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    of 402
    							5-10 A nsw ering Machine Emul atio n
    Answering Machine Emulation
    Whe n a cal l i s s ent t o a voi ce ma il box, t he st at ion a ssoci at ed wi t h th at ca n
    pr ess a pr e-p rogr am med but ton to li st en to th e c a ll er l ea ving t he voic e
    mail message. If the mailbox owner decides to speak with the caller, they
    c an p re ss th e p re -pr o gr amme d b u tt o n t o b e c o nn ec t ed to the c al l er .
    Two methods of notification are a vaila ble , a Ring Mode or a Spe ake r
    Mode. The pre-programmed button type (654+0=Ring Mode,
    654+1=Spkr Mode) defines the o peration mode.These methods are
    controlle d by the typ e of flexible button ass igne d o n the te le phone . (E X:
    Station A p lace s the ir phone in the ans wering machine m ode b y pres sin g
    the flexible button programmed on the telephone. The button light is
    solid red. Whatever button type is assigned on the telephone defines the
    ope rat i on mode of t he f eat ur e. ) Whe n a n i ncoming CO cal l ri ngs at a
    st at io n and fo rw ard s (e xc ep t bu sy ty pe) to th e s ta ti o n’svoicemailbox:
    †In RIN G MOD E, the pre- progra mmed ans wering machine flex button
    fl ashe s a t 48 0 ip m r ed whi le t he ca ll er i s in the owne r’smailbox.The
    mai lb ox owner pr es se s t he pre -pr ogr amme d fl as hing but ton and t he
    audi o i s b roa dcast ove r th e s pe ake r of t he keys et . The mut e k ey is
    ena ble d o n t he keys et at t hi s p oint . The LED l ight i s sol id re d.
    †In SPKR MODE, the voice mail message is broadcast over the speaker.
    The mute key is e nabled on the ke yse t and the LE D lig ht is solid re d.
    Th e Mai lb ox Ow n er h as t h e f ol low in g O PT IONS:
    1. To leave the ca ller in the voice mail a nd stop the s pea ker broadca st b y
    press ing the ON/OFF button. The ma ilbox owne r can continue to
    listen to the message being left without taking action at their keyset.
    Whe n the calle r dis connects a fte r le aving the voice m ail me ssa ge, the
    button returns to solid red a nd the keyset returns to idle.
    2 . To ta lk to the p ar ty l eavi ng the me ss age by p re ssi ng the M UT E k ey.
    The station remains in the CONF mode, and the caller hears the
    voicemail and the station user.
    3. To pick up the call by pre ss ing the fle xible button. Whe n the call is
    p icke d up, the voice mail sys te m d isconn ects f rom the call, a nd the
    normal talk state with the CO caller. 
    							Ans wering Machin e Emulat ion 5 -11
    but ton.
    †After the in-band digits are sent to the voice mail, the station’sflexible
    button status is checked. The feature is executed based on this check.
    The result of the checkisasfollows:
    - Inac tive = no fe ature ope ra tion e xecuted
    - Active = feature executed as per b utton fu nction ( ring mod e or
    speaker mode)
    †An id le st at io n c an pre ss t he f le xib le but t on t o go t o t he i nac t ive
    mode . Th e L ED extinguis hes and no a nswe r machine calls are
    prese nted to the statio n.
    †Onc e t he but ton is pr ogra mme d at t he st at ion, i t is in th e i nac t i ve
    mode (LE D e xtingu ish es) .
    †If the station u ser a nswe rs th e ca ll, the normal CO line LCD win dow
    displays. The call timer shows the elapsed time including the time the
    caller was in VM. The call timer does not start at 0 in this case.
    Di spl ay Me ssa ges
    When the call is ringing the station in the ring mode, the following
    mes sag e d is pla ys:
    When the station is monitoring the caller in VM, the following message
    di spl ays :
    MMM DD YY HH:MM am
    MMM DD YY HH:MM am
    An sw eri ng Mach ine Emu latio n onl y ope rate s on Statio n Fo rwardi ng. 
    							5-12 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD )
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
    The ACD feature is available with optional software.Whe n pur chas ed,
    Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is not used and is replaced by the ACD
    functions identified below. Sixteen Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
    gro ups ca n be progra mmed, each containing up to 32 three- digit station
    numbe rs .
