Communications System
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTIONinfiniteTM DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System the first forward of the DISA ringing call at a station will take 15 seconds.300.50 DIRECT STATION SELECTION The user with DSS buttons assigned at their Digital Terminal can call an intercom station bysimply pressing the appropriate DSS button. The called station is automatically signaled.300.51 DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP A. Gail Pick-up - Station A station can pick up a tone-ringing inter-com call, transferred, incoming, or recall- ing outside line call to a specific unattended station. The call must be a tone ringing call. B.CaIi Pick-up - ACD/UCD Groups Stations outside of an ACD or UCD group can pick up a tone-ringing intercom call, transferred, incoming, or recalling outside line call ringing to a specific UCD station. The call must be a tone ringing call.300.52 DIRECTORY DIALING Directory dialing allows station users to obtain a directory of station users and have the system dial the extension that is currently on the dis- play. The infinite DVX In System provides loca-tions for up to 200 names. Directory dialing also allows users to program a “name” along with a speed dial bin for use inlater locating a speed dial number. When prompted to do so, the system will display the name associated with a speed dial number on the LCD display so that when the desired nameis shown, the user may then have the system dial the number. Directory dialing also allows users to associatea “name” with an entry in the local num- ber/name translation table. When prompted to do so, the system will display the name associ-ated with the table on the LCD display so that when the desired name is shown, the user maythen have the system dial the number. The i@nite DVX I’ System provides locations for up to 200 names. 300.53DISABLE OUTGOING CO LINE AC- CESSThis feature allows the first Attendant station to dial a code and disable a CO line from outgo-ing CO calls. This applies to all station(s) that have access to that line. Incoming status is notaffected. This feature is a part of the “Mainte- nance” package,300.54 DISTINCTIVE RINGING (User Se- lectable)The tone ring signal used to notify stations of an incoming call can be changed by each sta- tion user to provide distinctive ringing among a group of stations. Each station user may selecta distinctive ringing tone that will be used to ring their station. The system provides 81 dif- ferent ring patterns that the station users may select from.300.55 DO NOT DISTURB (DND) Placing a keyset in DND will eliminate incomingoutside line ringing, intercom calls, transfers and paging announcements. A ringing station may go into DND to silence ringing. The atten- dant can override a station in DND. The station in DND can use the telephdne to make normaloutgoing calls. A station can be denied this feature through programming.A.One-Time Do Not Disturb (DND) Allows a station user to turn off muted ringing that occurs while off hook (handsetor ON/OFF) on another call. Useful when having an important conversation and do not wish to be disturbed by ringing. The station, while off hook, (ON/OFF or hand- set) depresses the DND button which eliminates muted ringing. When the sta- tion goes on-hook the DND button is extin- guished and DND is canceled.300.56 DTMF SENDING Each CO interface circuit for outside lines canbe individually programmed to send DTMF (tone) or dial pulse signals.300.57 EMERGENCY TRANSFER Each OPX box will provide power transfer to specified customer provided SLT’s, or up to 12 CO lines using the Power Failure Transfer Unit Pm.300.58END TO END SIGNALING This feature indicates the capability of the sys-tem to accept DTMF tones from stations, send them through the public network and have them received at the distant end for computer access, or a variety of control functions or in- ward call completion at a distant switching system.300.59 EXCLUSIVE HOLD When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold, no other station in the system can retrieve this call. Hold may be programmed to be activated on thefirst or second depression of the Hold button. 300- 12Issue 1, February 1994

infmite”” DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION CO Lines while in a transfer hold are always placed in an Exclusive Hold condition. 