Communications System
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx Shipping, Receiving, And Installation Information Manual
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Customer Data Entry (CDE) with an error message. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Mes- sages for a list of these error messages. ‘I-PROFILE NUM:When this softkey is pressed the command line displays “ENTER PROFILE NUM:“.After entering a valid number and pressing the ENTER softkey, the screen will display the list of users of that DTE Profile, if any. O-ENTER: Since this form reviews the programmed data, pressing the ENTER softkey completes a request for viewing a particular profile number. No changes occur and no data is stored in the database. Page 129

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAForm 30 -Device Interconnection Table 4.127 This form specifies which devices may be connected together. Refer to Table 4-47, Device Interconnection Table. The system allows for a maximum of 25 devices. 4.128 Field Description:Initially, the system interconnects all de- vices except trunks. The asterisk (*) character indicates the device the row represents is allowed to connect to the device the column represents. When the system inhibits device interconnection, it is indicated by the period (.) character. The device numbers are listed in the header line and the first column. The devices these numbers represent are listed in the nested REVIEW form. TABLE 4-47 FORM 30 - DEVICE INTERCONNECTION TABLE CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 7:50 AM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARhl01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 * * d * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * *02 * * * * x ;x * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * 1x1 td * x * * * * x * * x * * * * * R~~**::::::*****************05 * * ....,, x * * * * * * * * * * * ?c x * * *k ** * * * * * ** k x * x * * x L 9s~~*t::::::*****.*II*****XX*08 * ** * * * * * * * x 3% * d d * * * k09 * ri B i; x x i * * * * * t * * ri * * d x t x x *,o x k * * ** * * * * * * * * ** h ** x * * x B *11 f 0 * * * * * * * L t * * 0 * t x * 1x * * * * *12 * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * + 01 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-2-3-4-TOP5-Bcn-ral 6-QUIT7-INTERCON Nlbl8-DISALLDW9-REV I EwO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY -I01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 (-J * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * 6 * * * * * * * * Fl>F2>F3>F4>TOPFS>BOlTtXlF6XlU I TF7> I MERCON NLhlF8>D I SALLOWFS>RN I EWFO>4.129 Commands 4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line. 5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line. 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form displays the following warning on the command line: DATA HAS BEEN CHANGED BUT NOT YET SAVED -- “ENTER” TO SAVE. Pressing this softkey again Page 130

Customer Data Entry (CDE) exits Form 30 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. The change is not saved. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms. B-CANCEL: Pressing the CANCEL softkey cancels the tenant number entry. This softkey appears after a programming error. It is accom- panied with an error message on the command line. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages. ‘I-INTERCON NUM: The INTERCON NUM softkey allows a user to select a device by number. Pressing this softkey displays the ENTER INTERCONNECT NUM: prompt. Entering the interconnect number (1 to 25) displays that device with a series of ‘*’ characters (allow inter- connection) and ‘.’ characters (disallow interconnection). Cursor move- ment on the command line is controlled by the right and left cursor control keys. 8-DISALLOW/ALLOW: This softkey has two functions; it enables and disables interconnection between devices. Pressing the DISALLOW softkey disables the interconnection between those two devices unidi- rectionally. For example, when modifying connections for device 5 (the command line displays line 5) and the DISALLOW softkey is pressed when the cursor is under the sixth column, then device 5 cannot communicate with device 6. However, device 6 can still communicate with device 5. Total interconnection is inhibited only when a ‘.’(disallow) character is inserted at row 6 (device 6) under the fifth column (device 5). The sof-tkey now displays the ALLOW prompt. Press- ing the ALLOW softkey enables the unidirectional interconnection be- tween the selected devices; the ‘*’ character replaces the ‘.’ character. g-REVIEW: Pressing the REVIEW softkey displays a new form (refer to Table 4-48, Review List for Form 30). This form lists all the device types. O-ENTER: This softkey appears only after data for an interconnect number has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey stores the changes in the database. Page 131

