Vodavi Starplus Triad S Installation Programming Manual
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Toll Restriction2-245 Chapter 2 - Features and Operation 5. When all entries for one table are complete, press the flexible button for the next table. To erase a bin number: 1. Enter a valid bin number. 2. Press the HOLD button. Deny Table Description Each Deny Table contains ten bin numbers. Each bin number may be up to eight-digits including {Do Not Care} digits. Entries in the Deny Table represent numbers or codes that are to be denied or restricted. Common entries would be [1] for restricting all [1+] type of calls. Exceptions to this restriction would be entered into the Allow Table. Deny Table A is referenced and searched only after the Allow Table A is checked when Station COS is 2 and CO Line COS is either 1 or 2. Deny Table B is referenced and searched only after the Allow Table B is checked when Station COS is 3 and CO Line COS is either 1 or 3. When Station COS is 4 and CO Line COS is 1, both allow tables are looked at first (Allow Table A first, then Allow Table B) then both deny tables (Deny Table A first, then Deny Ta b l e B ) . - Do Not Care digits specify that the system should consider any digit dialed in that position as a match. Do Not Care digits should not be entered as the last digit in an entry. - Search Special Table commands cannot be entered into the Deny tables. Programming Steps 1. Press the DENY TABLE A or DENY TABLE B flexible button (FLASH 70, Button #2 or #4). The following message displays: 2. When the first two bin locations are displayed, enter the 2-digit bin number (01–10) of the bin to be programmed. 3. Enter the deny code: [0–9], [], [#] = Corresponding deny digits numbers MUTE = Do Not Care digit 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds and the display now updates. 5. When all entries for one table are complete, press the flexible button for the next table. To erase a bin number: 1. Enter a valid bin number. 2. Press the HOLD button. DENY TABLE A 01E 02E

2-246Toll Restriction Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Special Table Description The Special Tables provide greater flexibility in designing a toll plan for a particular site. Each Special Table allows entry of up to 800 office codes (200–999). Three of these tables must be assigned an area code by which they are referenced. The fourth table is reserved for the home area code and requires no area code entry. The Special Tables are referenced through entries in the allow tables. Four area codes, including the home area code, can be referenced to these special tables for further definition. When a Special Table is referenced, entries must be made in the Special Table specifying what office codes are allowed. Codes can be added to the Allow list or removed from the list. When a Special Table is checked for a match to a 3-digit code and not found, the system continues to search the next Allow/Deny Table to be checked. The system does not return to the Allow Table which routed the call to the Special Table. Programming Steps To program a special table: (The area code must first be assigned to the table, except for the home area code.) 1. Press the appropriate AREA CODE TABLE (#1 to #3) flexible button (FLASH 70, Buttons #9 to #11). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid area code. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds and the display updates. ALLOW TABLE ADENY TABLE AALLOW TABLE BDENY TABLE B 1Q2W3E4R SPECIAL TABLE 1SPECIAL TABLE 2SPECIAL TABLE 3SPECIAL TABLE 4 5T6Y7U8I AREA CODE TABLE 1AREA CODE TABLE 2AREA CODE TABLE 3DISPLAY TABLES 9O10 P11 A12 S 13 D14 F15 G16 H 17 J18 K19 L20 ; 21 Z22 X23 C24 V SPECIAL TABLE 1 AC

