Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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5-80 Pul se-t o-To ne Swit chover †On Tri p †On Va c at ion †Return AM †Return PM †Return Next Week †Return Tomorrow 4. WhenthedesiredmessageisshownontheLCDdisplay,pressingthe H OLD button activate s tha t mes sage on your station. Confirmation tone is heard and the DND button LED flashes. Conditions †The t el eph one re ce iv ing t he m ess age mus t be a d isp lay t el ephon e. †Key te le phone s and S LTs m ay a ctivate the me ss age. SLTs are notified tha t the y h ave an a c ti ve me ssa ge wit h a war ni ng t o ne when go i ng off- hook. †Whe n a mes sage di sp lay s by a k ey te le phone , t he DND but to n LE D fl ashe s a t 15 i pm. †Whe n DN D is invoke d on th e tele phone th e m ess age cance ls . †Message Access (with a desired message) may be assigned to a flex but ton. †Mes sages m ay b e entered while off- hook on a ca ll if an intercom ca ll is c amp ed o nto the s ta ti o n. T his c au s es t he st ati o n c a ll ing t o se e the mes sag e. †Mes sage s a re r et ai ned in bat te r y p rot ect ed ar ea of m emor y in the eve nt of p ower fa il ure or sy ste m r e set . Pulse-to-Tone Switchover Signalin g on a n outside line can be change d from dia l puls e to tone (DTMF) manually while dialing out. Pe rforming th e Cha ng e-Over Di al [✳] on th e d ial p ad. The rema ining d igit(s) is se nt using D TMF. (The Pulse -To- Tone S witchove r command may also b e included in a speed dial bin.)
Repea t Re dia l 5 - 81 Repeat Redial The Repeat Redial feature lets a digital key station redial a busy or no-a nswe r numbe r a t spe cif ic intervals. The us er is s ign ale d v ia a queue call b ack indication. TheREDIALflexiblebuttonflashesatthecallbackrateof120ipmfor 15 s econds . If the station does not answe r within 15 se conds, the callba ck cancels. Th e s ystem retains the la st call the us er ma de. If the station is busy on an int er nal /ext er nal cal l when the Red ial Q ueue Ca ll Back occur s, the ca llback does not occur until the user goes on-h ook. The user must enter a Redial Timer value (006-999 that represents se c onds) when inv okin g t his fe at ure . A t wo minut e in te rv al is e nte re d a s 120. D efa ult va lue is 1 m inute (60). A key set s ta ti o n u s er pl ac e s a CO c a ll and r ec ei ve s a B u s y o r No Ans wer : 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med R EP EAT R ED IA L f le xib le but t on [6 43 ]. The LC D p romp ts t he use r f or a t im er val ue. 2. Enter a valid number (006-999 seconds) for the Repeat Redial timer. D efa ult va lue is 060 (one minute ). A con firmation tone is hea rd and the station user goes on- hook. T he flexible b utton L ED lights s teady. When the timer expires, the station is signaled via a CO line queue indication on the REPEAT REDIAL flexible button. During the Queue CallBack,theLCDdisplayindicatesthisisaRedialCallBack.Onceline queu e is answered, the LCD indicates an outgoing CO line display. ENTER RPT REDIAL TIMER: X X X 0 06- 99 9
5-82Ring Tone Ac t iv ati n g a Redi al Press the pre-programmed REDIAL flexible button, -or - Press the ON/OFF b utton, -or - Li ft the ha ndse t, l ine i s s ei ze d and n umber i s dia le d. If th e us er r ec e iv es a busy /no ans wer, the y ma y repe at the step to activa te a nothe r re dial. Cancelling the Operation P re ss t he pre -p rogr amm ed R E DI AL f le xib le but ton. A c onf ir mat ion tone is hea rd and the Auto Red ia l f unction is cancelle d. Conditions Once the user presses the pre-programmed flexible button, the timer applies when the user enters a digit. After a digit is entered, the int e