Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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5-60 Keyse t Mo de †ATH o r AT HX ( X = 0 or 1) -- T his is the mode m on hook/off ho ok command. ATH or AT H0 forces th e tele phone to the on hook s ta te fro m its cu rrent state. AT H1 force s the te le phone to th e off hook s ta te fro m i ts cur re nt st ate . †CKT U -- Th is mode i s us ed when th e op ti onalWanderer(co rdl es s k ey telephone unit) is connected to the statio n. (Refer to theWanderer User Guidef or addi ti onal i nfor mat io n.) A t an id le st a t ion : 1. Dial th e Keyset Mode code [648] on the dial pa d, -or - Pres s p re -programme d KE YS ET MOD E b utton, the f ollowing displays: 2. Press [ ✳] to scroll through the key set m odes . 3. Pres s [ #] to s croll through the ba ud rates. 4 . Pr es s t he HO LD but ton to s ave t he des ir ed ent r ie s. Conditions †The tel eph one must be i n the AT comma nd m ode to proce ss AT command s. †All CT I information is s till se nt out the RS 232 port in the AT command mode . †The ATD c omman d i s a lway s a cc e pt ed by t he te l ephone wh il e i t i s i n the AT comman d mode . AT HX i s accepte d onl y i f e nab le d. †ATZ is always enabled if station is in the ATD or ATH command mode. †ATD accepts W to indicate a pa use command (ATD T9W9982200) . If th e hand se t i s off ho ok (l ifte d), th ese comman ds are d iscarde d and no ac tion i s tak e n by th e te lep hon e. The KSU system softwa re versio n must be 1.34 or gr eat er for Wan der er op erat ion. V ers io n 1.3 can be obta ine d from the Sa les dep artme nt. INACTI VE MODE=✳SAVE=HOLD BAUD=#
La st Numbe r Redial ( LNR ) 5 -61 †ATH or ATH0 causes an on hook event. ATH1 must be specified to go off hook. †De faul t mode i s i nact iv e. †AT or ATZX (whe re X = 0 or 1) is the mode m res et/initialize command. Whenever these commands are sent to the keyset, the keyset returns OK in AS CI I for mat . Keyset Self Test TheTri ad- SSy ste m contains a tes t m ode fe ature that suppo rts the off -line te st in g of Dig it al Te l ephon es and DSS c ons ole s. The t er m off -l ine me ans tha t the u ni t u nde r te st i s d is c o nnec t ed fr o m t he sys te m du r i ng t he te st operation. Digital Telephones not under test continue to operate in the norm al manne r. Te st s a re pr o vi de d t o ve ri fy the ke yse t and DS S L ED, LCD , a nd ke ypa d button operations. Last Number Redial (L NR) 1. Pres s the SPE ED button. 2 . Pr es s [ #]. The l ast num ber di al ed over a n out si de li ne is aut omat i c al ly redialed. †The system automatically selects the original line used to place the ca ll and re dials the numbe r. †If that line is busy, the system automatically selects another line fromthesamegroupandredialsthenumber. †If no lines are available in the same group, the station receives busy tone and can queue for a line. †If t he st ati on u ser p re sel ec ts a li ne bef ore ac t i vat ing LNR , the preselection overrides the line that was used originally.
5-62 L CD D is pl ay - Co ntras t LCD Display - Co ntrast The re a re four contra st ad jus tme nts a vaila ble to the use r to adjust the LCD for different lighting levels. At idle phone: Press volume bar up or down for desired effect. Conditions †BGM mus t b e ina ctive. †Handsetmustbeincradle. †ON /O FF but ton must b e set t o O FF. Least Cost Routing (LCR) Placing an Outside Call when LCR is Enabled 1 . Di al [9 ] on the di al pa d, -or - Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d LCR button. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed te le phone numb er. 3. Wait f or an an swer. Lift hands et or us e the spe ake rphone to converse. If all availa ble lines are b usy, rema in off- hook for f our second s to automatica lly be que ued onto LC R for an availa ble line , then hang u p. If an LC R Q ueu e C al l Back is a cti vat ed: 1. When telephone is signaled, answer the call. 2. De sire d telep hone numbe r is automatica lly red ialed. OnlyoneLCRQueueCallBack requestmaybeinitiatedbyastation. When a second requestis made, the first request is cancelled. If the 911 fea ture i s e nab led , the L CR a cce ss cod e is 80 i nstea d of 9.
