Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
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SECTION MITL9109-094-320-NAReports 2.20The Reports Level (accessed from the Maintenance Menu of the Maintenance Terminal) allows the user to have various main- tenance reports displayed. The types of reports available are: System Configuration, Alarm Status, Circuit Status, CHANNEL-MAP, and ER- RORS (SS3, SS4, DIGITAL-SETS, CONSOLE, DATASETS). For further in- formation regarding these, refer to Section MITLSI 09-094-351 -NA, RS-232 Maintenance Terminal. Chart 2-20 shows the steps for testing the Reports Level commands. CHART 2-20 REPORTS StepActionVerify 1Access MAINTENANCESystem responds by displaying Maintenance menu. application. 2Press 9 (REPORTS softkey). Reports Level is accessed. Softkey prompts change. 3Press 2 (SHOW softkey).Command line responds with: SHOWand softkey prompts change. 4Press 1 (CONFIG softkey).Command line responds with: SHOW CONFIGand softkey prompts change. 5Press one of the following: Command line responds with prompts for input 1 (BAY/SLOT/CCT softkey), corresponding to the qualifier selected (e.g., SHOW 3 (EXT-NUM softkey), or 4 CONFIG enter Bay, then press RETURN: SHOW CONFIG(ALL softkey).EXT-NUM enter Ext: Number then press RETURN: or SHOW CONFIG ALL). 6Enter required information. Command line responds by displaying information as it is entered. NOTE: Depending on format chosen to enter information (e.g., 5 or 05) it may be necessary to press RETURN before prompts request next input. 7Press 0 (ENTER softkey).Screen updates. Requested report is displayed in display area. If the screen is full, press 0 (MORE softkey) to display more information or 5 (CANCEL softkey) to cancel the SHOW CONFIG Command. If CANCEL softkey pressed, command line clears. Sof-tkey prompts return to Reports Level format (SHOW and QUIT softkeys displayed). Page 36

System Test Procedures CHART 2-20 (CONT’D)REPORTS StepActionVerify 8Repeat Steps 5 through 7Go to Step 9. for remaining SHOW CONFIG quelifiers. 9Press 2 (SHOW softkey).As in Step 3. 10Press 2 (ALARMS softkey).Command line responds with: SHOW ALARMS and softkey prompts change. 11Select an ALARMS qualifier Command line responds with: by pressing either 2SHOW ALARMS (DEVICE TYPE softkey) or 4 (ALL softkey). or:SHOW ALARMS ALL and softkey prompts change. 12If 2 was pressed in StepCommand line responds with: 11, select a DEVICE TYPESHOW ALARMS LINES qualifier by pressing wither 1 (LINES softkey), 2’ or:(TRUNKS softkey), or 3 (RECEIVERS softkey) or 4SHOW ALARMS TRUNKS (PCM-Channels softkey). If 4 was pressed in Step 11 or:(ALL softkey), select an ALL qualifier by pressing either SHOW ALARMS RECEIVERS 1 (BAY-NUM softkey) or 4 (ALL softkey).if DEVICE TYPE was selected. If ALL was selected, and 1 (BAY-NUM softkey) was selected, command line responds with: SHOW ALARMS ALL BAY-NUM enter Bay # then press RETURN:or 4 (ALL softkey) was selected, Command line responds with: SHOW ALARMS ALL ALL Page 37

SECTION MITL9109-094-320-NACHART 2-20 (CONT’D) REPORTS StepActionVerify 13If a device type wasCommand line responds (for example) with: selected in Step 12, selectSHOW ALARMS LINES BAY-NUM enter Bay number then a location by pressing press RETURN:either 1 (BAY-NUM softkey)or 4 (ALL softkey). If ALLor:was selected in Step 12, go to Step 14.SHOW ALARMS LINES ALL and softkey prompts change. Go to Step 15. 14 15 16Enter Bay number, if required. Enter Bay number, if required.Press 0 (ENTER softkey).Command line displays location as it is entered. Go to Step 16. Command line displays Bay number as it is entered. Go to Step 16. Screen updates, and softkey prompts change. Requested report is displayed. CANCEL softkey is displayed. Press 5 (CANCEL softkey), then command line clears. Softkeyprompts return to Reports Level format. 17Press 2 (SHOW softkey).Command line responds with: SHOWand softkey prompts change. 18Press 3 (STATUS softkey).Command line responds with: SHOW STATUS and softkey prompts change. 19Select a STATUS qualifierCommand line responds with: by pressing 1SHOW STATUS enter Bay, then press RETURN; enter SLOT (BAY/SLOT/CCT softkey) or then press RETURN; enter CIRCUIT, then press RETURN; 3 (EXT-NUM softkey).enter SUBCIRCUIT, then press RETURN; if 1 was pressed, or: SHOW STATUS EXT-NUM enter Ext. Number, then press RETURN:if 3 was pressed. Page 38