r- digi t t ime r app li es be twe en th e d igi ts . Ring Tone The tone ring s ig nal th at notifies stations of an incoming call ca n be changed by each station user to provide distinctive ringing among a group of stations. Each station user may select a distinctive ringing tone use d t o r ing t hei r st at ion. The s yst em pr ovid es 3 6 d iff er ent r in g pa tt er ns tha t st at ion use rs may se le ct from . Selecting a Distinctive Ring Tone for a Station 1 . Di al th e Tone Rin g pr ogra m code [6 95 ] on the di al pa d. Th e fo ll owing mes sag e d is play s: 2. Enter a valid to ne n umbe r. Th e tele phone spe ak er sound s a stea dy tone that correlates to the 2-digit entry. EN T ER RI N G TON ES 00- 36 XX PRESS SPEED TO SAVE
Ring Tone5-83 3. When the desired tone is selec ted (default ringing code is set to 00), press the SPEED butto n to save it as the tone to present when the s ta tion is tone rung. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd. This tone is presented as a result of an incoming CO or intercom call, recalling CO line or Transferred CO line or at any other time the station is tone rung. The 2-digit tone number displays in the lower left corner of the LCD dis play. The ring ing choices a re as follo ws: Conditions †Station users may listen to all tones by dialing the 2-digit codes one after a nothe r. T he tone that is sounding wh en the SPE ED button is pr ess ed is sa ved as tha t st ati on’s ton e r i ngin g se le c t ion. †A station’s tone ring ing selec tion is ma intained in a battery p rotected area of memory. Therefore, if a system experiences a power failure or a s oft or har d r es ta r t, the t one ri ngi ng s el ec t i on i s r es tor ed. Ta b l e 5 - 6 : R i n g i n g C h o i c e s TO NE # F REQ TONE # FREQ TONE # FREQ TONE # FRE Q 00 697/ 770 10 770/ 1209 20 852/ 0 30 1336/ 1477 01 697/ 852 11 770/ 1336 21 941/ 1209 31 1336/ 1633 02 697/ 941 12 770/ 1477 22 941/ 1336 32 1 336/0 03 697/12 09 13 770/ 1633 23 941/ 1477 33 1477/ 1633 04 697/13 36 14 770/0 24 941/ 1633 34 1 477/0 05 697/14 77 15 8 52/94 1 25 941/ 0 35 1 633/0 06 697/16 33 16 852/ 1209 26 1 209/1 336 36 Off 07 697 /0 17 852/ 1336 27 1 209/1 477 08 770/ 852 18 852/ 1477 28 1 209/1 633 09 770/ 941 19 852/ 1633 29 120 9/0 To n e Du r a ti o n = 5 0 m s / 5 0 m s
5-84 S ave Number Redia l (S NR ) †The tone sele cte d provides TONE ringing no rma l or m ute d to the station whene ve r the station is comma nde d to tone ring (i.e ., this excl udes camp -on tone pr ogr ammi ng conf ir mation tone s or othe r spe c if ic t one s not c ons ide r ed TONE r in ging) . †The selected tone is us ed to notify th e s ta tion in the following ca ses: -IncomingCO Call - Incoming Intercom Ca ll - Transferred CO Line - Re calling CO L ine - Call Back Notification - Message Wait Call Back - All Types of Forwarded Calls - Executiv e/Secreta ry calls - L ine Queue Ca ll Back - LC R Que ue Cal l Back †CO distinctive ringing supersedes station distinctive ringing. Save Number Redial (SN R) Saving the Last Num ber Dialed 1. Af te r pla cing an o uts ide call, ke ep hand set of f-hook . 2. Press the SPEED button twice. Di al i ng a Nu mber th at wa s S ave d(using the steps above) 1. Pres s the SPE ED button. 2. Dial the [ ✳]button. †System automatically selec ts the original line used to place the call and redials the number. †If that line is busy, the system automatically selects another line fromthesamegroupandredialsthenumber. †If no lines are available in the same group, the station receives busy tone and can queue for a line. †If t he st ati on u ser p re sel ec ts a li ne bef ore ac t i vat ing SNR , th e preselection overrides the line orig inally us ed.
