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Mitel SMART L CALL CONTROLLER Hardware Installation Manual

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    of 458
    							SECTION MlTL8350-048-l OO-NA 
    > [604424F42BBl 
    After entering this command as shown above, and after exiting 
    the programming mode, access to programming can only be 
    gained by entering ‘BOB’ on the terminal keyboard as shown 
    where xx-xx is the revision of the software that is resident in the 
    Note: The password ‘BOB’ is entered on the keyboard, but is not 
    displayed on the terminal for security reasons. 
    Table 7-3, System Wide Operational Parameters 
    Dolt 0 Re-Order Tone, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = OFF 
    1 = ON 
    D05t 0 Number of Trunk to monitor for Call Detail Record where ‘t’ equals: 
    Allowed Trunk(s) Digit Allowed Trunk(s) 
    All (default) 8 
    1 9 
    2 A 
    I,2 B 
    I ,2,4 
    3 C 
    I,3 D 
    23 E 
    006t 4 Baud Rate of RS-232 Computer Port, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = 
    1200 Baud 
    1 = 110 Baud 
    2 = 300 Baud 
    3 = 600 Baud 
    4 = 1200 Baud (Default) 
    5 = 2400 Baud 
    6 = 4800 Baud 
    7 = 9600 Baud 
    007t 2 Number of Nulls to follow after a Carriage Return during Call Detail 
    Recording Output. The default entry is 2. Any digit from 0 through 
    9 may be entered when programming this parameter. 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-048-IOO-NA 
    Table 7-3 (Cont’d), System Wide Operational Parameters 
    009t 2 
    Selection of Print Format for Call Detail Recording Output, where ‘t’ 
    0 = Call Detail Recording Disabled. 
    1 = MITEL Format selected. 
    2 = SMarT Format selected. 
    01ot 9 Route to Monitor, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 thru 3 = Primary Routes 1,2,3, and 4. 
    4 thru 7 = Alternate Routes 5,6,7, and 8. 
    8 = Monitor routed calls only. 
    9 = All Routes (default). 
    OOlt - Re-order Tone. This command enables or disables the 
    re-order tone that is supplied to the caller on an unsuccessful 
    access attempt. The default for the command is OFF (‘t’ = 0). Maximum 
    security is obtained by using the default setting. For example, if it is 
    desired to program the Controller to supply the re-order tone, the 
    command would be entered as: 
    > [00111 
    7.47 005t - Number of Trunk to monitor for Call Detail Record. In 
    this command, the letter t designates a digit from 1 through 9 
    or a letter from A to E must be entered in its place. This character 
    selects the trunks that may be monitored for data output to the Call 
    Detail Record. If ‘0’ is entered, or if no command entry is made 
    (default), all trunks will send data to the Call Detail Record. For exam- 
    ple, if It is desired to monitor activity on Trunks 1 through 3, a typical 
    command entry would be: 
    > 100571 
    006t - This command selects the Baud rate of the RS-232 
    Computer Port. This allows the programmer to choose a rate 
    for transmission to the attached device (terminal, printer, etc.) that will 
    be acceptable by the chosen device. This change does not take effect 
    until after exiting the programming mode. The default rate is 1200 
    Baud and need not be programmed if acceptable. The rate ranges from 
    110 to 9600 Baud in seven steps. Each step is associated with a 
    particular number. For example, if a terminal that operates at 4800 
    Baud were to be attached to the RS-232 port after programming, the 
    programming would be entered as: 
    > [00661 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-048-1 OB-NA 
    =:-_11 ‘I’l”~~~ii~~~~‘~ ~0 NOT set the Baud Rate to a value which is not 
    supported by the device that is connected to the RS- 
    232 Computer Port. Doing so will prevent any further 
    programming of any kind, including any efforts to 
    change the value of this parameter in any way. If this is 
    done, the only way to do any further programming of 
    any kind is to follow the initialization procedure de- 
    tailed in paragraph 6.06 (page 301, which will delete all 
    programming done to this point and will reload the 
    default data base. 
    7.49 007t - This command selects the number of Nulls to be sent to 
    a device attached to the RS-232 port following the transmis- 
    sion of a  to the device. The default entry for this command is ‘2’ 
    where two Nulls will be sent. Any digit from 0 to 9 may be entered. 