System Test Procedures CHART 2-20 (CONT’D)REPORTS StepActionVerify 20Enter required information,Screen updates. Status of selected equipment is shown. then press 0 (ENTERCommand line displays SHOW STATUS message. Softkeysoftkey).prompts change. 21The equipment status report can be halted at an\time by pressing 5 (CANCEL softkey). 22Change status of selected equipment by taking off-hook, or returning on-hook. 23Press 5 (CANCEL softkey). 24 25Press 2 (SHOW softkey).As in Step 17. Press 7 (ERRORS softkey). 26Press 2 (DEVICE-TYPE softkey). 27Press either 1 (SS3-SS4softkey), 3 (DIGITAL-SETS softkey), 7 (CONSOLE softkey), or 9 (DATASETssoftkey). 28Press 0 (ENTER softkey). 29 30 31Press 2 (SHOW softkey).As in Step 17. Press 6 (channel-mapCommand line responds with: softkey).SHOW CHANNEL-MAP. Softkey prompts change. Press 1 (LOGICAL softkey)or 2 (PHYSICAL softkey).Equipment status lines of Maintenance Terminal display updates continuously. Status line shows change in equipment status. Status report halts, screen clears, and softkey prompts return to Reports Level format. Command line responds with: SHOW ERRORSand softkey prompts change. Softkey prompts change. Softkey prompts change to CANCEL or ENTER. Screen updates. Selected device errors are displayed. CANCEL softkey displayed. Press 5 (CANCEL softkey), command line clears. Softkey prompts return to Reports Level format. Command line responds with: SHOW CHANNEL-MAP LOGICAL if 1 was pressed (Go to step 30) or: SHOW CHANNEL-MAP PHYSICAL if 2 was pressed (Go to step 32). Softkev prompts change. Page 39

SECTION MITL9109-094-320-NACHART 2-20 (CONT’D) REPORTS StepActionVerify 32Press 1 (CHANNEL-NUMCommand line responds with softkey).SHOW CHANNEL-MAP LOGICAL CHANNEL-NUM enter channel # then press RETURN: 33 34Enter required informationScreen updates. Channel map of selected logical channel then press 0 (ENTER# is displayed. CANCEL softkey is displayed. Go to step softkey). 34.Press 1 (LINK-NUMBERCommand line responds with: softkey).SHOW CHANNEL-MAP PHYSICAL LINK-NUMBER enter link # then press RETURN: 35Enter required informationScreen updates. Channel map of selected Physical link then press 0 (ENTERnumber is displayed. If the screen is full MORE softkeysoftkey).appears. Pressing 0 (MORE softkey) updates the screen with more information. Softkey prompts change. 36Press 5 (CANCEL softkey).Command line clears, and softkey prompts return to reports level format. 37Press 3 (CLEAR softkey).Command line responds with: CLEARand softkey prompts change. 38Press 7 (ERRORS softkey).Command line responds with: CLEAR ERRORSand softkey prompts change. 39Enter choice, either 1Command line prompts for appropriate information (i.e., (BAY/SLOT/CCT softkey), 3 Bay/Slot/Circuit or Extension Number). (EXT-NUM softkey), or 4 (ALL softkey) 2-device-type 40Enter appropriateA CLEAR ERRORS message appears in display area, and information and press 0; softkey prompts return to Reports Level format. then press 0 (ENTER(NOTE: If 4 (ALL softkey) is pressed then softkey prompts softkey).change and 5 (CANCEL softkey), 8 (CONFIRM softkey) are displayed. Press 8 (CONFIRM softkey) followed by 0 (ENTER softkey) to clear all ERRORS). 41Press 6 (QUIT softkey) toTest completed. return to Maintenance menu. Page 40

