Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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5-20 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD ) 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FWD button. A conf irmation tone is he ard and the FWD LED i s ext i nguis hed. Supervisor Login/Logout The S upervisor Login/Logout f eature p rov ides a means for a superv is or to log into o ne of the AC D groups and monito r ca lls. †To l o g i n , d i a l L O G I N C O D E[ 576]on the dial pad, followed by the des ir ed AC D g roup numbe r (5 XX), -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on. (F le x but t on mus t have 576+5XX programmed onto it.) The Su pervisor enters a unique SUPER VISOR ID code (0000-9999). The LOGIN flex button LED is lit steady. A confirmation tone is heard and the s uperv is or is logg ed onto the ACD grou p. Th e ON/OFF LED ext i ngui shes i f t he sup er vi sor st ar t ed th e s eque nc e in th e ha ndsf re e mode. When the supervisor logs in, an ACD login event is sent to the ACD Events Trace port, if active. †To log out, dial LOGOUT CODE[575]on the dial pad, followed by the des ir ed AC D g roup numbe r (5 XX), -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N/LOGO UT fl exi ble b utt on, the LE D ext i ngui shes . Conditions †Onl y 1 s upe rvis or can b e l ogge d i nto a group. †If a supervisor log s into an ACD group f rom a s ta tion that is logged int o a no the r AC D g ro u p, the s ta ti o n r ema ins i n t he pre vi o u s A CD grou p. †A supe rvisor may log out while in wrap- up, or unav ailab le . A CD S upe rv is or Log -in LE D o nly l ight s for A CD g roup as s ign ed to th at but ton. T he s ame fl ex butto n can b e us ed t o toggl e th e Lo gin/ Log out feat ure .
Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5 - 21 †A supervisor logging in is first placed in Wrap-Up mode before receiving an ACD call. †If a supe r vi sor at te mpt s to l og int o an AC D g roup as an a gent a nd that group already has 32 members, the supervisor receives error to ne . †TheTr iad-SDigital Sys tem d oes not verify the sup ervisor’sID codes, oth er t han r eq uir in g t hat four di gi ts ar e ent er ed. †Fle x b utton mu st have 575+ 5XX pr ogra mme d onto i t. Su per vis or Mon ito r Wi th Bar ge- In The S upervisor Monitor with Barge- In feature provides a mea ns f or an AC D s uperv isor to m onitor an agent’scallinprogress,tocoachsales techniques or customer relations skills. When used, a supervisor may intrude onto an agent’scallinalisten-only mode or in a true conference m ode by us e of the Barge- In fea ture. Th is fea ture is av ailab le with or without a warnin g tone. The ACD sup ervis or can intrud e on an agent’scall in theListenOnly mode as fol lows : 1. Dial the agent’s s ta ti o n nu m ber. 2. Upon hearing a bus y tone, pre ss the p re -programme d BARGE- IN flex button. †The c onver sa ti on i n p rogr es s i s hea rd by t he Sup er vi sor on the hands et rece ive r and the S upe rv is or’s MUTE button LED is lit indicating that the Supervisor’stransmitismuted. †If the Supervisor wishes to participate in the conversatio n in a true confe re nce m ode, the y ca n pres s the MUTE button which re mo ve s mut e. The use ofSupervisor Monitorwith Barge-In is limited by federallawand may a ls o be li mite d or pr ohib ite d by s tate or loc al law , s o ch ec k the re lev ant l aws in yo ur are a be fo re e mplo yin g the se featu res . A c hang e in v ol ume may occu r on the CO lin e or i nte rcom ca ll afte r the barg e-i n occu rs. The Ex ec utive Overrid e Code, [625] prog rams Su pv Mon itor wi th Ba rge -In fea ture onto a fle x b utton .