    ACD A g en t He lp
    The ACD Agent HELP feature provides a means for an ACD agent to signal
    the i r a ssi gne d s uper vi sor for a ssi st ance . A f le x but t on mus t be
    progra mmed for this feature.
    Whil e on a cal l i n p rogres s, the ag ent:
    †Pr es se s t hei r pr e-p rogr amm ed HELP f le x but ton . A c onfi rm ati on t one
    is he ard by the ag ent. T he age nt’s HELP button illum inates if a
    supervisor is logged into their ACD group. If no supervisor is logged
    in, the agent receives a burst of error tone and the HELP button does
    not illumina te .
    †The A CD supe r vi sor st at ion re cei ves a Hel p m es sage whe n a n A CD
    mem ber t hat be long s t o th e s ame group in it ia te s a Hel p r eq ues t. The
    Help function also s ends a Camp -On tone to the sp ea ker of the
    supe r vi sor’s keyset. The Help message takes precedence over any
    oth er mes sage and can be cle ar ed b y th e su per vi sor by p re ssi ng t he ir
    HEL P button.
    their HELP flex button followed by the override feature button to
    bridg e onto the ACD group member’scall.TheHELPbuttonplacesan
    intercom call to the station requesting Help. The Help message is
    cle ar ed aft er t he supe r vi sor s HE LP bu tt on i s p re sse d. T he Hel p
    message is also cleared if the agent was on a call and went back
    on-hook before the sup ervisor could resp ond. In this ca se, the H elp
    mes sag e i s co nv er t ed to a me ssa ge wai t indi c at ion . T he a gent c a n
    al so c l ea r the He lp re que st by pre ss ing th ei r HELP b utt o n a se c o nd
    ti me. 
    							Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5 - 13
    †Up t o f ive me ssa ges can be le ft at a ny sup er vi sor s ta ti on.
    †The sup er vi sor can cance l a He lp re que st si gna l b y pr es si ng t hei r
    flashing H ELP b utton. A call is pla ced to the ag ent reque sting He lp. If
    the agent is on a call, the supervisor can press the BARGE-IN button
    to mo ni to r t he c all o r gi ve as si st anc e.
    Agent Login/Logout
    The Age nt Login/L ogout fea ture le ts a n Agent log into a Primary a nd
    Secondary ACD group to receive calls. An Agent must first login to be
    placed into an active ACD state.
    Pri ma ry G ro up
    Tolog inan ACD Primary Group:
    Di al LOGI N C ODE[ 572]on the dia l pad, followed by the desired ACD
    grou p numb er (5 XX),
    -or -
    Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on.
    The Agent enters their unique AGENT ID code (0000-9999). The
    LOGIN f le x button LE D is lit ste ady. A confirma tion tone is he ard and
    the a gent i s logge d on to the ACD group.
    †The ON/OFF LED extinguishes if the agent started the sequence
    in the ha ndsf re e m ode.
    †The ACD Agent Login LE D only lights for the AC D g roup th at is
    ass ign ed to tha t b u tt o n.
    Tolog outof a n ACD Primary Group:
    Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 571]on the dial pad,
    -or -
    Pr es s a pr e- prog ram med LO GO UT fle x bu tt on. T he LO GI N fl ex but ton
    LED extinguishes.
    login-logout codes to enter and exit an ACD group, other than their
    as s ign ed g roup, th e da tabas e is c hang ed to r efle ct the diffe ren t group .
    When the agent logs in or out of their ACD Group, an ACD login-logout
    event is sent to the ACD Events Trace port, if active. 
    							5-14 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD )
    Second ary Group
    Tolog ina n ACD Secondary Group:
    Di al LOGI N C ODE[ 582]on the dia l pad, followed by the desired ACD
    grou p numb er (5 XX),
    -or -
    Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on.
    The Agent enters their unique AGENT ID code (0000-9999). The
    LOGIN f le x button LE D is lit ste ady. A confirma tion tone is he ard and
    the a gent i s logge d on to the ACD group.
    †The ON/OFF LED extinguishes if the agent started the sequence
    in the ha ndsf re e m ode.
    †The ACD Agent Login LE D only lights for the AC D g roup th at is
    ass ign ed to tha t b u tt o n.
    Tolog outof a n ACD Secondary Group:
    Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 581]on the dial pad,
    -or -
    Pr es s a pr e- prog ram med LO GO UT fle x bu tt on. T he LO GI N fl ex but ton
    LED extinguishes.
    log out cod es to enter a nd e xit a n ACD group, other than the ir
    ass ign ed group, t he d at abas e is change d t o r ef le ct the di ffe re nt
    grou p.
