 Intercom Button(s) 645
    ACD* Agent Login (Primar y Grp) 572+[5UU] Last Number Redial [SPEED]+[#]
    ACD* Agent Login (Secondary Grp) 582+[5UU] LCR Queue Cancel 626
    ACD* Agent Logout (Primary Grp) 571 Lea st Cost Routing Access 9
    ACD* Agent Logout (Secondary Grp) 581 Line Queue 621
    A CD* A vaila ble/Unav aila ble 5 66 Loop Ke y ( Require s Button) 8 9
    A CD* C all Factor 5 80 +[ 5 UU] Mailb ox Button 6 44 +[ IDX]
    ( require s button) + [F FF] Mes s age W aiting 6 23
    A CD* C all Qua lifie r Code 5 70 +[ YY] Mute 6 29
    A CD* C alls in Queue Displa y Buttons 5 79 + [ UU] Night S er vice 6 04
    A CD* Group Me mbe r Status Display 573 OHVO Enab le 628
    ACD* Group Pilot Numbers 5+[UU] One-Touch Recording 649+[44V ]
    A CD* O ver flow Ava ilable /Unavail able 5 78 Page - Exte rnal Al l Call ( All Zone s) 7 6+ [0 ]
    A CD* S uper visor L ogi n 576+ [ 5UU] Page - Exte rnal Zones 76+ [P]
    A CD* S uper vis or L ogout 5 75 + [ 5 UU ] Page - Internal A ll Cal l 7 09
    ACD* Super visor Queue Status Di splay 577+ [5UU] Page - Internal Zones 1-8 701-708
    A CD*/UC D Calls in Queue Displ ay 5 67 Page - Mee t Me ( Ans w er) 7 70
    A ll Call P age (Inte rnal and E xte rna l) 7 00 Pe rsonali ze d Me ss age s 6 33 +[ ZZ]
    A nsw ering M ach. Em ulation Mode 6 54 +[ 0 , 1 ] Pe rsonali ze d Me ss age s - Cle ar 6 33 +[ 0 0]
    A ttendant 0 Re le ase Button 641
    Attendant Override 601 Repeat Redial 643
    Back ground M usic 632 Ring Tone 695
    Ca ll Back 6 22 Save Numbe r Redia l [ SPEE D]+ [
    Ca ll Covera ge ( Non-Ringing Ty pe) 6 47 +[ XXX] Spe ed Dia l Acces s [ SPEE D]+ [ YYY ]
    Ca ll Covera ge ( Ringing Type ) 6 46 +[ XXX] (0 00 -01 9 S tation) (0 20 -99 9 S ys tem )
    Ca ll Pa rk Location - Persona l 438 UC D Group Pilot Numbers 55+ [U]
    Ca ll Pa rk Location - Station 4 39 +[ XXX] Univ ers al Day/ Ni ght A nsw er # 5
    Ca ll Pa rk Location - Sys tem 4 3+ [C ] Voice Mail Group Pilot Numbe rs 4 4 [ V]
    Caller ID Name/Number Toggle 653
    Ca mp- On 6 20LEGE ND --
    CO L ine Dire ct Acces s 88+ [L LL]C=CallParkLocation(0-7)
    CO L ine Group 8 00 - 82 3FFF = ACD* Call Factor (000-999)
    CO Line Off-Net Forward 603H = Hunt Group Number (0-7)
    Dire ctory Dia l 680IDX
    †= 0 01 -2 55
    Do Not Disturb 631LLL = Lin e N u mb er ( 00 1- 01 2)
    E xecutive Override/Monitor Barge-In 625P=ExternalPageZoneNumber(1-2)
    Extension Numbers -Triad - S100-131U=UCDGroupNumber(0-7)
    Fl ash 6 60U U = ACD * ( 50 -6 5)
    Group Call Pick Up #0V=VoiceMailGroupNumber(0-7)
    Headset Mode 634XXX = S tation Extension Numbers
    Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 45+ [H]YYY = Speed Dial Bin Numbers
    IC LID Dis play ( Ans we red Ca lls) 6 59Z Z = P er so n aliz ed Me ssa g es 
    							Fo r w a r d Ov e rr i d e 5 - 51
    Forward Override
    The Forward Override feature lets a user reach a busy station that is busy
    for war d, no ans wer for war d or a ll cal l for war ded . T his al lows t he cal li ng
    st at ion to call a for war de d st at i on, O HVO , E xecut iv e Ove r ri de, Moni tor ,
    Message Wait, Camp On, or Call Back at that station rather than
    forwarding to the busy destinatio n.
    Di al [5 # X XX] on t he dia l pad wher e XXX i s t he des ir e d st at i on ex te nsi on.