5-22 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD ) Conditions †Supervisors a re granted the Barge-In option if they log in at a station with the ACD Supervisor Barge- In ena bled in s ta tion p rogramming. †Supervisors ca n only Barge-In on ca lls of ACD g roup( s) m embers into which they are logged. Supervis or Q ue ue Status Di spl ay The S upervisor Queue S tatus featu re provides a mea ns f or an ACD supervisor to view the status of their ACD grou p. This idle display and prompts a Supervisor when a group is having problems answering their calls. The display tells the supervisor how many calls are in queue, how many age nts are log ged into the ACD group, a nd the length of time , in min u te s, tha t the o l de st c al l is in qu e u e. View in g th e Qu eu e St atu s Displ ay Dial th e Que ue S ta tus code [577] on the dia l pad, followe d b y the AC D gro up (5XX) the supervisor wants to observe, -or - Press the pre-programmed flex button. The Queue S ta tus display shows th e f ollowin g information: 5X X = AC D G r o u p ( 55 0- 5 65 ) CIQ: XX = Calls in queue AG EN T (S ): XX = Ag e n t s lo g g e d in OC: hh:mm :ss = Olde st ca ll in hours, minute s a nd se conds Cha n gi ng th e Di spl ay t o a D iffer ent G roup Dial th e Que ue S ta tus code [577] on the dia l pad, followe d b y the AC D gro up they want to ob serve , -or - Press the pre-programmed flex button. 5 XX: CIQ: XX AGENTS : XX OC: HH:MM:SS
Backg r oun d Musi c ( Opt i o nal ) 5 - 23 Conditions †To re c ei ve the S upe rv is o r’s Queue Status d is play, the s tation mus t be loggedinasaSupervisoranddialtheflexcodefortheappropriate grou p. †AC D S upe rv is o rs re c ei ve t he Q ue ue S ta tus di spl ay in re al t ime . †The Qu eue St at us di sp lay is only gi ven w hen t he AC D gr oup m embe r or Supervisors station is not receiving a higher priority display, such as HELP or Out -O f- Se rv ice, or ot her ap pl icab le off- hook e ve nts ar e ta king place at the station. †The Su per vi sor’s Queue S ta tus display is sav ed in battery ba cked mem ory. †Whe n a Supe rvisor lo gs out of the group pres ently displayed, they must enter a n ew reques t for Queue Status d is play. Background Music (O ptional) 1. Dial[632 ]on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med fl exi bl e b utt on. TheLCDdisplayshowsthefollowing: 2. Enter the de sire d chann el on the dial pad. C onfirma tion tone is he ard. Mus ic is now he ard throug h the spe ake r. 3. Pres s the Volum e Ba r to cha nge th e v olume . T he following me ss age displays: 0:OF F 1:CH-1 2:CH-2 MMM DD YY HH:MM am S PE AK ER BG M [ #### ### ##] MMM DD YY HH:MM am
5-24Ca ll Ba c k Conditions †Whe n you p ick up the hand set or p re ss the ON/OF F b utton, music is di sc o nti nu e d au to ma ti c al ly. †Once t he hea dse t is ena bl ed, BGM is di scont inue d. Ca l l B ac k If you dia l a telep hone tha t is bus y and want to a ctivate Ca ll Back: 1. Pres s the CALL BAC K button. 2. Hang up. 3. When the busy station hangs up, you are signaled. 4 . An swer t he c al l; st at ion you c al l ed is th en sig nal ed. (If your st at ion is b usy when si gnal ed, an a utom ati c M SG is l eft a t your phone ). Ca l l C over ag e The Ca ll Cov erage fea ture lets stations ans wer calls for other stations that ar e r i nging . A Vi sual an d A udib le st at us of r ingi ng s ta ti ons to a n as si gned coverage station are provided. Once the button is as signed on the station and a ca ll rings in: 1. The coverage s ta tion he ars ringing for the cov erage station after a programmableperiodoftime.Theringtoneistheinternalringtone cadence. The LCD of the coverage station identifies the ringing st at ion as: A call b ack r equ es t is auto matica lly inv oke d an ytim e a us er l is ten s to th e in terc om busy to ne for a p rese t per iod of time . O nly one C al l Back req uest ca n be l eft at a stati on; the seco nd requestis converted to a message wait call back request. CA LL FOR STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM am
Ca ll C o v e r a g e 5 - 2 5 2. The Cove ra ge station the n pres se s the ir flas hing COV ERAG E f le xible button, -or - Pres se s the ON /OFF button, -or - Lifts the hands et if PLA is enab le d. The flash rate is the same as the incoming CO line ringing rate. The call is answered and ceases to ring at any other stations that may have t he same cove rag e a ppe ar ance. The fol lowi ng mes sage i s di spl ayed aft e r t he cal l is ans wer ed: By defau lt, no call covera ge buttons are ass igned. Conditions †This f eature ca n cove r S LT ex te nsions, howeve r an S LT cannot pe rf orm th e ca ll cove rage f unction. The SLT e xtens ion nee d not b e physically installed, only the SLT card must be installed. †Di re ct CO ca ll s hav e r in g and LC D pr io ri ty over cal l cov er age call s. The cal l cove ra ge st at ion must hav e a di re ct CO app ear ance or Loop button to pick up an external call. If the call covera ge station is in DND, no a udib le ringing is hea rd, howeve r visual a nd LCD inf o rma ti o n i s pre se nte d. †This f eature ca n be programmed on any key station or DSS Cons ole with an available flexible button. If the DSS with a call coverage button ass ign ed is unplugged or moved, the station ass ocia ted with tha t DSS s to ps r ing ing u nti l th e D SS is pl u gge d i n a gai n. †Camp-On or Override drops any internal callers to which a station is ta lk ing. †Onlyonebuttontype(646 or 647)per covered station canbe ass ign ed on a key set . CA LL TO STAT ION XXX FROM STA YYY HH:MM:SS
5-26 Ca ll Fo rwa rd Ca l l For w ar d All Calls Forwarding All Calls 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. 3. Dial the All Calls code [6]. 4. Press DSS button of desired station, -or - Dial th e d esired extens ion numbe r whe re to forward ca lls, including AC D or UC D, Voice Mail, Hunt Group pilot numb ers a nd S peed Dia l bins f or off-ne t forwarding. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Conditions †Call Forward rema ins en gage d until m anually re leas ed. Whe n re le as ed, the station numb er is returned to the LCD. †Cal ls c ann o t be fo r war ded to a s ta ti o n i n t he DND mo d e. †CO Lin e q ueue s, a Me ssa ge Wa it in g r eque st , a nd pr e -se le cte d mes sag es are cance le d whe n a st ati on i s p la ce d i n t he Forw ard mode. †A Forwarded Call signals to the forwa rded s ta tion in the To ne m ode, regardless of the Intercom Signaling Switch mode selection. †A st at ion in the For wa rd mode c an m ake out goin g c al ls . †A Camp -O n si gnal i s al lowe d at t he for war ded st ati on i f t hat st at ion is busy. †A station denied the use of Call Forwarding receives an error tone when pr ess in g t he CA LL F OR WA R D b utt on. †WheninAllCallForwardingmode,ACD/UCDcallscannotbe re c ei ved. †If a CO Line rings into a station with manual Call Forward, the line se quence s to the last s tation of the cha in. If the las t station is in DND mode or does not have a D irect ap pea ra nce for the CO L ine or a Loop button, the call reverts back to the first station.