300.60 EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE This feature allows certain stations to be desig-nated as executive stations with the ability to “override” and “Barge in” on other keysets en- gaged in conversation on a CO line or intercomCall. In addition to the station programmable option,a system programmable option will enable or disable a warning tone when the station marked as an executive is cut-tbru to the con-versation. This is useful for an ACD agent su- pervisors or training personnel who require a service observing option.A separate condition has been added to this feature which will allow or disallow an Execu- tive to override an extension. This prevents an extension with override capability from overrid- ing an Executive’s station.ICAUTION I USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BEINTERPRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL OR CONSULT COUNSEL WITH RESPECT TO APPLICABLE LAW BEFORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS A change in vo&une may occur on the CO line or intercom callqfter the barge-in 300.61 EXECUTIVE/SECRETARY TRANS- FER There are four sets of Executive/ Secretary pairings available. When the Executive stationis busy or in DND, the Secretary station will receive intercom calls and transfers. The Secre- tary station can signal the Executive in DND by using the Camp On feature.300.62 EXTERNAL NIGHT RINGING The system can be programmed so that CO lines marked for UNA will provide ringing out the external page ports when the system is placed into Night mode.300.63 FLASH Provides telephone users with the ability to terminate an outside call or transfer a call be-hind a PBX or Centrex and restore dial tone without hanging up the handset. A FLASH but- ton is located on each Digital Terminal.300.64 FLASH ON INTERCOM This feature enables key station users to utilize the Flash Key to terminate pages and intercom cab. While connected to a page zone or another internal station pressing the Flash key will ter- minate the call and return intercom dial tone.300.65 FLASH RATES (Programmable) The flash rates for the following features can now be programmed to 16 different options in admin programming:l Incoming CO line ringing: defaults to 30 ipm flashl Incoming intercom ringing: defaults to 120 ipm flutterl Call Forward: defaults to 30 ipm flash l Message Waiting: defaults to 15 ipm flashAll other flash rates in the system are fixed at the rates shown in Table 200-14 DSS/BLF ButtonVisual Indicators, Table 200- 15 CO LineButton Visual Indicators, and Table 200-16 Function Button Visual Indicators.300.66FLASH WITH SPEED DIAL A flash can be programmed within a speed dial number. When this is done, a pause will auto-matically be inserted before the remaining speed dial digits are sent.300.67 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANT Any three Digital Terminals in the system canbe assigned as attendant stations. These sta- tions will receive recalls and can place the sys- tem into Night Service. The attendant stations must be either Enhanced or Executive stations.300.68 FLEXIBLE BUTTON ASSIGNMENT Each 33-button digital terminal has 24 flexiblebuttons which can be individually pro- grammed. Each &button digital terminal has 4flexible buttons which can be individually pro- grammed. One of the following operations can be selected for each button. Refer to Section 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment.l Outside line: Automatically accesses assigned line. (Assigned in database)l DSS/BLF: Automatically signal as- signed station and provides BLF for off-hook and DND. (User programmable) l Feature: Any feature with a dialing code(i.e. : Personalized Messages, Paging, Account Code, Call Park, Music, etc.) Issue 1. February 1994 300-13

KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTIONinfinite”” DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System can be assigned to a flexible button. (User programmable)l Group Access: (i.e. ACD, UCD, Hunt, Voice Mail group pilot numbers) (User programmable) l Speed dial: Automatically dials a Speed number. (System, Station, Saved Num-ber Redial, Last Number Redial) (User programmable) l Pooled group access: Some or all out- side lines can be grouped; pressing this button accesses the highest numbered unused CO line in that group. (Assigned in database)l Loop: Used to answer a transferred call on a line for which a user does not havea button assigned. (Assigned in data- base)The following features are NOT allowed to be programmed onto DSS/DLS ConsolejkdbZe buttons: AW Agent or Supervisor Log-in, Do Not Disturb IDND). Call Fonuard(FWD), AvaiZabZe/UnavaiZabZe, PersonalPark, Voice Mail, and Headset Mode. These features can however, still be programmedonto kegsetjle.xibZe buttons.300.69 FLEXIBLE PORT ASSIGNMENTS The Flexible Port Assignment feature will pro- vide a means to assign stations and CO line numbers to any station or CO line port in the system. This provides complete flexibility in determining station and CO line numbers within the system as long as they stay within the system numbering plan. Therefore a station can be assigned any num$er between 100 and195 on the infiit-e DVX. A CO line can be assigned any Gumber between 0 1 and 48 on the in_finite DVXsystem. This restriction is re- quired to minimize memory requirements on l$e smaller systems.300.70 FORCED ACCOUNT CODES The infinite Digital Key Telephone System al- lows the system to be arranged so that station users must enter an account code before plac-ing an outside call. Account codes can also be used as a Traveling Class-of-Service to upgradea restricted stations class-of-service for unre- stricted dialing. Account codes must be entered before the call when forced. 