    Group Listening
    All digital key stations have a built-in speakerphone. Station users may
    use the spe ake r to monitor a call while u sin g the hands et to conve rs e
    with the outside party. This enables other people in the room to listen to
    bot h pa rt ie s in the conv er sat io n.
    While conve rsin g on the han dse t, pres s the ON /OFF button. Both p arties
    can then be heard on the digital station’s sp eak er. T he spe ake rp hone
    microphon e is muted w hile the ha ndset is off- hook.
    To dea ctivate Grou p Listening while off- hook, p re ss th e ON/OFF button.
    †While using the s pea kerphone , lif ting the han dse t turns off the
    spe ake rphone. To activate g roup listening, pre ss th e ON/OFF button
    (to ON ) while the hands et is off-hoo k.
    †While in group liste ning mod e, p re ssing the MUT E b utton cau ses the
    tr ans mit f ro m the ha ndse t to be mu t ed (the s pea ker pho ne
    microphone is alrea dy m ute d). Howeve r, the distant en d is s till he ard
    over t he hand set r ec e ive r and th e s ta ti on s pea ker.
    †If full speakerphone operation is desired while in group listening
    mode, simply s et the hand set on- hook.
    †Group lis te ning is unav ailab le whe n the station is in hea dse t mode. 
    							5-52 Headse t Mo de
    †Whe n pla cing the hands et on-ho ok to fu ll spe ake rp hone op eration, it
    is norm al t o he ar a sque al c ause d by a udio f ee dbac k. To e li mi nat e t his
    nois e, pre ss MUTE prior to initiating sp eak erphone ope ra tion.
    †Must be enabled in Station Programming.
    Hea d set Mo de
    Ac t iv ati n g Hea dse t Mo de
    Di al [6 34 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    P re ss pr e-p rogr am med HEA DS ET M OD E b utt on. LED li ght s st ead y.
    Dea cti vat in g H eads et Mode
    Di al [6 34 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Pre ss the p re -programme d HE ADSE T MODE button. LE D e xting uis hes.
    Hol d - E xc lu si ve
    When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold, no other station in the system
    c an r et r ie ve t he c a ll . E xc lus iv e Hold may be pr ogra mme d for a ct i vat io n
    when the H old button is pres sed once or twice. C O Lines, while in a
    tr ans fer hol d, ar e alw ays pl aced in an E xclu siv e Hold condi ti on.
    Whi le He adse t m ode is acti ve , the ON/OFF bu tton ac tiva tes the h ead se t
    and d isable s spe ak erp hon e an d inte rco m c all an nou nce ope ratio n at
    you r sta tion .
    To install the hea dset, see the Installatio n Manua l.
    Sta tion m ust b e pr ogramm ed in datab ase pro grammi ng for he adse t
    ope rati on be fo re fle x bu tton ca n be p rogr ammed . 
    							Ho t Ke y p a d5-53
    Hot K ey pa d
    The Hot Keypad feature enables a station user to activate the telephone
    by dialing digits or pressing telephone buttons without going off hook.
    ICLID Answered Call Management Table
    An Answered Call Management Table with 100 entry capacity is
    mai ntaine d in the sy stem. The cal l ing numbe r/na me infor ma ti on
    pe rtaining to any answ ered call is pla ced in this ta ble a t the time the
    sys te m de t er min es the cal l was ans wer ed . T his t abl e may be acces se d
    fr om any use r st at ion di spl ay p hone so the ans wer e d cal ls ma y be
    reviewed and handled by the end user. Any Attendant station(s) can
    del e te a ta ble e ntr y, o ne ent r y at a t ime .
    Upon ent ry in to the r ev ie w pr oces s, the fun ct i ons a vai la bl e t o a phon e
    ar e:
    Tabl e 5 -4: ICLID Answ ered Cal l Ta ble - But to n Func t i ons
    Function Button
    Go to th e beg in ni ng of ta bl e D ia l Co de 659
    Review next i tem in tabl e ent ry MU TE
    S te p to ne x t t ab le e ntr y H O L D
    Del ete th is t abl e ent ry (Atten dan t o nl y) FL ASH
    Exit table review function ON/OFF
    Step to previ ous tabl e ent ry TR ANSFER
    Ca l l B ac k S P E ED 
    							5-54 I CL I D Unan sw ere d Ca ll Manag ement Table
    ICLID Unanswered Call Management Table
    An Unans were d Ca ll Mana gem ent T able with 100 e ntry capa city for the
    Tri ad- SS yst em is ma int ai ned in t he s yst em . T he c all i ng numb er / name
    information pertaining to any unanswered call is placed in this table at
    be acces se d from any use r s ta tion disp lay phone so the unans were d calls
    may be re viewe d a nd ha ndled by the end use r. Any Atte nda nt station(s )
    c an d el et e a t abl e ent r y, on e e nt ry at a ti me .