    †If an age nt logs i nto an A CD gr oup fr om a s tat i on t hat i s l ogge d i nto
    another ACD group, the station is automatically removed from the
    previous AC D group.
    †An age nt may log out whi le i n wr ap-u p, or unava il abl e.
    †An age nt log ging in is pl ace d i n wr ap- up mod e befo re re cei vi ng a n
    AC D c a ll .
    †If an agent attempts to log into an ACD group that already has
    32 m embe r s, t hat a gent r ec e ive s an e rr or ton e.
    †TheTr iad-SDigital Sys tem d oes not verify agen t’s I D c odes , ot her
    than requiring entry of four digits.
    †An Agent may not login to the same group as a primary and 
    							Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5 - 15
    se con dar y m emb er.
    ACD Agent Queue Status Display
    Fr om a n i dle ke y t el ep hone:
    1 . Di al [5 67 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d fl e x button .
    2. Dial the ACD group number (5XX). ON/OFF button LED lights steady.
    †The Ag ent Qu eue Status disp lay shows the following information:
    5X X = AC D G r o u p ( 55 0- 5 65 )
    †This idle display tells the agent and/or their supervisor how many
    calls are in queue.
    3. Replace handset or press ON/OFF button to terminate the display.
    The age nt automatica lly rece ive s a n e nhance d Ca lls in Queue disp lay
    whenever there is a call in queue. The display shows the following:
    5X X = AC D G r o u p ( 55 0- 5 65 )
    CIQ: XX = C alls in queue
    AG EN T (S ): XX = Ag e n t s lo g g e d in
    OC: HH:MM:SS = Oldest call in hours, minutes and seconds
    This feature also allows an ACD station (12/24 button executive only) to
    assign multiple buttons that display the calls in queue for a particular
    gro up on the LC D. Ad ditionally, the b utton L ED ind icate s the numbe r of
    cal ls in que ue, dete rmi ned i n pr ogr ammi ng.
    MMM DD YY HH:MM a m
    Th is fe atur e can not b e us ed w ith a ca ll in p rogr es s . T h e s tatio n is
    cons id ere d bus y for inc omin g c alls duri ng thi s ope rat ion. E ach ti me
    this fea ture i s u se d, wrap -up is starte d.
    5 XX: CIQ: XX AGENT( S): XX
    OC: HH:MM:SS 
    							5-16 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD )
    From a n i dl e k ey tel ephone :
    The pre-programmed flex button for the ACD group being monitored is
    flashing a t 240 ip m indicating the re a re calls in que ue.
    1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med fl ex b utt on. The A gent Q ueue S ta tus
    display s hows the following:
    5X X = AC D G r o u p ( 55 0- 5 65 )
    The idle disp lay te lls the a gent a nd/or the ir s uperv is or how many
    calls are in queue.
    2. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF button to terminate the
    The user assigns a flexible button by dialing 579 XXX.
    (XXX is the ACD group number 550-565.)
    An y AC D s tat i on can ha ve a but ton a ssi gne d to vie w t he cal l s in queue for
    any AC D g roup.
    ACD Avai lable/Unavail able Mode
    If you are an ACD agent, you may place your station in the Available
    mode to receive ACD calls, or you may place your station in the
    Unav ailab le mode to block ACD calls from ringin g your s ta tion.
    Making a St ation Ava ilab le
    Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button. You may
    now receive ACD calls.
    MMM DDYY HH:MM a m 
    							Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5 - 17
    Making a St ation U na vailable
    Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button. You are
    now b locked from receiving ACD calls .
    ACD Call Factor
    The C all F ac to r f eat ur e is use d e xc lus iv el y wi th t he d igi t al voi c e m ail t o
    pr ovid e the av er age cal l dur ati on to the cal le r . T his fe at ure can be
    activated from administration (Flash 60, Button #14) or the ACD
    supe r vis or ca n use a fl exi bl e b utt on, [ 58 0] +A CD group numbe r+ XXX (Ca ll
    Fact or in mi nute s 00 0 -9 99 ), to ent er t he fact or (ave r age cal l dura ti on).
