Communications System
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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infinite”” DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System GENERAL DESCFUF’TION F.CO Loop Interface Board (CO12)This board interfaces 12 Loop Start CO lines to the system. This board can be plugged into any designated trunk slot. LEDs & Indicators Line/Station Interfaces The board has one female 50-pin amphenol connector on the front edge. This will inter- face the circuits on the board to the MDF.The board contains two LEDs to indicate the presence of -5V dc and +5V dc. In addition, the board has 12 red LEDs to provide the status of each CO line on the board. A lighted LED will indicate an in-usecondition, while an un-lit LED reflects an idle state. CO In Use LED’sFigure 200-6 12-Circuit CO Line Board (CO12)Issue 1, February 1994

GENERAL DESCRIPTIONinfinite”” DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System 200.3APPLICATION MODULES A.4-Circuit DTMF Receiver Module (DTM4)This board provides four DTMF receivers for SL12 boards. This board is connected onto each SL12 board. Each SL12 board may contain 1 DTM4 board. No more than3 SL12 boards with DTM4 Receiver Mod- ules on them, can be installed in the sys- tem.C.Wiring / Pinouts / Connections The 24V dc source will handle up to 1 amp of current. The Ring Generator can supplyup to 5 watts of Ring voltage. Backplane I/O Expansion Module The Backplane I/O Expansion Module is awall mount unit with a 36-pin input con- nector and four RS-232C output connec- tors. The Backplane I/O Expansion kit consistsof one connecting cable, and the I/O Ex- pansion Module. Locate the Backplane I/O Expansion Mod-ule in a location on the MDF backboard convenient to the KSU. The board has one molex connector at eachend that plugs onto metal pins located on each SLT board.Generally, one receiver will support DISA and/or eight SLT stations under light to moderate traific. If SLT and or DISA traffic is heavy, additional DTMF receivers shouldbe added. It is also recommended to add additional DTMF Receivers when a Voice Mail or Auto Attendant is connected to thevsystem.B. T&Output Power Supply The Tri-Output power supply interfaces with the Single Line Board (SL12) and con-tains a -48V dc supply, 24V dc supply, and a Ring Generator. This is a wall mountable unit and contains screw type terminals forits connections. Each Tri-Output power supply can accommodate two SL12 boards for the -48V supply. The Ring Generator portion of the Tri-Output power supply canaccommodate all SL12 boards installed in the system.The T&Output power supply can provide a -48V dc source up to 1 amp of current. 200- 10Issue 1, February 1994

infMtem DVX InDigital Key Telephone SystemGENERAL DESCRIPTION 200.4DIGITAL TERMINALS A. Executive (Display) Terminal The 33-button Digital Terminal is one in a line of Digital electronic telephone termi- nals. The line consists of an Executive (Dis- play) telephone, an Executive/PC Interface telephone, an Enhanced (non-display) tele-phone and a Basic telephone. These tele- phones are designed to operate with the new line of infinite Digital Key Systems and PBX Systems. The digital terminals are connected to the KSU via a four wire (two twisted pair) con-nections from an appropriate electronic terminal interface board.LCD Display The Executive Digital Display Terminal has a 48 character Liquid Crystal Display. Thedisplay provides information such as sta- tion extensions calling, Line ringing infor-mation, camp-on information, Message waiting information and so on. The LCD Display is a 48- character display divided into 3 fields: - Field 1 = Current Status (top line, 24- characters) - Field 2 = Date (Left half of bottom line, 12-characters) - Field 3 = Time of day (Right half of bot- tom line, la-characters) These fields are separately maintained bythe KSU processing to show current and pending station activity. Each field is re- created upon any display change except additional digits which are added to the end of the existing display.The terminal communicates to the KSU through two 64K digital channel arrange- ments. One channel is used as the primary voice and data channel, and a second data channel is reserved for future expansion.Power is also provided to the terminal via the four wire connection.Buttons and LEDsThe Executive Digital terminal key board PCB provides long life “super bright” Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and button assem-blies that protrude through the top hous- ing. The buttons are small rectangular in shape with a clear end for proper LED visibility and diffusion. The 33-button Digital Terminal has 33-buttons all con- taining LEDs except the Pickup and Flashbuttons plus a 12-key dial pad. The Executive Digital Terminal scans thekey board for dial pad and button de-bounces and depressions for command transmission to the KSU. The keyset has the following buttons defined as follows: Display and Non-Display - 12 Dial Key Pad* - 24 Flexible Buttons - 1 ON/OFF button (fixed) - 1 MUTE button (fixed) - 1 SPEED button (fixed) - 1 FLASH button (fixed) - 1 TRANSfer button (fixed) - 1 HOLD button (fixed) - 1 CAMP-ON button (fixed) - 1 MSG button (ftiaed) - 1 PICKUP button (fixed) * All buttons except the 12-key dial pad, Pickup and Flash button have an LED associated with it. Refer to Figure 200-7 Executive Digital Terminal. SpeakerphoneEach Executive Digital Terminal is equipped with a unit that enables the tele-phone to be used handsfree in two-way conversations. The user activates the speakerphone by pressing the ON/OFF button (LED lights steady). To terminate aspeakerphone call, the ON/OFF button is toggled OFF (LED extinguished). The MUTE feature is used in conjunction withthe speakerphone option. To mute the speakerphone microphone, the MUTE but- ton is pressed (LED lights steady). To reac- tivate the microphone, the MUTE button is pushed again (LED extinguished). Several programmable options control thespeakerphone operation. Each digital ter- minal can be programmed for full speaker-phone operation, or monitor/On-Hook dialing capabilities with no full speaker phone operation.When Automatic Pre-selection is enabled at the station when any button is pressed(i.e. CO, DSS, Page etc. ..) the station and speakerphone is automatically activated.Issue 1, February 1994 200-l 1