300.71FORCED LEAST COST ROUTING (=R)The infinite Digital Key Telephone System maybe programmed on a per station basis to force the use of LCR for outgoing accessed. Thisallows the system administrator to maintain greater control over dialing patterns and the lines used for placing outgoing CO calls.300.72 GROUP CALL PICK-UP Stations can be placed in one or more of four pick-up groups. Stations within a group can pick up tone-ringing intercom calls, trans- ferred, incoming, or recalling outside line calls for another station in that group.300.73 GROUP LISTENING All digital key stations have built-in speaker- phones. Station users may use the speaker to monitor a call while using the handset to con- verse with the outside party. This enables otherpeople in the room to listen to both parties in the conversation.aThis feature is not available when the station is in hqdset mode. 300.74 HANDSET RECEIVER GAIN This feature provides the user with a flexible button that can be programmed on their keyset.When programmed, allows the user to in- crease/decrease the handset receiver gain while on a CO call or intercom call. This volumesetting is stored on a per station basis until changed.300.75 HEADSET COMPATIBIWI’YThe infintie Digital Terminals are designed to allow the connection of an industry standard, electret mic compatible, modular headset. Theuser connects the modular headset to the handset jack on the telephone leaving the handset in place. The ON/OFF button on the Digital Terminal is then used to activate the headset.300.76 HEADSET MODE Each digital terminal can be individually pro- grammed for headset operation. When pro- grammed, an industry standard headset with it’s adapter box may be connected to a digital terminal for headset use. This allows handset or headset operation by switching the selectorswitch on the adapter box. Speakerphone op- eration and call announce on intercom are dis-abled while a station has enabled headset mode. Once programmed in station programming, the user may then select between headset mode or normal handset/speakerphone mode by simply dialing a code or pressing a user programmableflex button. 300-14Issue 1, February 1994

infznitem DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION 300.77 HEARING AID COMPATIBLE All Electronic Digital Terminals and Single Line Telephones are hearing aid compatible in com-pliance with the FCC Part 68, Section 68.316. This allows the telephone to be used in conjunc- tion with users wearing hearing aids.300.78 HOLD PREFERENCE This allows either Exclusive or System hold asthe primary hold on the first depression of the HOLD button, depending on programming. 300.79 HOLD RECALL When an outside call has been on Hold for a programmable length of time, recall ringing tone is sent to the station placing the call on Hold. If this station does not answer the recall, a recall tone is sent to the attendant(s).300.80 HOT LINE/RING DOWN Digital terminals may be programmed to imme- diately call or ring down a particular station oroutside number upon going off hook. This is done by programming the stations Off-Hook preference to activate a DSS or Speed dial fea- ture key. This feature can be overridden if the station user selects a CO line first when goingoff-hook. 300.81 HUNT GROUPS The system can be arranged for up to eight Huntgroups. Each Hunt group can contain up to eight stations each. Each Hunt group is inde- pendently arranged to utilize either a pilot hunting technique or station hunting tech- nique .A. Hunt Group Chaining Hunt Groups can be chained or joined together forming larger Hunt Groups. Thisis accomplished by assigning a pilot hunt group number as the last member of a group. B. Pilot Hunting Incoming CO, transferred CO, and inter- com calls can be directed to a pilot exten- sion number of a Hunt group. The system will search sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in the database programming) for an idle station in the group and will ring that station. Calls di- rected directly to stations (by calling the extension number) within the hunt group will not hunt but receive call progress tones of the extension dialed.C. Station Hunting Incoming CO, transferred CO, and inter- com calls that are presented to a busy, or DND station, that is a member of a Station Hunt group, will search sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in data-base programming) for an idle station in the group and will ring that station. Calls can also be directed to the groups pilot number for hunting.300.82 ICLID FEATURE Thisfeature is available with optional soft- ware. The ICLID (Incoming Calling Line IDen- tification) feature has been added to the infinite Digital Key Telephone System. However, in or- der for this feature to operate properly, it mustbe activated from the celltral office so that the numbers of the calling party will be delivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the first silent interval between ringing. The following features have been implemented:A. Calling Number/Name Display This feature is Intended as the basic offer-ing of the ICLID service when associated with the infinite Digital Key