Communications System
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx Iii Hybrid Key Telephone System Installation Manual
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INSTALLATIONinfinitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System t I i I Figure 500-2 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet 500-4Issue 1, February 1994

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INSTALLATIONinfinitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System mounted on a 4’ x 6’ x 3/4” plywood. A fullyloaded cabinet can weigh approximately 130 lbs. Make certain proper mounting procedures are followed. Check local building and electrical codes before mounting the system. For example, certain areas may require a flame retardant plywood back board. 1. Mount the cabinet to the plywood using 3/4” #12 pan-head sheet metal screws such that the top of the cabinet is approxi- mately three feet ( 1 meter) from the ceiling, and bottom is at least six feet (1.8 meters) from the floor. Make certain before mount-ing the cabinet that circuit cards slide easily in and out of their respective card slots. 2.Use the mounting template supplied with the cabinet to locate the mounting holes.Also refer to Figure 500-3 Basic KSU Cabinet Mounting Dimensions. mm!concrete plasterboard orwooden surfaces 3.Drill the holes and mount the cabinet. C.Central Processor Unit (CPV)This plug-in card is one of two common equipment cards required to make the sys- tem operational. The CPU card controls allsystem activity. The CPU contains the main micro-processor a 16-bit (68302), the slave microprocessor (another 68302)) and a real time clock. The master and slave CPU chips are connected via a serial communi- cations link. The CPU is responsible for all control functions, execution of all logic op-erations, and control of system modules. wRefer to Figure 200-2 Central ProcessingUnit (CPU). The master CPU also providessoftware and hardware support to ensure the following:l Watch dog timer and recovery. l State/Event software design. l Battery Backup of Customer Database RAM memory.The slave CPU ensures the following signal processing functions are done:l PCB status as to presence/absence of cards for automatic software configura- tion setup.l Interpret an ID code from each PCB so that card type can be determined auto- matically.l Process interrupts from peripheral cards and scan VCB. In addition, there is one RS-232C (modularconnector) input/output port on the CPU and a connector to support the use of an optional Backplane I/O Expansion Mod- ule. The Backplane I/O Expansion Moduleadds two RS-232C I/O ports to the system for a system total of three I/O ports. A reset (halt) push button switch is located on the front of the PCB.System software is provided in EPROM memory and is installed on the CPU. The CPU contains 512 kilobytes (expandable to4MB) of EPROM memory storage and is equipped with 256K *of battery-backed static RAM (expandable to 2MB). Provi- sions have been made on the card to ad- dress up to four megabytes of EPROM memory and up to two megabytes of static RAM.l A Battery jumper strap is located on theCPU board. Jumpering from pins 1 & 2 disables the Battery Backup. Between pins 2 & 3 enables the Battery Backup option. l The CPU allows the use of either 1 Mega-bit or 4 megabit static RAM chips to be used for RAM memory.When two power supplies are installed on the same system and you want to remove the Centml Processor Uirit jbm service,Bm power supplies MUST be turned off? LEDs & Indicators Three green LEDs located along the front edge of the CPU provide an indication of the presence of - 12V dc, + 12V dc & +5V dc. Twored LEDs provide the system heartbeat indications.I/O Ports - Wiring/Pinouts/ConnectionsThe Central Processor Unit contains one RS-232C, 8 pin modular jack type connec- tor, I/O port (future) located near the front edge of the PCB. This I/O port is capable oftransmitting and receiving data at 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud rates. In the future, this I/O port can be used forSMDR output, Remote programming thru a data terminal or PC, ICLID output, or interfacing with the infinite PC/ACD Re- porting package. Refer to Figures 500-5 and 500-6 for additional information. 500-6 Issue 1, February 1994

infrniteTM DVX I’Digital Key Telephone SystemINSTALLATION -12vtl2V+5v Heartbeat-Master Heartbeat-Slave 5lResetswitch RS-232C nput/Output Port (Future) i I+IFigure 500-4 Central Processor Unit (CPUIIssue 1, February 1994500-7

INSTALLATIONinfinitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System I L> Pin #II Pin #2 Pin #3 I1 Pin #5 Pin #6I Pin #7 Pin #8CPU I/O 8 Pin Modular Jack Pinout KSUWE) Pin # 8 Pin Mod Jack 6Transmit Data 5Receive Data 3> 7DSR (Data Set Ready) GND 4 3DTR (Data Terminal Ready) DTR must be held high or data from the KSU will stop RS-232C PINOUT Data Communication Requirements are: A) Serial Port Compatible B) ASCII Code Compatible C) 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bit D) No Parity E) Flow Control Method: Xon/Xoff NOTE: Arrows show flow control direction. PRINTER TERMINAL (D-W Pin #Pin # DB-25DB-9 42 3 4 5 6 7 ,‘20Figure 500-5 RS-232C Printer Connections on CPU Board 500-SIssue 1, February 1994

infhite” DVX I’Digital Key Telephone SystemINSTALLATION Pin #1Pin #2Pin #3 I1 Pin #5Pin #6Pin #7Pin #8CPU I/O 8 Pin Modular Jack Pinout KSU WE) Pin # 8 Pin Mod Jack 6Transmit Data Receive Data CTS (Clear to Send) RTS (Request to Send) GND 4 COMPUTER CONNECTION IDE) hn #DB-25 2 34 6 7 Pin # DB-9 3 2 7 8 5RS-232C PINOUTData Communication Requirements are: A) Serial Port Compatible B) ASCII Code Compatible C) 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bit D) No Parity E) Flow Control Method: Xon/Xoff NOTE: Arrows show flow control direction. Figure 500-6 RS-232C Computer Connections on CPU Board Issue 1, February 1994500-9

INSTALLATIONinfiniteTM DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System D. Voice Control Board (VCB)The Voice Control Board (VCB) provides the time slot switch to control the digital switching information. The system tones are also generated on this board. The board contains one DTMF receiver for DISA use. LEDs h Indicators There are two LEDs on the board to indi- cate the +5V dc and - 5V dc. Modem Interface The Voice Control Board (VCB) contains an“On-Board” modem that is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 1200 baud. The modem supports and is compatible with the Hayes command protocol. The Bell System (Western Electric) stand-ards 103 and 2 12A for design is incorpo- rated into the design of this . The operateson-line in both Full and Halfduplexmodes. Wiring / Pinouts / Connections There are two phono input connectors on the board. One connector is for back- ground music and the other is for music on hold. There are also two potentiometers to adjust each music source. qBBGMAdjust IIIQ MOH Adjust Tl block (future) NotUsed Figure 500-7 Voice Control Board (VCB)500-10 Issue 1, February 1994

infzniteTM DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System INSTALLATION E.Key Telephone Board (KT12) This board provides the interface to twelvedigital telephones. This board can be plugged into any designated station slot. Refer to Figure 500-S Key Telephone Board (KT12) for location of connectors. LEDs & Indicators The board contains two LEDs to indicate the presence of +5V dc and -5V dc. The LEDs are located on the top portion of the board. Line/Station InterfacesThe board has one male 50-pin amphenol connector on the front edge. This will inter- face the circuits on the board to the MDF.The card also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirementsof UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele-phone Adapter (OPX), or other specifically designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The Key Station interface circuitsare protected from mis-wiring and over- current. 1PAIF 1 2Table 500-l Key Telephone Board (KT12) 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 2223 24 25 j?lJ 26 127 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 338 34 9 35 XL 36 1137 12 38 13 39 1440 15 41 16 42 17 43 1844 19 4520 46 2147 22 48 23 4924 50 25COLOR WH/BL BL/WH WH/OR OR/WH WH/GN GN/WH WH/BN BN/WH wH/SL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BL/YL YL/OR OR/YL YL/GN GN/YL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SL/YL VI/BL BL/VIVI/OR OR/VI VI/GN GN/VI VI/BN BN/VI VI/SL SL/VIDESIG Port 001 Xmt Tip xnlt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 002 Xmt Tip xmt Fcing Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 003 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 004 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 005 Xmt Tip ant Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 006 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 007 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 008 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 009 Xmt Tip mt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 010 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 011 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 012 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring External Page TipExternal Page Ring Issue 1, February 1994 500- 11

Figure 500-S Key Telephone Board (KT12) INSTALLATIONinfinitem DVX I’Digital Key Telephone System 500-12 Issue 1, February 1994