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Mitel SMART L CALL CONTROLLER Hardware Installation Manual

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    of 458
    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Dialer. This mode causes the Dialer to become an interface between a 
    centralized terminal and the telephone line (i.e., the Dialer becomes a 
    Tone-to-ASCII converter to allow the display of received tones to the 
    screen, and an ASCII-to-Tone converter to allow the remote program- 
    ming of another Dialer (or any other device that can be programmed 
    by the use of DTMF (Tone)). 
    6.14 Table 6-2 below lists the System Wide Parameters that are 
    programmable and different from the General information Man- 
    ual. Note the addition of the ‘01 It’ parameter for Positive Account 
    Table 6-2, System Wide Parameters 
    ooot 1 
    006t 4 Number of Speed Call Number Entries Available, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = 10 Speed Call entries 
    1 = 100 Speed Call entries (default) 
    2 = 1000 Speed Call entries 
    Baud Rate or RS-232 Computer Port, where ‘t’ equals: 
    1 = 110 Baud 
    2 = 300 Baud 
    3 = 600 Baud 
    4 = 1200 Baud (default) 
    5 = 2400 Baud 
    6 = 4800 Baud 
    7 = 9600 Baud 
    011t 0 Positive Account Verification, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = Disabled (default) 
    1 = Enabled 
    NOTE: Enabling PAV forces Search Table #l to be used 
    for storing the user dialed account codes. 
    6.15 System Wide Parameters, if entered by DTMF telephone, will 
    cause a single progress tone (beep) to be heard after dialing 
    the first three digits. After dialing the fourth digit to select the action 
    of the parameter, a double progress tone (two beeps) will be heard 
    indicating that the Dialer is ready for more programming. 
    6.16 If these parameters are programmed from a terminal, the three 
    digit parameter group and the fourth digit selection is entered 
    as one group after the Dialer prompt > with no spaces. The terminal 
    will display the code group followed by a carriage return. For example, 
    if it is desired to program the Dialer for 10 speed call entries, the 
    display would appear as: 
    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    where the brackets 
    [ 1 enclose the parameter digits to be entered on 
    the terminal keyboard by the user. The brackets will not be displayed 
    on the screen. 
    6.17 OOOt - This parameter tells the Dialer the number of entries to 
    be entered in the Speed Call tables (7nnn). Any number of 
    speed calls up to the maximum selected number may be entered after 
    programming this parameter. For the method of programming Speed 
    Calls, refer to paragraph 6.43 of this part. The only allowable selections 
    for this command is 10, 100, or 1000 speed call entries. 100 entries is 
    the default that will be loaded if a factory default load command is 
    6.18 006t - This parameter selects the Baud rate that the RS-232 
    Computer Port will use in communications to either a terminal 
    or a CDR unit. The default rate is 1200 Baud and is loaded at unit 
    initialization. The parameter will only take effect after exiting the pro- 
    gramming mode. Selection of rates from 110 to 9600 Baud may be 
    made in seven steps. 
    6.19 Ollt - This parameters enables or disables the Positive Ac- 
    count Verification feature of the Dialer. The default selection is 
    ‘disabled’. When disabled, the unit functions as a standard SMarT-I’” 
    Dialer without PAV (refer to the General Information Manual for more 
    information). In the enabled state, the Dialer forces Search Table #l to 
    be used for the storage of user dialed Account Codes for verification. 
    With the PAV enabled, note that the r54t and r74t Route Related 
    parameters have different meanings from each other. 
