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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							5-8 I CLI D Fea tures 
    Automatic Call
    Distribution (ACD)
    The  ACD  Group  feature is available with optional  software.  
    							ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-3
    ACD Group  Programming
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode.
    1. Press FLASH and  di al [60].
    2. Enter the  grou p number (550-565) on the dial pad.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    There can  be 16  AC D groups  of  up to 252 s ta tions  ea ch. T he  AC D groups  
    use a  pilot hunting technique. If the pilot number is  dialed, the assigned 
    st at ions  i n t hat  A CD  gr oup ar e  se ar ched  for  th e s ta ti on i n a n i dle  
    condition for the  longes t  period of  time . E ach ACD  Group ma y ha ve  an 
    ass ign ed  Al t er nat e A C D Gr oup,  an  Ove r flow  St at ion,  and  up  to  25 2 
    st at ions  as  A CD  mem ber s.  The  e ig ht  syst e m RA N p ort s ( ta ble s)  may  als o 
    be  re fe re nced  on a  pe r  AC D gr oup  bas is . By  defa ult ,  AC D Gr oup  Tab le s 
    ar e e mpt y.
    The buttons  on the  digital telephone are defined  as  shown:
    GR OUP
    RA N
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    TIM ER  CA L L
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    RANG E
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V 
    							6- 4 AC D Gr ou p  P r og ra m m i n g
    ACD  G ro up  Na m e 
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the GROUP NAME flexible button (FLASH 60, Button  #1). T he 
    following message displays:
    2. Enter the  desired name using the dial pad (up to eight characters).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    A  Gro up Na me  can b e a ssi gne d t o e ach of  t he  16  A CD  gr oups  to  prov id e 
    ea ch  wi th a uni que  i dent i fica ti on. A Group  Nam e o nly appe ar s duri ng a 
    ringing ACD call. A Group Name is not presented on  an idle  display.
    ACD5 XX   NAME
    Ta b le  6- 1:  D ia l P ad  Keys
    Other Code s
    1 = 1# 8 = 8#  = 01 *  = *#
    2 = 2# 9 = 9# , = 02 ( = #1
    3 = 3# 0 = 0# ? = 03 ) = #2
    4 = 4# Space = 11 / = 04 + =  #3
    5 = 5# : = 12 ! = *1 = =  #4
    6 = 6# - = 13 $ = *2 # =  ##
    7 = 7#‘ = 14 & = *4 .  = 24 
    							ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-5
    Alt e rn a te  ACD  G ro u p A ss ig n m en t
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t h e  A LTE R N ATE  G R OU P  f l ex i b le  b u tt o n  ( FLASH 60, Butto n #2 ). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter desired pilot  number  (550 to 565) of the  alternate ACD group.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Deleting an Alternate ACD Group
    1. Press [#] three times.
    2. Then press the HOLD  button.
    Des crip ti on
    An  Alternate ACD  Group  can be  progra mme d so if no station in a  grou p is  
    ava il abl e,  t he  alt e rna te  gr oup i s  checke d f or a n av ai lab le  st at i on. T his  
    provid es  a w ay to cha in  or  link ACD  groups  to gether.
    ACD  Ove r flow St a t io n  A ssi gnm e nt
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the OVERFLOW ASSIGN flexible  button (FLASH  60, Bu tton  #3).
    2. Enter a valid station  number  to  designate the ACD Group’s  overflow 
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Deleting an ACD Overflow Station
    1. Press [#] three times.
    2. Then press the HOLD  button.
    							6- 6 AC D Gr ou p  P r og ra m m i n g
    Des crip ti on
    When an  overflow station is  assigned,  callers that remain in queue for a 
    spe c if ie d amount  of t im e ar e r out ed t o t he as si gned  over fl ow st at ion . The  
    overflow s tation may  not be  one of  the ACD  group  stations . Only  CO calls  
    trans ferred  to  a ACD  group ov erflow to the  overflow s ta tion when RAN 
    ta bl es ar e a ssi gne d.
    ACD  Su per vi so r
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the ACD  SUPV flexible button (FLASH 60, Button  #4).
    2 . Ent er  a  val id  st at ion  numbe r  of t he  de si re d A CD  Supe r vi sor  st at ion .
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Del eting an ACD  Supervisor Station
    1. Press [#] three times.
    2. Then press the HOLD  button.
    Des crip ti on
    The  A CD  Sup er vi sor  St at ion  as sig nment  f eat ur e  prov ide s  a me ans  t o 
    ass ign  ea c h A CD gr oup a supe r vis or.  Th is Sup er vis or St at ion c an r e ce i ve 
    the calls in queue display  in  real time, receives No  Answer/Out of Service 
    conditions, HELP displays from the groups to which the supervisor is 
    ass ign ed,  and  can b arge- in  on activ e  ca lls  in  their ACD  Group or g roups .
    A  supervis or  can b e a ssigned in ADMIN to a  group or groups  to receive 
    the  he lp  r eque st  a nd out  of  se rvi ce  (O OS)  me ssa ges . I f a  sup er vi sor  
    station  is assigned  in  ADMIN, it  is considered logged in. A supervisor can 
    dial  a s upervisor login code [576] f ollowed  by  the ACD  group that the 
    supe r vis or  is  lo gging  i nto  and  the ir  4 -di gi t  Ag ent  I D n umber .