    The following formula is used to calculate the average call duration:
    (Place in Queue) (Call Factor)
    --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- -
    Number of A gents Logged into Group
    ACD Ca ll Qu a lif ica t i on
    The CA LL QUA LI FI CA TI O N fe at ure pr ovi des a m eans for an Age nt on A CD
    calls to enter ca ll iden tifica tion cod es. Th is feature provides up to four
    digits for the ACD SMD R re porting function. Up to 12 digits can be
    entere d, ho weve r only the first fo ur d igits a re use d in the SMD R re cord .
    Whi le A gen t is on a c al l:
    1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med CA LL QUA LIF Y fl ex but ton, fol lowe d by
    the f o u r- digi t qu a li fy c o d e.
    2. Enter a [
    ✳] to comp lete the sequence. A s hort burs t of conf irmation
    tone is he ard throug h the keys et s pea ker, if programme d.
    †The outside party d oes not hear the (q ualify code) account code
    be ing ent er ed.
    †The qualify code is the f irst four digits of the a ccou nt code. T herefo re,
    the account code record in the SMDR contains the qualif y code in the
    fi rst f our dig it s.
    †The qua lify cod e m ust be entered during CO talk s tate. 
    							5-18 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD )
    †The QUALIFY button is programmed using a flex code [570+##] or a
    spe ed bin numb er [570+YY ]. T he spe ed bin num ber can also h ave
    the C all Q u al if ie r co de.
    ACD G ro up Me mb e r St a t us
    The ACD Group Member Status feature provides a means for an ACD
    Supervisor/Agent to view the status of the 16 ACD groups in the system.
    Thi s d isp la y t el ls the Sup er vi sor /A ge nt which st ati ons ar e l ogge d in to t he
    gro up, a nd i f t he st at i ons l ogge d i n a re A vai la bl e/Unav ail ab le , O ut- of-
    Se rv ice , i n DN D, or busy on a cal l.
    Any station (Supervisor or Agent) logged onto the ACD group view the
    gro up me mbe rs di spl ay as fol lows :
    1. Dial the ACD Group Member Statu s code [573] on the dial pad,
    -or -
    Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med fl ex b utt on. The di spl ay now sh ow s A CD
    Group 550.
    station numbe r where the a gent is logge d in.
    (N) = Not Equippe d
    (D ) = D o n o t D ist u r b
    (O) = Ou t o f se r vic e
    (U) = Unava ilable
    (B ) = B u sy o n a c al l
    (A ) = Ava ilable
    NOTE -- If an Agent madeacallwhileout ofservice, thestatus wouldbe out
    of serv ice, not busy .
    2. Press [✳] to scroll up to the next ACD Group. If more than eight
    m embers a re in the ACD group, the nex t dep ression of the [
    d is play s t he add it iona l memb er s,
    -or -
    Press [#] to scroll down to the previous ACD Group. To return to an
    idle display, the Supervisor/Agent station returns to on-hook
    ACD5XX: 110A 111A 112A
    113O 114U 115D 116B 117N 
    							Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5 - 19
    †The A CD Group Memb er s St atus di sp lay is upd ate d a t the t im e t he
    code is di al ed.
    †If an ag ent made a cal l whil e o ut of ser v ice, the st at us woul d be out o f
    se rv ice, not bus y.
    ACD Ove rflow Station - Avai lable/Unavail abl e Mode
    If yo u are a n A CD Ov er flo w st at io n, yo u may pla c e yo ur st at io n in the
    Av ai lab le mode t o r ec e iv e A CD c al ls , or you may pla c e y our s ta ti on i n t he
    Unav ailab le mode to block ACD calls from ringin g your s ta tion.
    Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n A va il ab le Mode
    Di al [5 78 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button. You may
    now receive ACD calls.
    Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n U na va il abl e Mode
    Di al [5 78 ] on th e d ial p ad,
    -or -
    Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button. You are
    now b locked from receiving ACD calls .
    ACD Overflow Station - Forwarding
    The ACD Overflow Station feature allows ACD calls reaching the ACD
    Ov er flo w St at io n t o fol low the c a ll for war d of t he o ver fl ow st at i on.
    1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button.
    2. Pres s the FW D b utton.
    3 . Di al th e d esi r ed cod e:
    [6] = All Ca lls
    [7] = No Ans wer Ca lls
    [8] = Busy Calls
    [9 ] = Busy and No A nswe r Cal ls
    4. Dial the desired destination number where calls are to be forwarded
    ( Station, Voice Mail, AC D or Hunt g roups ). C onfirma tion tone is heard. 
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