Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
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Customer Data Entry (CDE) 4.113 Commands 1 -UNLIMITED:Pressing the UNLIMITED softkey enters the default value of unlimited in the Maximum Number of Dialed Digits field. If the cursor is positioned at the default value, “Unlimited” is not displayed.4-TOP: This softkey positions the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line.5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey positions the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns display to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits Form 27 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms.6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after a programming error has oc- curred. Pressing the CANCEL softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error occurred. This softkey appears with an error message. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages. 8-COR: When this softkey is pressed the user is prompted with ENTER COR NUMBER. After entering the COR number and pressing the ENTER softkey, the cursor is positioned to the COR specified. If the COR selected is out of range, the message “The value xx is outside valid range for COR (1- 25)” is displayed.O-ENTER: This softkey appears only after data for an entry has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey commits each modification one at a time to the database.Page 119

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAForm 28 -Form Access Restriction Definition 4.114 This form specifies the level of access for Forms 01 to 44. There are five levels of access; the installer level has the high- est degree of access and the Attendant has the lowest. Each form is defined as Read Only, Read/Write or No Access. When the system is first initialized, the Installer and MAINTI level have a Read/Write ac- cess for each form; the rest of the levels default to No Access. Note that at each level of access the user can only modify those forms plus the forms at the lower levels of access. For example, the user at the SUPERVISOR level can only modify those forms at SUPERVISOR and ATTENDANT levels. Refer to Table 4-43, Form Access Restriction Defi- nition for the form layout. TABLE 4-43 FORM 28 - FORM ACCESS RESTRICTION DEFINITION CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 7:50 AM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARM I[ FOFiM NAME]IINS-I-01 = SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 02 = FEATURE ACCESS CODES 03 = COS DEFINE 04 = SYS OPTIONSKYS TIMERS 65 = TENANT INTERCCNNECTION06 = TENANT NIGHT SWITCHING 07 = CONSOLE ASSIGNMENTS 08 = AlTENDANT LDN ASGN 09 = STATION/SUPERSET TELEPl-KdES10 = PICKUP GROUPS 11 = DATA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTOR 12 = DATA ASSIGNMENTR/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W lo1 =SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONIR/W rJ-MAIM1 MAINTZR/W R/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W . R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W 4-TOPSUPER All’ R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W 5-BOlTm 6-OUIT I 7-SET PASSWORD 8-9-FORM NUdO-1ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY FORM NAMEINSTMAINTIMAINTZSUPER Al-r01 = SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W Fl>F2>F3>F4>TOPF5>BOl-K#vlF6x1U ITF7>SET PASSWORD F8>FS>FORhl NLhlFO>Page 120

Customer Data Entry (CDE) 4.115 Field Description FORM NAME: This field lists all the form numbers and names of theCDE package. The FORM NAME field cannot be modified.INST, MAINTl, MAINT2, SUPER and ATT: These fields represent the five levels of access and list the access type (Read Only, Read/Write or No Access) for each form. Note that the selected level of access is not displayed on the softkeys. The INST field cannot be modified.4.116 Commands l-READ ONLY: Pressing the READ ONLY softkey restricts the user to viewing the selected form; no modifications can occur. The R prompt appears beside the selected form and under the selected access level.2-READ/WRITE: Pressing the READ/WRITE softkey enables the user to view and modify the selected form. The form displays the R/W prompt to indicate this state.3-NO ACCESS: Pressing the NO ACCESS softkey restricts form ac- cess. The form displays the none prompt to indicate this state.4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line.5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays the last line.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns the display to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits Form 28 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms.6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after a programming error has oc- curred. Pressing the CANCEL softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error occurred. This softkey appears with an error message. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages.‘I-SET PASSWORD: This softkey changes the password for Customer Data Entry. Pressing the SET PASSWORD softkey shows a new softkeydisplay (refer to Figure 4-16, Levels of Access) and the following prompt: SELECT LEVEL OF ACCESS:. The user cannot change the pass- word for a level of access higher than the current one. For example, auser logged on as MAINT2 cannot change the password for MAINTl.After the user selects a level of access, the system prompts ENTER MXXXXXX NEW PASSWORD:. When the new password is entered, the system prompts ENTER XXXXXWO< NEW PASSWORD TO VERIFY:. When changing the current level’s password, the system first promptsPage 121

