Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
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Customer Data Entry (CDE) Secretarial Variants: When the cursor is at the SECRETARIAL field on the command line, and when the TYPE field is set to Multiple, thesoftkeys display two selections (refer to Figure 4-12, Secretarial Vari- ants). The two variants are secretarial and non-secretarial. Refer to Section MITL9109-094-105-NA, Features Description for details. When the variant has been chosen, move the cursor to the EXT NUM or TRUI\!K NUMBER field, as appropriate. I-NON SECR 6-QUIT 2-SECRETARIAL3-4- 7-8- 9-Figure 4-l 2 Secretarial Variants5-O-l-NON SECR: Pressing this softkey disables the secretarial function for the selected SUPERSET key (line appearance). The No indication appears in the SECRETARIAL field. 2-SECRETARIAL: Pressing this softkey enables the secretarial function for the selected SUPERSET key (line appearance). The Yes indication appears in the SECRETARIAL field. When a Line Select key is set as a secretarial key, then the user can override the DO NOT DISTURB fea- ture on the SUPERSET telephone corresponding to that line appear- ance.Page 49

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAReview List for Form 09 4.42This form appears when the REVIEW softkey is pressed in the Station/SUPERSET Telephones Form or the SUPERSET Tele- phone Lines Form. When entered from the Station/SUPERSET Form, this form displays a list of all programmed appearances of the selected station extension number or SUPERSET Prime Line number. When en- tered from the SUPERSET Telephone Lines Form, this form displays all appearances of the selected key’s extension number or trunk number. If the cursor was at an undefined key in the SUPERSET Telephone Lines Form, this form displays the Prime Line appearance of the SUPERSETtelephone. Refer to Table 4-16, Review List for Form 09 for the form layout. Note that the data in this form cannot be modified. TABLE 4-16 REVIEW LIST FOR FORM 09 4:26 PM 15-JAN-88 ILINE : 1101 l-2- 1CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY alarm status = NO ALARM BAY ,“‘” 102SUPERSET103SUPERSET 101SUPERSET 3-TRLNK NLhlBER 4- KEYPRIME EXT Nlhl :2 1 11011102 1103 1101 15- 6-QUIT7-8-9-EXT NUvlO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY ILINE : 1101BAY SLOT CCT SITUSUPERSETKEY PRIME EXT NUvl1 1 01 I SUPERSET1IFl>F2>F3>TRWK NWIBER F4>F5>FGXIJITF7>F8>FS>EXT NlhlFO>I4.43Field Description.: The header line displays the selected line appearance extension number. BAY, SLT and CCT: These fields list the bay, slot and circuit numbers of each extension or SUPERSET telephone that has an appearance of the selected line. These fields cannot be modified. The system gen- erates them based on the PROGRAMMED field of Form 01, System Configuration. STNKUPERSET: This field displays the listed device type; STATION indicates a Rotary Dial or DTMF set and SUPERSET indicates a SUPER- SET telephone.Page 50

Customer Data Entry (CDE) KEY: For listed SUPERSET telephones, the KEY field displays the key number where the line appears. PRIME EXT NUM:This field displays the prime extension number assigned to a particular Bay/Slot/Circuit. 4.44 C>mmands3-TRUNK NUMBER: This softkey selects a trunk by its trunk number. Pressing this sof-tkey displays ENTER TRUNK NUM: prompt on the command line. The trunk selection is completed by entering a valid trunk number (1 - 200), and pressing the ENTER softkey.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns the display to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing the QUIT softkey returns the display to the previous form at the entry where the EXPAND SET softkey was pressed.6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after a programming error has been made. It appears with an error message. Pressing this softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error occurred. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages. 7-EXT NUM: This softkey selects a device by its extension number. Pressing this softkey displays the ENTER EXTENSION NUM: prompt. The selection is completed by entering a valid Station Number or SUPER-SET telephone Number and then pressing the ENTER sof-tkey. O-ENTER: Since this form reviews the programmed data, pressing the ENTER softkey completes a request for viewing a particular extension number or trunk number. No data changes occur and no data is stored in the database. Page 51

