Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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2-62Paging Pa gi n g Access Restriction Progr amm ing on a pe r- st ati on b asi s, can deny any st at ion the a bil i ty to make an y t ype of page . Exte rnal There are two External Paging Zones available on theTriad-SSys te m. External paging requires a three-digit dialing code and an externally pr ovid ed ampl i fie r and pagi ng syst e m. E ach z one can have a re la y conta ct ass ociated to it. In t er na l The re a re ei ght i nt er nal pag ing zon es ava il abl e in theTriad-SSys te m. A station can be in any or all zones or in no zone at all. Stations not assigned to a page group can still make page announcements, if allowed in station progra mming. S ta tions can b e a ssigned to a pag e g roup in ord er to receivepagesbutnotallowedtomakepageannouncements. Park Personal Each digital telephone in the system can place a call into a personal park location and then later retrieve that call from the originating station. Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations’per sona l park location. Calls parked in a personal park location are subject to the sys tem call park recall timer. A station re trieving a pe rsonal pa rk ed CO call must hav e eithe r a d irect CO l ine ap pea ra nce or a n av ai lab le l oop b utt on t o r et r ie ve th e p ar ked call. O nly one c all c an be park ed i n a Per so nal C all Pa rk l ocati on at on e tim e. Wh en d iali ng th e Per so nal Pa rk lo catio n and t he l ocati on is al read y occup ie d, th e ini tiati ng sta tion re cei ve s the p rev iou sl y p ark ed ca ll and the se cond c all i s th en p arke d.
Pa u s e T i m e r2-63 Pa u s e Ti m e r Whe n di al ing a s pe ed numbe r, a t i med paus e bet we en d igi t se ndi ng c an be pla ced i n t he numbe r. The le ngt h of t hi s pa use can be pr ogr amme d i n the s yst em dat ab ase . PBX Dialing Codes Five one or two- digit a ccess codes ca n be entered into memory . W hen one of these codes is dialed, it signals the KSU that the user is dialing a PBX acces s code , not dia li ng di re ct ly ov er an out si de C O l ine , and to a ppl y toll re striction to the ne xt dialed dig its a fter the cod e. The re fore, toll re striction is n ot a pplie d to the s ta tion unles s one of the se fiv e PBX codes is di al ed f ir st . T his al lo ws di al ing of P B X ext ens ion s 1 00 , 11 0, 1 11 , e tc . and functions on lines marked as PBX lines in programming. Pe rso nalized Me ssages Each st at ion n ot f orwa rde d, can se l ect a p re -as si gned mes sag e t o di sp lay on the LCD of the digital key telephone calling that station. Therearetenpossiblemessageswhichcanbedisplayed: 00 = (cl ea rs me ssa ge) 06 = O n T ri p 01 = O n Va c at ion 07 = I n M e et ing 02 = R e tu r n A M 08 = A t Ho me 03 = R e tu r n P M 09 = O n B r ea k 04 = Return T omorrow 10 = At Lunch 05 = Return Next Week Cus tom The Custom Message feature allows the system administrator to enter up to te n c u s to m mes sag es fo r u se by st at io n u se rs o f the s yst em. Th ese mes sag es may be spe cif ie d an d customi zed by the custome r o n a sys te m-wi de ba sis .