Telephone Sys- tem. Whenever an incoming call is received at the system, the number received along with the ringing signal will be stored in theline control tables and used at various points in the processing of the call. The primary function will be that the call-ing number will be displayed (if available) at any point at which the “LINE RINGING” is displayed in the system. In addition, with the availability of the call-ing name feature, if the calling name is provided, the system will deliver that to the display instead of the calling number.An option has been added to the Local Number/Name Translation table to route an ICLID or Caller Entered ID Digits based on a partial compare with the number en- tered in the translation table. B.Incoming Number/Name for SMDR Records This feature will operate normally in the absence of ICLID information or the failure of the ICLID equipment. If the information is present at the time that an SMDR recordis generated for a call, it will alter the content and format of the SMDR output record. If the calling number is available, the num-ber will be output in the SMDR record in Issue 1, February 1994 300-15

infinitem DVX ‘I1KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION Digital Key Telephone System the same location as the dialed number is located in the outgoing calls. If the calling name is present, an additionalline will be output in the SMDR record identifying the name. This record will irn- mediately follow the normal SMDR record.The normal SMDR record will include an indicator which identifies that a following record with name identification is present.Unanswered calls will be recorded in the SlVIDR record for incoming calls with an indicator to allow the identification of call- ers for statistical and call-back purposes.C. Unanswered Call Management An Unanswered Call Management Table with 100 entry capacity is maintained in the system database. The calling num- ber/name information pertaining to any unanswered call will be placed in this table at the time the system has determined that the call has been abandoned.This table may be interrogated from any station so that the unanswered calls may be reviewed and handled by the end user. Only the 1st Attendant station can delete an entry from this table.300.83 IDLE SPEAKER MODE This feature allows the system to determine whether the first digit dialed is heard over the digital terminal speaker. This feature is allowedor denied on a system-wide basis in program- ming.300.84 INCOMING CO LINES OFF-NET FORWARD (VIA SPEED DIAL) Allows the first attendant to forward incoming CO calls to an off-net location. The attendant can forward a group of CO lines, all CO lines, or an individual CO line to a off-net location. The attendant must have a direct appearance of the CO line(s) to be forwarded. Off-net for- warding is accomplished via use of a speed dial bin.300.85 INTERCOM CALLING The system’s architecture allows non-blocking of intercom calls. A station is reached on inter- com by dialing the associated three-digit num- ber.300.86 INTERCOM SIGNALING SELECT Users can control the method by which they receive intercom calls and signals. A convenient intercom signal switch is located on each Digi- tal Terminal for easy selection. The choices are:l Handsfree (HF)(left position). The sta- tion user, upon hearing a tone burst and voice announcement over the speaker, can reply handsfree.l Privacy (PV)(center position). The sta- tion user receives a burst of tone and avoice announcement over his/her speaker. The microphone is deactivated for privacy. The called party must lift thehandset or press the MUTE button to answer the call.l Tone Ringing (TN)(right position). A standard tone ring notifies the party of an incoming intercom call. The called party answers by lifting the handset or moving the switch to the handsfree (HF)position or pressing the ON/OFF but- ton.300.87 KEYSET SELF TEST The infinite Digital Key Telephone System con-tains a test mode feature that supports the offline testing of digital terminals and DSS con-soles. The term oilline means that the unit under test is disconnected from the system during the test operation. Digital terminals notunder test continue to operate in the normal manner. Tests are provided to verify the keysetand DSS LED, LCD, and keypad button opera- tions . 300.88LAST NUMBER REDIAL (LNR) Permits the automatic redialing of the last tele- phone number dialed on an outside line. Up to32 digits can be stored. Outside line selection of the same line used is automatic,300.89 LCD INTERACTIVE DISPLAY The 33-button Executive Digital Terminal pro-vides the user with visual indication of call status, Calls to and from other extensions, number dialed, line used and camp-on are some of the features displayed. 300.90LEAST COST ROUTING (LCR) Allows the system to automatically select the least costly route available according to the number dialed, the time of day/day of week, theclass of service (COS) assigned to the sta- tion/trunk group priority level assigned. k 3-Digit Table This table is divided into 2 sections: “Lead- ing 1” (,, 1” is dialed before the number) and “Non Leading 1” (no “1” is dialed before the number). This gives the system the ability to handle call routing in areas that require 300- 16Issue 1, February 1994

