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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							2-64 Net wo rking Tabl es
    Des crip ti on
    The Networking Table  identifies the  system number (1-16); the CO group 
    (0 -2 3);  and  th e r ange  of  st at ion  numbe rs  (f rom  XXXX  t o XX XX).
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V 
    							Ne t wo r k i n g  Ta b l e s 2 - 65
    Co n dit io n s
    †Wi th  Fle xi ble  Num ber i ng e nabl ed /us ed,  th e c a ll  for wa rdi ng f eat ur e 
    †Feature  access  codes ca nnot  conflict with  station  numbering.
    †CO line numbe rs  are fixed and ca nnot be  chang ed othe r tha n the 
    c urr ent  F LA SH  42  r e- ass ignm ent .
    †The  VMI D di gi ts  ne ed  to  be  pr ogra mmed  se par at el y.
    Ta b l e  2 - 8 :  N e t w o r k i n g  T a bl e s
    System CO GroupStation Range
    From To
    Button 24Button 1Button 2Button 3
    On ly 4-d igit e xte ns ion s  wi ll wor k with  Net work  T ab les .
    T he n umbe rs  e nte re d in th e s tatio n ran ge ca nnot  c onf li ct with  t he 
    Fl ex ible  Numb eri ng Pla n.
    When systems are tied together, ea ch system h as to  h ave access to 911 
    through local lines. 
    							2-66 Acces s Co des
    †The SMDR will output up  to 4-digit  numbers in  the station  field. If less 
    than 4 digits are  selected in the  numbering  plan, leading spaces will 
    be  adde d i n pl ace of  numbe rs.  The  3- 4 d igi t  SMDR pr ogr ammi ng ar ea  
    is  r emove d f rom  prog ram ming  in  FP 3 . C all  A c c ounti ng  dev ic es  ne ed 
    to  be  configured to a ccept 4 digits.
    Access Codes
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode.
    Pr es s FLASH and  di al  [20 ].  The following message displays:
    Des crip ti on
    Thi s  sect i on de scr ibe s  the  pr oced ure s a nd s te ps  nece ss ary  t o pr ogr am 
    Access  codes.
    DI S A Acc ess  Co de
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  DI SA  ACC ES S CO DE  fl ex bu tt on (FLASH 20, Bu tton  #1). The  
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number (000–999) for the DISA access code.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    10 0 
    							Sta tion Mes sage  Detail Recording  (SMDR) 2 -67
    Des crip ti on
    The DISA  Access  Code feature permits  ass igning  a 3-digit  acces s code to 
    the system. Anyone calling  on a  DISA line must  use this code to gain 
    access to system features. To disable the DISA access code, enter (#) three 
    ti me s. B y  def au lt , 1 0 0  is  the  as sig ned  ac c es s c o de . Us e o f  thi s f eat u r e wi t h 
    or without access code can b e abused by callers.
    D atabase Ad mi n  Pass word
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the ADMIN PASSWORD flex button (FLASH 2 0, Bu tton #2). The  
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number that corresponds with  0000-9999.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The password  used to enter  customer database programming  can be 
    c ust omiz e d by  t he  prog ram mer . T hi s l et s  the  s yst em  admi ni st ra tor  bl oc k 
    unauthorized  pers onnel from  enterin g da tab ase ad min .
    Station Message Detail Recording  (SMDR)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press FLASH and  di al [21]. The  following message displays:
    32 26
    Care should  be ta ken when cha nging the prog ramming password so 
    a utho rize d pe rso nne l are  not lo ck ed ou t, whic h coul d pre ve nt or d ela y 
    t hem from  ma ki ng ne ce ssary  prog rammin g cha nge s.
    NO    LD    80     9600    1 
    							2-68 S tation  Mess age Detail Recording (SMDR)
    2 . To  pr ogra m S MD R fe atu re s, us e  the  fl exi bl e  but ton(s ) a s de fi ned  in  
    the following  procedures.
    3 . The  EN ABL E/DI SABLE,  T YPE, a nd PRI NT  fea tur es  t oggl e on  and  off 
    each  time  the button is  pressed.  The display updates with  each 
    toggl e.
    4. After  all entries are  made, press HOLD to save the entry. A 
    conf irmation  ton e is  hea rd.
    Des crip ti on
    The  Tr iad-S  Sys tem can  provide  SMDR ou tput to the optional RS- 232C  
    connectors on  the MISU.  When S MD R is desired,  th e f ollowin g 
    system-wide parameters determine how SMDR information is reported.
