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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							2-34 Sys tem  Feat ures 2  Prog ra mming
    Verified Account Codes
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  VE RI FI ED  A CCT  CO DES  fl ex  but ton (FLASH 0 6, Bu tton  #3). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter 0 or 1 on the dial  pad  to  enable/disable  Verified Account Co des.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The Verified  Account Code/Traveling Class of Service (COS) feature 
    provides tracking of specific calls by entering a verified, variable length 
    (up  to  12-digits ) identifier. Each account cod e ca n be as signed  a  day  and 
    night Class-of-Service for determining the dialing privileges allowed by 
    tha t  account code. This  lets u sers  override a  restricted  station.  If the 
    dialed a ccount  code  matches  the  Verif ied Account code ta ble,  an 
    intercom  dial tone is returned, otherwise an error  tone is returned. SMDR 
    must be enabled for the account code to print  as  part  of the  SMDR 
    re c o rd . Tr iad-S al low s up t o 25 0  12 -d igi t a ccount code s p rogr amm ed i n at  
    FLASH 31.  By defau lt, the Verified Account Codes feature is disabled.
    Call Forward  Di sp lay
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  CA LL  FW D DI S PL AY  STAT US  fle x b utt on ( FLASH 06, 
    Bu tton #4).  Th e f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pla ys:
    2 . Ent er  a  0 or 1 on t he di al pad to ena ble /dis abl e Cal l For war d Di sp lay.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    CAL L  F WD  DIS PLAY 0- 1
    EN AB LE D 
    							Syst em Feat ures  2  Programm ing 2 -35
    Des crip ti on
    Whe n c al l  for war ding  is  i nvoke d,  the  LC D d isp la y nor mal ly  in dic a te s t he  
    call forwarding  mode  at all times.
    This  feature  is enabled/disabled in administrative programming on a 
    sys te m-wi de  ba sis . By  de faul t,  t he  sta tus  of  the  C al l F orwa rd  Di spl ay  is  
    ena ble d.
    Exte rnal Day Ri ng
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  EX T  DAY R IN GIN G fl ex  but ton (FLASH 0 6,  Bu tton  #5). The 
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable External Day Ring.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  sy st em  can b e p rogr amm ed  so C O  li nes  mar ke d fo r U DA  pr ovi des  
    ringing out of the external page  ports  when the system is in the  Day 
    Mode. By default, External Day Ringing is disabled.
    Overflow Station Forward
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  A CD/ UC D O VERF LO W S TA   FWD  fl ex b utt on ( FLA SH 06, 
    Bu tton  #6).  Th e f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pla ys:
    OVERFLOW    S TA    FW D 0-1
    							2-36 Sys tem  Feat ures 2  Prog ra mming
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  O ver fl ow St at io n For war d fe at ure  al low s A CD/UC D cal l s r eachi ng t he  
    AC D/UCD  Overflow S ta tion to call forward to a nothe r station.  T his  
    enha nc eme nt  is  al lowe d or  deni ed  on a s yst em- wid e ba si s. O nc e e nabl e d 
    in pr ogra mmin g:
    †An  AC D/ UCD  O ver f low s ta ti on c a n Busy/ No- A nswer  f or ward  to  Vo ic e 
    Mail G roups , ACD/UC D Groups,  Hunt Groups  and  stations .
    †If  t he  ACD / UCD  Ov er fl ow s tat i on i s b usy o r d oes  not  ans wer  be for e 
    the  no - ans wer  c al l  ti me r e xpi re s,  the  A CD/ UC D c a ll  fo r wa rds  to  th e 
    By default, this feature is  disabled.
    Direct Transfer Mode
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  DI R EC T T R A NSF ER  fl ex  but ton  (FLASH  06, Button  #7). T he 
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Whe n ena ble d, s upe rvi se d t ra nsfe rs  (scr ee ned t r ansf er s) t o st at ion s in  the  
    hands et mod e con nect calls  dire ctly  to  the  ha ndse t.  The  s ta tion us er 
    must ha ve  a d irect ap pea ra nce  of that CO lin e or a  Loop  button . T his  
    feature is programmed on a system-wide  basis. By  default,  the Direct 
    Tr ans fer  Mode  i s e nabl e d.
    DIRECT  XFE R 0-1
    EN AB LE D 
    							Syst em Feat ures  2  Programm ing 2 -37
    Stati on  ID  Lo ck
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the STATION ID LOCK flex button (FLASH  06, Button  #8). T he 
    following message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The Station ID Lock feature enables the  installer/programmer to lock the 
    station  ID of  all extensions on the system.  It also prevents the loss  of 
    st at ion  pr ogra mmin g t hat  r es ult s w hen  a di ffe re nt  st at i on t ype  is  
    pl ugged  i nto  a po rt  al r ead y de si gnat ed  as  anot her  s ta ti on t ype .  Thi s 
    feature is programmed on a system-wide  basis. By  default,  the Station ID 
    Loc k f eat ur e i s  di sabl ed .