inftnitem DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION B. C. D. E. F. v G.H. a “ 1” before a long distance number as well as in areas that do not require the “1”. 6-Digit Table (Office Codes) The 6-Digit Table can include 20 office codemaps. Each map can be programmed to route up to 800 office codes to one of the 16 possible route lists. Each map must be associated with a specific area code in the 3-Digit Table. Several different office code maps can be used with the same area code to provide additional routing flexibility. Route List TablesUp to 16 different routes can be pro- grammed. Each route can contain up to four route lists - one for each of the 4 timeperiods. Up to seven CO line groups (rout- ing choices) and their corresponding In- sert/Delete Tables may be programmed within each route list. Insert/Delete TablesThere are 20 Insert/Delete Tables. Up to 20-digits, including pauses, can be in- serted and up to 16-digits deleted. Digits can be inserted before or after the numberdialed, but can be deleted only from the beginning of a number dialed. Weekly Time Tables The least costly route for a particular dialed number may be different at different times of the day and on different days of the week. To accommodate this situation, there are two Time-of-Day tables: a Daily Start Time Table and a Weekly Schedule Table. The Weekly Time table determines whichone of the four Routes LCR should use based on the Time-of-Day and Day-of-the- Week.Daily Start Time Tables The Daily Start Time tables allow the user to match the Time Periods discount struc- ture to the carriers rate schedule.Exception Tables This table is used to route operator as- sisted calls and any other calls which would use a one- or two-digit number rather than a three-digit area code.Default LCR Data Base In an effort to decrease installation and setup time usually associated with LCR a default LCR database has been incorpo- rated. The default LCR database will pro- vide basic routing for all local and long distance dialing. I.LCR Routing for Toll Information This feature adds provisions to the LCR callprocessing which will allow common call routing for all toll information calls. l-(XxX)555-1212, 0555-1212, 1-555- 1212 and 555-1212 calls will all be inter- cepted and sent to a selected route in the Route List Table. Numbers dialed will be integrated and ifit is determined to be a tollinformation call, either preceded with an area code or without or with a leading digit1 or not, the call will be sent to the route designated in programming.300.91 LOCAL NUMBER/NAME TRANSLA- TION TABLE An administerable table provides a local trans- lation from a received calling number to a name. This 200 entry table can be administered by the customer from the attendant console location. This table is also shared by the ICLID features. In cases of conflict between the name deliveredfrom the CO and that in the local translation table, the local translation table shall rule. 300.92LOOP BUTTON CO LINE ACCESS A station not having a direct appearance for a CO line will receive incoming CO calls and transferred CO calls under the loop button. Only one call at a time can be connected to a keyset on the loop button. If more than one loop button is on a key set, the loop buttons may be conferenced together. If all programmed Loop buttons on a keyset are busy or have a CO call on hold, the party attempting to transfer a CO line to that station will receive busy tone and cannot transfer the call to that station. If a transfer is attempted, the CO line will recall the initiator immediately.CO lines are also presented to a Loop when dialing out using LCR or when using speed dial to dial out and the line chosen does not appear on the key station.300.93 MEET ME PAGE Users may answer a page call from any phone in the system by dialing a special code. The ~2 who initiated the page must remain off-300.94 MESSAGE WAITING Stations that are busy, unattended, or in DNDcan be left a message indication by other sta- tions in the system. Up to five messages can beleft at one keyset. Upon return to the station, the user can press the flashing MSG WAIT button to ring each party in sequential order.Issue 1, February 1994 300-17

KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTIONinfinitem DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System 300.95 MESSAGE WAITING REMINDER TONE A key station with a message waiting can be reminded at a programmed timed interval with a tone.300.96 MESSAGES - PERSONALIZED Each station (Key and SLT) can select a pre-as-signed message to be displayed on the LCD of the digital key terminal calling that station. There are ten possible messages which can be displayed: - 00= Clears Messages - Ol= ON VACATION - 02=RETuRNAM - 03=KETUKNPM - 04= RETURN TOMORROW - 05= FBTURN NEXT WEEK - 06= ON TRIP - 07= IN MEETING - 08=ATHOME - 09= ON BREAK - lO= AT LUNCH ADate and Time Entry to Personalized Message(s) As an enhancement to the original person-alized message(s), station users can acti- vate certain messages that will allow the user to enter a specific time or a date of return. These messages will appear on call-ing stations display to alert them of the desired party’s return time or date. - 1 l= ON VACATION UNTIL: MM/DD - 12= FXTURN: HH:MM xm or MM/DD - 13= ON TRIP UNTIL: MM/DD - 14= MEETING UNTIL: HH:MM xm -15= AT HOME UNTIL: HH:MM xm - 16= ON BREAK UNTIL: HH:MM xm -e17= AT LUNCH UNTIL: HH:MM xm B. Messages - Custom This feature allows the system administra- tor to enter up to ten custom messages for use by station users of the system. These messages may be specified and customized by the customer on a system-wide basis. C.Personalized Message Code on a Flex KerrThis feature allows a key station user to program the personalized message code [633#] onto a flex button. This speeds ac- cess of the pre-selected messages.300.97 MUSIC ON HOLD A music source, when connected to the system,provides music to all lines on Hold, parked calls, transferred calls and calls waiting to be answered by Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)or Uniform Call Distribution (UCD). This fea- ture can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in programming.300.98 MUTE KEY Pressing the MUTE button while in the speak- erphone mode or using the handset will disable the microphone but not affect the speech com-ing over the speaker or handset. Pressing the illuminated MUTE button again will reactivate the microphone.300.99 NAME IN DISPMY This feature allows every extension (Key or SLT)the capability to program the users name, for that station, so that people using display tele- phones will see the name instead of the stationnumber on their display. The name is pro- grammed at each station by the user and may be up to seven letters in length.300.100 NIGHT SERVICE FEATURE The Night Service feature will provide a means to put the system in night mode from any keyset or remove the system from night mode from any keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the night service feature flex button. Ifthe system was placed in night mode by the attendant using her DND button or if the sys- tem was placed in night mode by the automatic schedule, the night service flex button can not remove the system from night mode.300.101 NIGHT SERVICE MODE A Automatic Night Mode Operation The infinite Digital Key Telephone Systemcan be programmed so that the system is automatically placed into night mode.The Attendant(s) can override the Auto- matic Night mode schedule simply by pressing the NIGHT (DND) button. B. External Night Ringing The system can be programmed so that COlines marked for UNA will ring on the ex- ternal page speakers.C. Manual Operation The Attendant(s) can control the use of Night Mode manually by pressing the NIGHT (DND) button. An LED will indicate 300-1s Issue 1, February 1994

infinitem DVK ‘I1Digital Key Telephone SystemKEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION D. E. F. G.when the system is in Night Mode opera- tion.Night Class of Service (COS) The system allows each station to be as- signed a different COS for night operation.The night COS goes into effect when the system is put into night mode manually orvia the automatic schedule. Prevents the misuse of phones after hours.Night Ringing Assignments Each CO line may be individually pro- grammed for Night ringing to other sta- tions, to Hunt groups, ACD groups, UCD groups, Voice Mail groups, or off-net via speed dial. When the system is placed intonight mode, manually or automatically, ringing will follow the night ringing assign- ments for each CO line.Universal Night Answer (UNA) Incoming CO lines can be programmed forUniversal Night Answer (UNA). Stations which do not have access to a line during the day can answer that line while the System is in the Night Mode by dialing a UNA code. Weekiy Night Mode Schedule A programmable weekly night mode sched-ule provides for 24 hour, 7 day a week automatic night mode operation. The sys- tem can be put into and out of night mode automatically on a daily basis.300.102 OFF HOOK VOICE OVER This feature allows users, off-hook on a call (CO or Intercom), to receive a voice announcementthrough the handset receiver without inter- rupting the existing call. The Voice Over is muted so as not to “override” or “drown” out theexisting conversation. The overridden party * may then respond to the calling party using CAMP-ON procedures to talk to the calling party or use Silent Text Messaging to respond to the calling party via LCD displays. The calling(originating) station and receiving station MUST be a digital terminal. The receiving sta-tion MUST also be programmed to receive OHVO calls. The calling station is placed in a one-time300.103 OFF-HOOK PREFERENCE A. Auto Feature Access In addition to auto line access Digital Ter-minals have the ability to have their off-hook preference select a DSS or feature button upon going off-hook or pressing theON/OFF button. B. Auto Line Access Each