    Whe n ente ring the re vie w proces s, the function s av ailab le to a phone are:
    †Telco must activate Caller ID service.
    †Auto Atte ndant calls a re conside re d ans wered.
    Reviewin g ICLI D Un an swe red Cal l Ma na gem ent T abl e
    1. Dial th e a ccess code [635] on the d ia l p ad f rom any s ta tion in the
    sys te m.
    2 . Whe n t he des ir ed ta bl e e nt ry is di sp laye d on th e LCD, pr es s t he
    SPEED button to automatically dial the table entry.
    Tabl e 5 -5 : ICLID Unansw ered Cal l Tabl e - Butt o n Func t io ns
    Function Button
    G o to t he b eg in nin g of tab le Di al C od e 635
    R eview next it em i n table entr y MUTE
    Step to next table entry HOLD
    D elet e th is ta b le en tr y (At ten da nt on ly ) FLASH
    Ex it ta b le rev iew fun ct io n ON/ OFF
    St ep t o previo us t able entr y TRANSFER
    Call Back SPEED 
    							Incoming CO Call Tran sfer 5 -55
    For Ne xt I te m i n thi s E ntr y:
    1. Pres s the MUTE button to toggle to the nex t item.
    2. Pres s the ON/OF F button to e xit the re view function.
    For Ne xt T a bl e E ntry :
    Press the HOLD button .
    For Pr ev io us T a ble E ntr y:
    Pre ss the T RAN S b utton.
    Incoming CO Call Trans fer
    This feature lets station users transfer a call that is currently ringing at
    the i r s ta ti o n w it ho u t ans wer ing i t. Thi s fea tu r e is u nav ai lab le t o Si ngl e
    Line T elep hone use rs . W hile station is id le :
    1 . Cal l ri ngs in at i dle s ta ti o n.
    2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med IN C CO X SFR fle xi ble bu tt on,
    -or -
    Dial th e Incoming CO ca ll tran sfer cod e [ 639] on the dial pad.
    3. Pres s a DSS , Group b utton or dial the 3-digit s ta tion numb er or group
    nu mber. Ca ll is a utoma tically trans ferred to tha t d es tination.
    While on an internal/external call and an incoming or transferred CO call
    is ringing at your statio n:
    1. Place the current call on hold.
    2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med IN C CO X SFR fle xi ble bu tt on,
    -or -
    Dial th e Incoming CO ca ll tran sfer cod e [ 639] on the dial pad.
    3. Pres s a DSS , Group b utton or dial the 3-digit s ta tion numb er or group
    nu mber. Ca ll is a utoma tically trans ferred to tha t d es tination. The
    incoming transferred CO call receives Music-On-Hold during the
    t r ansf er st at e.
    4. Station user can return to call placed on hold. 
    							5-56 Int erco m But to ns
    †Cal ls may be for wa rde d t o a ny ava il abl e st at ion, AC D/UCD gr oup,
    Hunt Gr oup or VM Group.
    †Destination station must have a direct appearance for that CO Line or
    LOOP button, and not in DN D, or e rror tone is p re se nte d to the
    originator and the call remains ringing at their station.
    †Attendant stations do not send ID digits.
    †AC D a gents are not a llowed to trans fer ACD calls using this f eature.
    Intercom Buttons
    The Intercom Button feature enables station users the ring a busy station
    via the intercom without using the C amp- On or Executive Ov erride
    fea tures. T his a llows stations to place intercom ca lls on hold.
    Prog ram ming a Fl exibl e Bu tton as an In tercom But ton
    1. Press the SPEED button twice.
    2 . Pr es s t he de si re d fl ex ibl e bu t to n to pro g ram .
    3. Dial [645] on the dial pad. A conf irmation tone is hea rd. If a n error was
    made during entry, error tone is heard.
    Placing Intercom Call to a Busy Station (has intercom button)
    1. The calling station rece iv es ringba ck tone ins te ad of bus y tone. The
    called station hears muted or reminder ring and their intercom
    button LED starts flash ing at the incomin g CO line rate. This indicates
    an incoming intercom call.
    2 . The c al le d s ta ti o n c a n pl ac e th e c u r r ent CO c al l o n ho l d b y pr es si ng
    the HOLD button,
    -or -
    Place the current in te rcom ca ll on hold by press ing th e HOLD button.
    The inte rcom call is pla ced on hold on the av ailab le inte rcom button. 
    							Intercom Buttons 5-57
    3. The called station then presses the flashing interco m button to
    answer the incoming intercom call. Once the call is answered, the
    following message displays o n the called station LCD:
    St a X XX ca n be a pro gram med st at ion name .
    By defau lt, no intercom buttons are assigned to key stations.