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAForm 10 -Pickup Groups 4.45This form specifies the members of each Pickup Group. Refer to Table 4-17, Pickup Groups for the form layout. Memberships are specified by the extension number of a Rotary Dial or DTMF set or the Prime Line number of a SUPERSET telephone. Attendant Consoles arenot allowed. The SX-200 DIGITAL PABX with Generic 1003 software supports a maximum of 50 Pickup Groups; each group supports a maximum of 50 members.TABLE 4-17 4:26 P&l 15-JAN-88FORM 10 - PICKUP GROUPS CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY alarm status = NO ALAR&l: PICKUP NUdBER:11EXTNIABAYSLTCCTCC%WNTS 11311FURCHASING1132f1:FURCHASING1134213PuFcH4sING I-2- j-W IT7- 113123- INSERT8-DELETE 11PURCHASING4- 5-P I CKUPGROUP 9-EXT NIhlO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY I PICKUP GROUP : 1 1Fl> F2>F6XU I TF7>EXT NWBAYSLT CCTCOMMENTS 1131211FuRCH4SINGF3> INSERTF4>F5>P I CKUP GROUPF8XbELETEFS>EXT NLbIFO>4.46Field Description EXT NUM: This field displays the Pickup Group member extension number. BAY/SLT/CCT and COMMENTS :These fields cannot be modified. The form displays the BAY/SLT/CCT and COMMENTS fields from the corresponding lines of Form 09, Station/SUPERSET Telephones.4.47 Commands 3-INSERT: This softkey adds a new member to the Pickup Group on a new line just above the current line pointer. Pressing the INSERT softkey clears the command line and moves the cursor to the EXT Page 52

Customer Data Entry (CDE)NUM field. Enter a valid extension number and press the ENTER soft- key.Note: This softkey only appears if there is data present in this form.5-PICKUP GROUP: This softkey selects the Pickup Group to be dis- played. Pressing the PICKUP GROUP softkey displays the ENTER PICKUPGROUP NUM: prompt on the command line. Enter the Pickup Group number and press the ENTER softkey.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form returns the display to the level before the field was modified. The change is not saved. At all other times, pressing this softkey exits Form 10 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected.6-CANCEL: This softkey appears after the occurrence of a program- ming error. Pressing the CANCEL softkey returns the display to the level where the programming error was made. The CANCEL softkey appears with an error message.8-DELETE: This softkey appears when the pointer is pointing to data (i.e., data on the command line). Pressing the DELETE softkey removesthe selected Pickup Group member from the form. The deletion is completed by pressing the ENTER softkey. 9-EXT NUM:This softkey selects a Pickup Group member by its extension number (or Prime Line number). Pressing the EXT NUM soft-key displays the ENTER EXTENSION NUM: prompt on the command line. Entering the extension number displays that member with its bay,slot and circuit location, and (if any) comments. Note that if the se- lected extension number is not in the current Pickup Group, then thesystem automatically displays the Pickup Group where the selected device is located.O-ENTER: This softkey appears only after data for an entry has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey commits each modification one at a time to the database.Page 53

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-210-NAForm 11 - Data Circuit Descriptor 4.48A data circuit descriptor specifies the parameters the data pro- cessing software and attached DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) require. This form provides 25 programmable descriptors. The main form displays the descriptor numbers and the number of circuits asso- ciated with each descriptor. (Refer to Table 4-18, Data Circuit Descrip- tor). The system generates the data in this form based on the entries in Form 12, Data Assignment. The user can modify only the COM- MENTS field. A softkey provides access to the individual parameters of each descriptor via a sub-form. TABLE 4-18 FORM 11 - DATA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTOR CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY IO:15 FM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALAlW 101112 10 :0 0 0 0 x0 0 NUIBER OF CIRCUITS ASSIGNEDCOWIENTS 01 1 l-2-3-4-5- 6-WIT7-DESC W&l8-SEL. OPTIONg-REV I EWO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY DESCR I PTORNWlBER OF DATA CIRCUITS ASSIGNEDCXMIENTS 011Fl>F2>F3>F4>F5>F6XlJITF7>DESC NWFB>SEL. OPTIMUFS>REV I EWFO>4.49Field Description DESCRIPTOR: This field lists the circuit descriptors, numbered 01 to 25.NUMBER OF DATA CIRCUITS ASSIGNED: This field records the num- ber of devices assigned to each descriptor. COMMENTS: This field is reserved for additional data (a maximum of 20 characters). It is stored by the system but not used. Page 54