station, key or SLT, may have their phone programmed to access a particular CO Line such as a private line or a line froma Group of CO lines upon going off-hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX applica- tions when station users have dedicated lines. Outside line dial tone is received justby going off-hook, without the need to dial an access code.6C. Hot Line/Ring Down Electronic Digital Terminals may be pro- grammed to immediately call or ring downa particular station or outside number upon going off hook. This is done by pro-grarnming the stations Off-Hook prefer- ence to activate a DSS or Speed dial feature key. This feature can be overridden if thestation user selects a CO line first when going off-hook.D. Intercom Access When off-hook preference is enabled, at a key station, that station may still obtain intercom dial tone for accessing internal stations or other system features. This is done either by pressing an intercom button or dialing their own intercom station num-ber prior to going off-hook. E. User Programma ble PreferenceBased on a station programmable option Digital Terminals may be given the ability to enable, disable or change their off-hookpreference by dialing a code. This option can be denied in station programming on a per key station basis.300.104 OFF-HOOK SIGNALING If a station has been programmed to receive direct outside line ringing and is busy on an- other call, the call rings at the station using amuted ring signal. The Reminder Ringing op- tion allows a user to receive a reminder ring athis busy station, instead of muted ringing. In addition, a reminder ring timer has been added to the system to provide the reminder ring every time the timer expires, as long as the incomingCO line remains connected. The system de-Issue 1, February 1994 300-19

KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTIONinJiniteTM DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System faults this option to muted ringing. AdditionallyCO calls may be “camped-on” to a busy station and receive muted ringing.300.105 OFF-PREMISE EXTENSIONS (OPX) The Off-Premise Extension Box (OPX) provides one FCC registered 2500~type single line inter- face port. This enables the use of one Off-Prem-ise 2500 telephone set. A precise tone plan is provided to OPX stations. A 48v power supply is required when installing an OPX box.300.106 ON-HOOK DIALING The Digital Terminal user can place calls with- out lifting the handset. If the speakerphone isdisabled, the handset must be lifted to con- verse.300.107 ON LINE PROGRAMMING Changes to the system database can be made without interrupting normal system operation.Programming may be performed using a key station terminal connected to the system (Sta-tion 100) or via a external terminal either on- site or remotely.300.108 PAGE/RELAY CONTROL The infinite Digital Key Telephone System offersrelays that may be individually programmed for: External Page, Loud Bell Control, CO Line Control, Power Failure Transfer, and RecordedAnnouncement uses. Up to four Relay/Sensor Interface modules may be installed on the sys- tem. Each relay/sensor interface module con-tains three independent relays and three sensing input circuits.300.109 PAGING k ExtemalPagiugThere are seven external pa@g zones wavailable in the fi#nite DVXsystem. External Paging requires a three-digit dial-ing code. External paging requires an ex- ternally provided amplifier and paging system. Since no “on-board” relay contactsare available on the DVX I’ for external paging, the Relay/Sensor Interface module is used for this purpose.B. Internal Paging There are four internal paging zones avail-able in the infinite Digital Key Telephone System. A station can be in any or all zonesor in no zone at all. Stations not assigned to a page group can still make page an- nouncements, if allowed in station pro- gramming. Stations can be assigned to a page group in order to receive pages but not allowed to make page announcements.C. Pagiug Access Restriction Programming on a per-station basis, can deny any station the ability to make any type of page. 300.110 PAUSE TIMER When dialing a speed number, a timed pause between digit sending can be placed in the number. The length of this pause can be pro- grammed in the system database.300.111 PERSONAL PARK Each digital terminal in the system can place a call into a personal park location and then later retrieve that call from the priginating station.Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations’ personal park location. Calls parked in a personal park location are subject to the “system” call park recall timer. A station retrieving a personal parked CO call must have either a direct CO line appearance or an avail- able loop button to retrieve the parked call.Only one call can be parked in a Personal CaZZ Park location at one time. When dialing the Personal Park location and the station wiU receive the previously parkedcall and the second call is then parked. 