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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							iiMarch 20 01
    CO Line A ttributes
    Pag e A  3- 3
    Page B  3-18
    Page C  3-24
    C O  Li n e G r ou p  P r og r a mmi ng   3 -10
    C O Lo op  Po ol  Fl ex  4 -16
    CO Parameters (Miscellaneous) 3-2 9
    CO Port Parameters
    Printing 12-11
    CO Ring Detect Timer 2-11
    CO Ring Tones 2-33
    CO/PBX Lines (Toll Restrictions) 9-5
    CO/Station Port Parameters, initializ-
    ing 1 1-1 3
    Enable/Disable 4-5
    Conference / DISA  Timer 2-9
    Cordless KTU Feature B utton 4-36
    Customer Data Worksheets 1-20
    Daily Start Time  Table  (LCR)  10-15
    Database 1-20
    Admin Password 2-67
    Initializing Parameters 11-1
    Upload/Download Routine 1-21
    Database Parameters
    Printing 12-3
    Day of  Wee k Programming 2-72
    Deny Table 9-1 1
    Dial Pu ls e Parameters 3- 29
    DID P hone Number 3-36
    DID P rogramming 3-34
    Direc t Transf er Mode  2-36
    Direc tory Dialing 2-7 2
    Initializing Table Parameters 1 1-1 7
    Printing Table Parameters 12-31DISA A cces s  Co d e 2 -66
    DISA CO -to-CO   3-6
    DISA P rogramming  3 -9
    Disconnect Table (VM) 8-9
    Flexible Buttons 4-3 4
    Ring Assignments 3-16
    Toll Table Entries  9-15
    Do Not Disturb 4-5
    Button 2-5 3
    DSS/BLF 2-46
    DTMF  / Dial P ulse P rogramming  3 -4
    DTMF On /Of f Time Operatio n  2-21
    Downloading Database  1-30
    Uploading Database 1 -29
    Enable/Disable (ICLID)  5-5
    Enable/Disable (PC/ACD)  6 -20
    Enhanc ed 911  2-40
    Erasing  a DID  Table Entry 3-37
    Exc eption Code Table (LCR)  10-10
    Exception Tables
    Initializing 11-13
    Printing 12-12
    Programming 9-3
    Exclusive Hold 2 -50
    Exclusive  Hold Recall Timer  2 -5
    Exec utive O verride  4-6
    Bl o ck in g  4 -13
    Exec utive Override Warning Tone 2-
    Exec utive/Secretary Pairs 2-60
    Day Ring 2-35
    Night Ring  2 -24 
    							March 20 01ii i
    Flash Timer  3 -25
    Flexible Button 4-28
    Flexible Numbering Assignment 4-40
    Forced Account Codes (Toll Restric-
    tions) 9 -5
    Forced  Least Cost Routing  (LCR) 4-11
    Gr o u p
    Listening 2-28
    Name (A CD) 6-4
    Prin tin g  Pa ra meters  (A CD/UCD)
    Programming (A CD) 6 -3
    Pro gra mmin g (U CD) 7- 3
    Message Timer 6-16
    RAN Announcement (ACD) 6-9
    Gu a r d  T i m e r   3 -27
    Hold P reference  2-2 3
    Hunt Group  2-7 7
    Initializing Parameters 11-18
    Printing Parameters  12 -33
    Programming 2-76
    Hyper Terminal
    Downloading Database  1-28
    Uploading Database 1 -27
    (Ca l l er ID) Ro ute Pro gra mmi n g 5- 1
    Initializing Tables  11-16Ringing Assignments  3-30
    Viewing Ringing Assignments 3-
    Printing Tables  12-28
    Idle Speaker Mode 2-28
    In-Band Digits (VM) 8 -10
    In-Band Signaling (VM) 8-7
    CO Line Ringing 2-43
    Interc om Ringing 2-44
    Index Table (VM)  8-13
    Initialization (Default Values) 1-20
    Insert/Delete Table (LCR)  10-13
    Intercom Hold Button 2-54
    Inter-Digit Time-Out 2-1 6
    In-Use Hold (I-Hold) 2-51
    Keyset Mode  4-33
    LC R
    Call Progress 2-37
    Class of  Servic e ( COS)  4-26
    Default Database 1 0-1 9
    Versus Toll Restriction 9-6
    LCR  Tables  10-4
    Initializing 11-15
    Printing 12-15
    Least Cost R outing  (LCR)  2-26,  10-1
    Leave  Mail Index Entry (VM)  8-5
    Li n e
    Queue Button 2-5 3
    Line Group Access - Station 4-26
    Li n e  Q ue u i ng   4-9 
    							ivMarch 20 01
    Local  Number/Name Translation Ta-
    ble 2-82
    Lo n g D i st a n ce / A ll  C a ll s  2 -6 9
    Loop  Supervision Programming 3-8
    Callback - DSS/B LF  2-46
    Interval Timer (ACD)  6-14
    Interval Timer (UCD)  7 -8
    Wait / VM Button 2 -45
    Wait Reminder Tone 2-12