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAReview List for Form 30 4.130 This form appears when the REVIEW softkey is pressed in De- vice Interconnection Table Form. When entered from Form 30,this form displays a list of the device types. Refer to Table 4-48, Review List for Form 30 for the form layout. Note that the data in this form cannot be modified.TABLE 4-48 REVIEW LIST FOR FORM 30 CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 7:50 AM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARM ENTRY NlADEVICE TYPE DESCRIFTl(3NINTERCOMUECT Nlhl 01Station/Set1 00:Console Loop Start Trunk3 xzGround Start Trunk4DID/Tie Trunk5 8;E&M Trunk (2-Wire or 4-Wire)RESERVEDf xiRESERVED 8 RESERVED9 10RESERVED IO11RESERVED 12RESERVED:: 01Station/Set1 2-ENTRY NLhl3-4-TOP5-l3OTrw i-QUIT7-INTERCON Nlhl 8-9-O-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY DEVICE TYPE DESCRIPTIONINTERCDNNECT NUlStation/Set1FZXNTRY NLMF3>F4>TOPFS>BOlT(XvlF7>INTERCON NurlF8>F9>FO>14.131 Field Description ENTRY NUM: This field lists the entry numbers for the device types. There is a total of 25 entry numbers. The ENTRY NUM field cannot be modified.DEVICE TYPE DESCRIPTION: This field lists the titles assigned to the entry numbers. The DEVICE TYPE DESCRIPTION field cannot be modi- fied. The last 13 entries are reserved for future use.INTERCONNECT NUM: This field lists all the interconnect numbers; it links this form to the previous form (refer to Table 4-47, Device Interconnection Table). The interconnect numbers range from 1 to 25. The INTERCONNECT NUM field cannot be modified.Page 132

Customer Data Entry (CDE) 4.132 Commands 2-ENTRY NUM: This softkey selects an entry number. Pressing the ENTRY NUM softkey displays the ENTER ENTRY NUM: on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid entry number (1 to 25).4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the iine pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line.5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line.6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey returns the display to the point where the REVIEW softkey was pressed. Refer to Table 4-47, Form 30 - Device Interconnection Table.6-CANCEL: Pressing the CANCEL softkey cancels the last entry. This softkey appears after a programming error. It is accompanied with an error message on the command line. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages. 7-INTERCON NUM: This softkey selects a device type by its intercon- nect number. Pressing the INTERCON NUM softkey displays ENTER INTERCONNECT NUM: on the command line. The selection is com- pleted by entering a valid interconnect number (1 to 25).O-ENTER: Since this form reviews the programmed data, pressing the ENTER softkey completes a request for viewing a particular intercon- nect number or entry number. No data changes occur and no data is stored in the database.Page 133

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NA MForm 31 - System Abbreviated Dial Entry 4.133 This form specifies System Abbreviated Dial numbers. Refer to Section MITL9109-094-223-NA, Abbreviated Dialing for details.TABLE 4-49 FORM 31 - SYSTEM ABBREVIATED DIAL ENTRY 7:50 AM 15-JAN-88CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY alarm status = NO ALAWlINDEX NLMBERDIGIT STRINGPRIVATE 2283679657759221221232240667 II123I5922122 l-2-FIND INDEX3- INSERT4-TOPB-BOTTOM 6-QUIT7-8-DELETE9-PR I VATEO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAYPRIVATE PR I VATEDIGIT STRING 5922122 F2>FIND INDEXF3> I NSERTF8>DELETEPRIVATEF4>TOPFS>PRIVATEFB>BOlToMFO>4.134 Field Description INDEX NUMBER: This field lists the index numbers; one for each entry in the form. The System Abbreviated Dial Access Code followed by the Index number forms the Abbreviated Dial number. Each index number can be a maximum of three digits.DIGIT STRING: This field lists the digit strings; one for each Index number. The digit string can be a maximum of 26 digits for a non- private number, 25 digits for a private number.PRIVATE: This field specifies which entries are Private (as indicated with the PRIVATE prompt) and which are non-Private (as indicated by a blank).4.135 Commands P-FIND INDEX: This softkey selects an Index Number. Pressing the FIND INDEX softkey displays ENTER INDEX NUM: on the command line. The selection is completed by entering a valid Index Number (a maxi-Page 134