300.112 PBX DIALING CODES The System will allow five one or two-digit ac- cess codes to be entered into memory. When one of these codes is dialed, this signals the KSU that the user is dialing a PBX access code and not dialing directly over an outside CO lineand that toll restriction is to be applied to the next dialed digits after the code. Therefore, tollrestriction will not be applied to the station unless one of these five PBX codes is dialed first.This allows the dialing of PBX extensions 100, 110, 111, etc. This functions on lines marked as PBX type lines in programming.300.113 POOL BUTTON OPERATION The Pool Group Key is used primarily to access CO lines that do not appear on a station so that outgoing calls may be made. Pooled group keysare associated to CO line groups and may be programmed for use on any of the flexible line buttons. CO lines are accessed in descending order of priority starting with the highest num- bered available (not busy) CO line in a CO linegroup. 300-20Issue 1, February 1994

inJinitem DVX ‘I1Digital Key Telephone System KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION Stations may have as many POOL buttons as their are CO line groups. Multiple POOL but- tons for the same group are also allowed.300.114 PREFERRED LINE ANSWER A station with Preferred Line Answer can an- swer any assigned outside, transferred, or re- calling line, or queue callbacks by lifting the handset or pressing the ON/OFF button. The station MUST be physically ringing, to functionproperly. 300.115 PRIVACY RELEASE Privacy is Insured on all communications in thesystem. If desired, the customer may elect to disable the Automatic Privacy feature, thus al-lowing up to three other stations to join in on an existing CO Line conversations.Disabling of the privacy feature may beZimited by federal, state or ZocaZ Law, socheck the relevant laws in your area beforedisabling privacy. A.Per CO Line Option This feature allows each CO line to be individually programmed for privacy. This feature is useful for maintaining security on such lines as Data lines, Private lines, or special circuits requiring privacy. If pri- vacy is disabled on a CO line then, while in use, another station may enter the conver- sation simply by pressing the CO line but-ton. A programmable warning tone is presented to all parties prior to actual cut-thru. The station attempting to enter the conversation must also have privacy dis- abled. B. Per Station Option Each station may be programmed to give the station the capability to join an existingconversation simply by pressing the CO line button that is in use. A programmablewarning tone is presented to all parties when the station enters the conversation.The CO line must also have privacy dis- abled to allow the cut-thru. 300.116 PRIVATE LINE Private line programming allows certain lines toring at a specific station only. When placed on Hold, these lines are active at the programmedstation only. A private line can be transferred to other stations, provided the station receiving the call has a loop button or direct appearance of that CO line.300.117 PULSETO-TONE SWITCHOVER When commanded, the system will change thesignaling on an outside line from dial pulse to DTMF (tone), allowing the use of common car- riers behind a dial pulse outside line. This canbe done manually when dialing, or can be stored within a speed dial number.300.118 RANGE PROGRAMMING The injhite Digital Key Telephone System al- lows for range programming when program- ming CO lines and Stations.Range programming allows you to program all pa- rameters alike for the entire range or you can change or modify a few items that will be copied to all members in the range.300.119 RELEASE KETAllows the station and attendant users to dis- connect calls while off-hook, speeding up call handling time.300.120 REMOTE ADMINISTRATION The Remote Administration feature allows authorized personnel to access the administra-tion programming via a terminal device (port- able terminal device or personal computer with communications software package). The feature permits the review and entry of the customer database in the same manner as viathe digital terminal at “ADMIN” Station 100. The terminal device can be connected directly to the RS-232C connector on the Central Proc- essor Unit (CPU), or can be accessed by a tele-phone modem linking the CPU’s RS-232C connector (via a CO line) to a remote location. When entering the system remotely via a termi- nal device, access to the on-board 1200 modem (future) is accomplished by accessing Port 499either through a direct ringing assignment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port 499 by any internal station.A. Database Upload/Download DataBase Upload/Download provides a maintenance facility which will be added tothe Remote Administration routine. This routine permits the database to be down- loaded to a PC, when a software changes ismade or when the system needs to be in- itialized and re-programmed. In addition, the routine facilitates the programming ofa database on an in-house system which can be downloaded to a PC and then uploaded to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed, the fileIssue 1, February 1994 300-2 1