    Modem A nswer Timer  2-2 0
    MO H Assignments 2-56
    Music-On-Hold 2-29, 3-22
    Name Assigned to DID Number 3-3 6
    Name in Display (ICLID) 5-6
    Name/ Number Display at  Idle  4-14
    Networking Tables  2-63
    No-Answer Recall Time r
    ACD 6-1 5
    UCD 7-10
    No-Answer Retry Timer
    ACD 6-1 5
    UCD 7-10
    Off-Hook Preferenc e 4-27
    Of f-Hoo k Voice Over ( OHVO) 4-10
    On-Board Relay Programming 2-61
    One-Touch Recording Warning Tone
    Ou tpu lsin g Table ( VM )  8-7
    Overflow Station AssignmentACD 6-5
    UCD 7-4
    Overflow Station Forward 2 -35
    Overflo w Timer
    ACD 6-1 2
    UCD 7-9
    Page Warning Tone 2-25
    Pag in g
    Acc es s 4- 4
    Time-Out Timer 2-10
    Zones 4-25
    Pau se Timer 2- 8
    PB X Dialing Codes 2-59
    PC/A CD Interface Trac e 6-20
    Pickup Group(s) 4-24
    Pilot Hunting Assignment 2-78
    Pilot Ring All - Hunting Assignment 2-
    Port #1, #2, #3  Baud Rates  2-62
    Port Assignment (ICLID)  5-7
    Preferred Line A nswer 4 -9
    Preset Call Forward  4 -38
    Preset Call Forward Destination  3-20
    Preset Forward Timer 2-7, 3-28
    Primary Ag ent As s ign men ts
    ACD 6-8
    UCD 7-5
    Primary RA N
    An no u nc e m e nt  (A C D ) 6 -10
    Assignments (UCD) 7-6
    Privac y 3-7, 4-7
    Program Mode 1-19
    Programmable Flash R ates 2-42
    Pulse Dial Inter-Digit Timer 2-20 
    							March 20 01v
    Queued CO Ringing 2-4 9
    Recall CO Ringing 2-4 9
    Remi n der Ri n g  Ti mer 2- 15
    Repeat Redial Timer  2-18
    Reseize Timer  3-27
    Retrieve Mail Index Entry (VM) 8-6
    Ring Delay Timer 3-26
    Ri n g Ti mer U CD 7 -7
    Ring  Tone  (per CO Line) 3-23
    Ringback on Transf er 2-39
    Route List Table (LCR) 10-10
    Seco nd a ry Ag en ts (A CD) 6-9
    Seco nd ary RA N A nn ou n cemen t
    ACD 6-1 1
    UCD 7-6
    DTMF Rec eiver Timer 2-11
    Hook Flash Timer 2-1 3
    S LT  D T M F  Re c e iv e r s  (T o l l R e s tr i c t io n s)
    Call Qualification Timer 2-14
    Enable/Disable 2-68
    Port Assignments 2-70
    Speakerphone/He adset 4-24
    Special Table 9-13
    Attributes -  Printing 12-9
    Day Class of Servic e ( COS) 4-21
    Hunting Assignment 2-78
    ID Loc k  2-37Identific ation 4-18
    Night Class of Service (CO S) 4 -23
    Voice Mail Assignments 8-6
    Station Attributes
    Initializing 11-10
    Pag e A  4- 3
    Page B  4-17
    Page C  4-36
    Station ID
    DSS/DLS Console W/Map 4-19
    Station Message Detail Recording 2-
    Supervisor (ACD)  6-6
    Supervisor Monitor with Barge-In
    (ACD)  4 -12
    Additional Timers 2-1 7
    Hold 2-50
    Hold Recall Timer 2-4
    Initializing Speed Nbr Database
    Parameters 2-55
    Printing Entire Database 1 2-2 7
    Printing Speed Number Database
    Spee d Dial Access 4-8
    Time and  Date 2-58
    Timers 2-3
    System Parameters
    Initializing 11-4
    Printing 12-4
    System Reset 11-23
    ACD 6-1 3, 6-14 
    							viMarch 20 01
    UCD 7-7
    Toll Information (LCR Routing) 10-18
    Toll Restric tion (Related  Items)  9-5
    Toll Table -  Entering  9-7
    Trac e P ort Assignment (P C/ACD) 6-21
    CO Ringing 2-48
    Recall Timer 2-6
    Transfer/Forward (VM)  8-11
    Transferred RAN (ACD) 6 -11
    Transmit Volume  3 -19
    Traveling Class of Servic e 2-79
    UCD Avail/ Unavail - DSS/BLF 2-47
    Universal  Night Answer (UNA)  3-5
    Verif ied Ac count Codes 2-34, 2-79
    Initializing Table  11-22
    Printing Database  12-37
    VMID Station Numbers 2-41
    Voice Mail
    Broker 8-12
    Initializing Group Parameters 11-
    Printing Group Parameters  1 2-3 5
    Programming 8-3
    Voice Mail ID
    T r an s l at i o n 4 - 3 3
    Voice Mail ID Digit Length 8-12
    Weekly Night Mode Schedule 2-71
    Weekly  Sc hedule Table (LCR)  10-16
    Zap Tone 4-15 
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