Mai l bo x Butt o ns 5 - 63 If an LCR Q ue ue C al l Back i s a cti vat e d an d you wis h t o cance l tha t cal l back re que st : 1. Dial the LCR Queue Cancel code, [626] on the dial pad. 2 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Ma i lb ox B u t to ns The Mailb ox Button featu re lets s ta tion us ers p rog ram specif ic mailbox index numbers onto flexible buttons at their station or DSS Console. Users can then transfer internal/external callers to specific Voice Mail Grou ps or Ma il box nu mber s. These Voice Ma il Groups or Mailbox numbers are progra mmed in ad min pr ogra mmi ng. U p t o 2 55 ma il box but tons pe r sys te m ar e al lowe d. The button code is 644XXX (XXX = 001-255). Using Mailbox Button while on Internal/External Calls The called station p ress es the Mailbox flexible button and goes on- hook. The call is then trans ferred to the VM p ort b y the te le phone s ystem. By def ault, no ma ilbox buttons are ass igne d to key stations . Conditions †This f eature ca n be programmed on any key station or DSS Cons ole with an available flexible button. If a station is an OHVO, Camp-On or Executive Override initiator, they may not use the Mailbox Button fea tur e. †Stations engaged in a conference cannot use this feature. †If no s ta tion(s) are prog ram med in the Voice Mail Group, the use r receives error tone. †Mailbox buttons interac t with the station VMID feature as follows: -VMTransferwithID(manuallyenterdigits)=NostationVMID. - VM Transfer with ID (press DSS button) = Use station VMID. - Mailbox Button Feature = No station VMID.
5-64 Meet Me Page Mee t Me Pa ge Requ estin g An oth er Pa rty Meet You on a Pa ge 1 . Di al th e d esi r ed 2- dig it or 3 -di git p agi ng c ode , -or - Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d MEE T ME b utton. 2. Requestthatpartymeetyouonthepage. 3 . Do n ot hang up, wai t for t he re que ste d p ar t y t o ans wer. A s s oon as the pa ged party a nswe rs and is conne cte d to you, th e p age circuit releases. Answ ering a Mee t Me Pa ge Go to the nearest telephone and dial [770] on the dial pad, -or - Pre ss the p re -programme d ME ET ME b utton. You are connected to the pagi ng par ty . Mess ag e Wa i t in g Leav in g a Mes sag e Wai ti n g In dica ti on If you diala stationthatisbusy, unattended, orinDND, you canleave a mes sag e wa iti ng i ndi ca ti on. 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed int er c om s tat i on. 3. Pres s the MSG button. A confirm ation tone is he ard. C alled pa rtys MSG button slow flashes. 4. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF button to end the call. Up to five messages can be left at any Station.
Mute Key5-65 Answering a Message Waiting Indication If your MSG button is lit, y ou hav e a me ss age waiting for you. The firs t messageleftisthefirstonecalled. 1. Pres s the MSG button. Station tha t le ft mes sag e is sig naled with tone ri ngi ng. 2. If called station does not answer, press MSG button once to leave message. Conditions 8- button phones u se code 623 to as sig n a MESS AG E W AITING button. Mu t e K ey The MUT E b utton p rovide s p rivacy during spe ake rp hone or hands et operation by disabling the microphone. 1. Pres s the MUTE button while of f-hook on s pea kerphone or ha ndse t to ac t iva te . 2. Press the MUTE button again to deactivate. The mute featu re a utom atically deactivates up on call term ina tion. Conditions Cha nging the op eration, from ha ndse t to sp eake rphone (or the re verse ), cancels the Mute function.
5-66 Name in D ispl ay Na m e i n Di s pl a y Every extension (key and SLT) allow users to program their name so that pe ople us ing di spl ay t e le phone s s ee t he name i nst ead of the st at i on numbe r. 1 . Di al [6 90 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2. Enter the name (up to 7 characters m ay be e nte re d) by us ing key s on the dial pad. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button to complete the progra mming proces s. Era si ng Y our Name 1 . Di al [6 90 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Pr es s t he SP E ED but ton to c ompl et e t he er as ing pr oce ss . F igure 5 -5: Ot her Key Pa d Co des (Nam e) :Other Code s 1 = 1# 8 = 8#“=01 *=*# 2 = 2# 9 = 9# , = 02 ( = #1 3 = 3# 0 = 0# ? = 03 ) = #2 4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + = #3 5 = 5# : = 12 ! = *1 = = #4 6 = 6# - = 13 $ = *2 # = ## 7=7#‘= 14 &=*4 .=24
Ni g h t Se r v i c e 5 - 67 Ni g h t S er v i ce The Night Service feature [604] provides a means to put the system in nightmodefromanykeysetor remove thesystemfromnightmode from any keys et a s long a s the sy ste m w as put in nig ht mode by the Night Se rv ic e fe at ure fl ex but to n. If the s ystem was place d in night mode by the atte ndant us ing th e N ight Serv ice (DN D) b utton or if the sys tem w as pla ced in nigh t m ode by the automatic schedule, the Night Service flex button can not remove the sys tem from night m ode. From an idle station: Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med Ni ght Se r vi ce fl ex but ton . Th e s yst em is now in the Night Se rvice Mode . Removing Night Service Mode Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med Ni ght Se r vi ce fl ex but ton aga in. The system is now removed from the Night Service Mode. Off -Ho ok Prefe rence If your phon e h as b een programmed f or Off -Hook Preference, you can acces s a n outside line, or a fea ture by going off- hook or p ressing the ON/OFF button. It simulates the depression of a specific button and can be pr ogra med by a s ta ti on us er or a dat aba se admi ni st ra ti on progra mmer us ing code [691] + the button numbe r. While Off-Hook Preference is enabled, you may access internal intercom di al tone a s fo ll ows: 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med IC M but to n, -or - Dial your in te rcom numbe r. (D o not lift h andse t or pres s ON/OF F but ton bef ore di al ing int e rcom n umbe r.) LE D l i ghts st e ady and intercom dial tone is heard. 2 . Di al an int er nal s tat i on or fe at ure acce ss code.