    SMDR Enable / Disable
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the ENABLE/DISABLE  flex button ( FLASH 21, Butto n #1 ). Thi s 
    fea tur e tog gle s on  and off eac h ti me  t he b utt on i s pre ss ed. The  
    di spl ay up dates  wi th  each  togg le .
    LED ON = SMDR  is enabled
    LED  O FF  = S MDR i s  dis abl ed
    2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    A call a ccounting dev ice can be ins ta lled allowing the sy stem to track 
    calls by outs ide  line  num ber, numbe r dia le d, time of da y, date, station 
    that  placed or received the call, and duration of the call. By default, SMDR 
    is  di sab le d.
    ENAB LE /
    SM D R  P O R T
    							Sta tion Mes sage  Detail Recording  (SMDR) 2 -69
    Long Dis tance  / All  Calls
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he C A LL T Y P E fl ex  but ton ( FLASH 21, Button  #2) to determine 
    the typ e of  calls  to record.  This  fea ture  togg les on  and  off each  time 
    the  b u tt o n i s  pre ss ed.  The  di spl ay u pdat es  wi th  ea ch  to g gle .
    LED  O N =  Long  Di st ance  is  ena bl ed
    LED OFF  = All  Calls is enabled
    2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The sy stem  can b e s et to record a ll outgoing calls or only outgoing long 
    di st ance  call s.  Long  Di st ance  cal ls  ar e  defi ne d as  be gi nning  wi th  a 1  or  0 , 
    or  conta ining e ight  or  more d igits . Incoming ca lls a re  only recorde d if 
    TYPE  is  se t  for  al l  cal ls.  By  defa ult ,  the  sy st em  re cords  l ong d ist ance  (L D) 
    calls only .
    Charac te r Print Ass ignme nt
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s P R I NT  FO R M AT  fl ex  but ton (FLASH  21, Button  #3) to  
    determine the print format of SMDR records. This feature toggles on 
    and off e ach ti me th e b utt on i s pre ss ed. The  di spl ay updat es  wi th 
    ea ch  to ggle .
    LED  O n = 80 -C har act er  i s e nab le d
    LED Off = 30-Character  is enabled
    2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The system  can be programmed  to  print individual SMDR  records in 
    ei th er  a 1- li ne 80 -cha ra ct e r form at or a 3 -l i ne 3 0 -char act er  fo rma t. By 
    default,  the 1-line 80-character format  is  selected. 
    							2-70 S tation  Mess age Detail Recording (SMDR)
    Baud Rate Display
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    The  S MD R Baud  Rate is  progra mmed  using  Fla sh 15, Ba ud Rate  
    As si g n m e n ts . FLASH  21, Button  #4 returns an error tone when pressed. 
    The LCD displays the current  baud rate based on  which  port  is  assigned 
    to   the  S M DR  P o r t  nu mbe r.
    Des crip ti on
    The  Tr iad-S  System provides SMDR output to the  standard  RS-232C 
    connector on the option al  MIS U. T he  baud  ra te is d is pla yed  as  150, 300,  
    600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud.
    SMD R Po rt A s si gnmen ts
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P OR T  fl ex  but ton  (FLASH  21, Button  #5) to  de te rmi ne  
    which port to use for SMDR information.
    2. Enter a valid number for the  SMDR Port number:
    [1] = Port # 1  (MIS U On-Board  RS -232C )
    [2] = Port # 2  (MIS U On-Board  RS -232C )
    The LCD  displays  the current baud rate based on  which  Port number 
    is  as si gned  to   th e S M DR  P o r t  nu mbe r.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    Port #1 -- Refers to the  RS-232C  connector on  the op tional MISU.
    Port #2 -- Refers to the  RS-232C  connector on  the op tional MISU.
    By de faul t , Por t  #1  i s us ed  for  SMD R. 
    							We ekl y N ig ht Mo de  Schedul e 2 - 71
    Weekly Night Mode Schedule
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    Pr es s FLASH and  di al  [22 ].  The following message displays:
    Des crip ti on
    The  Tr iad-S  System can be programmed so  it is  automatically placed into 
    and  out  of night mode.  A  programmable weekly time schedu le lets the 
    system administrator preset the time the system goes into night mode, 
    and  the  tim e ni ght mod e i s  re move d on  a d ail y b asi s,  in cl udi ng we ek end 
    Automatic / Manual  Operation
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  AU TO/ M A NUA L  fl ex b utt on ( FLASH 22, Bu tton  #1). Thi s 
    fea tur e tog gle s on  and off eac h ti me  t he b utt on i s pre ss ed. The  
    di spl ay up dates  wi th  each  togg le .
