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    of 402
    							3-14 Voice Mail Gro ups ( VM ) 
    Attendant Features
    The Attendant and A ttendant(s) with DSS/DLS features of the
    ST A RPLU STriad-SSystem are listed and described in alphabetical
    order. A n abbreviated version of the features and software packages
    has been provided in the following table. 
    							Att endan t F eatures - In de x 4-3
    Attendant Features - Inde x
    Tabl e 4- 1: At te ndant Fe atures /So f tw are Pack ages
    F eat ure sSt d
    PkgAC D
    PkgAdditiona l
    Equ i pm ent
    N = No Additional Equipm ent Required 
    							4- 4 A tte ndant Fea tur es
    Attendant Features
    91 1 Atte nd an t Al er t
    The 9 11 A t te ndan t Al er t fe at ure al low s A t te ndant s wit h a 9 11 f le xib le
    button to be alerted o f internal stations placing 911 calls. The Attendant
    c an s tor e th e s ixt e en m ost r ec e nt 91 1 c al ls . C all i ng i nfor mat ion inc l ude s
    the time/date of the call as well as the s ta tion num ber that p lace d the
    Alternate Position
    The A lt e rna te P o si ti o n f ea tu r e all o ws A tt end ant st at io ns t o p ro gr am a
    flexible button to place their station in an unavailable mode. When the
    station is in unav ailab le mode , the ne xt Attend ant station (se cond)
    receives recalls. This feature is based on the system having three
    Attendant stations. If all Attendants are unavailable, no Attendants are
    available for internal/external calls.
    Automatic Night Mode
    The sy st em’s Automatic Night Mo de Feature can be overridden by the
    Attendant station. The Attendant station user can press their DND button
    to pl ac e the s yst em int o N ight M o de .
    Dire ct Statio n Sel ector - DSS Conso le
    An opt ion al DSS cons ole i s a vai la ble whi ch m ay b e a ssoci at ed wi th an
    Attendant station to provide additional buttons for DSS/DLS features.
    D isable Ou tgoi ng A cce ss
    The fi r st A tt end ant c an dis abl e CO l ine s, pr eve nt ing outg oing ac c es s t o
    those lines.Thisisuseful for removinga faultylinefrom service, or for
    reserv ing CO lines for importa nt u se. All stations that normally make calls
    on the lines are affected, b ut incoming calls a re unaf fected. A CO line ma y
    be disabled while it is being used. When the trunk becomes idle, further
    outg oing acces s is prevented. 
    							Att endan t F eatures 4-5
    Display Timer
    The Atte ndant D is pla y T ime r change s the way in which multiple calls
    ringing a t the Atte ndant s ta tion a re displaye d. If tw o calls are ringing at
    an Atte nda nt station, whe n the station g oes off hook, the firs t call is
    answ ered. Th e L CD dis play the n upda te s to show the se cond ca ll that is
    ringing which s ometimes doe s n ot allow the station to view the curre nt
    call’s LC D i nfor mat ion . T his pr ogr amme d t im er ke eps t he c urr ent c a ll s’
    inf orma ti on on the LC D f or a pr ogr amma ble t im e p er iod bef ore sh owing
    any other calls ringing in at the time.
    Ni ght Se rv ice
    The Night Service feature provides a means to put the system in night
    mode from a ny keyset or remove the sys tem from nigh t m ode from any
    key set, provid ing the s ystem was put in night mode by the night s ervice
    fea ture flex button. If the syste m wa s place d in night mod e b y the
    Attendant using the DND bu tton or if the system was placed in night
    mode by the a utoma tic s chedule, the nigh t s ervice fle x bu tton can not
    re mo ve t he sys te m fr o m night m o de.
    Of f- Net For ward - Inco m in g CO Li ne s
    The O ff-N et F orwa rd fea tur e al lows t he fir st At te ndant t o f orwa rd
    incom ing CO calls to an Off -Net loca tion. The Atten dant mus t have a
    di re ct appe ar ance of t he CO l ine t o b e f orwa rde d. For war din g can be
    established on a per CO line group basis, all CO lines, or an individual CO
    line may be simulta neous ly forw ard ed to an of f-net loca tion.
    Ove rr ide
    Attendant stations may override a busy station o r ring a station in DND.
    While busy, pressing the override key provides override tone and a five
    second dela y b efore voice cut-through to the called pa rty occurs,
    automatica lly p lacing a ny outside line call on Hold. The Atte ndant
    Ov erride function must b e p rogram med onto a f lex button an d can be
    ena ble d o r d is abl ed. 
    							4- 6 A tte ndant Fea tur es
    Pos it i on
    The sy stem ide ntifi e s thr ee maxi mum pr ogra mmabl e stations as
    Attendants for line recalls and Attendant features. The first programmed
    Attendant can enter system date and time information and System
    Speed numb ers f rom this position w ithout en tering the programming
    mode . T heTri ad- SSystem is placed in Night Service by any programmed
    Attendant pressing the NIGHT (DND) button or dialing the NIGHT code.
