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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							Page A  Introduction 4-3
    Page  A  In troduction
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
    codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode.
    1. Press FLASH and  di al [50]. F le xib le  but to n #2 4  (Ne w R a nge)  is  l it  an d 
    the  f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pla ys:
    2. Enter a  valid  numbe r for the  station  rang e b eing p rogramme d.  If  one 
    station is  being programmed,  enter that number twice (100100).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.  Flexible button #19 is lit  and  the display  updates to 
    current programming for Page A:
    XXX-XXX = Station  Range  (1 00- 1 31)
    Des crip ti on
    Range programming enables the programmer  to  change a  specific 
    parameter or a few  parameters for a range of stations, leaving  intact the 
    remaining data fields  not  requiring changes. Those data fields  continue 
    to  operate with  the previously programmed data. By  default,  Page  A is 
    If HOLD  is p ressed  w itho ut en teri ng a stati on ran ge,  AL L st ation s 
    (100-131) are selected.
    XXX -  XXX  PAGE A
    							4- 4 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    When programming the Page A features, the flexible buttons are 
    mapp ed as fol lows :
    Paging Acces s
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t h e  PAG E  A CCE SS  f l ex i b le  b u tt o n  ( FLASH 50, P ag e A, 
    Bu tton #1).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    TO NE
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    CO, LOOP,
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
    PA GE   A CCESS 0- 1
    EN AB LED 
    							Page A  Introduction 4-5
    Des crip ti on
    Stations can  individually be allowed or denied the  ability to make  pages. 
    Thi s  appl ie s  to  al l i nt er nal  an d e xte rna l  zon e p agi ng. A  s ta ti on d eni ed  
    acces s to p aging ma y s till a nswe r a  me et-me  p age  announce me nt.  
    (Station COS  6  does not deny a station the ability to make a page.) By 
    default,  Paging is enabled at all stations.
    Do Not Disturb
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the DO NOT DISTURB  flexible button ( FLASH 50, Pag e  A, 
    Bu tton  #2).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Stations can  be individually allowed or denied the  ability to place their 
    telephone in Do Not Disturb.  By default, Do  Not Disturb is enabled at all 
    stations . T he  first p rogramm ed  Attenda nt  cannot utilize  DN D.
    Co nf erence  Enable  / Dis abl e (Per  Statio n)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the CONFERENCE flexible button (FLASH  50, Page A , 
    Bu tton #3).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    DO NOT  DIST URB 0-1
    CONF ER EN CE 0- 1
    EN AB LED 
    							4- 6 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  C onfer en ce  E nabl e/ D isa bl e f eat ur e  le ts  t he s yst em  be  pr ogr amme d 
    on a per Station basis for the ability to initiate a conference.
    Exe cuti ve O ver ri de
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  EX ECU TI VE  OVE RRI DE  fl exi bl e  but ton (FLASH  50, Page A, 
    Bu tton  #4).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  E xec ut iv e O ve rr i de  fea tur e  le ts  c e rt ai n st at i ons b e d esi gna te d a s 
    Executive stations with the  ability to override  and  barge-in  on other key 
    sets  enga ged  in  a CO line or intercom conv ersation. If Su pervisor Monitor 
    with barge-in function is denied, this feature MUST be disabled An 
    optiona l  warning  ton e is  prog ra mmed  on a  sys tem- wide ba sis to enable 
    or dis abl e th e t one .
    EXEC  OVER R IDE 0- 1
    Use of this feature when the Executive Override Warning Tone is 
    disab led  may  be  i nte rpre ted  as  a v iol ation  of  fe de ral,  state , or  lo cal 
    laws , an d an in vas io n of priv acy . Ch eck  appl icab le  l aws  i n yo ur 
    are a be fo re in trud ing on  call s us in g thi s fea ture .
    A  chan ge  i n vol ume  ma y occu r o n the  C O  l ine  or inte rco m c all afte r 
    th e ba rge- in occ urs . 
    							Page A  Introduction 4-7
    This tone is presented to all parties prior to actual cut through of the third 
    par t y.
    By de faul t , E xecut iv e  Ove r ri de  is  di sab le d for  a ll  s tat i ons.  Supe r vis or 
    Barge- In can b e p rogramm ed in [FLASH  50] [Button 12].
    Privacy (Per Station)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P R IVAC Y  fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 50,  Pag e A, Butto n #5). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    For Single L ine  Te lephones:
    1. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable the Camp-On feature.
    [0] =  No C amp- On  is  allowe d
    [1] =  Cam p On is a llowed
    2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The  sy st em pro vid es pr iva c y on al l c om munic a ti ons in the  s yst em whic h 
    preve nts othe r s ta tions  from accide nta lly e nte ring  an e xisting 
    c o nve rs ati o n. Ho we ver , the  sy st em pro v id es the  a bil i ty fo r  a s ta ti o n t o  
    joi n a n e xis ti ng ou ts ide  C O l i ne con ver sa ti on (on  a p er  st at i on ba si s).
    Th e Ex ecu tive Overr ide Blo cki ng  featu re  (Fl ash 50,  Page A, Bu tton  #13) 
    a l l o w s o r  d i s a l l o w s  a n E x ec u t i v e t o  o ve r r i d e a n  ex t en si o n.  T hi s p r ev e nt s  
    a n ex ten s ion wi th ov erri de  c apab ilit y from ov err idin g de si gnate d 
    sta tions.
