Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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2-74 D irecto ry D ial ing Ass ocia ting a Numb er to: Intercom N umb er or Sys tem Speed D ia l Bi n 1 . Pr es s t he BI N/ IC M fl ex b utt on ( FLA SH 23, Bu tton #1). 2. Enter one of the f ollowing : a Station Intercom num ber, a System Speed Dial number, or a Local Number/name Translation Table nu mber. 100-131 = Tr iad-S Extension Numbers 1020–19 9 9 = Syst em Sp ee d Num ber s (wit h e xpa nded me mor y) 600-799 = Local Number/Name Table 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. BI N/ ICM – Each entry in the directo ry dialing list must be associated to a s yst em spe ed di al bi n (for ca ll ing a d es ti nat ion outs id e of t he system) or to an intercom station (for calling internal station including CO line transfers). Entering/Changing Curre nt Name Shown on the Display 1. Press the NAME flex button ( FLASH 23, Butto n #2). 2 . Ent er t he name (up to 24 -ch ara cte rs may be en te re d) by usi ng k eys on th e d ial p ad a s i l lus tr at ed on t he foll owi ng pa ge: BIN / ICMNAMECLEARBACKSPACE =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H NEX T ENTRYPREV ENTR YNEW EN TRY =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
Di r e c t or y Di a li n g 2 - 75 3. If an error is made while entering the name, press the BACK SPACE flex button (FLASH 23, Butto n #4). T his but t on ba ckspa ce s one character at a time. 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Na m e – A name up to 24-characters may be entered into e ach di re ctor y dia l li st e ntr y. T he name s d isp lay al phab et ica ll y whe n accessed by a station user. It is possible to have multiple entries that ar e a ssoci at ed to the s ame st at ion numbe r or sys te m s pee d d ial b in. This lets the same name be entered into the list several times. For exa mple, b y last na me and by first name , p ointed to a s ta tion number and a s peed d ia l b in (home, or mobile p hone number). Or, se ver al di ffe re nt name s a ssoci at ed to the s ame sp ee d di al bi n. Cl ear i ng a n E ntry 1 . Pr es s t he CL EA R fl ex but ton (FLASH 2 3, Bu tton #3). 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the d is play upd ate s. The en tr y is er ase d (bot h t he BIN/ I CM a ssi gnme nt a nd the pr ogra mmed nam e). Clear – Table entries may be erased and cleared from the table to al low pla c eme nt of a nothe r ent r y i nt o t he li st . W hen a s yst em spe ed di al b in i s d el et ed/cha nged, the name as soci ate d t o th e bi n mus t a ls o be er as ed. When a m ult ip le t abl e li st in g i s a ssoc i at ed to one syst em speed dial bin it may be necessary to clear more than one entry. Ta b le 2- 9: D ia l P ad Keys Othe r Codes 1 = 1# 8 = 8# = 01 * = *# 2 = 2# 9 = 9# , = 02 ( = #1 3 = 3# 0 = 0# ? = 03 ) = #2 4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + = #3 5 = 5# : = 12 ! = *1 = = #4 6 = 6# - = 13 $ = *2 # = ## 7 = 7#‘ = 14 & = *4 . = 24
2-76 Hunt Gro ups Hu nt Gr ou p s Hunt Group Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [30]. The following message displays: The top left button in the flexible button field is lit for programming Hunt Group 1 (450). 2 . To change Hunt G roups or e nte r a di ffe re nt Hunt Gr oup, p re ss th e a ppropriate flexible button 1- 12 (450-461) and p erform the f ollowin g procedures. 3. Enter a valid three digit station number, or station numbers up to e ig ht s tat i ons pe r gr oup. Hunt gr oups a re joi ned toge th er by ent er i ng another Hunt Group Pilot Number as the last entry of the group. 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The sy stem can b e p rogramm ed for up to 12 Hunt Groups . E ach H unt Grou p can conta in up to 8 s ta tions each. Ea ch Hunt Group can b e ind epe nde ntly a rrange d to use a p ilot hunting or station hunting te c hni que. I f a st at ion is in DND or i s f orwa rde d t o a nothe r st at ion , i t is considered bus y. HUNT 450 PLT ONE ###, ### ## #, ## #, # ##, ### , ## #, # ##
Hu n t G ro u p s 2 - 7 7 Hu nt G ro u p Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [30 ]. 2 . To se le ct th e d esi re d Hunt Group, pr es s Butto ns 1- 12. 3. Enter the station number(s) (up to 24 digits and 8 stations). Hunt Groups are joined together by entering another Hunt Group Pilot number as the last entry of the group. 4 . Pr es s H OLD t o sav e t he e ntr y. Removing Stations from a Hunt Group 1. Enter [# ] thre e ti me s on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Pr es s H OLD. A confi rm ati on t one i s he ar d an d t he dis pl ay up dat es. This removes all stations previously programmed in that group. Des crip ti on The Hunt G roup fea tur e is us ed to add and del et e st at ions fr om a spe c if ie d Hunt G roup. HUNT GR P 450HU NT GRP 451HUNT GRP 452HUNT GR P 453 =1Q=2W=3E=4R HUNT GR P 454HU NT GRP 455HUNT GRP 456HUNT GR P 457 =5T=6Y=7U=8I HUNT GR P 458HU NT GRP 459HUNT GRP 460HUNT GR P 461 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S STATIO N / PIL OT =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H HUNT4 5 0 A AA BBB XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
