Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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6-4I ntr o ducti o n 2701 Type 2702 Type w/ Message Wait in g Lamp on Top 27 03 Type wi th Messag e Wait in g Lamp 2 704 Type wi th Fl ash K ey Figure 6-1: 2700 Series SLT Telephones
Introduction6-5 * Features available with optional software Tabl e 6 -1 : S LT N u m ber in g P l an Account Code E nter 627 Me ss age Wait 623 ACD * Ag e n t H elp 5 74 Me ss ag e Wait R e t ur n 66 3 ACD* Age nt Login (Prima ry Grp) 5 72 +[ 5UU] Nam e in Dis play Programm ing 69 0 ACD* Age nt Login (S econda ry Grp) 5 82 +[ 5UU] Pa ge - All C all ( Int and Ex t) 70 0 ACD* Age nt Logout (Prima ry Grp) 5 71 Pa ge - Ex ternal A ll Call ( A ll Zone s) 76 +[ 0 ] ACD* Agent Logout (S econdar y Grp ) 581 Pa ge - Ex ternal Zones 76+[P] ACD* Group Mem ber S tatus 573 Pa ge - Interna l All Ca ll 709 ACD* Group Pilot Numbers 5+[UU] Page - Internal Zones 1-8 701-708 ACD* Ava ilable /Unavai lable 5 66 Pa ge - Me et Me (A nsw er) 77 0 ACD* Ove rf low S ta Ava ilable /Unavai lable 5 78 Pe rsona lized Me s sage s 63 3 +[ ZZ] Atte ndant 0 Pe rsona liz ed Me s sage s ( Cle ar) 63 3 +[ 00 ] Call Ba ck 6 22 SLT Cle ar - Call For ward, DND 66 2 Cal l Fo r war d - Al l 6 40 +[ 6] SLT Co n f er e n c e w / Pe r so n al P ar k 66 4 Call For ward - Busy 640+[8] SLT Flash Command To CO Line 660 Cal l Fo r war d - B u sy / N o A n sw er 6 40 +[ 9] SLT S p ee d D i al Ac c e s s 66 8 +[ Y Y Y ] Cal l Fo r war d - Fo l l o w Me 6 42 (0 0 0- 0 19 St a ) ( 02 0- 9 99 Sys ) Call For ward - No Answer 640+[7] SLT Sta Speed Dial Programming 661+[YYY ] Call For ward - Off-Net 640+[ ✳] Tone Mode Ring Option 6# +[ XXX] Call Park Loca tion - Personal 438 UCD Group Pilot Numbers 55+[U] Call Park Loca tion - S yste m 43+ [C] Unive rsal Da y/Night Answe r #5 Call Park Loca tion - S tation 4 39 +[ XXX] Voi ce Ma il Group Pilot Numb ers 44 +[ V] Call Park Pickup (Key and SLT) #43+[C] Cam p- On 6 20 CO Line Direct Ac ce s s 8 8+ [LL L]----------------------- LEGEND------------------------ CO Line Group ( LCR if 9 11 activ e) 8 00 CO Line Group 1-24 801-823C= Call ParkLocation(0-7) Directe d Call Pick Up ( SLT ) # 1+ [XXX]G = Vo lu me Con t r o l ( 0- 9) Do Not Disturb 631H = Hunt Group Number (0-7) Executive O verrid e 625LLL = Line Number (001-012) Exte nsi on N u m ber s -Tria d -S100-131P=1or2 GroupCallPickUp(KeyandSLT) #0U=UCD Grp Number (0-7) Handset Receiver Ga in 638+[G]UU = ACD (5 0- 65 ) Handset Rece ive r Ga in Increa se 638+[#]V= Voice MailGroupNumber(0-7) Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 45+ [H]XXX = IntercomS tation Numbers LCR or CO L ine Grp 1 ( if LCR enabl ed) 9YYY = Speed Dial Bin Numbers LCR Queue Cance l 626ZZ = Personalized Mess ages Line Q ueue 6 21
6-6 A ccoun t Codes Account Codes SLT stations ca n enter an a ccount code to id entif y the call or calling st at ion. En teri n g Accoun t Code (b efore a cal l) 1. Lift the handset. 2 . Di al [6 27 ] on th e d ial p ad. 3. Dial the acco unt code. If th e a ccount code contain s fe wer than 12 digits, d ia l [ ✳]toreturnto intercom dial tone. 4. Dial [9] or CO Access code and the desired number. En teri n g Accoun t Code (d uri ng a ca ll ) 1 . Pr es s t he hooks wit c h mom ent ar il y. Your c al l is pl ac e d on Exec ut i ve Hold while you enter your a ccoun t cod e. 2 . Di al [6 27 ] on th e d ial p ad. 3. Dial the acco unt code. If account code contains fewer than 12 digits, dial [ ✳]to automatically return to the call. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) The ACD feature is available with optional software.Whe n pur chas ed, Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is not used and is replaced by the ACD functions identified in the following. Sixteen Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) grou ps ca n be pr ogr amme d, ea ch cont ain ing up t o 2 5 2 st ati on numbe rs . Agent Login/Logout The Age nt Logi n/L ogout fea ture al lows an age nt to log i nto pri mary and secondary ACD Groups to receive calls . To be placed into an active ACD st at e, th e a gent m ust fi rs t logi n.
Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 6- 7 Pri ma ry G ro up †Di al LOGI N C ODE[ 572]on the dia l pad, followed by AC D Group Numbe r (5 XX) des ir ed. Enter unique AGENT ID code (0000–9999). A confirmation tone is hea rd and the ag ent is logge d onto the AC D g roup. †Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 571]on the dial pad to logout of the primary grou p. Whe n an age nt logs i n or out of an A CD Gr oup, a n A CD logi n/logo ut eve nt is s ent t o t he SM DR p or t, if ac t ive . Second ary Group †Di al LO GI N CO DE[58 2]on the dial pa d, then the ACD G roup Numbe r (5 XX) d esi r ed. †Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 581]on the dial pad to logout of the secondary grou p. Conditions †If an age nt logs i nto an A CD gr oup fr om a s tat i on t hat i s l ogge d i nto another ACD group, the station is automatically removed from the previous AC D group. †An age nt may log out whi le i n wr ap-u p, or unava il abl e. †An agent logging in i s plac ed in wrap-up mode before rece iving an A CD call. †If an agent attempts to log into an ACD group that already has 32 members, that agent receives an error tone. †An age nt may not log on t o t he s ame gr oup a s a pr im ar y a nd se con dar y m emb er. TheTr iad-SSyst em doe s no t v er if y age nt s I D co des, exc e pt four -di gi t ID e ntr y. IfamemberisassignedtoaspecificACDgroupandusesthelogin- logo ut cod es to en ter an d ex it an AC D gro up oth er th an the ir assi gne d grou p, the datab ase is cha nge d to re flec t the d iffere nt grou p.
6-8 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) ACD A g en t H EL P The ACD Agent HELP feature provides a means for an ACD agent to signal the i r a ssi gne d s uper vi sor for a ssi st ance . While on a call-in-progress, the agent: Af te r hook-f la shi ng, d ial s the HE LP code [574] on the dia l pad. Th e a gent must hook -fl ash aga in to re tur n t o t he ir cal l aft er t he code is di al ed. I f no supe r vis or is lo gged in, t he age nt re c ei ve s one -bu rst of e rr or tone . Conditions †Up t o f ive me ssa ges can be le ft at a ny sup er vi sor s ta ti on. †The sup er vi sor can cance l the HE LP r eque st si gna l b y pr es si ng t he flashing H ELP b utton. A call is pla ced to the ag ent reque sting HE LP. If the agent is on a call, the supervisor can press their barge-in button to moni tor t he call or gi ve as si st ance on t he call . ACD/UCD Avail abl e/Unavailable Mode An ACD agent may place their station in the Available mode to receive ACD calls, or block ACD calls by placing their station in the Unavailable mode . Making a St ation Ava ilab le Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad. A confi rma ti on t one is he ar d. ( AC D cal l s a re re c ei ve d.) Making a St ation U na vailable Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad. A confi rma ti on t one is he ar d. ( AC D cal l s a re bl ocked. ) Conditions SLTs receive a stutter dial tone when unavailable.
Auto ma ti c L i ne Acces s 6- 9 Automatic Line Access SLT s m ay h ave t hei r st at ion pro gra mmed t o ac c e ss a pa rt i cu lar C O Line , such as a private line or a line from a Group of C O lines , upon going off - hook. Thi s i s use ful in Ce ntr ex or PBX a ppl icat i ons w hen st ati on user s have de di cat ed or indi vi dual l in es. O uts ide l ine di al t one is r ece ive d jus t by going off- hook, wit hout di al ing ac c es s c od es. Ca l l B ac k Whe n you call a st at ion and re cei ve a busy si gnal : 1. Briefly press and release the hookswitch. 2 . Di al [6 22 ] on th e d ial p ad. 3 . Repl ace hand se t. Ca l l B rok e ri n g Call Brok ering ena bles SLT us er on a CO ca ll to Hook- Flash and make anot her C O call . Once t his ot her cal l is e st abl is hed, t he SLT use r can Hook- Fla sh to m ove back and forth between p arties . Hoo k-Flas h timer may re qui re ad jus tme nt for pr ope r oper ati on. OnlyoneCallBackrequestcanbeleftatastation;thesecondrequest conv er ts to Me ssag e Wai tin g Req uest.