System Test Procedures 3. ALARM SYSTEM TESTSGeneral 3.01Satisfactory completion of these tests confirms that the SX-200 Alarm System functions correctly. Alarms appear on the systemin several ways: LED indications on individual cards; an alarm :.iatus message at the Maintenance Terminal; or an alarm status message on Attendant Consoles, when programmed to report alarms. The raising ofan alarm also results in a flashing ALARM message appearing on Attendant Consoles. Canceling this message at the Attendant Consoleis not a solution to the problem which resulted in the alarm being raised. Cancellation of the message permits the Attendant Console to alert the Attendant to new alarms as they are raised. 3.02Ensure the PABX is fully functional, and that no alarm con- ditions exist. If alarms are present, refer to Section MITL9109-094-350-NA, Troubleshooting, before carrying out Alarm System tests. 3.03Chart 3-l shows the steps for testing the SX-200 Alarm Sys- tem.CHART 3-l ALARMS StepActionVerify 1Generate an alarmAlarm status (displayed on Maintenance Terminal and, ifcondition by busying out a programmed to do so, on Attendant Consoles) changes line circuit (refer to Chartfrom NO ALARM to MINOR ALARM. Alarm LED on line card 2-16). lights. 2Return the busied lineAlarm status changes from MINOR ALARM to NO ALARM. circuit to service. 3Busy enough line cards toAlarm status changes from NO ALARM to MAJOR ALARM. exceed the major alarmAppropriate alarm LEDs light on line cards. threshold. 4Return enough line cardsAlarm status changes from MAJOR to MINOR ALARM. to service to reduce the percentage of out-of-service cards to less than major alarm threshold value. 5Return all line circuits toAlarm status changes from MINOR to NO ALARM. Test service.complete. Page 41

SECTION MITL9109-094-320-NASetting Alarm Threshold 3.04The Alarm Threshold for either the system or one bay may be set from the Maintenance terminal or from the Console. The Alarm Threshold determines the percent quantity of devices that can be out of service before a Minor, or Major al;.rm is raised. (For critical alarm it is the absolute number of devices that can be out of service). Chart 3-2 shows how to set the Alarm Threshold. CHART 3-2 SETTING ALARM THRESHOLD RATE StepActionVerify 1Access MAINTENANCESystem responds by displaying Maintenance menu. application 2Press 1 (SYSTEM softkey)Softkey prompts change. System level is accessed. 3Press 1 (SET softkey)Command line responds with SET and softkey prompts change. 4Press 9 (ALARM-THRESH)Command line responds with SET ALARM-THRESH and softkey prompts change. 5Press 1 (SYSTEM softkey)System responds with SET ALARM-THRESH SYSTEM or or 2 (BAY softkey)SET ALARM-THRESH BAY and the softkey prompts change (followed by BAY #) and 0 to I-LINES 2-TRUNKS 3-RECEIVERS 4-PCM-CHANNELS (ENTER softkey)5-CANCEL. 6Press 1 (LINES softkey)System responds with SET ALARM THRESHOLD - LINES Minor = 7Enter percent threshold (2System responds with SET ALARM THRESHOLD - LINES digits) or (1 digit andMinor=xx, Major= RETURN) 8Enter percent threshold (2System responds with SET ALARM THRESHOLD -digits) or (1 digit andMinor=xx, Major=xx, Critical= RETURN) 9Enter threshold (2 digits)System responds with SET ALARM THRESHOLD -OR (1 digit and RETURN)Minor=xx, Major=xx, Critical=xx 10Press 0 (ENTER softkey) 11Repeat above steps to set other alarm thresholds or to set Bay thresholds Page 42