2-78 Hunt Gro ups Stati on / Pi lo t / Pil ot Ri ng All -- Hunti ng As si gnments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the STATION/PILOT flex button ( FLASH 30, But to n # 13) to ind icate Station Hunting, Pilot, or Pilot Ring All Hunting. 2 . Di al a v ali d numbe r (0- 2): [0] = Pilot (De fault; sh own on LC D a s PLT ONE) [1] = Pilot Ring All Hunting (Shown on LCD as PLT ALL) [2] = Station Hunting (Shown on LCD as CIR) Des crip ti on Pilot Hu ntin g - - Incoming CO, tra nsferred CO, a nd intercom calls can be dire cte d to a pilot num ber of a hu nt group . T he sys te m s earches sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in the database programming) for an idle station in the group and rings that station. Calls dire ctly to s ta tions (by ca lling the e xtens ion numbe r) within the hunt gro up do not hunt but rece iv e ca ll progres s tone s from the e xte nsion. Pilot All Ring Hunting -- r ings al l id le st at io ns i n a par t ic ul ar Hunt gr oup at one t ime . Station (Ci rcular) Hu ntin g -- Transferred CO, and intercom calls that are pr ese nt ed to a b usy, or DND st at ion , t hat ar e me mber s of a St at ion Hunt Grou p, search sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in database programming) for an idle station in the group and rings that station. Dire ct ringing C O Lin e ca lls to the station numbe r ring at the station. If station hunting is d esired on a dire ct ringin g call, program the station hunting p ilot numbe r in the CO Line ring as sig nment lis t. This le ts the member of the hunt group to receive private/hunt group calls. 458-461 ar e ONLY for R AN a ppli cati ons. “All Ring” h unt g roup s ca nnot b e ch aine d tog eth er.
Verifie d Account Codes / Traveling Clas s of S ervice 2 -79 Verified Acco un t Co de s / Traveling Class of Serv ice Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [31]. The following message displays: ACCT = Up to 12-digit account code COS = Clas s of Service f or account codes 2 . Pr es s t he AC CT COD E fl e x but ton (FLASH 31, Bu tton #1). Enter up to 12 digits (0-9, *, #). [*] represents a do not care digit. The system ignores all digits after this digit when entering an account code. The [#] represents a single do not care digit. 3 . Pr es s t he CL AS S O F SE RVIC E fle x But ton (FLASH 31, Button #2). E nte r a 2- di git Cl ass of S er vi ce Num ber (1 -7 ) th at cor re sp onds t o Cl ass of Service 1-7. The first digit represents Day COS and the second digit represents Night COS. 4. Press HOLD to complete the entry. A co nfirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The Verified Account Code/Traveling Class of Service (COS) feature provides tracking of specific calls by entering a verified, variable length (up to 12 digits ) identifier. Ea ch account cod e ca n be as signed a day and night Class of Service for determining the dialing privileges allowed by that account code. This provides a means for users to override a re st ri c t ed st at io n. If the d ia led account cod e m atch es the Verified Accou nt code ta ble, a n intercom dial tone is returned, otherwise an error tone is returned. The use of forced Account Cod es is optional, off ered on a sys tem-wide ba sis. SMDR m ust be ena bl ed f or the account code t o pr int a s pa rt of the SMD R re c o rd . T he Tri ad- S S yst em al lo ws u p to 25 0 12 -d igi t ac c o u nt c o de s and must b e e nab le d i n Fl as h 0 6, But ton 3. By de fault, no Account C ode s a re as signed. ACCT COS XXXXXXXXXXXX ##
2-80 Verified Acco unt C ode s / Travel ing C la ss of Service Deleting the Currently Display ed Account Code 1 . Pr es s t he DE LET E COD E fl ex but ton (FLASH 31, Button #3) to delete the entire account code entry. 2. To display the next account code on the LCD, press the NEXT flex button ( FLASH 31, Bu tton #18). 3 . To dis pla y t he pr ev ious ac c ount c ode on the LCD, pr es s t he PR E VI OUS flex button (FLASH 31, Butto n #19). R e- ent er t he c orr ec t di gi ts and pr es s HO LD to c ompl et e the e ntr y. A confirma tion tone is he ard. Erasing Previously Entered Digits 1 . Pr es s t he ERA S E D IGI TS fl ex but ton (FLASH 31, Bu tton #4) 2. Each press of the bu tton era ses one digit. Continue until a ll desired d igi t s ar e er as ed. 3 . R e- ent er t he c orr ec t di gi ts and pr es s HO LD to c ompl et e the e ntr y. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd. ACCT CO DECLASS O F SERV ICEDEL ETE A C CT CODEERASE DIGITS =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H NEX TPREV =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