6-10 Ca ll Fo rwa rd Ca l l For w ar d Forwarding Calls to Another St ation 1. Lift hands et. 2 . Di al [6 40 ] on th e d ial p ad. 3. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code: [6] = All Ca lls [7] = Call Forward No An swer [8] = Call Forward Bus y [9] = Call Forward Bus y/No Answe r [ ✳]= Call ForwardOff-Net (viaspeeddial) 4. Dial the extension number or speed bin number where calls are to be forwarded. A confirmation tone is heard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t. Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift handset, a stutter dial tone is heard. 2 . Di al [6 40 ] on th e d ial p ad or [6 6 2] on t he di al pad. A confi rm ati on tone is he ard. 3. Replace the hands et. Call Forward - Fol low-Me The C all F orwa rd/F oll ow-Me fe at ure en abl es a user wh o is aw ay f rom the i r s ta ti o n, ac t iva te / dea c ti vat e c al l f o rwa rdi ng fro m ano t he r st ati o n i n the system. This lets the user forward their calls to their current location or into Vo ice Mail, AC D/UCD , Hu nt Group s, or to any other station in the sys te m. When th is cal l forwa rd is act i vat ed, al l cal ls pr es ent ed to th e forwarded station forward to the destinatio n station immediately. Act iv ating Follow-Me Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n f ro m whic h fo r war din g i s desired.
Ca ll F o r wa rd 6 - 1 1 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) 6 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be ca ncelled. 4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition). 5. Redial the same station number. A confirmation tone sounds and the FWD LED extinguishes. Es tablishing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion) 1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access code, if app licable. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n f ro m whic h fo r war din g i s desired. 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) A conf ir mat ion ton e s ounds; fi ve se conds lat er a di al t one is re cei ved. Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion) 1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access code, if app licable. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be ca ncelled. 4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition).
6-12 Cal l ing St at io n To ne Mo de O ptio n 5 . R edi al t he sam e s ta ti o n nu m ber. A c o nfi rm ati o n t o ne so u n ds; fiv e seconds later a dial tone is received. Conditions †If a Cal l For ward mode i s cur r ent ly act iv e a t the s tat i on whe re for war di ng i s d esi re d, t he ne w for wa rd become s act ive an d cance ls the p reviou s forwa rd. †Both internal and external calls to the affected station forward to the des ig nate d l ocat ion . †Cal l for war di ng mus t be al lowe d i n pr ogr ammi ng f or the af fect ed st at ion. †When remote forward is activated the forwarding is immediate. †When a key telephone is forwarded remotely, th e k ey stations forward b utton lig hts. Th e s ta tion us er may cance l the forwa rding a t the i r s ta ti o n by pre ss ing ON/ O FF, the n t he FWD bu t to n. SLT u s er s c an cancel their forwa rding b y going of f hook and dia ling the forwa rd code. †DISA cal l ers e nte ring the code a nd ma ki ng a mis ta ke are g ive n a n error tone for 3 seconds, silence for 2 secon ds, then the dial tone is re tu r ne d. CallingStationToneModeOption The C all i ng S tat i on T one Mod e f eat ur e enab le s a cal li ng st ati on to o ve rr id e a c al le d s ta ti o n’s H or P intercom settings. Use from VM port. Cal l in g a Sta ti on an d Ton e Ri n gi ng D esi red 1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad. 2. Dial the extension number, -or - Pres s D SS button of d es ired station (call tone rings statio n).
Ca ll Park - Pe rs onal 6 -13 Ca l l P ar k - P er s on a l While Co nnected to Firs t Call: 1. Pres s the hooks witch mom entarily. Inte rcom dial tone is heard. 2. Dial [438] on the dial pad (call is placed in personal park). 3. Dial desired number for second call. 4. Pres s the hooks witch mom entarily. Inte rcom dial tone is heard. 5 . Di al [4 38 ] on th e d ial p ad ( fir st cal l is r et ur ned and second cal l is placed in Personal Park). Call Park (by Station Number) While connected to an outside line: 1. Press TRANS button. 2. Dial [439] + XXX (station number). Retrievin g a Stat ion Pa rk Ca ll Dial [# 6] + XXX (use r’s s ta ti o n nu mber , whil e at t he u se r’s t el ep hone or fr om any t el eph one i n t he sy st em). -or - Di al [4 38 ] f rom the us er’s station. Conditions †A flex b utton ma y be as signed to Call Park feature cod e 439. The use r can p ress the s pecified flex b utton a nd dial a station number on the di al pad. †The directed call pickup code for 8-button telephones is eliminated. 8-button telephones must assign a pickup button on the telephone to have the pickup feature. Th e use r can al ter nate ly c onne ct to th e oth er c all by doin g a hoo k-flas h a nd di alin g [438] as many time s as ne ce ss ary .