    The proper  procedure(s) for changing the  Station  ID with  the Station ID 
    Lock f eat ur e e nab le d:
    1 . Ent er  pr ogr ammi ng m ode  and  dis abl e  the  S ta ti on I D Lo ck  fe at ure.
    2. Plug  the new device into the  jack. The  set is  automatically identified.
    3 . Ent er  pr ogr ammi ng m ode  and  dis abl e  the  S ta ti on I D Lo ck  fe at ure.
    4. Enter programming and perform Station ID  programming. (FLASH 
    50, PAGE B,  button  #1).  The set  is automatically identified.
    LCR  Ca l l Pr og r ess
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  LCR C ALL PRO GRESS  fl ex  but ton (FLASH  06, Bu tton  #9). 
    The following  message displays:
    STAT ION   LOCK 0- 1
    LCR  CA LL  PROGRE SS 0- 1
    EN AB LE D 
    							2-38 Sys tem  Feat ures 2  Prog ra mming
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  LC R CA LL  PRO GRES S  Fea tur e  en abl es  th e i nst al le r  t o se le ct,  on a  
    sys te m-wi de  ba sis , wh et her  us er s h ear  cal l  pr ogr ess  i ndi ca ti ons.  By 
    def au l t,  th e L CR  C all  P r o gr ess  fe at u re  i s e nab le d.
    One-Touch Recording Warning Tone
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  O NE- TOUC H RC D WA RN IN G TO NE  fle x b utt on ( FLASH 06, 
    Bu tton  #10). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  O ne- Touc h  Re c or ding  War ni ng T one  fea tur e  le t s t he  ins ta ll er
    enable/disable  the One-Touch  Recording Warning  Tone on a system-
    wid e b asi s.  By d efa ult , t he  Recor di ng W arn ing  Tone  i s e nabl e d.
    If this fea ture  is d isable d, a co nfirmat ion to ne i s gi ve n afte r the  l ast 
    dig it is  dial ed.  T he  us er d oes  not h ear  t he li ne  b ei ng s eiz ed or  t he 
    outp ulsin g of d igi ts to  th e C en tral Office .
    EN AB LE D
    Us e  of  thi s  fe atur e wh en  the  O ne -To uch  Rec ordi ng W arn  Ton e  is  dis abl ed  
    may  b e in terp ret ed as a v iola tion  o f fe der al, state , or loc al laws, an d an 
    invasion of privacy. Check applicable laws in your area before recording 
    calls using  this feature. 
    							Syst em Feat ures  2  Programm ing 2 -39
    Ringbac k on Transfer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  R I NGBAC K O N T R AN SFE R  fl ex  but ton (F LA SH 06 , 
    Bu tton #11). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d (Mus ic)
    [1] =  Ena ble d ( Ringb ack Tone )
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  Ri ngback  on T ra nsfe r  fea tur e  pr ovi des  on a  sy st em- wide  b asi s m usi c 
    on hol d or  r i ngback  ton e t o t he  CO  cal l er  whe n CO  ca ll s a re  t ra nsfe rr ed . 
    Callers currently hea r music. By def ault, th e Ringba ck on Transf er feature 
    is  di sab le d.
    ACD  A g en t  Re ca ll
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press ACD AGENT RECALL bu tton ( FLASH 06, Butto n #1 2). The  
    following message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The ACD Agent Recall allows/disallows calls that have been  transferred 
    from an  ACD  Agent to recall  the Agent.
    ACD   AG EN T  R ECAL L 0- 1
    							2-40 En hanced 9 11  (Pro ct o r PBX -A NI-L INK  Unit )
    91 1 Feature
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the 911 FEATURE flex  button (FLASH 0 6,  Bu tton  #13). The 
    following message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    Des crip ti on
    The 911 Feature  allows stations in the  system to dial 911 without using 
    an a ccess  code. 911  calls  are p la ced on  911 ma rked lines.  If a ll lines a re 
    busy, an existing call is dropped and the 911 call is placed. When  feature 
    is  e nabl ed,  Tr unk  Group /LCR A cces s C ode  9  is  not  av ai lab le .
