Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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2-42Flash Flash P rov ide s t e le phone use rs wi th t he a bi li ty to te r mina te an out si de ca ll or tr ans fer a cal l beh ind a PBX or Ce ntr ex and re st ore di al t one wit hout hanging up the hands et. A FLASH button is locate d o n ea ch digita l te le pho ne . Flash Rates (Programmable) Fi xed and fle xi ble b utt on f las h r at es can be pro gra mmed . T her e ar e progra mmab le flash ra tes f or 19 features/fun ctions that ca n now be progra mmed to up to 15 different red fla sh rate option s a nd 14 different gre en fl ash ra te opt i ons. The se ar e se t- up i n ad min pr ogra mmi ng. All other flash rates in the system are fixed (defaulted) at the rates for the Tri ad- SSystem. Flexible Button Assignment TheTr iad-SS ystem has the following fle xible button as signmen t f eatures which ena bles progra mming from a remote loca tion (of f-s ite). Range programming can also be used to assign these buttons to multiple st at ions . †Outside Line-- Automatically accesses assigned line. (User pr ogra mmabl e) †DSS/BLF-- Automatically signal assigned station and provides BLF for off- hook a nd D ND. (U ser p rogr amma bl e) †Feature-- Any feature with a dialing code (Personalized Messages, Pa ging, Account Code, Call Pa rk, Music, etc.) can b e a ssigned to a flexible button. (User programmable) †Gro up Access( ACD, UCD, Hunt, Voice Mail group pilot numbe rs ) -- Use r prog ram mable. †Speed Dial-- Automatically dials Speed number. (System, Station, Sav ed Numbe r Redi al , L ast Num ber Re dia l) (Use r pr ogra mmabl e)
Flexible Button Ass ignmen t 2 -43 †Poo led Group Access-- Some or a ll outside lines can be grouped ; press ing this button acces se s the highes t numbe re d unus ed CO line in tha t group. (Use r prog ram mabl e) †Lo op-- Used to answer a transferred call on a line for which a user does not ha ve a button as signed. (Use r progra mmab le ) †Unassign(Locked-Out) -- Specific buttons may be designated as unuse d or locke d out. W hen a b utton is programm ed as unuse d, the button may not be programmed by the station user using flex button pr ogra mmin g pr ocedur es . E nha n ced D igita l Te le p hon e s(8- button ) with 5 fix ed fea ture buttons and 8 fl e xibl e but tons . E ac h fl ex butt on c a n be ass ign ed a s a CO /P B X li ne, DSS bu tton, Speed Dial or Feature button. Refer toTabl e 2- 2: Fl ex But ton Programming Codes. F igure 2-1: Digital Enhanced (8-Button) Te le phone
2-44 F le xibl e B utt on As signme nt En hanced or Executive Dig ital Telepho nes-- The 24/12-button models have 11 fixed fe ature buttons and 24/12 flexible buttons. Each fle x button c an be assi gned as a C O/ PBX l ine, D SS butt on, Spe ed Dia l or Fe atur e butt on. Refer toTable 2-2: Flex Button Programming Codes. Figure 2-2: Digital Executive (24-Button) Telephone Figure 2-3: Digital Executive (12-Button) Telephone
Flexible Button Ass ignmen t 2 -45 Table 2-2: Flex Button Programming Codes * Features available with optional software†IDX = Index numbers reference Mailbox numbers (Con tac t Sy stem Adm inistr ato r for specific Index/Mailbox n umb er s.) Account Code s 62 7 IC LID Dis play ( Una nsw ere d Calls ) 6 35 ACD* Age nt Help 574 Inte rcom Button(s) 645 ACD * Ag e n t Lo g i n (P r i m ar y G r p) 57 2+ [5 U U ] La st N u m ber R ed i al [ SP EE D ]+[ #] ACD * Ag e n t Lo g in (S ec o n da r y G r p) 58 2+ [5 U U ] LCR Qu e u e Ca nc e l 6 26 ACD*AgentLogout(PrimaryGrp) 571 LeastCostRoutingAccess 9 ACD * Ag e n t Lo g o u t (S ec o n dar y G r p) 58 1 Li n e Qu e u e 6 21 ACD* Ava ilabl e/Unava ilable 