    The purpose of this command is to allow some adjustment in the 
    timing of device display where required. For example, if a printer is 
    attached to the port and this device prints in one direction only, it may 
    not have enough time to execute a carriage return before printing 
    additional data sent to it. The nulls allow the carriage to be returned to 
    the start print position before receiving more data. For example, if this 
    period required 4 nulls to accomplish the desired affect, it would be 
    programmed as: 
    > 200741 
    7.50 009t - The 009 command selects the print format to be used 
    when outputting data to the RS-232 Computer Port for Call 
    Detail Recording. The only numbers allowed for selection and entry for 
    ‘t’ are 0, 1, and 2 where 2 is the default selection. ‘0’ disables Call 
    Detail Recording. ‘1’ selects the MITEL Format while ‘2’ selects the 
    SMarT-1’” Format. For a description of the format, refer to para. 7.124. 
    An example of programming to select the SMarT-1’” Format is: 
    > [00921 
    7.51 01ot 
    - This command selects the route to monitor for Call 
    Detail Recording. Appropriate entries for ‘t’ are a single digit 
    from 0 through 9, where the numbers 0 through 3 equate to routes 1 
    through 4 respectively, and numbers 4 through 7 equate to alternate 
    routes 5 through 8 respectively. 8 equates to enabling monitor of 
    routed calls only, while 9 equates to enabling all routes and is the 
    default for this command. A sample programming entry for route 4 
    would be: 
    > jo1041 
    Trunk Related Parameters 
    7.52 Table 7-4 on the next page lists the Trunk related programming 
    parameters. Detailed descriptions of the parameters follow the 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-048-l OO-NA 
    table. The letter ‘x’ preceding the command digits indicates that a trunk 
    select number be entered to choose the particular trunk to be pro- 
    grammed for the command. These numbers equate to: 
    1 = program only Trunk 1 
    2 = program only Trunk 2 
    3 = program only Trunk 3 
    4 = program only Trunk 4 
    5 = program all trunks simultaneously 
    7.53 For example, if it is desired to program ALL Trunks simulta- 
    neously for a Loop Start Central Office using Rotary dial, the 
    programmer would enter: 
    To program only Trunk 2 for a Loop Start Central Office using 
    DTMF dial, the programmer would enter: 
    The parameters listed in Table 7-4 below may appear at first 
    glance to be entered out of sequence. This sequence was 
    used to list all pertinent parameters for the Controller first, 
    followed by less relevant/less used parameters. 
    Table 7-4, Trunk Related Parameters 
    xoot 2 Type of Central Office, where t equals: 
    0 = Loop Start, Rotary Dialout 
    1 = Ground Start, Rotary Dialout 
    2 = Loop Start, DTMF Dialout 
    3 = Ground Start, DTMF Dialout 
    xOlt 4 Rotary Dialing Rate, where t equals: 
    3 = 40/30 ms Outpulse 
    4 = 60/40 ms Outpulse 
    x02t 2 DTMF Dialing Rate, where t equals: 
    0 = 40ms 5 = 90ms 
    1 = 50ms 6 = 100ms 
    2 = 60ms 7= 
    3 = 70ms 8 = 120ms 
    4 = 80ms 9 = 130ms 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-048-1 OO-NA 
    Table 7-4 (Cont’d), Trunk Related Parameters 
    x05t 5 
    Time period between Line Drop and Reseizure, where t equals: 
    0 = 500ms 5 = 1250ms 
    1 = 650ms 6 = 1400ms 
    2 = 800ms 7 
    = 1550ms 
    3 = 950ms 8 = 1700ms 
    4 = 1100ms 9 = 1850ms 
    x27t 1 Call Answer Timer, where if t = 0, The Controller is ‘OFF’ and all 
    SAC activity is disabled. Calls into the protected Modem will not be 
    processed or interfered with. Other values for t are: 
    1 = 3 seconds 9 = 27 seconds 
    2 = 6 seconds A = 30 seconds 
    3 = 9 seconds B = 33 seconds 
    4 = 12 seconds C = 36 seconds 
    5 = 15 seconds D = 39 seconds 
    6 = 18 seconds E = 42 seconds 
    7 = 21 seconds F = 45 seconds 
    8 = 24 seconds 
    x28t 1 Wait for Password Timer (after Answer), and Wait for User-Entered 