CO Line Group Que uin g 2 -81 CO L ine Group Queuing Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [39]. The following message displays: 2 . Pr es s b utt on 1 -2 4 t o se le ct de si re d CO Gr oup. T his me ssa ge di spl ays: 3. Dial a 0 or 1 to enable/disable this feature. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The CO Line Group Queuing feature allows trunk group queuing to be turned on (ena bled) or turned off (disab led) on a p er group b asis. CO L INE GROUP QUEUING EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R GROUP 1 0-1 EN AB LE D GR OUP 0GROU P 1GRO UP 2GR OUP 3 =1Q=2W=3E=4R GR OUP 4GROU P 5GRO UP 6GR OUP 7 =5T=6Y=7U=8I GR OUP 8GROU P 9GRO UP 10GR OUP 11 =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S GR OUP 12GROU P 13GRO UP 14GR OUP 15 =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H GR OUP 16GROU P 17GRO UP 18GR OUP 19 =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; GR OUP 20GROU P 21GRO UP 22GR OUP 23 =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
2-82 L ocal Number / Name Transla tion Table Local Number / Name Translation Table Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [55]. The following message displays: XX X = T ab le N um ber 60 0- 79 9 ## # = Ro u t e N u mb er 0 00–49 9 The Route Number LED (Button #1) is lit. 2. Enter a Route Nu mber (000–499) from what was entered in program code, FLASH [43]. Programm ing a Phone N um ber into the Transl ation Ta ble 1. Press the PHONE NUMBER flex button (FLASH 55, Button #2) to ent er t he d esi r ed p hone nu mber i nto t he tr ans la ti on t abl e. M a ximum le ngt h of a p hone numbe r is 1 4 d igi t s, i nc l uding hyphe ns. P hone numbe rs mus t be in the f oll owing for mat : 1 -4 8 0- XXX- XXXX. 2. Press HOLD to update the database. The BACK SPACE flex button ( FLA SH 55, but to n # 5) erases current number for error correction. Programm ing a Name into the Trans lation Tabl e 1. Press the NAME flex button ( FLASH 55, Butto n #3) t o e nte r the desired name into the translation table. Maximum length is 24 char act er s. ( Refe r to Ta b l e 2 - 9 : D i a l P a d K e y s for d ial p ad k eys. ) 2. Press HOLD to update the database. The BACK SPACE flex button ( FLA SH 55, Bu tton #5) erases the current letter for error correction. Erasing a Current Phone Number/Name Entry †Pr es s t he C LEA R EN TR Y fl ex bu tt on (F L ASH 5 5, B ut to n #4) to c l ea r a n entire phone number and name from the current index. †Pr es s t he NE XT TA BLE fl ex but ton (FLASH 5 5, Bu tton #18) to adva nce to the nex t ind ex a nd continue entering in form ation into the t ra nsl at io n ta ble . †Pr es s t he P R EV TA BLE fl ex but ton (FLA SH 5 5, Bu tton #19) to re tu r n to a p re viou s i nde x t hat is al r ead y pr ogr amme d. S - XXX ### ,
Local Number / Name Translat ion Table 2 -83 Locating an Existing Index for Editing 1. Press the TABLE NUMBER flex button (FLASH 5 5, Bu tton #20). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number that corresponds to the table numbers 600-799. 3. Press HOLD to complete the entry. Des crip ti on An administrable table in the KSU provides a local translation from a received calling number to a name. This is administrable by the customer from the attendant console position. This table is also shared by the ICLID fea ture s. In ca se s of conflict be twee n the name de live re d from the C O and that in the local translation table, the local translation table rules. 200 entries are provided in this table for the Tri ad- S System. An o pt io n was add ed to the Lo c a l Nu mbe r/ Na me tr ans lat i o n t abl e to ro ut e an IC LID o r Ca ll er E nte re d ID Di git s, ba sed o n a pa rt ia l co m par e with the number entered in the translation table. EN TE R TAB LE N UM BE R RO UTE NUM BERPHO NE NUM BERNAMECL E A R EN TRY =1Q=2W=3E=4R BACKSPACE =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H NEX T TABLEPREV TAB LETABLE NUM BER =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V If a match is fou nd be twe en a n umbe r in th e tra nslati on tab le an d an inc oming call r eco rd, the tran sl ated name i s d is play ed a nd/o r st ored i n the unanswered call table.