    6.20 Table 6-3 below lists the Trunk Related Parameters that are 
    programmable and different from the ‘General Information Man- 
    Table 6-3, Trunk Related Parameters 
    x04t 1 Flash Allowed Time, where ‘t’ equals: 
    1 = IOOms 
    x08t 3 Off-Hook Digit Refusal Time, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = None 
    5 = 500ms 
    = IOOms 6 = 600ms 
    2 = 200ms 
    7 = 700ms 
    3 = 300ms 
    8 = 800ms 
    4 = 400ms 
    9 = 900ms 
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    SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Table 6-3 (Cont’d), Trunk Related Parameters 
    NOTE: If ‘x19t’ Off-Hook Progress Tone is set to a ‘1’ or 
    enabled, the progress tone will not occur until 
    ‘x08t’ timer has expired or reached 700ms. The 
    Off-Hook Progress Tone is 200ms in duration. 
    x22t 1 Off-Hook Progress Tone, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = Off-Hook Progress Tone Disabled 
    1 = Off-Hook Progress Tone Enabled 
    Reserved (See 01 It) 
    NOTE: Whether System Option ‘xl It’ (PAV 
    Enabled/Disabled) is set to a ‘0’ or a ‘I’, Search 
    1 is always dedicated to the PAV list and 
    cannot be used for destination searching purposes. 
    x31t 3 
    x34t 6 TIP GND Application Recognition (GND START), where “t” equals: 
    0 = 40ms 6 = 240ms 
    1 = 40ms 7 = 280ms 
    2 = 80ms 8 = 320ms 
    3 = 120ms 9 = 360ms 
    4= 160ms *= 400ms 
    5 = 200ms # = 440ms 
    Tip Ground Removal Timer, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = 40ms 6 = 240ms 
    1 = 40ms 7 = 280ms 
    2 = 80ms 8 = 320ms 
    3 = 120ms 9 =,360ms 
    4 = 160ms *= 400ms 
    5 = 200ms # = 440ms 
    6.21 x04t - The x04t command programs the Flash Allowed Timing. 
    If the Flash Allowed Time is longer than the On-Hook Timing 
    (x03t), then flash is not allowed. The default for the command is 
    IOOms. For more information, refer to the General Information Manual. 
    6.22 x08t - This command programs the Off-Hook Digit refusal time. 
    The default for the command is 0.3 seconds. The programmable 
    time period ranges from 0.1 to 0.9 
    seconds and is selectable by 
    entering a number from 0 to 9 respectively, 
    for the ‘t’ in the command 
    line. For example, if it was desired to program all trunks for a 
    second Off-Hook Digit Refusal Time, the command would appear as: 
    > 150851 
    Page 28  
    							SECTION MITL8350-047-10%NA 
    on the programming terminal, or when programming with a DTMF 
    telephone, simply dial the ‘5085’ as follows: 
    1 DIAL 1 HEAR 1 DIAL 1 HEAR 1 
    where p indicates a single progress tone and hb indicates a 
    progress tone (two beeps) as heard in the telephone receiver. 
    6.23 x19t - This command programs the Controller to use double 
    or not 
    use Off-Hook Progress tone when the user lifts the receiver. 
    The default for the command is disable Off-Hook Progress tone. For 
    example, if it is desired to program trunk 1 for an Off-Hook Progress 
    tone, the command would appear as shown below: 
    on the programming terminal, or when programming with a DTMF 
    telephone, simply dial the ‘1191’ as shown below: 
    j 3’; / HEJR ( “:’ 1 HER- 1 
    6.24 x34t - The x34t command selects the time period for the Tip 
    Ground Removal Timer. A period within the range of 0 t0 440 
    ms can be selected by substituting a number from 0 to 9, or x, or # for 
    ‘t’ in the command line when programming with a DTMF telephone. If 
    programming is accomplished from a terminal, the x becomes the 
    letter ‘A’ and the # becomes the letter ‘B’. The default for the command 
    is 240 ms (6). For example, to program all trunks for a 120 ms Tip 
    Ground Removal Time, the command would appear as: 
    > [53431 
    on the programming terminal, or when programming with a DTMF 
    telephone, simply dial the ‘5343’ as shown below: 
    I 534 
    I P I 3 I BP I 
    6.25 Tables 6-4 and 6-5 that follow are the Primary Route Param- 
    eters and Alternate Route Parameters respectively, that are pro- 
    grammable and different from the ‘General Information Manual’. 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Table 6-4, Primary Route Related Parameters 
    r51t 0 
    Route Progress Tones (beeps - p), where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = None 
    3 = b&P 
    I=) 6 = kbbkP& 
    4 = Mb& 
    2 = Pb 5 = PPbaP 7 = PbMbPP 
    8 = &k&h&&b 
    NOTE: These Route Progress Tones are 100ms in duration 
    with IOOms of silence between them. Route Pro- 
    gress tones will be given to the user before the 
    Dialer cuts the Central Office audio through. 