Toll Restriction2-247 Chapter 2 - Features and Operation To enter office codes in a special table: 1. Press the SPECIAL TABLE (#1 to #4) flexible button (FLASH 70, Buttons #5 to #8) that corresponds to the area code programmed above. The following message displays: XXX = Area Code 2. Enter the office codes that are to be allowed or removed as follows: XXX [1] = Allow Code XXX [0] = Remove Code from the list (XXX = An office code from 200 to 999) 3. Press HOLD after every code entered. A confirmation tone sounds and the display updates. Multiple codes may be entered in a row. The display updates showing the first six codes in ascending order. DEFAULT … No codes are on the Allow list. D i s p l a y To l l Ta b l e E n t r i e s Description To view all entries in the toll tables using the display on the Executive telephone, press, the DISPLAY TABLES flexible button (FLASH 70, Button #12) multiple times to scroll through the entries. Programming Steps Press the DISPLAY TABLES flexible button (FLASH 70, Button #12) while entering information into a table. To view entries in an allow or deny table: Two entries at a time are displayed on the bottom line of the display. 1. Press the DISPLAY TABLES button again, the next higher bins displays. 2. When the last entries are displayed, press the DISPLAY TABLES button again to show the first two entries. X = Allow or Deny Code E = End of Entry To view entries in a special table: Six 3-digit codes allowed display in ascending order starting with the lowest entry. SPECIAL TABLE 1 AC XXX It is recommended to view all entries in the Allow and Deny Table before leaving programming. Entries can be entered near the bottom of the list for searching the special tables or entries made in error. Viewing the entire Allow Table ensures proper entry and operation. ALLOW TABLE A 01 XXXXXXXE 02 XXXXXXXX

2-248Toll Restriction Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Press the DISPLAY TABLES button again, the next 6 entries display. This continues until all codes are displayed. XXX= Area Code YYY= Allowed Office Code Initialize Exception Tables Description The Exception Tables parameters, including the Allow/Deny Tables and the Special Tables, may be initialized setting all tables to their original, default values. The following Tables are cleared returning to their default value upon initializing the Exception Tables parameters: Programming Steps 1. Press the EXCEPTION TABLES flexible button (FLASH 80, Button #5). The following message displays: 2. Press the HOLD button. A confirmation tone sounds. SPECIAL TABLE 1 AC XXX YYY YYY YYY YYY YYY YYY Table 2-21: Exception Table Defaults Program CodeFlexible ButtonFeaturesDefault Value (after initialization) FLASH 70 TOLL RESTRICTION 1 Allow Table A Programming None 2 Deny Table A Programming None 3 Allow Table B Programming None 4 Deny Table B Programming None 5 Special Table 1 Programming All Codes Denied 6 Special Table 2 Programming All Codes Denied 7 Special Table 3 Programming All Codes Denied 8 Special Table 4 Programming Home 9 Area Code for Special Table 1 None 10 Area Code for Special Table 2 None 11 Area Code for Special Table 3 None 12 Displaying Toll Table Entries None INITIALIZE EX TABLES PRESS HOLD

Toll Restriction2-249 Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Print Exception Tables Description The Print Exception Tables command dumps the entire database as a permanent record which can serve as a hardcopy of the database. The system baud rate must match that of the printer or receiving device. When printing information from the Exception Tables, the following data prints: Allow Table A and Deny Table A A ll o w Ta b l e B a n d D e n y Ta b l e B Special Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 Figure 2-19: Exception Tables Printout ALLOW TABLE A SPECIAL TABLE 1 AREA CODE ------------- -------------------------------- 01 11 ALLOWED OFFICE CODES 02 12 03 13 04 14 05 15 SPECIAL TABLE 2 AREA CODE 06 16 -------------------------------- 07 17 ALLOWED OFFICE CODES 08 18 09 19 10 20 SPECIAL TABLE 3 AREA CODE DENY TABLE A -------------------------------- ------------- ALLOWED OFFICE CODES 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09 SPECIAL TABLE 4 HOME AREA CODE 05 10 -------------------------------- ALLOWED OFFICE CODES ALLOW TABLE B ------------- 01 11 02 12 03 13 04 14 05 15 06 16 07 17 08 18 09 19 10 20 DENY TABLE B ------------- 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09 05 10

