Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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7-20 Out go ing Acce ss - Att endant D isabl e Outgoing Acces s - Attendant Disable The A tt en dant s t at io n c an di sa bl e C O l in es, pr ev ent ing outg oing CO c al ls. 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2 . Di al [6 02 ] on th e d ial p ad. A conf ir mat io n t one i s hea rd. 3. Press the line button(s) of the CO Line(s) to disable. A confirmation t one is he ar d an d t he CO Line b utt on(s) LED i s f las hin g. 4 . To re ac t iv ate t he CO Li ne(s ), r ep eat t he st ep s t o di sa ble i t. Override If Attendant Override is allowed, Attendant(s) stations may override or call stations that are busy or in Do Not Disturb to alert them of a call. Cal l in g a Sta tion Bus y on a CO Cal l 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med* AT T N O VER R I DE but ton [60 1 ]. T hre e short tone bursts are presented to the called party. 2. After five (5) seconds, the station’s CO l ine i s autom at ic al ly pl ac ed on ho ld and the Atten dant is cut-through. Cal l in g a Sta tion in Do Not D is turb Mode Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med* AT T N O VER R I DE but ton. The s tat i on i s si gnal ed wit h a Ca mp- On tone . Outside Call - Answ er 1. Lift hands et. 2. Pres s s low flashing outside line button. ( If your te le phone is p rogr amme d wi th Pre fer re d L ine Answer, you may answe r an outsi de line by lifting the handset.)
Out side Call - Place 7 -21 Out side Cal l - Pl ace 1 . Pr es s O UT SI DE LIN E b u tt o n. ON/ O FF bu t to n LED l ight s and dia l to ne is he ard. 2. Dial desired party. Rec a l l Whenanoutsidelineremainsonholdforanextendedtimeperiod,areal ring is hea rd. Pr es s O UT SI DE LIN E b utt on f las hin g at a ve ry fas t ra te. Conditions Recall doe s not a pply to intercom calls place d on hold . Release Button The Release Button feature lets the station user disconnect calls while off- hook (on hands et, not spe ake rp hone), sp ee ding up call ha ndling ti me . While off -hook (on ha ndse t, not sp eak erphone ) on an intercom call, trans fer s eque nce, pa ge announce ment, or CO call: Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med* R E LEA SE but t on t o t er mi nate i nte rc om call, trans fer s eque nce, page a nnounceme nt or CO call.
7- 22 S ett i ng Sys tem Tim e an d Da te Setting System Time and Date The System Time/Date must be set by the first programmed Attendant. 1 . Di al [6 92 ] on th e d ial p ad. A conf ir mat io n t one i s hea rd. 2. Enter date and time as follows: Y YMMDDHHMM YY = Year 00-99 DD = Day 0 1- 31 MM = Month 01-12 HH = Ho u r 0 0- 23 MM = Minute 00-59 Whe n the corre ct num ber of digits are e nte re d, a conf irmation tone is hea rd. Pres sing the ON /OFF butto n to OF F u pdates the dis play. Software Version Display The c ur re nt sys te m s o ft war e c a n be vi ew ed by t he fi rs t pro g ra mmed Attend ant. T he dis play s hows the ve rsion numbe r and le ve l of so ftwa re . At the first Attendant station: Di al th e S / W D isp lay c o de [6 05 ] o n th e d ial p ad. T he to p l ine o f the LC D continues to show the s ame data as it curre ntly dis pla ys, while the b ottom lin e of the LC D s hows the following in pla ce of the ti me /d ate i nfor mation : STARPLUSBASIC STARPLUSAC D Conditions The station must be an LCD type to view the information.
Speed Dial - Syste m St orin g 7 -23 Sp e e d Di a l - Sy s t e m S t o r i n g System Speed numbers must be entered by the first programmed Attend ant. If no Attend ant is s pecified, ente r at Station 100. 1 . Pr es s S PEE D once, t hen pre ss de si re d out si de li ne ke y or se l ect an outs id e l i ne a utom ati cal ly by pre ss ing the S PEED but t on a second ti me. 2. Dial the System Speed bin location (020-999). 3 . Di al te l ephone num ber. 4. Pres s the SPE ED button. 5. Hang up. †Pres sing the TRANS button during numbe r entry initiates a Pulse- To - T o n e s w i t c h o v e r . †Pres sing the HOLD b utton d uring nu mber e ntry inserts a Paus e. †Pressing the FLASH key inserts a Flash into the speed number. †Pressing the TRANS butto n as the first entry in the speed bin ins er t s a no- dis pl ay c ha rac t er c a usi ng t he numbe rs st or ed in the bin not to display on the Digital Telep hones whe n the bin is acces sed. Speed Bin numbers 060-099 ARE NOT monitored by Toll Res triction.
8 Liquid Crystal Displays This chapter consists of the Calling and Called LCD displays based on the function performed.
Introduction8-3 Introduction Each di spl ay is ar ra nged in toupperandlo werfi e lds . †Theupperfield shows the current activity of the telephone. †Thelowerfield is divided into two sections: -Theleftsection of thelow erfi el d s hows t he dat e, sp ee d bi n nu mber, conne cte d inte rcom station, or outside line numbe r. -Therightsection of thelow erfield s hows the curre nt time or e la pse d t i me on an out sid e ca ll . Thi s tab le sh ows L CD dis pl ays bas ed on t he func t ion per for med . Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay Idle Station Ma nually Dia ling Outgoing Cal ls Reca lling Line from Hold Reca lling Line from Another St a t io n * Features available with optional softw are Connec ted to a n Incom ing CO line STATION XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM a m STA XXXNAME MMM DD YY HH:MM am STATION XXXNA ME MMM DD YY HH:MM a m 18005551212 LINE XXX HH:MM:SS LINE XXX RECA LLING MMM DD YY HH:M M am RECA LL FROM STA XXX LINE XXX HH:MM:SSRECALL FROM ..(name).. LINE XXX HH:MM:SS STATION XXX LI N E X X X 00: 00 :1 0
8-4I ntr o ducti o n Intercom Call Cam p- On Co n f er en c e Interna l Pa ge Ex ter nal Z o ne Pa g e a n d Ex ternal A ll Cal l Pa g e * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay CA LL TO STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am CALL TO ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:MM am C ALL FROM STA XXX MM M DD YY HH:MM am CALL FROM ..(name).. MMM DD YYY HH:M M am CA LL TO STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am CALL TO ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am CA MP-ON BY S TA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am CAMP-ON BY ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am CONFERE NCE MMM DD YY HH:M M amCONFERE NCE MMM DD YY HH:M M am INTE RNA L PA GE ZONE X HH:M M amPAGE FROM STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am PAGE FROM ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am EX TER N AL PAG E ZONE X HH:M M am EX TER N AL PAG E MMM DD YY HH:M M am
Introduction8-5 AllCallPage Me et Me Pa ge St a t io n Call Forw ard (ori ginating station and nam e in dis play ) St a t io n No - An s w er Call Forw ard (ori ginating station) St a t io n Bu s y/ No-Answer C all Forw ard (ori ginating station) * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay ALLCALLPAGE MMM DD YY HH:M M amPAGE FROM STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM am ALLCALLPAGE MMM DD YY HH:M M am CA LL FROM XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM am PAGE FROM XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM a m CA LL TO XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am FORWA RDE D T O S TA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am FORWARDED TO ..(na me).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am NO ANS FW D TO STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am NO ANS FWD TO ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am BSY/NA FW D TO S TA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am BSY/NA FWD TO ..(na me).. MMM DD YY HH:M M am