    r54t 1 Account Code Type where ‘t’ in System option ‘Ollt’ is set to a ‘0’ 
    or disabled. ‘t’ equal to 0 through 5 apply to using initial account 
    code, while ‘t’ equal to 6 through # apply to using new account 
    code, where ‘t’ equals: 
    Initial Acct. Code New Acct. Code 
    0 = 
    Flexible, wait for timeout, 6 = Flexible, wait for timeout, 
    then continue. then continue. 
    1 = No Account Code. 7 
    = No Account Code. 
    2 = Fixed length, wait for 
    8 = Fixed length, wait for 
    timeout, then reorder. 
    timeout, then reorder. 
    3 = Fixed length, wait for 
    9 = Fixed length, wait for 
    timeout, then enter ‘dummy 
    timeout, then enter ‘dummy 
    account code’. 
    account code’. 
    4 = Same as ‘2’ plus 10 
    x = Same as ‘8’ plus IO 
    more digits. more digits. 
    5 = Same as ‘3’ plus 10 
    # = Same as ‘9’ plus IO 
    more digits. more digits. 
    PAV Code Type, where ‘t’ in System option ‘01 It’ (PAV) is set to a 
    ‘1’ or enabled, and where ‘t’ equals: 
    Use Initial Account Code 
    No Account Code. 
    Fixed length of one to nine digits. Send all gathered 
    digits to Search Table 1. 
    Same as ‘2’ with the fixed length being from 10 to 
    15 digits. 
    Use New Account Code 
    Fixed length of one to nine digits. Send all gathered 
    digits to Search Table 1. 
    *= Same as ‘8’ with the fixed length being 10 to 15 
    NOTE: Flexible Account Codes and Dummy Account 
    Codes are not supported when PAV is enabled. 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Table 6-4 (Cont’d), Primary Route Related Parameters 
    r59t 0 
    Account Code Warning Tones (beeps - b) where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = None 
    3 = bJJd 6 = bbdP)t) 
    4 = 8b6U 7 = P&#UPPd 
    2 = 6/, 
    5 = bBPbb 
    6 = bb#Ub/ld#h 
    NOTE: Warning tones are 400ms ON and 400ms OFF. The 
    warning tones start after expiration of r53t Timer. 
    If the user fails to enter a digit before the speci- 
    fied number of tones expires, the user is returned 
    a re-order tone of 200ms ON and 200ms OFF. 
    r60t 0 Account Code Confirmation and Reroute Tones, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = A/C tone OFF and Reroute tone OFF 
    = A/C tone ON and Reroute tone OFF 
    2 = A/C tone OFF and Reroute tone ON 
    3 = A/C tone ON and Reroute tone ON 
    The account code confirmation tone is 200ms in duration. 
    Table 6-5, Alternate Route Related Parameters 
    r71t 0 
    Route Progress Tones (beeps - p), where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = None 
    3 = MB 6 = bk&&k/, 
    4 = bPPP 
    7 = JLUbbPb 
    2 = bP 5 = BMd/i 8 = bb#UbbLV 
    NOTE: These Route Progress Tones are 100ms in duration 
    with IOOms of silence between them. Route Pro- 
    gress tones will be given to the user before the 
    Dialer cuts the Central Office audio through. 
    r74t 1 Account Code Type where ‘t’ in System option ‘01 It’ is set to a ‘0’ 
    or disabled. ‘t’ equal to 0 through 5 apply to using initial account 
    code, while ‘t’ equal to 6 through # apply to using new account 
    code, where ‘t’ equals: 
    Initial Acct. Code 
    New Acct. Code 
    0 = 
    Flexible, wait for timeout, 6 = Flexible, wait for timeout, 
    then continue. 
    then continue. 
    1 = No Account Code. 
    7 = No Account Code. 