2-250Toll Restriction Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Programming Steps 1. Press the EXCEPT TABLES flexible button (FLASH 85, Button #5). The following message displays: 2. To print the Except Tables, press the HOLD button. The following message displays: When the system finishes sending the requested information to the printer, a confirmation tone sounds. Toll Restriction Related Items CO/PBX Lines When CO lines are marked as PBX lines the system first checks the PBX code table for a valid match. If the first digits dialed do not match the entries in the PBX code table the call is considered an attempt to call another PBX extension and no toll restriction is applied. If the first digits dialed are found in the PBX code table (FLASH 12), toll restriction starts with the next dialed digit. Forced Account Codes The system can be programmed to force the use of account codes on all restricted calls. When forced account codes are enabled, an account code must be entered to place a call that is otherwise restricted through toll restriction. By entering an account code, the station class of service becomes unrestricted. When account codes are forced on a system-wide basis, selected users may be instructed on how to enter account codes from any station and be allowed to dial unrestricted from a station that may otherwise be restricted. Use of account codes in this manner, as a traveling class of service, is however, not controlled by the system. Any station user with knowledge of how to enter account codes to override a station’s toll restriction can do so. SLT DTMF Receivers When Single Line Telephones are connected to the Triad-S system and toll restriction is enabled, the DTMF receivers located in the system monitors the call for a programmed time period. While the DTMF receiver is monitoring the digits being dialed by a single line telephone, it is considered busy and not available for monitoring another SLT attempting to dial. When all DTMF receivers are busy, an SLT attempting to go off-hook does not receive dial tone until a receiver is available. The Triad-S system uses one DTMF receiver to monitor SLT dialing. If a system has heavy SLT usage, then toll restriction may inhibit dialing by SLT stations. PRINT EX TABLES PRESS HOLD PRINTING EX TABLES

Uniform Call Distribution2-251 Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Two (2) options are available to help alleviate this problem: 1. Shorten the SLT receiver timer [FLASH 01] [Button 12]. This frees up DTMF receivers faster, but may not provide the desired toll restriction for SLT stations. 2. Enable LCR and force LCR on SLT stations. When the LCR database is set up, the 3-digit table allows entry of the number of digits to expect. When a SLT dials the appropriate number of digits, LCR releases the DTMF receiver and then be available for another SLT call. LCR Versus Toll Restriction LCR is not an alternative to toll restriction nor is toll restriction an alternate to LCR. They work best when programmed together. Toll restriction specifies station dialing privileges, and LCR provides call routing to appropriate lines. LCR can enhance toll restriction by providing Store and Forward operation to analyze digits being dialed before a trunk is seized. This prevents users from by-passing toll restriction by taking advantage of the time required for a central office line to provide dial tone. LCR is recommended when toll restriction is enabled. Uniform Call Distribution Eight Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) groups can be programmed, each containing up to eight three-digit station numbers. Each group is assigned a pilot number. When this number is dialed, the first available agent in that group is rung. Calls are routed to the station that has been on-hook for the longest period of time. Refer to Chapter 4, Call Distribution - ACD/UCD for additional information. Universal Day/Night Answer Description Incoming CO lines can be programmed for Universal Day Answer (UDA) or Universal Night Answer (UNA). UDA/UNA assigned CO lines can also signal over the external page port(s). If External Day programming is enabled and the system is in the day mode, the assigned external page port(s) present a ringing signal. UDA/UNA is established on a per CO line basis in admin programming. When the system is in Day or Night mode and you hear an outside line ringing at another station, and wish to answer it: Dial [#5] on the dial pad. The connected outside line can be transferred or disconnected. Each telephone utilizing Universal Day/Night Answer must have a loop button appearance if the ringing outside line does not display at their phone.