2-64 Perso na lized Me ssa ges Date and Time Entry to Personalized Message(s) The Date/Time Personalized Message feature allows the station users to activate certain messages that allow the user to enter a specific time or a date of return. These messages display on calling stations to alert them o f the d esi r ed par ty s r et ur n t ime or da te . 11 = On Vacation Until: MM/DD 12 = Return: HH:MM xm or MM/DD 13 = On Trip U ntil: MM/DD 14 = Meeting Until: HH:MM xm 15 = At Home Unti l: HH:MM xm 16 = O n Br ea k Until : HH:MM xm 17 = At Lunch Until: HH:MM xm Per so nal iz ed Mes sage C ode on a Flex Key The P er son ali z ed M ess age Cod e f eat ur e all ows a k ey st at ion user t o progra m the person alized mes sag e code [633# ] onto a flex button. Th is speeds access of the pre-selected messages. Scrollable Canned Messages The S crolla ble C anne d Mes sag e f eature allows the us er to us e a single di git [# ] or [ ✳] to scroll throu gh the canne d me ssa ges and se le ct one. Whe n t he des ir ed me ssa ge is di spl aye d, p re ss ing the hol d b utt on pla c es that message on the station LCD. This feature operates when the phone isintheidlemodeonly.Thisfeaturecannotbeactivatedifthestationis in the C all F orw ard or DND mode(s) . T his feature is not a vaila ble to Attendant stations. The messages scroll in the following order:: 1.(cle ars me ss age )7 . In Meeti ng 2. On Va c at io n 8 . Re tu rn Ne x t We e k 3. At H ome 9 . On B reak 4. Retu rn AM 1 0. Ret urn To mo rro w 5. At Lun ch 1 1. On Trip 6. Retu rn PM
Pref erred Line Ans wer 2 -65 Pref erred L ine Answer A station with Preferred Line Answer can answer any assigned outside, transferred, or recalling line, or queue callbacks by lifting the handset or pr ess ing t he ON/ O FF bu t to n. Th e s ta ti o n M US T b e physi c al ly ri ngi ng, to function properly . Privacy Release Privacy is insured on all communications in the sys te m. If des ired , the customer ma y elect to disable th e Automatic Privacy fea ture, thus allowing up to seven other stations to join in on an existing CO Line conversations. Per CO Lin e O ptio n The Per CO Line feature allows programming of each CO line individually for priv acy. This f eature is use ful for maintaining se curity on s uch line s as data lines, private lines, or special circuits requiring privacy. If privacy is disabled on a CO line the n, wh ile in use, anothe r station may enter the conversation simply by pressing the CO line button. A programmable warning tone is presented to all parties prio r to actual cut-thru. The st at ion at te mpt ing t o en te r the c onv er sat io n must a ls o hav e pri va cy di sabl ed . Per Station Option Each st at ion may be pr ogra mme d t o gi ve t he s ta ti on t he capa bi li ty to join an e xisting conv ersation simply by pres sing the CO line button that is in us e. A programma ble warning tone is pres ented to a ll parties when the station enters the conv ersation. T he CO line mus t als o ha ve priva cy disabled to allow the cut-through. Privacy per station on SLT type st at ions al lo ws/ den ie s c am p-on to the S LT. Th is is use ful for da ta app li cat ions . D is abl ing of th e p riv acy fea ture may be li mite d by fe dera l, s ta te o r lo cal l aw, s o che ck th e re le van t laws in y our ar ea be fore d is abl ing pr iva cy.
2-66Priva te Line Private L ine Private line programming allows certain lines to ring at a specific station only . W hen pla c ed on Hol d, the se l ine s a re a ct i ve at t he prog ram med station only . A private line can b e transf erre d to othe r stations , provide d the s ta ti on r ec e iv ing th e c a ll has a loop but t on or di re c t appe ar anc e of tha t CO l ine . Pulse-to-Tone Switchover Whe n comma nded , the sys te m cha nges the signaling on a n outside line from dial pulse to DTMF (tone), allowing the use of common carriers behind a dial pulse outside line. This can be done manually when dialing, orcanbestoredwithina speeddialnumber. Range Programming TheTri ad- SSy stem al l ow for r ang e pr ogr ammi ng whe n pr ogra mmi ng CO li nes an d S tat i ons. Range pr ogr ammi ng a ll ows you t o pr ogr am all parameters a like for th e entire ra nge or you can change or mod ify a f ew items for all members in the range. Remote Administration The Remote Administration feature allows authorized personnel to access the administration programming via a terminal device (portable telephone device or persona l co mputer with communications sof twa re pac ka ge). Th e f eat ur e per mi ts t he re vie w a nd e nt ry of t he c ust omer database in the same manner as via the digital telephone. The terminal dev ice can be connected directly to the RS- 232C conn ector on the optiona l Miscellaneous Service Unit ( MISU ) on theTr iad-SSyst e m, or ca n be accessed by a telephone modem linking the RS-232C connector (via a CO line ) to a re mote location. W hen entering the sys te m remo te ly via a te rm ina l devi c e, ac c e ss to the 9 6 00 ba u d mo dem is av ail ab le .