System Test Procedures Testing Line Lockout Alarm3.05The Line Lockout Alarm is generated at all consoles 45 seconds after a station goes off-hook and remains idle; it is a distinctivecadence (long-short-long) which takes priority over all other ringing cadences.CHART 3-3 TESTING LINE LOCKOUT ALARM StepActionVerify 1Place a station (with COSA lockout alarm occurs 45 seconds later. All consolesoption 227 -Lockout alarm start to warble (long-short-long cadence); this cadence applies enabled) off-hook.takes priority over all other cadences (no other cadences ring while the lockout alarm cadence is ringing). 2The alarm icon flashesCOV card failed at 01 07 02 00 ext 1702 OFF hook too when a lockout alarmlong Alarm code = 101 occurs if COS option 102 (Attendant Display of System Alarms) is enabled when the log is generated(COS option 227 must be enabled). 3While the console isThe user can log into maintenance or CDE from the warbling (long-short-longmaintenance terminal, but not from the console. cadence), verify that the display lockout alarm has priority. 4Verify that while the console is warbling (long-short-long cadence) it can do the following: - answer an incoming call - place an outgoing call - place or retrieve a call on hold (any hold slot) - use the pager - show identity - perform any ATT FUNCTION - set DAY SERVICE, NIGHT 1, or NIGHT 2 - set ENGLISH or FRANCAIS - read new logs through the ALARM function Page 43

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-320-NAStepCHART 3-3 (CONT’D) TESTING LINE LOCKOUT ALARM Action Place a locked-out station or set on-hook. Press the following keys to display a lockout alarm on a console: FUNCTION hardkeyAPPLICATION softkeySHOW LOCKOUT sof-tkeyWhile there is a lockout alarm at the console, press the APPLICATION softkeyVerify The long-short-long cadence remains until ‘CLEAR’ed from a console. The station or set it returned to service. The following log is generated: COV card passed at 01 07 02 00 ext 1702 OFF hook too long Alarm code = 101 The alarm totals are updated. A log is generated if the overall system alarm level changes.The lock-out alarm is displayed on the console. If the maintenance terminal or another console is active in maintenance or CDE, the following is displayed: “MAINTENANCE or CDE in use by . . . . . Please Try again Later.“If another console is showing lockout alarms the following is displayed: “Lockout alarm being displayed by . . . . . Press Any Hard Key to Return.” Otherwise, for 10 seconds the following message and the SHOW LOCKOUT softkey (PF4) are displayed: “Press SHOW LOCKOUT to display lockout alarm. Press Any Hard key to Return.” All other consoles stop their long-short-long cadence and resume any other cadence that may be active. After which the display is returned to the application state and all other consoles start the long-short-long cadence at which time thev can SHOW LOCKOUT. Page 44

System Test Procedures CHART 3-3 (CONT’D) TESTING LINE LOCKOUT ALARMStepActionVerify 8Press the SHOW LOCKOUT The time-out time is set to infinite time-out. softkey. The SHOW LOCKOUT softkey is erased.The lockout alarm is displayed on the sec.ond line of the console in the following format: 1987-MAR-30 13:07: IO Extension 1702 has been off hook too long.If there is only one lockout alarm, the long-short-long cadence is removed; any other active cadence is resumed,and the CLEAR softkey (PF9) is displayed. If there is more than one lockout alarm, the long-short-long cadence remains and the CLEAR softkey (PF9) and the MORE softkey (PFO) are displayed. 9Press the CLEAR softkey.If there is only one lockout alarm, the lockout alarm being shown is cleared; the user is prompted for 3 seconds with “SELECT AN APPLICATION” or “Press Any Hard key to Return” after which the display is returned to the application state. If there is more than one lockout alarm, the lockout alarm which is being shown is cleared and the next lockoutalarm is displayed. If this is now the last lockout alarm, the MORE softkey is erased, otherwise the MORE softkey remains. IOPress the MORE softkey.The lockout alarm which is being shown is NOT cleared, and the next lockout alarm is displayed.The lockout alarms are displayed in a cyclical manner in the order of occurrence by repeatedly depressing the MORE softkey. 11Press any hardkey whileThe console display is returned to an idle state. the SHOW LOCKOUT 3 seconds later all other consoles start the softkey is displayed.long-short-long cadence again at which time they can SHOW LOCKOUT alarms. 12Press any hardkey while aThe console display is returned to an idle state. lockout alarm is being displayed.If the long-short-long cadence is off, it is immediately turned on for this console. 3 seconds later all other consoles start thelong-short-long cadence again at which time they can SHOW LOCKOUT alarms. 13Generate another lockoutIf the MORE softkey (PFO) was NOT displayed, the MORE alarm while a lockout softkey is displayed. The long-short-long cadence is alarm is being displayed.resumed. Page 45