    							ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-7
    ACD  CI Q  Th res ho ld
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the CIQ THRESHOLD flexible button ( FLA SH 60, Bu tton #5). 
    The following  message displays:
    2 . Ent er  a  val id  val ue  on t he  di al  pad  th at  c orr es ponds  t o 0 0–99 calls.
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    The ACD CIQ  Threshold feature determines  how many calls appear  in 
    queu e before the LED flashes at 240 ipm  flutter. Once the number  of calls 
    in  queu e falls  below the CIQ threshold,  the LED extingu ishes. By default, 
    this  feature is disabled.
    †Any  AC D s ta tion ca n have  a  button  ass ig ned  to  vie w the  calls  in 
    queu e of  any  AC D gr oup.
    †The CIQ flexible  button (579+5XX)  must be assigned on  the 
    te le pho ne (s).
    ACD  A ut o  Wr ap -Up Tim e r
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  WR A P -UP   TI ME R  fl exi bl e  but ton (FLASH 6 0, Bu tton  #6). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 
    000-999 seconds (000=disable).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    ACD5 XX C IQ T HRS HOL D 0 0-9 9
    ACD 5 X X    W RA P- U P 0 00- 99 9
    00 4 
    							6- 8 AC D Gr ou p  P r og ra m m i n g
    Des crip ti on
    Af te r  c o mpl et io n  o f a  A CD  c al l ( o n-ho o k)  th e a gent  i s  no t  su bj e c te d t o  
    another ACD  call  for the d ura tion of  the Auto Wrap -Up  Timer a llowin g 
    the agent to finish  call related work or access  other facilities.  This lets 
    agents  remov e  themselv es  from the  grou p (e.g.,  DN D, C all  Forward) or 
    originate  another call. By  default,  the ACD Auto  Wrap-Up Timer  is set for 
    4 seco nds and is  variable from  000-999 seconds.
    Pr im a r y Age nt s 
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the PRIMARY AGENT flexible  button (F L ASH 60, Bu tton  #7). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. To add a  st at ion  as  a pr i mar y a gent  of  t he  ACD  gr oup:
    †Ent er  S SS  1  (SS S =  s ta ti on).
    †Press the HOLD  button.
    3. To de le te a st at ion from  be ing a p ri mar y age nt of t he AC D gr oup:
    †Ent er  S SS  0  (SS S =  s ta ti on).
    †Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and 
    the  d isp lay  u pda te s.
    4. To view pr im ar y a gent s  in  the  A CD  grou p,  pr es s b utt on # 7.  (E ac h 
    d epr es si on t oggl es thr ough sev en age nts  at  a ti me. )
    Des crip ti on
    The Primary  Agent Assignment feature allows the stations serving as 
    primary  agents to be entered  into the  ACD group. Agents can  login to 
    bot h a pr ima ry and secon dar y gr oup. A pr ima ry age nt’s ACD calls from 
    the i r p ri mar y g roup  ar e alw ays pr ese nt ed ahe ad of  any A CD ca ll s in the ir  
    se condar y gr oup.
    EN D
    Ov er fl ow St ation  For ward (F lash 06, Button  #6) all ows/di sa llows ex ce ss 
    calls to be forwarded to another station.
    ACD  Ag en t Recal l (Flash  06, Bu tton  #12)  all ows/disal lows c alls t hat  have 
    be en tra nsferre d from an  AC D Age nt to re call  the  Age nt. 
    							ACD Group Prog ra mming 6-9
    Sec on dar y A ge nts
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he S ECO NDA R Y  AG ENT  fle xi ble  but ton  (F LA SH 60, Butto n #8). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. To add a  st at ion  as  a s econdar y  age nt  of t he  A CD  group,  use  t he  dia l 
    pad as follows:
    †Ent er  S SS  1  (SS S =  s ta ti on).
    †Pr es s H OL D.
    3. To de le te a  st at ion  from  be ing  a s econda r y ag ent  of  the  A CD  grou p,  
    us e  the  di al  pa d a s fol l ows:
    †Ent er  S SS  0  (SS S =  s ta ti on).
    †Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and 
    the  d isp lay  u pda te s.
    4. To view se condar y  age nts  i n t he  AC D gr oup, p re ss  but ton  #7 . ( Each 
    d epr es si on t oggl es thr ough sev en age nts  at  a ti me. )
    Des crip ti on
    The Secondary  Agent Assignment feature allows the stations serving as 
    se c o ndar y a gent s  to   be  ent er e d i nto   the  A CD  gr o u p.  Ag ent s c a n l o gin  to  
    bot h a pr ima ry and secon dar y gr oup. A pr ima ry age nt’s ACD calls from 
    the i r p ri mar y g roup  ar e alw ays pr ese nt ed ahe ad of  any A CD ca ll s in the ir  
    se condar y gr oup.
    Guaranteed RAN
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the GUARANTEED RAN  flexible button ( FLASH 60, Butto n #9). 
    The following  message displays:
    EN D
    ACD 5 XX   G UAR A NT EED  R AN 1- 8
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