Customer Data Entry (CDE) mum of three digits).3-INSERT: This softkey adds new digit strings to this form. Pressing the INSERT softkey clears the command line and moves the cursor to the INDEX NUMBER field. The addition is completed by entering a valid index number and digit string. The system inserts the addition in nrlmerical ascending order according to the “INDEX NUMBER field. Note that if there is no data in this form or the line pointer is pointing to the last line of data, then this softkey does not appear. 4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line. 5-BOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line. 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey when editing this form erases the data on the command line. The change is not saved. Pressing the QUIT softkey again exits Form 31 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms. 6-CANCEL: Pressing the CANCEL softkey cancels the last entry. This softkey appears after a programming error. It is accompanied with an error message on the command line. Refer to Table 5-1, Programming Error Messages for a list of these error messages. 8-DELETE: This softkey appears when the pointer is pointing to data (i.e., data on the command line). Pressing the DELETE softkey removes the data from the selected field. The deletion is completed by pressing the ENTER softkey. The field is ready for new data. 9-PRIVATE/NON-PRIVATE: This softkey has two functions. Pressing the PRIVATE softkey sets the selected digit string entry to Private; the PRIVATE prompt appears in the PRIVATE field and the softkey now displays the NON-PRIVATE prompt. Pressing the NON-PRIVATE softkeysets the selected digit string to non-private; the PRIVATE field blanks and the softkey displays the PRIVATE prompt once again. O-ENTER: This softkey only appears after an Index Number has been modified. Pressing the ENTER softkey stores the modifications in the database.Page 135

SECTION MITL9109-094-210-NAForm 32 -Customer Data Print 4.136 This form lists all the Customer Data options that can be sent to an output device, such as a printer or a terminal. The optionsare selected by Print Option Number. Note that this form cannot be modified. Refer to Table 4-51, Customer Data Print Options for a complete list of these options and to Table 4-50, Form 32 - Customer Data Print for the form layout. Note, Print Options with ‘ldrrr are sub- forms of the preceding form.TABLE 4-50 FORM 32 - CDE DATA PRINT CDE TERMINAL DISPLAY 3:49 PM 15-JAN-88alarm status = NO ALARM PRINT OPTIONWE DATA PRINT x:System Configuration Feature Access Codes03COS Definition04System Options/System Timers05Tenant interconnection Table06Tenant Night Switching07Console Assignments08Attendant m Assignments09Station/SUPERSET Telephones09*SUPERSET/Line Appearances10Pickup Groups11Data Circuit Descriptors 01System Configuration l-2-PRINT ALL3-4-TOP5-BOI-TOM 6-QUIT7-PRINT OPTICIN 8-9-PRINTO-ATTENDANT CONSOLE DISPLAY PRINT OPTION CDE DATA PRINT01SYSTEMCONF I GURAT I ONFl>FZ>PRINT ALLF3>F4>TOPFS>BOl-K&lF6>oU I TF7>PRINT OPTIONF8>FS>PR I NTFO>4.137 Field Description PRINT OPTION: This field lists the print option numbers for the CDE options that can be sent to an output device (a terminal or a printer). There is a maximum of 50 print option numbers. The PRINT OPTION field cannot be modified.CDE DATA PRINT: This field lists the titles associated with the print option numbers. The CDE DATA PRINT field cannot be modified. Refer to Table 4-51, Customer Data Print Options for a complete list of these electives.Page 136