    Callback Number (if called for in the password action digits). The 
    first entry for t below is for the Password Timer, while the second 
    entry is for the User-Entered Callback Number (if used). t equals: 
    0 = 4/8 seconds 
    1 = 8/16 seconds 
    2= 12/24 seconds 
    3 = 16/32 seconds 
    4 = 20/40 seconds 
    5 = 24/48 seconds 
    6 = 28/56 seconds 
    7 = 32/64 seconds 8 = 36/72 seconds 
    9 = 40/80 seconds 
    A = 44/88 seconds 
    B = 48/96 seconds 
    C = 52/104 seconds 
    D = 56/112 seconds 
    E = 60/120 seconds 
    x29t 2 Lockout Timer. This timer will be invoked at the end of x28t if 
    either no password has been entered, or if an invalid password has 
    been entered. The timer will ‘busy out’ the affected trunk for the 
    duration of the its time period, preventing multiple rapid succes- 
    sion access attempts by unauthorized callers. Values for t are: 
    0 = 10 seconds 8 = 90 seconds 
    1 = 20 seconds 9 = 100 seconds 
    2 = 30 ,seconds A = 110 seconds 
    3 = 40 seconds B = 120 seconds 
    4 = 50 seconds C = 130 seconds 
    5 = 60 seconds D = 140 seconds 
    6 = 70 seconds E = 150 seconds 
    7 = 80 seconds F = 160 seconds 
    							SECTION MITL8350-048-l OO-NA 
    Table 7-4 (Cont’d), Trunk Related Parameters 
    x35t 0 
    Progress Tones (Beeps), where t equals: 
    Request Request 
    t Password Callback Nr. 
    (1 Tone) (2 Tones) 
    0 ON ON 
    ON ON 
    ON OFF 
    3 ON OFF 
    4 OFF ON 
    5 OFF ON 
    6 OFF OFF 
    OFF OFF 
    (3 Tones) 
    x36t 1 Time to wait after valid password determination before processing 
    of the callback (drop and reseize parameter x05t) is initiated, where 
    t equals: 
    0 = Callback Immediately 8 = 80 seconds 
    1 = 10 seconds ‘9 = 90 seconds 
    2 = 20 seconds A = 100 seconds 
    3 = 30 seconds B = 110 seconds 
    4 = 40 seconds C = 120 seconds 
    5 = 50 seconds D = 130 seconds 
    6 = 60 seconds E = 140 seconds 
    7 = 70 seconds 
    . F = 150 seconds 
    xoot - This command configures the Controller for the type of 
    Central Office that will be connected to the line. These types 
    are either Loop Start or Ground Start. The command also selects the 
    type of dialing to be used to access the Central Office when executing 
    a callback sequence. The two types of dialing are either Rotary or 
    DTMF dialout. The two selections are combined into one command 
    allowing the programmer to select one of the four combinations listed 
    in Table 7-4 above. If no command is programmed, the default selec- 
    tion of Loop Start, DTMF dialout will be in the Controller. For example, 
    if the Controller were to be programmed for a Ground Start CO and to 
    use DTMF dialout on Trunk 1, the command would be: 
    > DO031 
    7.56 xOlt - This command will select the Rotary Dialing rate if 
    command xOOt above were programmed for Rotary dialout. 
    There are two options that are selectable. These are 40 ms Make/30 
    ms Break or 60 ms Make/40 ms Break. The latter selection is the 
    default for the command and need not be programmed, if required. 
    example, if all trunks were to use the 40/30 ms Rotary Dialing Rate, the 
    command would be entered as: 
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    							SECTION MlTL8350-048-lOO-NA 
    > r50131 
    7.57 x02t - 
    This command will select the DTMF Dialing rate if com- 
    mand xOOt above were programmed for DTMF dialout. The rate 
    ranges from 40 to 130 ms in 10 ms steps. 
    60 ms is the default 
    selection for this command. Selection is done by entering a number 
    from 0 through 9 for the letter t in the command line. For example, if 
    Trunk 3 were to use DTMF dialing at a rate of 100 ms, the command 
    would be entered as: 
    > t30261 
    x05t - This command programs the time period length between 
    the point where the Controller drops the line and reseizes the 
    line for a callback execution. The default for this command is 1250 ms. 