Customer Data Entry (CDE) 4.50 Commands 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey at this level returns the display to the Available Forms menu. 7-DESCRIPTOR NUMBER: The DESC NUM softkey allows the user to select a DESC NUM by number. Pressing this sof-tkey displays the ENTER DESC NUM: prompt. Entering a valid descriptor number and pressing the ENTER softkey, completes the selection. 8-SELECT OPTION: Pressing this softkey displays a new form. This form provides the options associated with the data circuit that is assigned to a descriptor number. Refer to Table 4-19, Data Circuit Descriptor Options. g-REVIEW: The REVIEW softkey appears only if at least one circuit has been assigned the descriptor displayed on the command line. Pressing this softkey displays a new form (refer to Table 4-21, Review List for Form 11). This form displays the BAY, SLOT, CIRCUIT and SUBCIRCUIT location of all devices assigned that descriptor. Page 55

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAData Circuit Descriptor Options 4.51This form appears when the SEL. OPTION softkey is pressed (refer to Table 4-18, Data Circuit Descriptor). It lists the pro- grammable parameters of the descriptor. Refer to Table 4-19, Data Circuit Descriptor Options.TABLE 4-19 DATA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTOR OPTIONS CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 12:17 PM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARM 1 DESCRI PTOR NLBIBER : 1 IPARAMETER NAME--lvnluESession Inactivity Disconnect TimerO-255 minutes Guard TimerO-99 seconds Minimum Baud Rate Default Baud Rate Maximum Baud Rate Always Use Default Baud Rate When Called DTR Off Disconnect Timer O-99 seconds DTR To CTS Delay TimerO-9900 msec (100 msec inc) DTR Forced High RTS Forced High DSR Is Held High When Device Is Idle CTS Is Held High When Device Is Idle 1109600 19200 NO 8 No NO YES YESSession Inactivity Disconnect TimerO-255 minutes l-2-3-4- 6-QUIT7-8-9-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY 05- O- IDESCRIPTION NLMBER : 1 )PARAMETER NAMEVALUESession Inactivity Disconnect TimerO-255 minutes0Fl>NOF2>F3>F4>F5>F6XU I TF7>F8>F9>FO>4.52Field Description: The header line displays the descriptor number.PARAMETER NAME:This field lists the parameters. For numerical parameters, it lists the valid range of values.VALUE: This field lists the option or numeric value selected for each parameter.4.53 Commands 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey while editing this form returns the display to the previous level. If a field was modified, the following warning appears on the command line:Page 56

