Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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4-10 DS S/ D LS Fea tures DS S Consol e Ma p #2 --By def ault has 32 Sta tions, 100–131. All buttons are f le xib le and can be change d b y the station user. This m ap ca n be duplica ted on another D SS/D LS con sole a nd a ssigned to the same st at ion. Fi gure 4-2 : DS S Consol e Ma p #2 100 101 102 103 104 10510 6 107 108 109 110 111 11 2 11 3 11 4 1 15 116 117 11 8119 120 121 12 2123 124 125 12 6127 128 129 13 0131
5 Digital Station Operation TheTr iad-SSystem has a variety of features and flexible programming, allowing e ach te le phone us er to program the telepho ne to m ee t the ir ind ivi dua l n ee ds. This ch apter contains the follow ing inf orma tion: †Operating instructions for the digital telephone. †Illustration of the telep hone used in theTri ad- SSystem. †Telephone key descriptions and their functions. †Vi sual an d aud ibl e cues t hat accomp any t he var iou s s te ps for operating the fea tures . AStat ion Us er’sGuidei s al so a vai la ble t hat p rovi de s d et ai le d ope r ati ng ins tr uc t ions .
Introduction5-3 Introduction EachTr iad-SSystem provides the all the keys, indicators, and features des cri be d. Handset and Speakerarelocatedattheleftsideofthefrontpanel.A hands et is prov ide d to a llow conf ide ntial conv ersation whe n de sire d. Lifting the han dse t from its cra dle (going off-h ook) dise ngage s the st at ion’s built- in s pea ker. T he s pe aker is located d irectly below the ce nter portion of the handset. The station ma y be ope rate d w ith the hands et on- hook. Whe n this occurs, audio is transmitted to the station u ser through the station’s spe ake r. Figure 5-1: Executive Digital Telephone
5-4I ntr o ducti o n Digital Telephone Description Figure 5-2: Digita l Key Telephone VOLUME SPEED HTP CAMP ON CONF MSG FORWARD FLASH TRANS H O L D STA 153 JUL 21 99 12:31 pm 12345 6 78 9 1011 12 1314 15 16 O N / O F FM U T E 123abcdef 456jklmno 789tuvwxy 0oper ghi prsS#
Introduction5-5 Tabl e 5 -1 : Di git al Key Tel epho ne But to ns Numbe r F eat ure Des cri pti o n 1Display (E x e cu t iv e M o de l s on ly )D isp la y s in form at io n a b ou t tel ep ho ne sta t us, d ia li ng d ir ecto ri es, an d tex t messa g e in form a tio n. 2 h.t. p. U sed t o selec t m ode of o per at ion: Handsfr ee, Tone, or Pr iv a cy. 3msgKe y U s e d f o r A ut o - C al lB ac k t o a t e le p ho ne w hic h h a s l e f t a t ext message or t o access voi ce messages. 4confK ey U sed t o est abli sh c onference c al ls. 5fo r w a r dKey Used to forward your calls to another station or voice mail. 6sp ee dKey U sed t o acc ess speed dialing, save number redial, and l as t nu mb e r r e di al . T hi s bu tto n al s o i s us e d to a cc e s s f l e x b u tto n p ro gra m min g. 7transK ey Used t o t ransfer an outsi de call fr om one station t o another. 8muteKey U sed t o a c tiv a te/ dea c tiv a te MU TE fu n cti on . Wh en ac tiv ated, the p art y o n t he o th er end c an no t h ear yo u. 9camp-onKey Used to alert a busy station that an outside line is on hold and waiting for them. 10on/o ffK ey U sed t o m ak e a c a ll w ith ou t l ifti ng th e ha n dset . 11fl a s hKey Used to end an outside call and to restore dial tone without hanging up receiver. 12volu meK ey U sed t o adjust level of tones, background music , r in gin g, recei ver vo lu me, a nd d isp la y con tra st . 13holdKey U sed t o hol d c alls, t o ret rieve held cal ls. 14 Microphone Used to talk with other party without using the handset. 15 Speaker Outputs tones and voice at your extension. 16 Fl exi bl e Button K eys U sed t o ac cess outsi de l ines or ac cess c all-handli ng features.