SECTION MITL9199-094-210-NAENTER XXXXXXXX OLD PASSWORD:, whereXXXXXXXX is the selected level of access. O-FORM NUM: This softkey selects a form by number. Pressing the FORM NUM softkey displays the ENTER FORM NUMBER: prompt on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid form number (1 to 35). O-ENTER: This softkey appears only after data for an entry number has been modified. Pressing the ENTER sof-tkey commits each modi- fication one at a time to the database. 1 -AlTENDANTP-SUPERV I SOR 6-QUIT7-INSTALLER 3-MAINT24-MAINTI5-6-9- O-Figure 4-16 Levels of Access Page 122

Customer Data Entry (CDE) Form 29 -DTE Profile 4.117 In order for the Data transceiver (DTRX) to communicate with the attached data terminal equipment (DTE), it is necessary to specify the programmable options which define the characteristics ofthe terminal. The Data transceiver circuit provides data devices with the ability to dial a destination via a keyboard. The DIE profile form provides 25 programmable profiles.TABLE 4-44 FORM 29 - DATA TERMINAL EQUIPMENT PROFILE CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 12:lO PM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARM PROFILE NLhlBERWBER OF DATA SETS ASSIGNED 0102 83 8: ii09 IO 1112 I CONMENTS 014 I-2-3-4-TOP5-BOTTOM j-W IT7-PROFILE Nlhl8-SEL. OPTIONg-REV1 EWO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY PROFILE NlblBERNLhlBER OF DATA SETS ASSIGNED014Fl>F2>F3>F4>TOPFG>QUITF7>PROFILE NUvlFB>SEL. OPTIONFS>REV I EW CorvMENTS F5>BO7ToMFO>4.118 Field Description PROFILE NUMBER: This field lists all the profile numbers 01 to 25. The PROFILE NUMBER field cannot be modified.NUMBER OF DATA SETS ASSIGNED: This field lists the number of data sets assigned to each profile number.COMMENTS: This field is reserved for additional data (a maximum of 20 characters). It is stored by the system but not used.4.119 Commands 4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line.Page 123

SECTION MITL9109-094~Zl O-NA5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line. 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns the display to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits Form 29 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms. 6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after a programming error has oc- curred. Pressing the CANCEL softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error was made. The CANCEL softkey appears with an error message. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Mes- sages for a list of these error messages. ‘I-PROFILE NUM: The PROFILE NUM softkey allows a user to select a device by number. Pressing this softkey displays the ENTER PROFILE NUM: prompt. When the number has been entered, the command line updates and the line pointer moves to profile number. The selection is completed by pressing the ENTER softkey. 8-SEL. OPTION:A new form is displayed when the SEL. OPTION softkey is pressed. Refer to Table 4-45, Options for Form 29. g-REVIEW: A new form is displayed when the REVIEW softkey is pressed. Refer to Table 4-46, Review List for Form 29. This softkeyappears when the number of DATASETs is greater than 0. O-ENTER: This softkey appears only after data in the comments field has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey stores any changes in the database. Page 124

Customer Data Entry (CDE) Options For Form 29 4.120 The system displays this form when the programmer presses the SEL. OPTION softkey in Form 29, Data Terminal Equipment Profile. The options displayed are for the Profile Number that was on the command line of Form 29.TABLE 4-45 12:lO PM 15-JAN-88OPTIONS FOR FORM 29 CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY alarm status = NO ALARM IPROFI LE NL&lBER : 1JVALUE Termi na I TypeVIDEO TERM LanguageENSLISHDTRX Echop I exDISABLED EditingDISABLED Editing character delete (0 -127, Decimal value of ASCII code)0Editing line display(O-127, Decimal value of ASCII code)0Inject TELEPRINTERF2>F3>F4>TOPF5>BOlTCXl FB>oU I TF7>FB>F9>FO>4.121 Field Description Header: The header displays the Profile Number. VALUE: The VALUE field displays the current setting for each option.4.122 Commands Some of the softkeys displayed are the alternative settings for the option displayed on the command line. Refer to Options Description, below. The following softkeys are continuously present:4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line.5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns the Page 125