    Preset Forward
    Sys tem p rogramm ing allows programming of th e Attenda nt station so if
    the Atte ndan t is busy or not there, the ca ll is a utom atically forwarded to
    another s ta tion or group (VM, Hu nt, ACD, or UCD ) af ter a p rogramm ed
    ti me pe ri o d. (R efe r t oCa ll Fo rw a rd , St at io n ,andPresetfeatures.)
    A hel d C O c a ll l eft una tt en ded by a st at ion re c al ls the A tt e ndant (s) aft er a
    programmable time period elapses. A recalling CO line flashes at a
    distinctiv e rate and has an L CD dis play that ide ntifies the origin ating
    st at ion of t he unans wer ed cal l.
    Spe cial Ri ng Mo de
    The S peci al Rin g Mode fe at ure pr ovi des an add it iona l ri ng m ode tha t is
    manua lly invoke d b y the Attend ant. T his mode provide s a third ring lis t
    so that the system has a day ring mode, a night ring mode, and a special
    ring m ode. Ea ch CO lin e ca n hav e a s pecial mode ring as sig nment
    associated to it. Up to ten stations per CO line may ring in the special
    mode. By default, no stations are programmed to ring in the special ring
    mode .
    Time and Date Programming
    The T ime / Dat e P rogr amm ing fea tur e al lows t he fir st p rogr amme d
    Attend ant to se t the tim e a nd d ate without ente ring the progra mming
    mode . 
    							D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4- 7
    DSS /D LS Features
    Bu sy L a m p F ie ld I n dica t or s
    Each station key on the DS S cons ole ha s a correspond ing ind icator that
    sho ws whe the r th e s ta ti o n i s idl e o r bu sy . T he indi c at o r is l it whe n t he
    st at ion is bus y an d unl it i f t he st at ion is i dle . A st at ion in DND mode i s
    shown by a flas hing ind icator.
    Direct Station Calling
    Ena ble s the Atte ndant to ma ke an intercom v oice call to any digital
    telephone in the sys tem. You automatically ca n put a n outside caller on
    hold and simulta neous ly m ake a n inte rcom call to an internal station; als o
    can transf er an inte rcom or outs ide call that is on hold to another s ta tion.
    Map pin g O ptio ns
    The DS S/DL S C onsol e unit can acce ss St at ions , D ir ect A ppe ar ing CO
    Lines, or fe ature s tha t m ay b e ass igne d to a ny of th e f le xib le buttons.
    Buttons ass ig ned as CO line s ca nnot be change d, buttons as signed as
    Stations can be change d b y the use r. Refe r toFigure 4 -1andFigure 4- 2.
    Me ss ag e s - Cu st om
    The C ustom Mes sag e f eature allows the f irst programme d Atte ndant
    (system administrator) to enter up to ten custom messages for use by
    station users of the system. Up to 24 characters may be entered as the
    c ust om me ss age (t his r epr es ent 4 8 di git s ent er e d).
    A station user may store any of the available messages under a flexible
    but ton ass ign ed as a Me ssa ge Acce ss but ton. The se me ss ages ma y be
    spe cif ie d an d cust omi z ed by t he cust ome r on a syst e m-wi de bas is .
    Message status is stored in battery protected area of memory for
    retention in the event of a power failure or system reset (soft or hard). 
    							4-8 DS S/ D LS Fea tures
    Release Key
    Allows the Attendant to disconnect calls while off-hook, speeding up call
    handling tim e.
    Tr an s f e r S e a r c h
    Allows the Attendant to make a series of intercom calls without hanging
    up the hand set. An in te rcom connection is s witched to anothe r s ta tion
    when eve r a D SS ke y i s p re sse d. Pr e ssi ng t he ne xt DSS ke y t er mi nat es t he
    pr evi ous int e rc om ca ll .
    Volu m e C on t ro l B a r ( DK T )
    On the Digita l Ke y T elep hones (DKT ), the re is a volume co ntrol bar be low
    the ke ypa d to contro l the ringi ng, hands et, and spe ake rph one v olum es. 
    							D SS/ D LS Fe atur es 4- 9
    DS S Consol e Ma p #1 - -By default 12 CO Lines and 32 Stations, 100-131.
    This provides a default layout of a 12 X 32 configuration.
    Fi gure 4-1 : DS S Consol e Ma p #1
    CO 1 CO 2 CO3 CO4
    CO6CO 7 CO8
    CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12
    100 101
    10210 3
    10 4 10 5 10 6 1 07
    10 8 1 09 11 0 1 11
    11 2 11 3 11 4 1 15
    11 6 11 7 11 8 1 19
    12 0 12 1 12 2 1 23
    124 125 126 127
    12 8 12 9 13 0 1 31
    Ca l l P a rk 430Ca l l  P a rk  431 E xt  P a ge RL S 
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