    2 = Fixed length, wait for 
    8 = Fixed length, wait for 
    timeout, then reorder. 
    timeout, then reorder. 
    3 = Fixed length, wait for 9 = Fixed length, wait for 
    timeout, then enter ‘dummy 
    timeout, then enter ‘dummy 
    account code’. 
    account code’. 
    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Table 6-5 (Cont’d), Alternate Route Related Parameters 
    Initial Acct. Code 
    New Acct. Code 
    4 = 
    Same as ‘2’ plus 10 
    * = Same as ‘8’ plus 10 
    more digits. more digits. 
    5 = Same as ‘3’ plus 10 # = Same as ‘9’ plus 10 
    more digits. more digits. 
    PAV Code Type, where ‘t’ in System option ‘01 It’ 
    (PAV) is set to a 
    ‘1’ or enabled, and where ‘t’ equals: 
    Use Initial Account Code 
    I= No Account Code. 
    2= Fixed length of one to nine digits. Send all gathered 
    digits to Search Table 1. 
    4= Same as ‘2’ with the fixed length being from 10 to 
    15 digits. 
    Use New Account Code 
    Fixed length of one to nine digits. Send all gathered 
    digits to Search Table 1. 
    X= Same as ‘8’ with the fixed length being 10 to 15 
    NOTE: Flexible Account Codes and Dummy Account 
    Codes are not supported when PAV is enabled. 
    r79t 0 Account Code Warning Tones (beeps - &) where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = None 
    3 = d&d 
    6 = &bdPb& 
    1 =b 
    4 = bbbP 7 = #kLLLU 
    2 = 0U 5=bbPP/i 8 = /I,kk%h/l 
    NOTE: Warning tones are 400ms ON and 400ms OFF. The 
    warning tones start after expiration of r73t Timer. 
    If the user fails to enter a digit before the speci- 
    fied number of tones expires, the user is returned 
    a re-order tone of 200ms ON and 200ms OFF. 
    r80t 0 Account Code Confirmation and Reroute Tones, where ‘t’ equals: 
    0 = A/C tone OFF and Reroute tone OFF 
    1 = A/C tone ON and Reroute tone OFF 
    2 = A/C tone OFF and Reroute tone ON 
    3 = A/C tone ON and Reroute tone ON 
    The account code confirmation tone is 200ms in duration. 
    6.26 Since the descriptions for the Primary and Alternate Routes are 
    similar, no differentiation will be made in the paragraphs that 
    follow. The descriptions will apply to both Tables 6-4 and 6-5 equally, 
    unless otherwise noted. 
    r51t, r71 t - These parameters select the Route Progress Tones. 
    These tones will be 100 ms long with a 100 ms silence period 
    Page 32  
    SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    between tones. The tones will be present in the telephone receiver 
    before the Dialer cuts the Central Office audio through. The default 
    selection for ail eight routes is ‘0’ or no progress tones. A maximum of 
    eight tones can be selected by entering a number from 1 to 8 for ‘t’. ‘r’ 
    is a number from 1 to 4 to select the route for the tones. For example, 
    if it is desired to program Route 2 for four progress tones by use of a 
    terminal, the command would be entered as: 
    > 3514 
    When using a DTMF telephone to program, simply dial ‘3514’ as illus- 
    trated below: 
    Note: Reroute tones are used in conjunction with registers r51t and 
    r71t (routing tones). If r51t and r71t are set to ‘0’, there will be 
    no reroute tones if the call changes routes. 
    6.28 r54t, r74t - 
    This parameter selects the Account Code Type 
    when Positive Account Verification (01 It) parameter is disabled. 