    PR I VA C Y 0- 1
    Dis ab ling  th e  priv acy  fea ture  may  b e  limit ed  by  fede ral , s tate ,  and 
    loca l l aw,  so  ch ec k  the  re le va nt  laws   in  you r a rea  be fore  d is abli ng 
    priv acy . 
    							4- 8 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    Eac h  st at ion  c an b e g ra nte d t he  pr iv il ege  t o j oin  an  exi st ing  CO  l ine  
    conve rs ation b y s imp ly  press ing  th e C O  line  button  of a  CO line  in us e.
    Pri vacy on an  SLT  can be use ful in si tua ti ons wher e a mod em is usi ng t he 
    SLT  por t  for  da ta  t ran smi ssi on.
    Disabling this feature lets  data transfer proceed without being 
    interrupted  with a Camp On tone. Both the station  and  the CO  Line must 
    have  Pr iv acy di sa bl ed  bef ore  t he  syst e m al lo ws cut -t hr ough.
    †If  Pri vacy  is  di sa ble d a nd a  st at ion  j oins  an  exi st ing  cal l,  a 
    pr ogra mmabl e war mi ng t one is  pr es ent ed to bot h par t i es pr ior  t o 
    actual cut-through.
    †If Privacy is disabled, up to eight other stations  may join in on  an 
    exi st in g c onver sa ti on.
    Pr i vacy is  en abl ed for al l st ati ons  in  de faul t.
    Sys te m Spe ed D ial  Acc ess
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  SP E ED  fl exi ble  b utt on ( FLASH  50, P ag e A, B utton  #6). T he 
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Tabl e 4 -1 : S ta ti on Pri vac y Fl ag
    Station Attempting to 
    Ac ce ss CO  LineCO  Line  in Use  by Another Station
    Pri vac y Enabl ed Pri va cy Di sa ble d
    Pr ivacy Enabled Pr ivat e
    (No Cut -through)Pr iv at e
    (No Cut -through)
    Pr iv a cy  D isa bl ed Pr iv at e
    (No Cut -through)Pr ivacy Released
    (Cut -thr ou gh  All owed)
    SY STE M  S PE ED 0 -1  
    EN AB LED 
    							Page A  Introduction 4-9
    Des crip ti on
    Stations can  be individually allowed or denied the  ability to use system 
    spe ed  di al  (1 00–999) numbers. (S ys tem speed numbers 0 60 -09 9 are not 
    m on i to red  b y  to ll  res tri c ti on . ) Stations ca nnot be preve nted from using 
    st at ion  spe ed  di al.  By  defa ult ,  Sys te m S pee d D ia li ng i s  enab le d a t  all  
    st at ions .
    Li ne  Qu eu in g
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the QUEUING flexible button (FLASH 50, Pag e  A, Bu tton  #7). 
    The following  message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Stations  can  be  allowe d or d enied  th e a bility  to  manua lly qu eue  for a 
    busy  group  of C O l ine s.  Eve n whe n di sab le d, s tat i ons ha ve  auto mat ic LC R 
    queuing  privileges.  By default, CO Line Queuing is  enabled at  all stations.
    Preferred Line Answer
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P R EF  LI NE  AN SWE R  fl exi bl e  butt on (FLASH 50,  Page A, 
    Bu tton  #8).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
    Whe n  upgr adin g from  F P2 to  FP3,  all  pre vi ous ly  pro gramme d  sp ee d d ial 
    butto ns  will  b e los t.
    LINE  QUEUING 0- 1
    EN AB LE D
    EN AB LE D 
    							4-10 Page  A I ntro ductio n
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    St at ions  c an  be  gi ven  th e a bil i ty  to  answ er  a  c all  b y si mpl y g oing 
    off- hook. By  default,  Preferred  Line  Ans wer is  enab led on  all s ta tions.
    Of f- Ho ok  Voi ce  Over  (O HVO )
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  O HVO  fl exi ble  b utt on ( FLASH  50, P ag e A, B utton  #9). T he 
    following message displays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    When enabled, the Off-Hook Voice Over feature allows a digital station to 
    receive OHVO  while on a call. A station can  be  denied the  ability to 
    receive OHVO calls by disabling this feature. By default, Off-Hook Voice 
    Over is disabled  for  all stations. The station must be in H or P  mode to 
    ena ble  t hi s fe at ur e.
    OFF  HOOK  VOIC E  O VE R 0-1
    							Page A  Introduction 4-11
    Call Forwardi ng
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  CA LL  FO R WAR D  fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 50,  Pag e A, 
    Bu tton #10).  Th e f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Stations  can  be  allowe d or d enied  th e a bility  to  forward incomin g CO 
    calls,  intercom  calls , or tra nsferred outside  lines  to an other  station  or 
    gro up. By  de faul t,  Ca ll  For war di ng i s  ena ble d a t  all  s ta ti ons.
    Fo rce d Leas t  Cos t Ro uti ng  (LCR)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Pres s the FORCED LCR  flexible bu tton ( FLASH 50, Pag e A, 
    Bu tton #11).  Th e f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    CAL L   F ORWARD 0- 1
    EN AB LE D
    FOR CE  LCR 0- 1
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