Ca ll F o r wa rd 5 - 2 7 †If a CO Line rings into a station with both Station and Preset Call Forwarding, Station Call Forwarding takes precedence. Once the Station Forward determines the station to be ru ng as per above, pr ese t Cal l For war d ma y t hen app ly at th e ne w s ta ti on. †An unlimite d n umbe r o f stations ca n be se t up in a S tation Ca ll For war d chai n. Howeve r, a st at ion cannot f orw ard to a s ta ti on t hat i s al re ady a me mbe r of t he ir chai n. †If t he las t numbe r of t he St at ion Cal l For war d chai n i s in DND mode , the internal calle r gets a D ND re spons e. †Calls to a station in both Station Call Forward a nd DN D m ode follow the f o rwa rd. †If a private line rings into a s tation with Manual C all Forwa rd the CO Li ne f or ward s, p rovi di ng t he for war de d st at i on has a dir e ct CO Line app ear ance or an avai la ble Loop but to n. †Id le Key set in ha nds- free mode doe s not follow no ans wer/b usy- no- answe r forwarding for internal calls . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FWD flex button. A con firmation tone is h eard a nd the FWD LED is extinguished. Bu sy Forwarding All Calls 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. 3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd Busy code [8] on t he di al pad. 4 . Di al des ti nat ion numbe r t o for wa rd ca ll s. A confirmation tone is heard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t. Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the F WD bu tton. Conf irmation tone is hea rd a nd th e FW D LE D is extinguished.
5-28 Ca ll Fo rwa rd Bu sy / No An sw er Forwarding All Calls 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. 3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd Busy/No Ans wer code [9 ] on th e d ial p ad. 4. Dial th e d estination numbe r to forward calls. A conf irmation to ne is he ard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t. Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FWD button. A conf irmation tone is he ard and the FWD LED i s ext i nguis hed. Conditions †The use r cance ls th e f eat ur e b y di al ing th e C al l For wa rd code or pr ess ing t he C al l Fo rwa rd but ton aga in. †For Call Forward No Ans wer, the num ber of rings be fore the call is for war ded is det er mi ned b y the sys te m-wi de Cal l For wa rd N o Ans wer ti me r. †St at ions Ca ll For war de d/No A nswe r for war d i ncomin g CO cal ls according to the Preset Forward Ring Timer. †IC M cal ls for war de d t o a VM gr oup r ece ive r i ngback unti l a memb er of the VM group becomes availa ble. †If a station is denied Station Call Forwarding, then Off-Net Forwarding is not allowed. Fo llow- Me The Fo llow-Me fe atu re lets a use r who is away from their station, act iva te /dea cti vat e cal l forwa rd ing from anot he r st ati on in the sy st em. This lets the user forward their calls to their current location or into Voice Mail , A C D/ UCD, Hunt Gr oups, or to a ny ot her st at i on in the sy st em. Whe n this call forward is activated, all calls presented to the forwarded station for war d t o t he des ti nat i on st at ion im med iat e ly.
Ca ll F o r wa rd 5 - 2 9 Act iv ating Follow-Me Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n f ro m whic h fo r war din g i s desired. 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) A c onf iur mat ion to ne i s hea rd. 6 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be ca ncelled. 4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition). 5. Redial the same station number. A confirmation tone sounds and the FWD LED extinguishes. Es tablishing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion) 1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access code, if app licable. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n f ro m whic h fo r war din g i s desired. 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) A conf ir mat ion ton e s ounds; fi ve se conds lat er a di al t one is re cei ved.