    LED On = Automatic Night Mode
    LED  O ff =  Ma nual  ope rat i on
    2 . If  no ot he r  change s m ust  be  mad e,  pre ss  HO LD t o s ave  th e e nt ry.  A 
    conf irmation  ton e is  hea rd.
    DAY    E ND     S TART   AUTO
    MON    0800    1700      NO
    AUTO / 
    Once enabled, this feature addresses the entire week. 
    							2-72 D irecto ry D ial ing
    Des crip ti on
    If  t he s yst em  i s op er at ed  in  the  aut oma ti c  ni ght  mode  t he  at te ndant (s ) 
    can override the  automatic mode  by pressing  the night key on  the 
    at te ndan t(s ) pho n e.  The  sc he du l e  do es  no t  go   int o  e ffe c t  u nti l  th e 
    attendant(s) press the night key again. When the system is  placed  into 
    nig ht  mode , CO line ringin g follow s the  nig ht  ringing as signme nts  and  
    st at ions  ar e gov er ned  by t hei r  re spe c ti ve  nig ht C OS . Th e de faul t  ti mes  for  
    automatic night mode are:
    †Monday to Friday 08:00 17:00 (Daytime operation 8:00 am to 5:00 
    †Sat ur day and S unday  ## :# # # #: ## (2 4- hour nigh t- mode ope rat i on)
    - An  entry of  00:00 23:59 indicates 24 hours of day mode.
    - A n ent r y of ## :##  # #:# # dir ec t s th e s yst em to igno re  t hese  d ays.
    Day  o f Week  Pr ogr ammi ng
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    The  MO NDA Y fl ex  but ton  (But ton  #2 ) LE D i s  li t.  T o change  da ys  of we ek:
    1. Press the appropriate DAY  OF WEEK flex button (FLASH 22, 
    Bu tton s 2-8).
    2. Enter a  valid  numbe r for the  hour  and  minu te s to e nd night mod e.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. (Example: 07301830  [HOLD])  A 
    conf ir mat ion  ton e i s hea rd and the  di spl ay updat e s.
    Dire cto ry Dialing
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    To  enter,  change, erase  or  view entries in the  Directory Dialing list:
    Pr es s FLASH and  di al  [23 ].T he foll owi ng me ssa ge dis pl ays
    AAA  =  Directory lis t entry number ( 00 0-19 9)
    XXXX = station, sys tem  s pee d dial bin, or Local Nbr/Name Trans lation table number
    nnn = program med name (blank if none) DIR    LST      AAA    /   ICM :   XXXX
    							Di r e c t or y  Di a li n g 2 - 73
    Sele cting a  Directory  List  Entry
    1 . Pr es s F le xib le  but to n #2 0  for  a  di re c tor y  li st  e ntr y.
    2 . Di al  a v ali d  dir ect or y l i st  ent r y n umbe r ( 00 0–199).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Sc r oll in g Th rough  th e D ir ec t or y Li st :
    †Press the NEXT flex button (FLASH  23, Bu tton  #18)  to s crol l u p (ne xt  
    ent r y).
    †Pr es s t he  P R EV  fl ex b utt on ( FLA SH 23, Bu tton #19) to  s c ro l l bac k 
    (previous entry).
    Des crip ti on
    Directory D ia ling enables s tation us ers ob ta in  a directory  of s ta tion us ers 
    and  have  t he  sys te m di al  t he  ext e nsi on c ur re ntl y d is pla yed . T he Tri ad- S 
    System provides locations fo r up to 200 names (000-199). Directory 
    di ali ng als o l et s u ser s pr ogra m a name  wi th a s pe ed dia l bin for  use  i n 
    la te r  loc at i ng a  spe e d di al  numb er . W hen  prom pt ed,  th e s yst em  di spl ays  
    the name associated with a speed dial number so when the desired name 
    is  show n, t he  use r  may  the n ha ve  th e s yst em  di al  th e n umber .
    Directory Dialing also lets users associate  a name  with an entry  in  the 
    local number/name translation  table.  When prompted, the  system 
    di spl ays  th e na me  ass o c iat e d wi th  the  t abl e  so  w hen  the  de si re d na me  is 
    shown,  t he  user  m ay t he n hav e  the  sy st em  dia l  the  numb er . T he Tr iad-S 
    System provides locations for up to 200 names.
    The  Di re ctor y Di al in g li st may b e p rogr amme d an d mai ntain ed a t the f ir st 
    ass ign ed  at te ndant  s ta ti on i n one  of  tw o ways . H oweve r , t his  ad min 
    routine lets the directory list be maintained by the system programmer 
    loc a ll y (a t  St at ion  10 0 ) or  r emot el y v ia  mode m a c ce ss . 
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