2-252Univer sal Day/Nig ht A ns we r Chapter 2 - Features and Operation Universal Day Answer (UDA) Description UDA-assigned CO lines can signal over external page port(s). External Day ringing is programmed on a system-wide basis in administrative programming. Stations that do not have access to a line during the day can answer that line while the System is in the day mode by dialing a UDA code [#5]. To use this feature, a LOOP button or an appearance of the trunk must be present on the station. Programming Steps 1. Press FLASH and dial [40]. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only one line is being programmed, enter that number twice (001 001). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds and the display updates. Flexible Button #19 (Page A) is lit. 4. Press the Page B flexible button (Button #20). The following message displays: XXX-XXX = CO Line Range 5. Press the UNIVERSAL DAY ANSWER flexible button (FLASH 40, Page B, Button #4). The following message displays: 6. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disabled [1] = Enabled 7. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds and the display updates. DEFAULT … Universal Day Answer feature is disabled. Conditions » During the Day mode, all common CO lines ring when programmed for UDA ringing. » CO lines not programmed for UDA ringing do not participate in common audible ringing. CO LINE ATTRIBUTES SELECT A CO LINE RANGE If HOLD is pressed without entering a CO range, ALL CO lines are selected. XXX - XXX PAGE B ENTER BUTTON NUMBER UNIVERSAL DAY ANSWER 0-1 DISABLED

Universal Day/Night Answer2-253 Chapter 2 - Features and Operation » If External Day ring is disabled, or the system is not in the day mode, external page ringing is disabled. » Ringing CO lines not assigned CO line group access for a particular SLT may be answered in a UDA service. Dialing privileges are unavailable on CO lines to which an SLT does not have access. CO lines without UDA status may not be answered or accessed via UDA procedures. » If two single-line telephones attempt to retrieve one ringing CO line simultaneously, one user is connected to the incoming CO line and the other user receives intercom busy tone. » The special ring mode is treated as day mode. Universal Night Answer (UNA) Description If a line is marked UNA, this activates night service answering of incoming calls on this line by stations not normally assigned access to the line(s) by dialing feature code [#5]. This station must have a direct CO appearance or an available loop key assigned to do this. Lines marked as UNA also activate Night Ringing over External Page when in the night mode if External Night Ringing is set to Yes. Programming Steps 1. Press FLASH and dial [40]. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only one line is being programmed, enter that number twice (001 001). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds and the display updates. Flexible button #19 (Page A) is lit. The following message displays to indicate current programming of that line or group of lines: XXX-XXX = CO Line Range 4. Press the UNA flexible button (FLASH 40, Page A, Button #3). CO LINE ATTRIBUTES SELECT A CO LINE RANGE If HOLD is pressed without entering a CO range, ALL CO lines are selected. XXX - XXX PAGE A ENTER BUTTON NUMBER

2-254Vo i c e Ma i l Chapter 2 - Features and Operation 5. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disabled [1] = Enabled 6. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone sounds. DEFAULT … UNA is enabled. Vo i c e Ma i l Description Up to 8 Voice Mail groups can be configured in the Triad-S system. Each group can contain up to 24 Voice Mail designated ports, each of which interfaces with a port on an SLT card (or DIDB if using a Digital Voice Mail). An externally provided Voice Mail system or Auto Attendant must be connected to the Triad-S system for Voice Mail or Auto Attendant operation. Voice Mail automatically handles unanswered calls. Station user can then retrieve messages left at their stations. Auto Attendants can handle incoming calls and route callers to station users without intervention from the systems Attendant. Direct incoming ring to Voice Mail/Auto Attendant groups can be done directly through CO Line Ringing Assignments. The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when entering the Voice Mail programming area: : UNA 0-1 ENABLED VM GROUP 1 XXXXVM GROUP 2 XXXXVM GROUP 3 XXXXVM GROUP 4 XXXX 1Q2W3E4R VM GROUP 5 XXXXVM GROUP 6 XXXXVM GROUP 7 XXXXVM GROUP 8 XXXX 5T6Y7U8I ALTERNATIVE VM GROUPLEAVERETRIEVESTATION ASSIGN 9O10 P11 A12 S NO ANS LEAVEBUSY LEAVE 13 D14 F15 G16 H 17 J18 K19 L20 ; 21 Z22 X23 C24 V