Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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C-12 Progra mming Tables FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x A ns Ma chine S pkr 6541 Atte ndant Cle ar A larm 60 6 Atte ndant Dis able CO Line 60 2 Atte ndant Ov erride 60 1 Atte ndant Unava ilable 60 7 Back ground M usic 63 2 Ca ll Back 62 2 Ca ll Covera ge 64 7 Ca ll Covera ge Ring 64 6 Ca ll Factor 58 0 Ca ll Forwa rd 64 0 Ca ll Pa rk Group 1 43 0 Ca ll Pa rk Group 2 43 1 Ca ll Pa rk Group 3 43 2 Ca ll Pa rk Group 4 43 3 Ca ll Pa rk Group 5 43 4 Ca ll Pa rk Group 6 43 5 Ca ll Pa rk Group 7 43 6 Ca ll Pa rk Group 8 43 7 Ca mp On 62 0 Ca ncel LCR Que ue 62 6 ClearFwd,DND,Msg 66 2 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
Programming Tables C-13 FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x Cle ar VM A larm 65 6 CO Li ne 88 CO Li ne Que ue 62 1 Conf ere nce 62 4 Cus tom Ms g 69 4 Dia l By Na me 6* Dire ctory Dial 68 0 Dis tinctive Ring 69 5 Do Not Disturb 63 1 DT MF Rece ive r Te st 65 7 E xecutive Override 62 5 Ext PageZone1 76 1 Ext PageZone2 76 2 Ext PageZoneAll 76 0 Fla sh 66 0 Group Call Pickup #0 Hea dset Mode 63 4 HPT 66 7 Hunt Group 1 45 0 Hunt Group 2 45 1 Hunt Group 3 45 2 Hunt Group 4 45 3 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
C-14 Progra mming Tables FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x Hunt Group 5 45 4 Hunt Group 6 45 5 Hunt Group 7 45 6 Hunt Group 8 45 7 ICL ID Ans Call 65 9 ICL ID Name /Numb er 65 3 ICL ID Unanswere d Call 63 5 Ignore C FW 5# Int Page Zone 1 70 1 Int Page Zone 2 70 2 Int Page Zone 3 70 3 Int Page Zone 4 70 4 Int Page Zone 5 70 5 Int Page Zone 6 70 6 Int Page Zone 7 70 7 Int Page Zone 8 70 8 Int Page Zone All 70 9 Inte rcom Button 64 5 Key set Mode 64 8 LCR 80 0 Loop 89 Ma ilbox Button 64 4 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
Programming Tables C-15 FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x Me et M e Pa ge 77 0 Me ss ag e Pr e se l ec t 63 3 Me ss age Wait 62 3 Mode m 49 9 MPB Vers ion 60 5 Mute 62 9 Night Servi ce 60 4 Off-Net Forward 60 3 OHVO 62 8 One Touch Re cord 64 9 Ov er f lo w AV A/U N A 57 8 Pause/Resume Rec 65 5 Personal Pa rk 43 8 Pickup Park Group 1 #430 Pickup Park Group 2 #431 Pickup Park Group 3 #432 Pickup Park Group 4 #433 Pickup Park Group 5 #434 Pickup Park Group 6 #435 Pickup Park Group 7 #436 Pickup Park Group 8 #437 Pool 01 80 1 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
C-16 Progra mming Tables FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x Pool 02 80 2 Pool 03 80 3 Pool 04 80 4 Pool 05 80 5 Pool 06 80 6 Pool 07 80 7 Pool 08 80 8 Pool 09 80 9 Pool 10 81 0 Pool 11 81 1 Pool 12 81 2 Pool 13 81 3 Pool 14 81 4 Pool 15 81 5 Pool 16 81 6 Pool 17 81 7 Pool 18 81 8 Pool 19 81 9 Pool 20 82 0 Pool 21 82 1 Pool 22 82 2 Pool 23 82 3 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
Programming Tables C-17 FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x Pool All 82 4 Prime Key 69 1 Program Name 69 0 Rel ease 64 1 Remote Ca ll Forward 64 2 Rep eat Redial 64 3 Set Clock 69 2 SLT Call Pickup #1 S LT Ca llback 66 3 SLT Conf Park 66 4 SLT Speed Dial 66 8 SLT Speed Prog 66 1 Speed Dir 69 3 Sta tion Call P ark 43 9 Station Park Pickup #6 St a t io n R elo cat e 63 6 St o p Tr a ce 65 8 Tel ec e nt e r Adm 65 2 Tel ece nt e r Ext 65 0 Tone Ring 6# Trans f er U nans we re d CO Cal l 63 9 UNA/UDA #5 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
C-18 Progra mming Tables FLASH 52Flexible Numbering Assignments 21/24Nu mb er in g Pla n Fi x ed Fl e x VM M es sage Cance l 42 1 VM M es sage Se t 42 0 VM M es sage Se t w/ Count 42 2 Voice Ma il Group 1 44 0 Voice Ma il Group 2 44 1 Voice Ma il Group 3 44 2 Voice Ma il Group 4 44 3 Voice Ma il Group 5 44 4 Voice Ma il Group 6 44 5 Voice Ma il Group 7 44 6 Voice Ma il Group 8 44 7 Volume 63 8 Ta ble C-1: Sys te m Param ete rs Pro gra m Cod eFlex BtnFunction FormatDe fa ultCusto me r Data
Programming Tables C-19 Table C-2: Directory Dialing Defaults (FL ASH 23) Ro ute Bi n N am e Rou te B in Na m e 000 100 026126 001 101 027127 002 102 028128 003 103 029129 004 104 030130 005 105 031131 006 106 032132 007 107 033133 008 108 034134 009 109 035135 010 110 036136 011 111 037137 012 112 038138 013 113 039139 014 114 040140 015 115 041141 016 116 042142 017 117 043143 018 118 044144 019 119 045145 020 120 046146 021 121 047147 022 122 048148 023 123 049149 024 124 050150 025 125 051151
C-20 Progra mming Tables 052152 078178 053 153 079179 054 154 080180 055 155 081181 056 156 082182 057 157 083183 058 158 084184 059 159 085185 060 160 086186 061 161 087187 062 162 088188 063 163 089189 064 164 090190 065 165 091191 066 166 092192 067 167 093193 068 168 094194 069 169 095195 070 170 096196 071 171 097197 072 172 098198 073 173 099199 074 174 100200 075 175 101201 076 176 102202 077 177 103203 Table C-2: Directory Dialing Defaults (FL ASH 23) Ro ute Bi n N am e Rou te B in Na m e
Programming Tables C-21 104204 130230 105 205 131231 106 206 132232 107 207 133233 108 208 134234 109 209 135235 110 210 136236 111 211 137237 112 212 138238 113 213 139239 114 214 140240 115 215 141241 116 216 142242 117 217 143243 118 218 144244 119 219 145245 120 220 146246 121 221 147247 122 222 148248 123 223 149249 124 224 150250 125 225 151251 126 226 152252 127 227 153252 128 228 154254 129 229 155255 Table C-2: Directory Dialing Defaults (FL ASH 23) Ro ute Bi n N am e Rou te B in Na m e