    The period length is selectable from 500 to 1850 ms in 150 ms steps. 
    These periods equate to a number from 0 to 9 to be used to replace 
    the letter ‘t’ in the command line. For example, if a period of 1700 ms 
    were required between drop and reseizure on Trunk 1 for the Control- 
    ler, the command would be entered as: 
    > DO581 
    7.59 x27t - The x27t command programs the Call Answer Timer to 
    wait for a period of time after detecting the first ring on the 
    line, before answering the call. The default period of time is 3 seconds 
    (i.e., after detecting ringing, the Controller will wait for 3 seconds 
    before answering the call). The period selection ranges from 3 to 45 
    seconds in 3 second steps. These are designated by a number from 1 
    to 9, or a letter from A to F to replace the ‘t’ in the command. For 
    example, if all trunks were to be programmed to wait for 6 seconds 
    after ringing detection before answering, the command would be en- 
    tered as: 
    > 152721 
    x28t - This command performs two functions, if required. The 
    first and most important is to wait for the password to be 
    received. The second is to wait for a user entered callback number to 
    be received (if called for in the password action digits). The command 
    will cause the controller to perform the first wait period. If the pass- 
    word action digits indicate that a user entered callback number is to 
    be received, the second wait period after entry of the password will be 
    accomplished. For more information on the password action digits, 
    refer to password programming on page 60. The wait period for the 
    wait for password timer is programmable from 4 to 60 seconds in 4 
    second steps. These steps equate to the number from 0 to 9 or the 
    letter from A to E to be used in place of ‘t’. The second timer is 
    programmed automatically from the selection of the first timer. The 
    second timer will always be (if used) two times the period of the first 
    Page 53  
    							SECTION MITL8350-048-l OO-NA 
    timer. The default for this command is 8/16 seconds (i.e., the Controller 
    will wait for 8 seconds for the caller to enter a valid password before 
    timing out and terminating the call and 16 seconds for the caller to 
    enter his callback number (if used). For example, 
    if it is desired to have 
    the Controller to wait 16 seconds for password 
    entry by the caller on 
    Trunk 2, the command would be entered as: 
    > 122831 
    7.61 The entry of the 
    period for waiting 
    x29t - The x29t 
    Timer. This timer .I .: 
    above command assumes that, if used, the 
    for callback number entry will be 32 seconds. 
    command is used to program the Lockout 
    will start if, at the end of the x28t wait for 
    password period expires and if either an invalid password, or no pass- 
    word has been received. During the period that this timer is in effect, 
    the Controller will ‘busy out’ the affected trunk(s) for the period. This 
    prevents multiple rapid succession access attempts by unauthorized 
    users. The default period for this timer is 20 seconds. The period is 
    programmable from 10 to 160 seconds in 10 second steps. To select a 
    period, enter a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from A to F in place of ‘t’. 
    For example, if minimum lockout is desired on Trunk 1 and 30 seconds 
    of lockout were desired on Trunk 3, the commands would be entered 
    > [12901 
    > r32921 
    7.63 This parameter should be set equal to or greater than the 
    length of time that the Modem waits for Answer Tone. In addi- 
    tion, the SAC monitors for Modem loop current, and, if this timer 
    should expire while the Modem is still on line, the presence of the 
    Modem line state will continue to hold the ‘busy out’ state. The ‘busy 
    out’ in this instance, will cease when the Modem goes off line. 
    x35t - This command programs the use of progress tones to be 
    sent back to the caller to indicate dialing progress. If ‘7’ is 
    entered into the command line for ‘t’, all progress tones are disabled. 