56 6 Loop Ke y (Re quires Button) 8 9 ACD * Ca l l Fac t o r 58 0+ [5 U U ] Ma i l b o x B u t t o n 6 44 +[ I D X ] (requires button) +[FFF] Message Waiting 623 ACD* Ca ll Qualif ie r C od e 57 0+ [ YY ] Mute Button 6 29 ACD* Ca lls in Que ue Dis play Buttons 57 9+ [5 UU] Night S erv ice 6 04 ACD* Group Mem be r S tatus Di spla y 57 3 OHVO E nable 6 28 ACD* Group Pi lot Numbers 5+ [UU] One-Touch Record ing 649+[44V ] ACD* Ov erf low A vaila ble/Unav aila ble 57 8 Page - E xterna l All Ca ll 7 6+ [0 ] ACD* Sup ervisor Login 576+[5UU] Page - External Zones 76+[P] ACD * Su p er v i so r Lo g o u t 57 5+ [5 U U ] P ag e - I n t e r n al Al l Cal l 7 09 ACD * Su p er v i so r Qu e u e St a t u s D i s p l ay 57 7+ [5 U U ] P ag e - I n t e r n al Z o n e 1 - 8 7 01 - 70 8 ACD*/UCD Ca lls in Q ue ue Dis play 56 7 Page - Me et M e ( Ans we r) 7 70 All C all P ag e ( In t er n a l & Ex t er n al ) 70 0 P er s o n aliz ed M es sa g es 6 33 +[ Z Z ] Answering Mach. Emulation Mode 654+[0, 1] Personalized Messages - Clear 633+[00] Atte ndant 0 Re lea se Button 641 AttendantOverride 601 RepeatRedial 643 Background Music 632 Ring Tone 695 Call Ba ck 62 2 S ave Num ber Re dial [ SPEE D]+[ ✳] Call C ov erage (Non-Ringing Type) 647+ [XXX ] Speed Dial Access [SPEED]+[ YYY] Call Coverage (Ringing Type) 646+[XXX ] (000-019 STA) (020-999 SYS) Call Park L oc ation - Personal 438 UCD Group Pi lot Numbers 55+ [U] Call Park L oc ation - S tation 439+ [XXX ] Unive rsa l Day/Night A nswer #5 Call Park L oc ation - S ystem 43+[C] VM Group Pilot Numbers 44+ [ V] Call er ID Nam e/Num ber Toggle 653 Cam p- On 62 0 CO Line Direct A cces s 88+[ LLL ]LEGEND -- CO Line Group 80 0- 8 23C=CallParkLocation(0-7) CO Line Of f- Net For ward 60 3FFF = ACD* CallFactor (000-999) Direc tor y Dial 680H = H u nt Gr o u p N um be r ( 0- 7) Do Not Di sturb 631IDX †= 001 - 25 5 Executive O verride/M oni tor Barge-In 625LLL = Li ne N um be r ( 001 - 012 ) Ex tens io n N u m ber s -Tr i a d - S10 0- 1 31P=1or2 Fla sh 66 0U = U CD ( 0- 7) Gr o up Nu mb er Group C all Pick Up #0UU = ACD* (50-65) Hea dset Mode 634V= Voice Mail Group Number (0-7) HPT (8 btn se ts) 667XXX = Station Extension Num bers Hunt Group Pilot Numbers 45+ [H]YYY = Speed Dial Bin Numbers ICLI D Displa y (A nsw ere d Calls ) 65 9ZZ = Pers onalized Mess ages
2-46 Fl exibl e Numbering Flexible Numbering TheFlexibleNumberingfeatureallowstheusertomodifythesystem’s numbering plan to accommodate their specific requirements. Station, pi lot , a nd f eat ur e a c c ess c ode numb er s ( as wel l as the l engt h of t hes e numbe rs ) ma y be cha nged to me et use r app lications . ForcedLeastCostRouting(LCR) TheTr iad-SSys te m ma y be pr ogr amme d on a per s tati on ba si s to f orce the us e of LC R for outgoing accessed. This allows th e s ystem administra tor to ma intain grea te r control ove r dia ling p atte rns an d the li nes us ed for pl ac ing out goin g CO c al l s. Forward Override The Forward Override feature allows a user to reach a busy station that is busy for war d, no ans wer for war d or all cal l for war ded . T his al l ows t he calling station to call to a forwarded station, OHVO, Executive Override, Monit or , Mes sag e W ai t, Ca mp-O n, or Cal l Back a t tha t st ati on rat he r tha n forwarding to the busy destinatio n. Group Listening Al l di git al ke y s ta ti o ns have bu il t- in spe ake rp ho nes . S ta ti o n u s er s m ay use the spe ake r to monitor a call while u sin g the hands et to conve rs e with the outside party. This enables other people in the room to listen to bot h pa rt ie s in the conv er sat io n. Th is fe atu re is no t a vai lab le wh en th e stati on is in h ead se t mode .