Speak er pho ne 5 -85 Sp e a k e r p h o n e 1 . Pr es s O N/ O FF bu t to n to ON. I nte rc o m dia l to ne i s he ar d. 2. Pres s the Volum e Ba r to cha nge th e tone volume. The following m ess age di spl ays : 3. Press the party’s D SS but ton, or p re ss an ava il abl e outs ide l ine but to n and dial the number. Speakerphone is activated. 4. Press ON/OFF button to OFF to end the call. Sp e e d Di a l If an outs ide l in e wa s n ot spe c ifi ed i n pr ogr ammi ng, one ca n be s el ec t ed now or t he sys te m a ssi gns th e l i ne. Press the SPEED button and dial speed bin location, -or - Press the pre-programmed speed bin button. Stati on Spe ed Number s A key set u ser ca n en te r St at ion Spe ed numbe rs (0 0 0 to 01 9) . S PE AK ER TON E [ #### #### #] MMM DD YY HH:MM am F or furth er re fere nce s i n thi s s ec tion w her e li ft h ands e t is s pe ci fi ed, yo u may al so p res s the O N/ OF F butto n, if the tele ph one is programmed as a two-way speakerphone.
5-86Speed Dial Sys te m Spe ed Nu mber s The first progra mme d attenda nt must e nter the Sys te m S pee d nu mbers (020 to 999). If an attendant was not specified, speed numbers are ent er e d at S ta ti o n 1 0 0. Storing Spe ed Dial Nu mbers 1. Pres s the SPE ED button once. 2. Press an OUTSIDE LINE button or POOL button. -or - Se le c t an outs ide l ine by pr es si ng t he SP EE D b utt on a gai n. 3 . Di al th e s pe ed bin loca ti on. 4 . Di al th e d esi r ed te le phone numb er. Inc l ude t he spe c ial c ode s d escribed whe n en te ring the numb er: †TRANS -- Initiates a Pulse-To-Tone switchover. †HOL D - - Inse r ts a Pa use. †FLASH -- Inserts a Flash into the speed number. †TRANS -- W hen us ed a s the first entry in the spe ed bin, this inse rts a no-display character causing numbers stored in the bin not to app ear on the d igi ta l te le phone’sdisplaywhenbinisaccessed. 5. Pres s the SPE ED button. 6. Replace the hands et to e nd the spe ed bin programming. Pro g ram mi ng Mu lt ip le S pee d Nu mbers 1. Pres s the SPE ED button twice to conclude programming a numb er. 2. Enter the nex t spe ed numbe r bin to progra m. Ifthestationhasnolineappearanceforthelineprogrammedinto the s pee d b in, that line come s up unde r the LOOP b utton or POOL button when acces sed. ErasinganExistingSpeedBin 1. Press the SPEED button twice. 2 . Di al th e s pe ed bin loca ti on. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button again. A confirma tion tone is he ard.
Sta tion Relocation 5 -87 Station Relocation The Station Relocation Feature lets a user unplug their station and plug it into a noth er location. Dialing a code followed by the old s ta tion numb er brings all th e s ta tion a ttribute s includ ing exte nsion numb er, bu tton mapping, speed dial, and class of service to the new location. 1. A station can b e rel ocated by unpl uggin g i t, the n p lugg ing it i nto a new loca tion. 2 . Di al [6 36 ] on th e d ial p ad. T hen, di al t he ext en sion numbe r of t he station being relocated. Once this is done, all station attributes are copied to the current station. Conditions †The st at io n numb er t hat is di al ed as th e r el ocat ed st at ion must be unplugge d. †The relocated station is given the station attributes of the station doing the re loca ting. T he two stations trad e s ta tion num bers and st at ion at tr ib ute s. †If a keyset is plugged into the relocated position it has all station attributes of the relocating station. This feature is only applicable to key sets. †Digital s tations m ust be relocated to a nother digital p ort. If a dig ital use r moves their station numbe r to an a nalog port, the button s a re initialized and must be reprogrammed. †St at ion Loc k di sa ble s thi s fea tur e. If a sta tion i s assign ed t o a sp eci fi c port a nd th e user u npl ugs the ir sta tion an d p lugs it i nto ano the r lo cati on, datab ase admin istrati on progr ammin g is upda ted to r efle ct the ne w p ort ch ange .