    Enhanced 911 (Proctor PBX-ANI-LINK Unit)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the ENHANCED 911 button ( FLASH 06, But ton  #14). The 
    following message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  0  or 1  on  the  di al  pa d t o en abl e/di sab le  t he us e  of t his  fe at ure.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    Des crip ti on
    The Enhanced 911 feature enables 911  integration with  the Proctor PBX-
    ANI-LINK product. Lo op Start lines can be connected to the Proctor unit 
    and  programmed to be 911 lines  (FLASH 40, PAGE A,  Button 15).
    91 1  FE AT UR E 0- 1
    EN H AN CED 9 11 0- 1
    							VM ID St ation Numbers 2 -41
    When a 911 call is made from a station in the system, the system will send 
    91 1 XXXX  (XXX X= St at ion #  th at  pla ced t he  91 1  ca ll ) i n DT MF  for mat  to t he  
    Proctor. If the  station  number  is less than 4 digits,  a leading 0  will 
    automatically be added. The  Proctor  unit then accesses  a call trunk  and 
    se nds  the  information  in  th e p rope r format to the  911 Ce nter.
    †The 911 Feature (FLASH 06, bu tton 13) must also be enabled for the 
    Proctor  Integration to  work.
    †Onl y t he  l ine s c o nn ec t ed  to   the  P ro c to r  sh o u ld  have  t he 9 1 1  Ena ble  
    programmed (FLASH 40, PAGE A,  Button 15).
    †It  is  recommended to  have a  power failure procedure in place to 
    ensure that 911 calls are always rou ted. Refer to FLASH 09, Button 7 
    for  pr ogra mmi ng i nfor mat ion.
    VMID Statio n Numbers 
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press VMID STATION button (FLASH 0 6,  Bu tton  #15). The following 
    message displays:
    2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The VMID Station Numbers feature must  be  used after changi ng  st at ion 
    numbe rs  wit h t he F le xi ble  Numb er ing f eat ur e.  Voic e  M ail  I D numbe r s wi ll  
    be changed to match the current station number once the  HOLD button 
    is  pr es se d.
    Thi s  el imi nat es  t he  nee d f or  the  t ec hni c ia n t o pr ogr am  indi vi dual  VM I D 
    numbe rs .
    Th is  fe atu re s hou ld be  acco mplis he d afte r the  fl ex ible  numb ers  are  
    assigned.  Implementing this feature could  cause the VM box numbers to 
    be re-programmed. 
    							2-42 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
    Programmable Flash Rates
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode. 
    Pr es s FLASH and  di al  [07 ].  The following message displays:
    Des crip ti on
    Thi s  sect i on de scr ibe s  the  pr oced ure s a nd s te ps  nece ss ary  t o pr ogr am 
    the Flash Rates in the Flash Rates Programming area. The  buttons on the 
    digital telephone  are shown in the following  illustration:
    IN C
    D SS/B LF
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V 
    							Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -43
    In co mi ng CO Li ne  Rin gin g
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  I NC CO RI NG fl ex b utt on ( FLASH 07, But ton  #1). The  
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad that correspond to one 
    of  the  29 ava ilable  options . (Refer to Ta bl e 2- 6: Fl a sh Ra tes.)
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The  Incoming CO Line  Ring ing  fla sh  rate  is  the  rate  at which an  In com ing 
    CO line or Loop  Button  fla shes.  This f las h rate  can b e p rogramm ed  to 
    29 different options identified in the flash rate  table,  which  enables  the 
    programmer to customize  the key system configuration to desired  flash 
    ra te s.  By de fault, the  In co ming  CO Ringing  flash  ra te  is s et for RE D 480 
    ip m Fl ut te r  (08 ).
    Table 2-6: Flash Rates
    Red LE D Flash Rates Green LE D F la sh Rates
    Steady On
    30 ip m  Fl ash
    60 ip m  Fl ash
    60 ip m  Db l W in k
    240 i pm  Fl ash
    240 i pm  Fl ut ter 
    480 i pm  Fl ash
    480 i pm  Fl ut ter
    15 ip m  Fl ash
    120 i pm  Fl ash
    120 i pm  Fl ut ter
    30 ip m  Db l Fla sh
    480 i pm  Dbl  Win k
    480 i pm  Dbl  Fl ash15
    28Steady On
    30 ip m  Fl ash
    60 ip m  Fl ash
    60 ip m  Db l W in k
    240 i pm  Fl ash
    240 i pm  Fl ut ter 
    480 i pm  Fl ash
    480 i pm  Fl ut ter
    15 ip m  Fl ash
    120 i pm  Fl ash
    120 i pm  Fl ut ter
    30 ip m  Db l Fla sh
    480 i pm  Dbl  Win k
    480 i pm  Dbl  Fl ash
    INC  CO  RING 0 0-2 8
    RED  480  IPM  FLUTTER 
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