5-68 Of f-Ho o k Vo ice O ver (O HVO ) Of f- Ho ok P refe ren ce Pr ogrammin g If your p hone is programmed for Of f-Hook Preference and were given the ability to e nable or change the prime flex button: 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed but ton numbe r. R e fer t o t he fol lowi ng c ha r t. Disa blin g Off-Hook Prefe rence 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al [0 0] on t he dia l pad. Programming PBX/Centrex Codes Onto Flex Button For e asy one- button acces s to C entrex or PBX fe ature s, perform the following steps: 1 . Pr o gr am t he Ce ntr ex o r P B X c o de i nto a s ta ti o n o r sy st em spe ed dia l bi n, i nc lud ing hook- fla sh (F LA SH key ), [ ✳] , an d [# ] comma nds. Refe r to st at ion or spe ed dia l prog ram ming. 2 . Pr ogr am t hat s pee d bin onto a f le xib le but to n. Off -Ho ok Vo ice Ov er (OHVO) The OHVO feature enables users , of f-hook on a call (CO or Intercom ), to re ceive a voice a nnounceme nt throug h the hands et rece ive r without int e rr upt ing th e e xi st ing c all . The Voi c e Ove r is mut ed so it doe s not overrid e or d rown out the exis ting con versa tion. The overridden party may then talk to the calling party using Camp-On procedures, or use Silent Text Messaging to respond to the calling party via LCD Displays. ❋01❋02❋03❋04 ❋05❋06❋07❋08 ❋09❋10❋11❋12 ❋13❋14❋15❋16 ❋17❋18❋19❋20 ❋21❋22❋23❋24
Of f-Ho o k Vo ice Ove r (O HVO ) 5 -69 Pl aci n g an Of f-H ook V oice Ov er C al l Whe n an OH VO st ati on ca ll s a bus y O HVO st at i on and a busy ton e i s received, the calling OHVO s ta tion perform s one of the f ollowing step s: Di al th e O HVO code [6 2 8] on t he dia l pad, -or - Press a pre-programmed OHVO button to initiate an OHVO announce me nt, and th e f ollowin g occurs : †The HOLD button LED flashe s at the ca lled OHV O s ta tion. †The O HVO re c ei vi ng s tat i on r ec ei ve s a one -be ep war nin g t one. The stationreceivingtheOHVOcallmustbeoff-hookandinHmode, the n the calling OHVO pa rty may beg in the voice announce ment to the called OHVO party. The called OHVO station’sexisting conversation is uninterrup te d a nd the voice ove r announce ment does not drown ou t the e xis ting conve rs ation. †ThecallingOHVOstationisnotconnectedorabletohearthecalled st at ion’s conversa tion (the conne ction only allows the calling station to tr ans mit t o t he c al le d s tat i o n). Resp onding to an Off-Hook Voice Ove r Af te r re ceiving a n OHVO announce me nt,three o ptio nsar e ava il abl e to re spon d t o t he c all e r: Option 1 --This method lets the receiving station respond to an OHVO announce me nt utilizing th e MUT E fea ture button. Th is button is pres se d to carry on a two-way conversation with the OHVO initiator while still li st eni ng to the or ig inal c a ll . Option 2 --The O HVO r ece ivi ng st ati on m ay r e spond to th e ca ll ing st at ion by u sin g t he Si le nt Te xt M ess agi ng (t hi s f eat ur e is only av ail ab le to dig it al key te l epho ne s, and the c al li ng s ta ti o n mu s t be a di git al di sp lay te le pho ne .) Th e call ing stati on is pl ace d i n a on e-ti me DN D mode up on ini tiati ng the V oic e O ve r. On e-T ime DN D can not be togg led d urin g the OH VO call . Th e statio n re cei vin g the OH VO c all mu st b e off-hoo k an d in H mode .