Customer Data Entry (CDE) TABLE 4-51 CUSTOMER DATA PRINT OPTIONS Print Opt ionCDE Data Print31 32 33 34 35 36 :;3939” 10 11 1; * 13 13” 1:16 . 17 18 19 20 ;:23 24 25 26 26*27 26 ES30 i:*32 33 34 xi37 ii39’ 4040*414242’ 43 44 50System Configuration Feature Access Codes CDS Definition System Options/System Timers Tenant Interconnection Table Tenant Night Switching Console Assignments Attendant LDN Assignments Station/SUPERSET TelephonesSUPERSET/Li ne Appearances Pickup Groups Data Circuit Descriptors Data Circuit Descriptor Reviews Data Assignment Trunk Circuit Descriptors Trunk Circuit Descriptor Reviews Non-Dial-In Trunks Dial-In Trunks Trunk Groups Hunt Groups Miscellaneous System Ports Call Rerouting Table ARS: COR Group Definition ARS: Day Zone Definition ARS: Modified Digit Table ARS: Route Definition ARS: Route Lists ARS: Route Plans ARS: Leading Digit Strings ARS: Digit Strings ARS: Maximum Dialed Digits Table Form Access Restriction DTE Prof i leDTE Prof i le Review Device Interconnect Table Device Interconnect Translation Abbreviated Dial Numbers RESERVEDAccount Codes Directed IO Global Find Access Codes Modem Assignment Guest Room SUPERSET Keys Template ACD Keys Template ACD Agent Groups ACD Agent Groups Options ACID Supervisors ACD Supervisors Groups ACD Paths Tl Link DescriptorsTl Link Descriptors ReviewTl Link Assignment Network Synchronization Automatic Route Selection 4.138 Commands 2-PRINT ALL: This softkey transmits the contents of all the CDE Data Print option ranges to an output device (printer or terminal).Pressing the PRINT ALL softkey blanks the softkey display (with the Page 137

SECTION MITL9109-094~Zl O-NAexception of the QUIT softkey). Further CDE is prohibited while the command PRINT ALL is in effect. The command line sequentially prompts the user to enter the desired ranges for options. The softkey ENTER must be pressed after each entry. The following lists the Data Print options: PRINT FROM COS START: TO COS END PRINT FROM TRK CCT DESC START: TO IRK CCT DESC END PRINT FROM DATA CCT DESC START: TO DATA CCT DESC END PRINT FROM DIE PROFILE START: TO DTE PROFILE NUM. ENDWhen printing starts, the command line displays: CDE DATA PRINT IN PROGRESS and the only softkey available is ABORT. Note:The system does not generate an error message if the speci- fied printer is not operational. When completed, the system displays “CDE DATA PRINT ALL HAS COMPLETED PRINTING”. The normal softkeys reappear (refer to Table 4-50, Form 32, Customer Data Print). 4-TOP: Pressing the TOP softkey moves the line pointer to the first line of the form. The command line displays the first line. SBOTTOM: Pressing the BOTTOM softkey moves the line pointer to the last line of the form. The command line displays this line. 6-QUIT: Pressing the QUIT softkey during a print operation while the system is prompting for option or range values cancels the print process. At all other times, pressing the QUIT softkey exits Form 32 and returns the display to the level where the forms are selected. Refer to Table 4-2, Available Forms. B-ABORT:This softkey appears whenever a print is in progress, Pressing this softkey cancels the current active printout. The command line displays: CDE DATA PRINT ALL OPTION HAS BEEN ABORTED or,CDE DATA PRINT OPTION XX HAS BEEN ABORTED as appropriate. 6-CANCEL: This softkey appears if a print is requested when there are no printers assigned to CDE Data Print. The command line displays: NO PRINTERS HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO CDE DATA PRINT ‘I-PRINT OPTION: This softkey selects a print option number. Pressing the PRINT OPTION softkey displays ENTER PRINT OPTION: on the com- mand line. The selection is completed by entering a valid print option number. The command line displays the selected option. Page 138