GENERAL DESCRIPTIONinfznite”” DVX I’ Digital Key Telephone SystemFigure 200-7 Executive Digital Terminal 200-12Issue 1, February 1994

infzniteTM DVX I’Digital Key Telephone SystemGENERAL DESCRIPTION Volume Controls Separate “slide” switches are provided on the front of the inQ?nite Digital Terminal toadjust the volume of the voice and tones presented to the terminal speaker. - The speaker volume (center switch) willcontrol all voice signals sent to the speaker i.e. Speaker Phone conversa- tions, BGM, and Page announcements. - The ringing volume (right switch) will control all tone signals presented to thespeaker i.e.: Ringing, splash tones, Camp-On etc.. . Muted ringing will also be controlled by the ringing volume slideswitch. The muted ringing volume will be proportionately quieter than normal ringing based on the current switch set- ting. HF-W-TN Switch A three position slide switch is located on the front of the Digital Display Terminal that controls the method of receiving inter- com calls. - The “HF” position allows intercom call announce with hands free reply. - The “Pv position allows Call Announce intercom calls only. - The ‘TN” position provides Tone only intercom ringing. This switch allows users to set and controlthe method in which they receive their intercom calls. However, a dial code that users can dial before placing an intercom call can override a called station’s switch setting of HF or PV to force the station to Tone ring.Directory Tray Each Executive Digital Terminal is equipped with a slide-out Directory Tray accessed from the front of the digital termi-enal. Wali Mounting The Wall Mount Bracket is designed to allow the 33-button digital terminal to be wall mounted on industry standard 630 type wall jacks. A 4-inch line cord is also provided as a standard item with each wall bracket.Handset/Line Cords The 33-button Digital Terminal uses a color coordinated Euro-Style handset with a matching 12-foot handset cord. A g-footfour conductor base line cord is included with every Terminal.The Executive Digital Terminal uses an electret-type transmitter. Compatible headsets can be plugged into the Termi- nals handset jack for headset operation.B. Executive/PC Interface Terminal (ICLID) The Executive/PC Interface Terminal is similar to the Executive Display model andall of the information listed above applies to the Executive/PC Interface model except this terminal is used to deliver specific data messages identifying call states to a device attached to the phone via a serial channelfollowing the data transmission require- ments of RS-232C. The interface parame-ters to be used are 2400bps, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. This feature will deliver ICLID data to a Personal Computerattached to the phone for look-up of cus- tomer records and subsequent processing by the individual answering the telephone call. Calls can also originate from the Per- sonal Computer through the digital termi- nal. The Executive/PC Interface terminal pro-vides transmit, receive, and ground data lines from the phone micro-processor which are used on command from the KSUto output information. The use of this ca- pability would be to output the ICLID in- formation to a PC attached to the phone. The VODAVI Call Tracker software pro- gram is available to support these Caller IDapplications. Future use could be made of this capability for low speed data provided to equipment attached to the phone.C. Enhanced Digital Terminal The Enhanced Digital Terminal is similarto the 33-button Executive Digital Termi- nal and all of the information listed above applies except there is no LCD display.Issue 1, February 1994 200-13

GENE- DESCRIPTION iqjinite”” DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System Figure 200-S Enhanced Digital Terminal 200-14Issue 1, February 1994