Remote System Monitor and Maintenance 2-67 D at abase Upl oad/ D ownl oad Datab ase Upload/D ownloa d provide s a maintena nce f acility which is adde d to the Rem ote Adminis tration routine. T his rou tine permits downloading of the databa se to a PC , whe n a so ftwa re change is mad e or when t he s yst em mus t b e ini ti al iz e d an d r epr ogr amme d. The routine facilitates th e p rogramm ing of a datab ase on an in-hou se sys te m which ca n be down load ed to a PC, and then uploade d to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed, the file sav ed in the PC can the n be up load ed to the s ystem. Remote System Monitor and Maintenance Maintenance The Remote Maintena nce fe ature allows the Interconne cts’te c hni ca l s taf f to re vi ew the s yst em c o nfi gu ra ti o n da ta and i ndiv idu a l c ard sl o t configuration data. This can be done on-site using a data terminal or remotelyusingamodemtoaccessaremotedataterminal.When entering the system remotely via a terminal device, access to the optional 9600 baud modem is available. Mo ni t or The Remote Monitor f eature p rov ides remote a ccess to the ins ta lled system for diagnostic purposes. These capabilities benefit Service pe rson nel e nabling them to supp ort the end use r re motely. D if ferent le ve ls of a c c ess , v ia pas swor d, all ows aut hor iz ed pe rs onnel t o t ra c e, monitor, and up-load critical information directly from theTr iad-S Sys tem. This p rov ides a more accurate means of acquiring s ystem inf orma tion that lea ds to a quick resolu tion of problems th at may occur. This is all done without interfering with ongoing call processing or norm al sys te m op er at ion, and in many case s may be per for me d wi tho ut a site visit. Capabilities allowed and reserved for this high-level troubles hooting also includ e: †Monitor Mode †Enable and Disable Event Trace †Dump Tra ce Buf fer (Up -Load )
2-68 Repeat Redial Repeat Redial The Repeat Redial feature allows a digital key station to press a flexible button or dial a code a nd red ial a bus y or no- answer number at sp ecific intervals. The user is signaled via a queue call back indication. The REP EA T REDI A L fl exi bl e but t on fl ashe s a t t he ca ll back r at e of 12 0 ip m for 15 second s. If the s ta tion: †Doe sn’t ans wer within the 15 second s, the call back is cance le d. T he system retains the last call the user made. †Is busy on an i nt er nal /e xt er nal cal l wh en t he Repe at Redi al que ue ca ll back occurs, th e ca ll ba ck does not occur until the user g oes on-hook. The use r must e nte r a Re dia l T im er value when inv oking this fe ature . T his value is from 006-999, which represents seconds. A 2-minute interval is ent er e d as 1 20 . Def aul t val ue is 1 mi nute (6 0 ). Rin g Tone (Us er Selectable) The ring tone s ig nal used to notify s ta tions of an in co ming call ca n be changed by each station user to provide distinctive ringing among a group of stations. Each station user may select a distinctive ringing tone that is used to ring their station. The system provides 36 different ring patterns that the statio n use rs ma y se lect from. Save Number Redial (SN R) Any number dialed on an outside line can be saved permanently and use d at a ny time. This numbe r is sa ved until a new numbe r is stored.