    The default selection for this parameter is ‘1’ or no account code. The 
    only time that the type of account code would come into prominence 
    with PAV disabled, would be if the Controller changes routes or de- 
    faults to another route on call failure. The controller, depending upon 
    the account code type selected would then either use the ‘initial 
    account code’ or request a ‘new account’. In this case, no account 
    code verification would be performed. If ‘01 It’ is enabled, depending 
    on programming, verification will be performed. For example, if it is 
    desired to program Route 3 for an initial account code of fixed length, 
    wait for timeout, then reorder, with PAV disabled, programming from a 
    terminal would appear as: 
    > [01101 
    > 145121 
    When a DTMF telephone is used to program the same example, simply 
    dial the ‘0110’ and ‘4512’ as shown below: 
    6.29 r59t, r79t - This parameter selects the use of Account Code 
    Warning Tones. These tones start after the end of the Account 
    Code Wait Timer period (i.e., the amount of time that a user has to 
    enter an account code, r53t, r73t). Once the tones have started, the 
    user has to enter a digit before the specified number of tones have 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    been received, or the user is returned a re-order tone. Warning tones 
    are 400 ms ON and 400 ms OFF. The re-order tone is 200 ms ON and 
    200 ms OFF. The default selection for this parameter is ‘0’ or no tones. 
    6.30 For a programming example, if it was desired to program Al- 
    ternate Route 3 for eight warning tones, the command during a 
    terminal programming period would be displayed as: 
    > [47981 
    Or if a DTMF telephone were used to program the same example, 
    simply dial ‘4798’ as illustrated below: 
    1 DIAL 1 HEAR 1 DIAL 1 HEAR 
    6.31 r60t, r80t - These parameters select the Account Code Con- 
    firmation and Reroute Tones. The tones are 200 ms in duration. 
    If enabled, the user will receive a tone in the telephone receiver after 
    entering a a valid account code, and/or upon call failure and rerouting. 
    Either or both of the parameters may be selected by programming a 
    number from 1 to 3 when entering the parameter. The default for the 
    parameter is 0 which disables both tones. 
    6.32 If routing progress tones are disabled and the Account Code 
    Confirmation tones are enabled, the user will receive one tone 
    before entering the Account Code, and one tone to confirm that all 
    digits have been entered. 
    6.33 If routing tones and Account Code tones are both enabled, the 
    user will receive the routing tones after the destination number. 
    A tone will also be received at the end of the Account Code entry. 
    6.34 If the routing and Account Code tones are both disabled, and 
    r54t is disabled and expects a new Account Code on rerouting, 
    the user will receive the Account Code progress tones. 
    6.35 For a programming example, if it is desired to program Primary 
    Route 3 for both Account Code Confirmation tone and Reroute 
    tone, the parameter during a terminal programming session would be: 
    > 146031 
    Or if a DTMF telephone were used to program the same example, 
    simply dial ‘4603’ as illustrated below: 
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    							SECTION MITL8350-047-102-NA 
    Default Addition 
    An additional default entry has been added to Search Table 
    Zero to allow the use of a PAV List Maintenance Code. This 
    code is dialed by the user when maintaining the Positive Account Code 
    list. It is only valid when PAV is enabled by selection of parameter 01 It 
    where ‘t’ equals ‘1’. 
    Table Template Action Description 
    #OH WX 
    DTMF ‘#K+’ is the PAV List Maintenance Code 
    Action Digit Addition 
    One action digit has been added to the action digit list as 
    shown in the General Information Manual, part 4. This action 
    digit is only valid when the PAV is enabled by selection of the param- 
    eter 01 It where ‘t’ equals ‘1’. It allows the maintenance of Search Table 
    Action Digit 
    #* Description 
    Action code for (PAV) Search Table 1 Maintenance 
    Action Digit Changes 
    6.38 Table 6-6 below lists changes to the action digits used when 
    programming Search Table 1. When programming other search 
    tables, the normal action digits listed in the General Information Man- 
    ual still apply. The action digits listed in 6-6 are only valid when the 
    PAV is enabled by selection of parameter 01 It where ‘t’ equals a ‘1’ 
    and ONLY apply to Search Table 1. 
    Action Digit 
    Table 6-6, Search Table 1 Action Digit Changes 
    Return user reorder tone, Deny call 
    Valid Account Code, allow call 
    Valid Account Code, allow call 
    Delete specific Account Code 
    6.39 Table 6-7 on the next page lists the changes to the string data 
    entry as listed in the General Information Manual, part 5. 
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