in.nitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System GENERAL DESCRIPTION D. Basic Digital Terminal The Basic Digital Terminal is one in a lineof digital electronic telephone terminals. This telephone is designed to operate with the line of injhite Digital Key Systems and PBX Systems.Buttons and LEDs The Basic Digital terminal key board PCB provides long life “super bright” Light Emit-ting Diodes (LEDs) and button assemblies that protrude through the top housing. Thebuttons are small rectangular in shape with a clear end for proper LED visibility and diffusion. The Basic Digital Terminal has eight buttons all containing LEDs plusa 12-key dial pad. The Basic Digital Terminal scans the keyboard for dial pad and button debounces and depressions for command transmis- sion to the KSU. The keyset has the follow-ing buttons defined as follows: - 12 Dial Key Pad* - 8 buttons, 4 of which are flexible - 1 DSS STA 100 button (flexible) - 1 DSS STA 101 button (flexible) - 1 LOOP button (flexible) - 1 POOL button (flexible) - 1 SPEED button (fixed) - 1 ON/OFF button (fixed) - 1 TRANSfer button (fixed) - 1 HOLD button (fixed) * All buttons except the 12 key dial pad, have an LED associated with it. Refer to Figure 200-9 Basic Digital Terminal. SpeakerphoneEach Basic Digital Terminal is equipped with a unit that enables the telephone to be used handsfree in two-way conversa- tions. The user activates the speakerphoneby pressing the ON/OFF button (LED lights steady). To terminate a speaker- phone call, the ON/OFF button is toggled OFF (LED extinguished). The MUTE fea- ture is used in conjunction with the speak- erphone option. To mute the speakerphonemicrophone, the pre-programmed MUTE flex button is pressed (LED lights steady). To reactivate the microphone, the MUTE button is pushed again (LED extin- guished) .Several programmable options control thespeakerphone operation. Each digital ter- minal can be programmed for full speaker-phone operation, or monitor/On-Hook dialing capabilities with no full speaker phone operation.When Automatic Pre-selection is enabled at the station when any button is pressed(i.e.. CO, DSS, Page etc...) the station and speakerphone is automatically activated.Volume Control A “slide” switch is provided on the front of the in@de Basic Digital Terminal to adjustthe volume of the voice and tones pre- sented to the terminal speaker.-The “slide” switch controls the speaker volume which controls all voice signals sent to the speak& i.e.. Speaker Phoneconversations, BGM, and Page an- nouncements. -The same “slide” switch also controls theringing volume which controls all tone signals presented to the speaker i.e.. Ringing, splash tones, Camp-On etc... Muted ringing is also controlled by the slide switch. The muted ringing volume will be proportionately quieter than nor- mal ringing based on the current switch setting.Directory Tray Each Basic Digital Terminal is equipped with a slide-out Directory Tray accessed from the front of the digital terminal. WaII MountingThe &button Wall Mount Bracket is de- signed to allow the &button Digital Termi-nal to be wall mounted on industry standard 630 type wall jacks. A 4-inch linecord is also provided as a standard item with each bracket.Handset/Line Cords The Basic Digital Terminal uses a color coordinated Euro-Style handset with a matching 12-foot handset cord. A g-footfour conductor base line cord is included with every Terminal.The Basic Digital Terminal uses an Alec- m-type transmitter. Compatible headsets can be plugged into the Terminals handset jack for headset operation.Issue 1, February 1994 200-15

GENERAL DESCRIPTIONin.nitem DVX InDigital Key Telephone System Figure 200-9 Basic Digital Terminal 200- 16Issue 1, February 1994

infznitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System GENEFUL DESCRIPTION E. Digital DSS/DL!3 Console The Digital Direct Station Selector /DirectLine Selector (DSS/DLS) Consoles can be installed in place of any digital terminal circuit. The DSS/DLS Digital Console wasdesigned in a housing similar in looks to the 33-button digital terminal. The Direct Station Selector/Direct Line Se-lector (DSS/DIS) Console to be used with the family of infinite digital systems is modular in nature. The DSS/BLF consoleprovides 48 buttons (4 columns of 12 but- tons) and requires a separate four-conduc- tor line cord connected to a digital terminalstation port. The DSS/DLS Console unit can access Stations, Direct Appearing CO Lines, or features that may be assigned to any of theflexible buttons.4 The foZZowing features are NOT aZZowed tobe programmed onto DSWDLS ConsolefZexibZe buttons: ACD Agent or SupervisorCo&z, Do Not Disturb ZDIVD~, Call Forward. &$, Camp-On, AvaiZabZe/UnavaiZabZt?,Personal Park, Voice Mail, and Headset Imode. These features can however still bemvarammed onto keuset flexible buttons. A DSS/DLS unit may be assigned to one of the different MAP configurations available.Any one of the four MAP configurations may be assigned to the DSS/DLS and any number of maps may be assigned to one station. However, MAPS that have buttonsassigned as CO lines cannot be changed, buttons assigned as Stations can be changed by the user. Up to three DSS/DLS units may be assigned to one station. DSS/DLS Console Button Mapping The buttons on the DSS/DLS console can be mapped with either a combination of fixed and flexible or completely flexible but--tons where the station user may change the button programming to suit their needs.There are four pre-defined MAPS for the DSS/DLS Console with default Button Programming. Refer to Figure 200- 11 DSSConsole Map 1, Figure 200-12 DSS Console Map 2, and Figure 200-13 DSS Console Map 3, and Figure 200-14 DSS Console Map 4 for a button layout of each DSS Console Map. Issue 1, February 1994 200-17

GENERAL DESCRIPTIONinfinite~ DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System Figure 200-10 4S-Button DSS/DLS Console 200-18Issue 1, February 1994