5-88 Text Mes sag ing ( Sil ent Respo ns e) Text Messaging (Silent Re sponse) The T ext Mes sag ing fea tur e le t s a st at ion use r use t ext me ssa ges i n re spon se to a cal le r tha t has ca mpe d-on or u sed th e O ff- Hook Voi ce Ove r fea ture to alert a b usy station user of a waiting call or me ssa ge. The camped-on station may respond to the caller via the canned, custom, or si le nt re spons e t ext (LC D) me ss age s. T ext me ssa ges dis pl ay on t he ca ll in g par t y LC D D isp la y. Whil e recei ving a Ca mp-On, o r OHVO ca ll : The cal le d p art y may p re ss a pr e -pr ogr amme d T ext Mes sage but t on wi th a specific message [633+XX]. Example: [633] + [38] means a telepho ne cal li ng t he st at ion re cei ve s t he me ssa ge WHO I S I T ? Ad dit i onal me ssa ges (wi th th ei r cod es li st ed be low) c an als o be s ent as a te xt r esp onse : [3 1 ] = I W ill Tak e Ca ll [ 4 2] = Is It Impor tant ? [32]=TakeMessage [43] =Is ItUrgent? [33] = Transfer To Secretar y [44] = Send Call To Voice Ma il [3 4 ] = Put Call O n Hold [ 4 5] = Pa rk Call [35] = Call Back [46] = Out Of Offi ce [36] = One Mom ent Plea se [47] = Put C all Through [3 7 ] = I W ill Ca ll Back [ 4 8] = I Am Busy [38] =Who Is I t? [49] = O.K. [39] =Is It Long Distance? [50] = No [40] =Is It Personal ? [51] = Yes [41] =Is It An Emergency?
Text M essa ging ( Silent Resp on se) 5 -89 Conditions †If the station receiving the text message response was doing a camp- on, it receive s a short b urs t of tone on the spe ake r, the n the display shows the message that was activated by the called station. †If th e s ta ti o n r ec ei vi ng t he te xt me ssa ge r es po ns e i s o n an O HVO c al l, no tone is receive d. †All canne d and cus tom mes sage s ma y be use d to re spond to a ca llin g par t y. †Text res ponse messa ges automatically clear when th e ca lling station (station receiving the mes sag es) goes on- hook. †A station can receive only one m ess age at a time. †Te xt me ssa ges may be chai ne d (i .e. , mul t ip le me ssa ges se nt to one caller). †Te xt me ssa ge re spon ses ap pea r on t he call i ng st at i on and t he ca ll ed st at ion (st at ion ac t iva ti ng t ex t re spons es ) LCD di spl ays. †If the ca llin g station is a non-LC D telep hone, the called station receives error tone when responding via text messaging. †The c al le d s ta ti o n m ay pr es s a fl ex bu t to n pr o gra mmed as a Te xt Message button, [633+#]. Press this flex button and dial the 2-digit mes sag e nu mber ( 31–51) to respond to the calling station. DTMF di git s are not he ar d by ei t her pa r ty. †When silent messaging is used to respond to a call, the existing call of the ca lled station is not disconne cte d wh ile the me ssa ges are se nt to the ca lling station. †The cal li ng st ati on m ust r emai n o ff-hook t o re cei ve si le nt me ssa ges. †If the called station respo nds with a text message, the text message di spl ays on t he LC D. †Each mes sag e m ay b e p rogramme d o nto a flexible button, including aflexbuttonona DSS/BLF console. Th e c alli ng stati on mu st b e a d isplay te lep hon e an d the cal led st ation must be a keyset.