    The default for this command is ‘0’ or all progress tones on. If ‘0’ is 
    entered, the caller will receive a single progress tone (1 beep) request- 
    ing entry of password, a double progress tone (2 beeps) to request 
    entry of user entered callback number, and a triple progress tone (3 
    beeps) to request the caller to hang up for callback. For example, if all 
    trunks were to be programmed for a single progress tone to indicate 
    password entry, the command line would be typed as: 
    > 153531 
    x36t - The x36t command programs the amount of time to wait 
    after valid password determination before initiating the callback 
    process (i.e., time until initiation of the drop and reseize command 
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    							SECTION MlTL8350-048-lOO-NA 
    x05t). The default for this command is ‘0’ for 10 seconds. The range of 
    the timer is from 10 to 150 seconds as selected by the number 1 to 9 
    or the letter A to F that replaces ‘t’. For example, if it is desired to 
    program Trunk 1 to wait for 150 seconds prior to initiating callback, 
    the command line would be entered as: 
    > Il36Fl 
    Non-Controller Pertinent Parameters 
    7.66 Table 7-5 below lists the Trunk related programming param- 
    eters that are non-Controller associated. Detailed descriptions 
    of the parameters follow the table. The letter ‘x’ preceding the com- 
    mand digits indicates that a trunk select number be entered to choose 
    the particular trunk to be programmed for the command. These num- 
    bers equate to: 
    1 = program only Trunk 1 
    2 = program only Trunk 2 
    3 = program only Trunk 3 
    4 = program only Trunk 4 
    5 = program all trunks simultaneously 
    Note: Since these are ‘Non-Controller’ pertinent parameters, it 
    should seldom be necessary to reprogram them from their 
    default settings. Improper programming can result in unreli- 
    able connections with the Central Office. 
    Table 7-5, Non-Controller Pertinent Parameters 
    x03t 6 On-Hook Recognition Time, where t equals: 
    0 = 80 ms 6 = 750 ms 
    1 = 100 ms 7 = 1000 ms 
    2 = 150 ms 8 = 1330 ms 
    3 = 200 ms g = 1660 ms 
    4 = 300 ms A = 2000 ms 
    5 = 500 ms B = 2500 ms 
    x04t 1 Flash Allowed Time, where t equals: 
    0 = 80 ms 6 = 750 ms ’ 
    1 = 100 ms 7 = 1000 ms 
    2 = 150 ms 8 = 1330 ms 
    3 = 200 ms 9 = 1660 ms 
    4 = 300 ms A = 2000 ms 
    5 = 500 ms B = 2500 ms 
    x06t 3 Number of Ground Start Tries (failure goes to call drop), where t = 
    the number of times to try. 
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    							SECTIQN MITL8350-048-IOO-NA 
    Table 7-5, Non-Controller Pertinent Parameters 
    x07t 3 Time to wait for Tip Ground on Ground Start Try (Ground Start 
    Timeout in seconds), where t equals number of seconds to wait 
    until timeout. 
    x14t 4 Rotary Inter-digit Pause for Central Office (outgoing dialing), where 
    t equals: 
    0 = 400 ms 5 = 900 ms 
    1 = 500 ms 6 = 1 second 
    2 = 600 ms 7 = 1.1 seconds 
    3 = 700 ms 8 = 1.2 seconds 
    4 = 800 ms 
    xzot 2 Incoming Ringing Sensitivity, where t nominally equals: 
    0 = 40 ms 8 = 140 ms 
    1 = 50 ms 9 = 160 ms 
    2 = 60 ms A = 170 ms 
    3 = 80 ms B = 180 ms 
    4 = 90 ms C = 200 ms 
    5 = 100 ms D = 210 ms 
    6 = 120 ms E = 220 ms 
    7 = 130 ms F = 240 ms 
    x21t 6 Inter-ring timing in seconds, where t equals the number of sec- 
    onds to wait. 
    x31t Select Default Route for use within one of two groups of four 
    routes. If this command is set to either 0, 1, 2, or 3, the primary 
    routes will be used. If it is set to either 4, 5, 6, or 7, the alternate 
    routes will be used. ‘Use Default Route’ is an action digit that is 
    included within the 801 through 815 Search Table action digits (for 
    more information, refer to page 65 paragraph 7.106). ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = Use Primary Routes 0 through 3 
    4 = Use Alternate Routes 4 through 7 
    Tip Ground Application Timer, where t equals: 
    0=40ms 6 = 240 ms 
    1 =40 ms 7 = 280 ms 
    2 = 80 ms 8 = 320 ms 
    3 = 120 ms 9 = 360 ms 
    4 = 160 ms A = 400 ms 
    5 = 200 ms B = 440 ms 
    x33t 0 Flit Timing, where t equals: 
    0 = 40 ms 
    8 = 20 ms 
    Page 56 
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