He adset C om pati bi l i ty 2 - 47 Hea d set C omp a ti b i li t y TheTr iad-SDig ital Te lephon es are d esigne d to a llow the connection of an i ndust r y st and ard , el e ct r et mi c compat ib le , mod ular he ads et . T he us er c onnec t s the mod ula r h ead set t o t he hand set j ac k on t he te l ephon e le aving the ha ndse t in pla ce. The ON/OF F b utton on th e D igital Telephoneisthenusedtoactivatetheheadset. Hea d set Mo de Each digital telep hone can b e individually progra mme d for he ads et o pe rat i o n. W hen pr o gra mmed , a n i ndust ry st and ard he adse t wi th it s ada pter box may be connected to a d igital telephone f or h ead set us e. This allows handset or headset operation by switching the selector switch on the ada pte r box. Sp eake rphone ope ra tion a nd call announce on intercom are disable d while a station has ena bled head se t mode. Once programmed in s ta tion p rogramm ing, the user m ay then select be twe en hea dse t mode or norm al hand set/spe ake rp hone mode by si mpl y di al ing a co de or p re ss ing a us er pr ogr amma ble f le x button. Hearing Aid Compatible All Digital and Single Line Telephones are hearing aid compatible in compliance with the FCC Part 68, Section 68.316. This allows using the telephone in conjunction with u sers wea ring hearing aids. Hol d - E xc lu si ve When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold, no other station in the system can retrieve this call. Exclusive Hold ma y be p rogramm ed and a ctivated on the first or second depres sion of the HOL D button. C O L ines wh ile in a tr ans fer hol d are a lwa ys p la ce d i n a n E xc lus ive Hol d co ndit i on.
2-48 Ho l d - Preference Hol d - Pref ere nc e The Hold Preference feature allows either System or Exclusive hold as the prima ry hold on the firs t dep ression of the HOLD button, d epending upon prog ram ming . A s econd dep ression invok es the s econd hold preference. Hol d - Re ca l l When an outsid e ca ll ha s been on H old for a p rogram mable length of time, recall ringing tone is sent to the station placing the call on Hold. If thi s st at ion does not an swe r t he r ecal l, a re cal l t one i s s ent t o t he Attendant(s). Hol d - Syst em When a line is placed on System Hold, any station in the system with an app ear ance of tha t li ne can r et r ie ve t he ca ll . Hot K ey pa d The Hot Keypad feature enables a station user to activate the telephone by dialing digits without going off hook. Hot L i ne/ R in g D own Di gital ke y s ta ti ons may be pr ogra mmed to i mmed iate ly call or r in g down a pa rticular s ta tion or outside number upon going off hook. This is done by programming the s ta tions Off- Hook preference to a ctivate a DSS or Speed dial feature key. This feature can be overridden if the station user selects a C O line first wh en going off- hook.
Hu n t G ro u p s 2 - 4 9 Hu nt Gr ou p s The sy stem can b e a rrange d f or up to e igh t H unt groups. Each Hunt gro up can conta in up to e ig ht stations ea ch. E ach H unt grou p is ind epe nde ntly a rrange d to utilize e ithe r a p ilot hunting te chnique or station hunting te chnique. Chai ni ng Hunt Groups can b e cha ine d o r joined tog ether f orming large r H unt Grou ps. This is accomplished by ass ign ing a Pilot Hu nt Group numbe r as the l as t m emb er o f a gr o u p. Pilot Hunting Incom ing CO, transf erred CO, an d intercom calls can be directed to a pilot exten sion numb er of a Hunt g roup. T he s yste m se arches se que ntially (in the or der t he ext ens ion s we re en te re d i n t he d at abas e p rogr amm ing) for an idle station in the group and rings tha t station. Calls directed to stations (by calling the ex te nsion num ber) within the Hun t group do n ot hunt but rece iv e ca ll progres s tone s of th e e xtens ion dia le d. The Pilot Hunting feature has the option to bypass the sequential search and to ring all idle stations in the Hunt Group. This option can be ena ble d/di sab le d on a gr oup bas is . Station Hunting Tr ans fer re d C O cal ls and int e rcom ca ll s tha t are p re se nte d t o a bus y, or DND station, who is a member of a station Hunt group, searches se quentially (in the orde r the e xte nsions were entere d in da tab ase progra mming) for a n idle s ta tion in the group an d ring s that s tation. Dire ct ringing C O L ine calls to the station numbe r rings at the station. If station hunting is de sire d on a direct ringing call, prog ram the station hunting pilot numb er in the CO Line ring a ssignme nt list. This a llows the mem ber of th e hu nt group to rece ive private calls and hunt group calls.