5-6I ntr o ducti o n Flexible Bu tton sprovide access to idle outside lines, DSS/BLF for interna l s ta tions, access speed dial numbers an d activ ate fea tures . Thes e but tons can be pr ogra mme d by t he i ndi vi dual s tat i on us er . T he def ault fl ex f eat ur e but tons ar e des cri be d as fol low s: †CALL BACK butto n lets you initiate a call back request to another busy st at ion. A s s oon as t hat st at io n be comes i dle , t he st at ion tha t le ft th e call b ack req ues t is automatica lly s igna led. A f lex button mus t b e ass ign ed to use thi s fea tur e. †PIC K-UP bu tton lets you pick up a tone ringing intercom call, tr ans fer r ed, inc omi ng, or r ec a ll ing out si de ca ll t o a spe c if ic unat te nde d s tat i on, b y gr oup or d ir ect ed cal l p ick- up. †DND (DO N OT DIS TURB) but ton le ts t he use r pla ce t he ir t el eph one into Do Not Disturb mode to eliminate incoming outside line ringing, intercom ca lls, transf ers a nd p aging an nounceme nts. T he station in DNDcanusethetelephonetomakenormaloutgoingcalls.On Attendant stations, this button becomes the system Night Mode button. A flex button must be assigned to use this feature. †LINEQUEUEbuttonletsyouqueue toanoutsidelinewhenalllines in a g roup are b usy. Your s ta tion is p la ce d in q ueue , awa itin g a line in the s ame gr oup t o be come avai l abl e. Outside Callsare announced by a tone signal repeated every 3. 2 secon ds. The corre spond ing outsid e line indicator flashe s s low ly. Interco m Callscan b e tone ringing or voice a nnounce. If voice announce d, the rece iv ing station re ceive s three tone burs ts prio r to the announce me nt. If a tone ring ing call, the rece iv ing station hea rs a tone ring every 2.4 seconds.
Introduction5-7 Digital Numbering Plan * Features available with optional software Table 5-2: Digital Telephone Numbering Plan ACD * Ag e n t H elp 57 4 L as t Nu m ber R e dial [S P EED ] +[ #] ACD* Agent Login (Prima ry Grp) 572+[5UU] LC R or CO Li ne Grp 1 9 ACD * Ag e n t Lo g in (S ec o n da r y G r p) 58 2 +[5 U U ] ( if LCR disa bled) ACD * Ag e n t Lo g o u t (P r ima r y G r p) 57 1 LC R Q ue u e Ca n c el 62 6 ACD * Ag e n t Lo g o u t (S ec o n dar y Gr p ) 58 1 L o op Ke y ( Re qu ir es B u t t o n ) 89 ACD* Cal l Factor 580+[5UU] Message Wait 623 (requires button) +[FFF ] M odem via DIS A Access or Trans 499 ACD* Cal l Qualif ier 57 0 +[ YY ] Na me in Displ ay Progra mm ing 69 0 ACD* Group Member S tatus 573 O ff-Hook Pref Programming 691+[BB] ACD* Group Pilot Num bers 1-1 6 5+ [UU] O ff -Net - Call For wa rd [F WD] +[ ✳] ACD* or UCD Avail able /Una vaila ble 56 6 O HVO Enabl e 62 8 ACD* or UCD Calls in Queue Disp lay 56 7 5 5 +[ U] Page - A ll Ca ll (Int & Ext) 70 0 ACD* Ove rf low S ta Ava il/Unavai l 57 8 Page - E xterna l All Ca ll (A ll Zones ) 76 +[ 0] ACD* Supe rvi sor Login 576+[5UU] Page - E xte rnal Zones 76+[ P] ACD* Supe rvi sor Logout 575[5UU] Page - I nte rnal A ll Call (Al l Zone s) 709 ACD* Supv Queue Status Disp lay 577+[5UU] Page - I nternal Zones 1-8 701-708 Atte ndant 0 Page - M ee t Me (Answe r) 770 Background Music 632+[0, 1, 2] Personalized Messages 633+[ZZ] Call For ward - Al l [F WD] +[ 6] Pe rs onalize d Me ss age s - Clea r 63 3 +[0 0 ] Call For ward - Busy [FWD]+[8] Repeat Redial 643 Call For ward - B usy /No A nsw er [F WD] +[ 9] S ave Numbe r Re dial [S P EED] +[ ✳] Call For ward - No Answer [FWD]+[7] Speed Dial Access [SPEED]+[YY Y] Cal l Fo r war d O ver r i d e 5# ( 0 00 - 01 9 S t a) (0 20 - 99 9 S ys ) Call Park Location - Personal 438 Station Rel oc ate 636+[X XX] Call Park Loca tion - S tation 43 9 +[X XX] Tone Mode Ring O ption 6# +[ XXX] Call Park Loca tion - S yste m 43 +[ C] UC D Group Pilot Numbe rs 55 + [ U] Call Park Pickup ( Key a nd SLT ) #4 3+ [C ] Univ ers al Day/Nig ht A nsw er #5 Cle ar Call For ward, DND, Ms g 66 2 Voice Mail Grp Pilot Numbe rs 44 +[ V] CO Line Direct Ac ce s s 88 +[ LLL ] CO Line Group ( LCR if 9 11 activ e) 80 0 CO Line Groups 1-24 800-823LE GE ND-- Dial By Nam e 6 ✳ Directory Dial 680C = C al l P ar k L oc a t i on (0 - 7) Distinc tive Ringing 69 5FFF= ACD* Call Factor (000-999) Do Not Disturb 631H = Hunt Group Number (0-7) Executive O verrid e/Monitor Barge-I n 625LLL = Lin e N u mb er ( 00 1- 01 2) Exte nsi on N u m ber s -Tria d -S100-131P=External Page Zone Number (1-2) Follow- Me Forw ard 64 2U=UCDGroup Number (0-7) GroupCallPickUp(KeyandSLT) #0U U = ACD * ( 50- 6 5) Head set M ode 634V = VoiceMail GroupNumber(0-7) Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 45+[H]XXX = Intercom Station Numbers ICLI D Dis play (A nsw ere d Calls ) 65 9Y Y Y = S p e e d Di a l B i n N um be rs ICLI D Dis play (Unans we red Ca lls) 63 5ZZ = P ersonalized Mes sages
5-8 A ccoun t Codes Account Codes When connected to an o utside line call: 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med ACC OUNT CO DE but ton . 2. Dial account code up to 12-digits. ( The other p arty does not h ear the digits being dialed). †If account code islessthan 12-digits,an[✳]mustbeenteredto re tu r n to t he c al l. †If account codes a re forced, the a ccount cod e m ust be entered prior to dialing the outside number. Account Codes/Traveling COS ( Verified) The Verified Account Code/Traveling Class of Service (COS) feature pr o vid es th e a bi li ty to tr ac k spe c if ic c a ll s b y e nte r ing a v er ifi e d, v ari ab le le ngt h (up t o 1 2 d igi t s) i de nti fi er . E ach a ccount code can b e a ssi gne d a day and nigh t Cla ss of S ervice f or determinin g the dia ling p rivile ges allowedbythataccountcode. This feature provides a means for users to override a restricted station. If the d ialed account code ma tches the Verified Account cod e tab le, a n int e rc om dia l tone i s r e tur ned , ot her wi se an er ror t one is pr es ent e d. Using forced Account Codes is optional, ava ilable on a sys tem-wide bas is . SMDR m ust be ena bled f or the account code to print a s pa rt of the SMD R re c o rd . T heTri ad- SS ystem allows up to 250 12-d igit account code s for ve ri fic a ti o n p u rp o ses . SMDR m us t b e e nabl ed for th e A cco unt C ode fe atur e to op erat e. A ls o, SMDR mus t be en able d fo r th e accou nt code to be come pa rt o f the S MDR reco rd.
Ans wering a R ecal l 5-9 En teri n g an A ccoun t Code Pri or to a CO Cal l 1 . Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d A CCO UNT COD E b utt on b efor e ac c es si ng a CO li ne. 2. Dial th e a cco unt cod e up to 12- digits. If the account code matches a v er ifi e d ac c o u nt c o de , i nte rc o m di al to ne i s re tu r ne d. O th er wi se an error tone is presented. 3 . Acce ss the out si de CO li ne or di al th e LC R code and dia l the de si re d nu mber. Conditions †Verified Account C odes allow use of an a ccou nt cod e a s a trav eling Cl ass of Se rv ice . †If LCR is a ctivated in the system and verified a ccount codes are f orced, theusermustentertheaccountcodebeforedialingtheLCRcode. †Whe n ve ri fi ed ac c ount c odes ar e for ce d, s ta ti on M US T e nt er an account code to dial a nu mber that is restricted through s ta tion COS and toll restriction. An account code is n ot required for calls that are unrestricted through station COS and toll restriction. †Whe n ve ri fi ed account codes ar e not for ced, a st at i on use r may pl ace a call without entering an account code. In this case , the s ta tion use rs COS i s b ase d on th ei r st ati on C OS. I n t his c as e, a us er c an ent er a ver i fie d a cco unt cod e to u pgra de th ei r C OS . †The R e dia l f eat ur e d oes not sup por t Ve r ifi ed A cc ount C odes . Answe ring a Recall When an outside line remains on hold for an extended time period, a recalling ring reminder is sent. (If Preferred Line Answer is enabled, skip st ep 1. ) 1. Pres s ou ts ide line, Loop or Pool b utton f las hin g at very fa st rate. 2. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button to conve rse. SMDR m us t b e e nabl ed for th e A cco unt C ode fe atur e to op erat e. A ls o, SMDR mustbe enabled fortheaccountcode tobecome partof theSMDR reco rd.