    †If calls are ringing on intercom b uttons and a Ha ndsf re e ca ll is
    re ceived, the H ands fre e call is allowed and the ca lls ringing continue
    with m ute d rin ging.
    †M u lt ip le i nte rc o m pat h b u tt o ns c an b e a ssi gne d t o a si ngle s ta ti o n,
    howeve r up to five inte rna l p arties can be pla ced on hold pe r station.
    Music-On -Hold is p rovided to the intercom ca ller on hold.
    †Once an int e rcom b utt on i s se t u p on the ke yse t, cal le rs di al ing t hat
    st at ion al ways re ce iv e r i ngback ton e a s l ong as an av ail abl e in te rcom
    button is idle. If all intercom buttons are in use, the station may use
    the C amp- On o r Exec u t i ve Ov er ri de fe atu re s t o r ea ch t he s ta ti o n.
    Int e rna l c a ll er s are dr o pp ed aft er t he c amp- o n i s a nswe re d.
    †This f eature ca n be programmed on any key station or DSS Cons ole
    with an available flexible button. If there is an available intercom
    button, the following actions ca nnot be pe rformed: Exe cutive
    Override, ACD Supervisor Barge-In, OHVO, Camp-On or Override.
    †A call ringing to a station on an intercom b utton rings m uted or
    re minder rin ging, de pend ing on the stations tone ringing cad ence.
    †Up t o f ive i nte rn al par t ie s ca n be p lace d on hold. No re call t i mer s
    app ly to Intercom bu ttons. Internal ca llers ca n be p lace d a nd
    removed from hold when they a ppear on a n Intercom button.
    †To ut il iz e the c ap abi li t y of int er c om b utt ons, busy for war d c a nnot be
    active at the station.
    †A call ringing to a station on an intercom button and the DND button
    is pressed, returns DND tone to the caller and the call is dropped.
    MMM DD YY HH:MM am 
    							5-58 Int erco m But to ns
    In t erc om Ca ll in g
    Pl aci n g an I nt ercom Cal l
    1. Pres s the DSS button of the p arty to be calle d (if progra mme d at your
    phone ),
    -or -
    Di al th e e xt ens ion numbe r.
    (You he ar ringing if the calle d s ta tion is in the T ans wering mode ; or
    three b urs ts of tone if called station is in the H or P pos ition. )
    2. Lift hands et or use the s pea ke rph one a fte r the thre e tone bursts sto p.
    3. Hang up to e nd the call.
    An sw ering a n In tercom Ca ll
    In the T mo de(LED On), you hear repeated bursts of intercom tone
    ringing a nd the HOLD b utton s low flashe s.
    1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button to answer,
    -or -
    Pres s the H-T -P b utton to the H m ode (No L ED) to re ply.
    2. Replace the hands et to e nd the call.
    In the P mode(LE D flas hes at 30 ip m), you he ar thre e bursts of ton e a nd
    one- way announce men t. The calling party cannot he ar conve rsation s in
    pr ogre ss .
    Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button to answer,
    -or -
    Pres s the H- T-P button to the H mode to re ply.
    In the H mode(No LED ), y ou he ar th re e burs ts of tone a nd an
    announce me nt.
    Repl y hands fre e or li ft t he h ands et for pr i vacy.
    Dia lin g a numb er in the n umbe rin g plan activ ate s t he te le phon e
    autom atica lly . 
    							Key s et M od e 5 - 59
    In t erc om Tra ns fe r
    Using Intercom Transfer without DSS Buttons
    1. Receiveormakeanintercomcall.
    2. Pres s the TRANS button. Intercom dial tone is hea rd.
    3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n.
    4. When the second station answers, you are in a supervised transfer
    mode (first station is staged for transfer).
    5. Hang up ( stations 1 and 2 are conne cted).
    Using Intercom Transfer with DSS Buttons
    1. ReceiveormakeanintercomcallusingaDSSbutton.
    2. Pres s the TRANS button. Intercom dial tone is hea rd.
    3. Press the DSS button where to transfer the call.
    4. Hang up ( stations 1 and 2 are conne cted).
    Ke ys et M od e
    The Keyset Mode feature lets a station user determine the mode and
    baud rate of the optional CTI Module connected to their phone. When
    the tele phone is se t to the AT comma nd mod e, the following AT
    command s a re sup por te d:
    †Ina ctive -- No CT I information is s ent/re ceived by the teleph one.
    †PC Phone -- CTI information used with VODAVI PC Phone (Discovery
    De skt op) s oft war e m ust be se t to 48 0 0 baud ra te.
    †ATD--This is the modem dialing command. The telephone
    recognizes the ATD and accepts digits after the command. This allows
    the PC connection to th e telep hone to use the AT Ring ing command.
    (Available baud rates are: 1200, 2400, and 4800.) 
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