2-50 ICLID/Caller ID ICLID/Caller ID The I CLI D (Incom ing Calling Line I Dentification) feature has been added to theTriad-SSystem. However, in order for this feature to operate pr oper l y, i t mus t b e ac t iv at ed f rom t he Cen tr al Off ic e so t hat the numbe rs of the calling party is delivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the first s ilen t interval b etwee n rin ging. The following features have been implemented. An sw e red IC LI D Ta b le The Answered ICLID Table feature adds a table that captures the ICLID calls th at were ans wered. Th e tab le can store up to 100 en tries of the most r ece nt ly answe r ed IC LID cal ls . A s ta ti on ma y di al a uni que acces s code to view the e ntrie s, scroll through the entrie s, and dia l a de sire d entry back. The table displays the number as well as the station that answ er ed the c al l . Ca lle r-En t ere d I CL I D D igit s The Caller-Entered ICLID Digits feature is available with optional software. T he G uara ntee d Mes sag e a nnouncem ent fe ature p rovide s a mea ns to f orce incomin g callers to an announ cement bef ore bein g placed into an ACD Queue or routed to an agent. Outside callers are presented with the entire message before being routed to the ACD Grou p. A ge nts i n an A CD Group wi th Guar ant ee d Me ssa ge ena ble d, re c ei ve i nc oming c al le rs onl y a fte r th e c a ll er ha s he ar d t he des ig nat ed re cord ed a nnounce ment in its entire ty. The Gua ran te ed Me ss age fea ture al so p rovi de s a n opt i on t o c ap tur e dig it s d ia le d by t he i nc omi ng c a ll er whi ch c an b e ins er te d a s I CL ID inc om ing numbe r ide nt ifi c at io n. I f t he Guarantee d Mes sage announce me nt is programme d in Admin, incoming ACD calls is routed to the Guaranteed Message RAN before going to the ACDGroup.Ifthe ICLIDoptionis selected,digits receivedbefore the announce me nt time- out is cap tured and ins erted as incoming IC LID number information. When the ICLID option is selected, a [#] is re cognize d a s a termin ation of the announce ment a nd a [ ✳]is re c o gni ze d a s a n e ntr y e rr o r . A n e nt ry er ro r r e mo ves t he IC LI D num ber and the incoming caller can re -e nte r the ir p hone numbe r.
IC L ID / Ca ll er I D 2 - 51 Calle r ID Name/Number The C all er I D Name /Numbe r fea tur e al lows a st at ion use r t o p rog ram a flexible button to view both the number and name on the LCD when re c ei vi ng a Ca ll er I D C O c all . The t op l in e of t he L CD dis pl ays th e num ber of the calle r and the bottom line of the L CD dis plays the na me. Calling Number/Name Display The Calling Number/Name Display feature is intended as the basic offe ring of the IC LID se rv ice whe n as sociated with theTr iad-SSyst e m. Whenev er an incoming call is received at the sys tem, the numb er re ceive d along with the ringing s ig nal is stored in the lin e control tab le s and used at various points in the processing of the call. †The primary function is that the calling number is displayed (if avai la bl e) at any p oint a t which the LI NE RI NGI NG i s d is pla yed in the sys te m. †With the ava ilability of th e ca lling name fe ature , if the calling na me is prov id ed, the system delivers that to the display instea d of the ca llin g numbe r. In co mi ng Nu mb er / Na m e f or SM D R R eco rds The Incoming Num ber/Name for S MDR Records feature operates norm ally in the ab sence of ICLID information or the failure of the IC LID equi pme nt . †If inf o rma ti o n i s pr es ent at th e t im e t hat an S MD R re c o rd i s g ene rat ed for a ca ll, it alte rs the conte nt and format of the S MD R output re cord. †If calling number is available, the number is output in the SMDR re c ord in the s ame lo ca ti on a s t he di al ed numbe r is loc a te d i n t he outg oing calls. †If calling name is present, an additional line is output in the SMDR re cord ide ntify ing th e na me. Thi s re cor d imme di atel y fol l ow s the no r mal SM DR re c o rd. The no r mal S MD R re c o rd in cl ude s a n i ndi c ato r whi ch id ent if ie s t hat a fol lowi ng r e cor d w it h na me ide nt ifi c at ion is pr ese nt . †Unans wer ed c all s are r ec ord ed in t he SM DR re cor d f or i nc omi ng wi th an i ndi cat or to all ow t he id ent if icat i on of call e rs for st at is ti cal and cal l-b ack p urp ose s.