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAdisplay to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits Options for Form 29 and returns the display to Form 29.4.123 Options Description Terminal Type: This parameter is used to determine how the delete character is defined on a video or teleprinter terminal. A teleprinter terminal displays a “I when the delete character is used and the video terminal transmits a , , . Language: Commands and responses for the DTRX can be English or French.DTRX Echoplex: This parameter determines whether the DTRX (Data Transceiver), will echo back transmitted characters to the originating station. The exception is programmed keys in the DTE and data circuit descriptor forms. Editing: Enabled, this option provides the user with editing function DTRX delete character, and DTRX display line. Editing Character Delete: An ASCII code in decimal form is used to define a character as a delete key. If echoplex and DTRX editing options are enabled, a “/” appears as the delete character on a tele- printer and a , , , is transmitted back to a video terminal. Editing Line Display: An ASCII code in decimal form is used to define a character as a display line key. When DTRX editing is enabled and the ASCII code for Display Line is transmitted, the current DTRX com- mand line and the input digits are displayed on a new line. Inject After : This field is used to accommodate termi- nal variations in the handling of carriage returns (). Some termi- nals automatically insert line feed () after carriage return. While connected to the Data Transceiver the following options are available: 1.NEVERNo linefeed insertions after detected. 2.FROM DTEInsert after from DTE if the echoplex feature is enabled. The and is returned to the Data Terminal Equipment by the Data Transceiver after a was received from the DTE. All messages originated by the DTRX (Data Transceiver) would only have a . The DTE would typically provide this. 3.FROM SYSTEM (DTRX)Insert after from DTRX. All messages originated by Page 126

Customer Data Entry (CDE) the DPABX that have a will have a injected. Thisdoes not include which are echoed back to the DTE. Thisoption would be used if the DTE provided local echoing of characters transmitted. 4.ALWAYSThe will be injected if the is originated from the DTE or DTRX.*Number of Pads after : This field is used for terminals that require delays after a carriage return before receiving printable char- acters (printers with small or no buffers). Values entered range from 0 to 7. This option is valid only if echoplex is enabled.Number of Pads after < LF>:This field is used for terminals that require delays after a line feed return before receiving printable char- acters (printers with small or no buffers). Values entered range from 0 to 7. This option is valid only if echoplex is enabled.DTRX Inactivity Timer: This field specifies the length of time between the last character received or transmitted from a data device and the DTRX being dropped. Values range between 1 to 60 seconds; default is 10 seconds. Page 127

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAReview List for Form 29 4.124 This form appears when the REVIEW softkey is pressed in Form 29, DTE Profile. The form provides a list of users of a particular profile identified by their physical location. Refer to Table 4-46, Review for Form 29. TABLE 4-46 12:15 PM 15-JAN-88REVIEW LIST FOR FORM 29 CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY alarm status = NO ALARM [ PROFILE NUdBER : 1 IBAYSLT CCT SCTCOMMENTS 242 24 :2 I4 44 3: ,- i-QUIT 24122-3-4-5- 7-PROFILENlbl8-9-O-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY [ PROFILE NU+lBER : 1 1BAYSLT CCT SCTCCMENTS2412Fl>F2>F3>F4>F5>F6x1U I TF7>PROFILE NLhlF8>F9>FO>4.125 Field Description: The header line displays the Profile number. BAY, SLT, CCT, SCT: These fields list the bay, slot, circuit and subcir- cuit of the device programmed. These fields cannot be modified. COMMENTS: This field displays the comments for each device from the Data Assignment form. It cannot be modified. 4.126 Commands 6-QUIT:Pressing the QUIT softkey after a field has been edited restores the original contents of the field. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits this form and returns the display to Form 29 - DTE Profile. 6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after a programming error has oc- curred. Pressing the CANCEL softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error was made. The CANCEL softkey appears Page 128