Single Line Telephone (SLT) Compatibility 2 -69 Single Line Telephone (SLT ) Compatibility TheSTA RPLUSDigital Telephone Systems support industry standard 2500- type (DT MF) s ingle line ins trume nts. W hen the C O L ine /Single Line Int e rfa c e B o ar d (C SI B ) is ins ta ll ed i n t heTr iad-SS yst e m up t o 24 si ngl e l ine te le phone s can b e s uppor t ed. Sp e a k e r p h o n e Both Enha nc ed and Exe c uti ve Di gi tal T el ep hones ar e eq uipp ed wit h a spe ake rp hone. Howe ver, the spe ake rp hone ca n be progra mme d to work in one of t hr ee ways : †Normal sp eak erphone ope ra tion. †Disabled for outgoing and incoming CO calls but handsfree on int er c om a ll owed. †Hea dse t ope rati on al lowe d. Speed Bins/Chaining Speed dial bins may be chained together by simply pressing one speed bin, a nd then anothe r a s re quired . T his is he lp ful for acce ssing Long Distance carriers or b anking s ervices when account codes are req uired. Sp e e d Di a l - Fl as h A flash can be programmed within a speed dial number. When this is done, a pause is automatically inserted before the remaining speed dial digits are sent.
2-70 S peed D ial - St atio n Sp e e d Di a l - St a t io n Each station user can program up to 20 frequently dialed numbers. These numbe rs can be up t o 2 4 -di gi ts in cl udi ng p ause s, fl ash command s, pulse- to -tone s witchover, an d no- dis play cha ra cters . T here are a tota l o f 1000 speed locations in theTr iad-SSystem for dividing among all te le pho ne s. Numbers are entered by using the SPEED button and dialing a three-digit code. This featu re can also be assigned to any of the buttons in the flexible b utton f ield on each k eys et for one-button a ctivation . Sp e e d Di a l - Sy s t e m Up to 980 commonl y di al ed numbe rs can be pr ogra mme d i nto Sys te m Speed Dial f or us e by stations allowed this fea ture. These numbers can be up to 24-digits including p ause s, flash commands , p uls e- to- tone swi tchov er , a nd no- di spl ay chara cte rs . S pe ed bin numbe r s 0 60 -0 9 9 ar e not monitored by toll restriction. Each station may be allowed or di sal lowe d a ccess t o an ass ig ned ra nge of bi n n umbe rs. St a t io n I D L o c k TheStationIDLockfeatureprovidesameansforthe ins ta ll er / pr ogra mmer t o l oc k t he st at ion I d of all s ta ti ons in the s yst em. Once locked, attempts to plug unlike devices (i.e., a DSS into a 24-button port)resultsinthedevicenotworking. This feature is designed to prevent the loss of station programming that re sults whe n a diffe re nt station typ e is plugged into a p ort alread y des ig nat ed as anot her st at i on t ype .
Sta tion Mes sage Detail Recording (SMDR) 2 -71 Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) TheTri ad- SSy stem provides deta ils on both incoming and outgoing calls . This feature is programmable to allow recording of all calls or just outgoing long distance calls. The system tracks calls by outside line, numbe r di ale d, ti me -of- day, dat e, st at i on t hat pl ace d t he call a nd duration of call. Account codes ma y also be entered an d recorded . Station Relocation The S tation Relocation feature provides a means to allow a us er to unplug their station and plug it in at another location. Then by dialing a code followed by the old station number, all station attributes, including ext en si on numb er , bu tt on ma ppi ng, spe ed di al, and cla ss of s er vi ce a re trans ferred to the ne w location. Text Messaging (Silent Re sponse) The T ext Mes sag ing fea tur e al lows a st at ion use r to use te xt me ssa ges t o re spon d to a calle r tha t has eithe r Cam ped -On or has use d the Off-H ook Vo ic e O ve r (OHV O) fea tu r e to al er t a bu s y s ta ti o n o f a w ait i ng c al l o r mes sag e. The camp ed- on s tat i on ma y r es pond t o t he cal le r vi a t he pe rson ali z ed, cust om, and re spon se te xt (LC D) m ess age s. The t ext mes sag es app ear on the ca ll ing par t y LC D di sp lay . T he call i ng (originating ) station and receiving s ta tion MUS T be a digita l te le phone . The r ece iv ing st at ion MU ST al so b e p rogr amm ed to al low OHVO ca ll s. If a statio n i s assigne d to a spe cific port an d th at sta tion user un plug s the ir st ation and p lugs it in at anot her l ocat ion, th e da tabase a dmin istrati on prog rammin g is up date d t o r efle ct the ne w p ort cha nge . Stati on lock may prevent this feature from working correctly.