Customer Data Entry (CDE) DATA HAS BEEN CHANGED BUT NOT YET SAVED IN DATABASE--“ENTER” TO SAVE O-ENTER: This sof-tkey appears only after data for an entry has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey commits each modification one at a time to the database. After all changes have been completed, theuser must press the ENTER softkey again to commit all modifications to the database.The other sof-tkeys depend on the parameter displayed on the com- mand line. Generally: lfor numeric parameters, only the QUIT sof-tkey appears. When the user keys a value, the ENTER softkey appears. The program-mer presses ENTER once to terminate the entry, then again to commit it to the database. While the ENTER softkey is present and has not been pressed, the programmer can press the QUIT softkey to cancel the new entry and restore the previous value. efor parameters with YES and NO options, softkey 1 appears, marked with the option opposite to the current setting.The following table lists the option sof-tkeys which appear for all options. Following the table is an explanation of each pa- rameter. -TABLE 4-20 DATA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTORS - PARAMETERS AND OPTION SOFTKEYSParameter Session Inactivity Disconnect Timer O-255 minutes Guard Timer O-99 seconds Minimum Baud Rate Default Baud Rate Maximum Baud Rate Always Use Default Baud Rate When Cal led DTR Off Disconnect Timer O-99 seconds DTR To CTS Delay TimerO-9900 msec, (100 msec inc)DTR Forced High RTS Forced High DSR Is Held High When Device Is Idle CTS Is Held High When Device Is Idle Originate A DTRX Call With ALow-High Transition of DTR Action Taken If The Idle DTE Has DTR Low ( Auto Answer )Option SoftkeysI-110, 2-150, 3-300, 4-600,5-‘*MORE**, I-1200, 2-2400, 3-4600,4-9600, 6-19200I-110, 2-150, 3-300, 4-600, 5-**MORE**, I-1200, 2-2400. 3-4600,4-9600, 6-l 9200 l-110, 2-150, 3-300, 4-600, 5-**MORE**, I-1200, 2-2400, 3-4600,4-9600, 8-19200 1 -YES/ND 1 -YES/ND 1 -YES/ND 1 -YES/ND 1 -YES/ND 1 -YES/NOTOGGLE RI, 2-RAISE DSR, 3-RAISE IX-D.4-REFUSE Page 57

SECTION MITLSI 09-094-210-NADATACIRCUITTABLE 4-20 (CONT’D)DESCRIPTORS - PARAMETERSANDOPTIONSOFTKEYSParameter Pooled Modem ConmunicationEstablished indicator ASYNC: Keyboard Origination Allowed( Auto Baud 1ASYNC: ADL Auto BaudASYNC: Flow ControlASYNC: XCN character( o-127, Decimal value of ASCII code 1 ASYNC :XOFF character( O-127, Decimal value of ASCII code 1ASYNC :Break Key FunctionASYNC: PBX Attention Character ( 0- 127)ASYTUC: ParityASYTtC :Character Length(7-8;8 bits implies no parity 1ASYNC :Number of Stop Bits ( 1 - 2 )ASYNC :Autobaud to Host Character 1( 0 - 127 )ASYNC: Autobaud to Host Character 2( 0 - 127 1ASYNC :Delay Between AutobaudCharacters O-1270 msec (IOmsec inc)DS2100: Operating Mode( ASYNC, SYNC 1SYNC :Rate Adaptation Scheme( MiNET, X.31 )SYNC:Clock Source ( INTEPNAL,SYSTEM, TX EXT, TX & RX EXT 1Option Softkeys l-D%, 2-DCD 1 -YES/NOl-YES/NO I-CTS, 2-XCN/XOFF, 3-NONEI-TRANSPARENT, I-SYS Al-WI-NONE, 2-MARK, 3-SPACE, 4-EVEN, 8-m I-ASYNC, P-SYNC I-MINET. 2-X.31 I-INTERNAL, 2-SYSTEM, 3-TX EXTERNAL, 4-TX & RX EXT Abbreviations used in Table 4-20 IAbbreviationITerm DSR DTEDTR DTRX RIclear to send data carrier detect data comnunicationequipment data set ready data terminal equipment data terminal ready data transceiver ring indicator Data Circuit Descriptor Parameters The Data Circuit Descriptor is used by ADL calls, DTRX calls, printer monitors, the PMS port and Pooled Modems. The parameters are or- dered so that timers and baud rate options appear at the top of the form. These parameters apply to all data device types. Next are the parameters dealing with EIA leads. These also apply to all data devices but the parameter’s meaning can depend on whether a modem adapteris in the RS-232 connection. The last options are device type depen- dent parameters, usually indicated by a prefix.Page 58