Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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6-20 PC / ACD In terfa ce Trace PC / ACD Interface Trace Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pr es s F LASH and dia l [63]. The fol lowi ng m es sage di sp lays : Des crip ti on The PC/ACD Interface Trace feature is available with optional software. The PC/ACD Interface Trace feature provides an event trace output which is compatible with Discovery ACD Repo rting packa ge. T he b uttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when entering the PC/ACD Event Trace feature programming area: Enable / Dis abl e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the DISABLE/ENABLE flexible button ( FLASH 63, Butto n #1). The following message displays: 2. Press the ENABLE/DISABLE flexible button. LED O n = YES (En abl ed) LED Off = NO (Disabled) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. ACD _ EV T _ TR ACE I/O B AU D NO 1 9600 ENAB LE / DISABLETRACE P ORT ASSIGNM ENT =1Q=2W=3E=4R ACD _ EV T _ TR ACE I/O B AU D Y ES 1 96 00
PC / ACD Int erface Tra ce 6 -21 Des crip ti on The P C/ A CD In te rf ac e Tr ac e pr ovid es a s er ie s of e ven ts t rac e out put which is compatible with the Discovery ACD Reporting package. By def aul t, th e P C /A CD E vent T ra c e i s dis abl ed (NO ). Tr ac e P o r t A s s i g n m e n t Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the TRACE PORT ASSIG NMENT flexible button (F L ASH 6 3, Bu tton #2) to determine the port to use for PC/ACD Interface Trace. 2 . Ent er a val id numbe r for t he PC / AC D Ev ent Tr ac e Por t numb er : [1] = Port # 1 (MPB On- Board RS -232-C ) [2] = Port # 2 (On- Board Mode m) [3] = Port # 3 Se rial Inte rface Unit (SIU2) [4] = Port # 4 Se rial Inte rface Unit (SIU2) The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is as si gned to th e A CD SM DR Por t numb er (de fau lt i s P or t #1 ). 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on B y de fau l t , t he tr ac e po r t as si gnmen t i s se t to 1. Baud Rate Display Pro g ram mi ng S te ps The PC/ACD Port Baud Rate is programmed using FLASH 15 baud ra te assignments. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port numbe r is as si gned to th e A CD S MD R P ort nu mber . The fol low ing message displays: ACD _ EV T _ TR ACE I/O B AU D NO 1 9600 PORT BAUD 19600
6-22 PC / ACD In terfa ce Trace Des crip ti on The sy st em can p rovi de PC/ A CD Repor t ing out put to th e s ta ndar d RS232C I/O ports on the MPB or the optiona l S IU2 module con nector(s ). The baud rate is displayed as 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud. By def au l t, th e P C /A CD ba u d r at e is se t to 96 0 0.
7 Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) This chapter provides the func tional steps nec essary to use the UCD features with the STARPLUS Tr i ad -S System . To implement the call coverage desired, you must first enter the Programming Mode.
UCD Group Program ming 7-3 UCD Group Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [60]. The following message displays: 2 . Ent er t he grou p numb er (5 50 - 55 7) , t hen pr ess HO LD. Des crip ti on There can be eight UCD Groups of no more than eight stations each. The UCD Groups use a p ilot hunting te chnique. If the pilot numb er is d iale d, the a ssi gne d s tat i ons i n t hat U CD Group ar e se arche d f or the s tat i on which has been in an idle condition for the longest time period. Each UCD Group may have an assigned Alternate UCD Group, an Ov er flo w St at io n, a nd up to eight st at ions as UCD me mbe rs . T he two sys te m RA N p ort s (ta bl es) may al so b e r e fer ence d on a p er UC D Gr oup bas is . By de faul t , UCD Gro up Ta ble s a re em pty . The but t ons on t he dig it al te le phone a re de fin ed as shown when ent er i ng t he UCD Gr oup(s) pr ogra mmi ng ar e a: UCD ATTRIBUTES SEL ECT A GROUP ALTERNATE UC D GR OUPUCD OVER FLO W ASSIGN =1Q=2W=3E=4R PR IM ARY AG E N T S =5T=6Y=7U=8I PRIM AR Y RA NSECOND ARY RA N =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; PR EVIOU S GRO UPNEXT GRO UPNEW RANGE =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
7- 4 U C D Gr ou p P r og ra m m i n g Alt e rn a te UCD G ro up A ss ig n me nt Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he A LTE R NATE UCD GR O UP fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 60, Bu tton #2). 2. Enter the pilot number (550 to 557) for desired Alternate UCD Group. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Deleting an Alternate UCD Group 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. Des crip ti on An Al te r nat e UC D Gr oup can be pr ogr amme d so i f no s tat i on in a gr oup is ava il abl e, t he alt e rna te gr oup i s checke d f or a n av ai lab le st at i on. T his provid es a w ay to cha in or link UC D G roup s together. UCD Ove rf low Station Assignment Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the OVERFLOW ASSIGN flexible button (FLASH 60, Bu tton #3). 2. Enter a station number to designate the UCD Groups Overflow Station. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Del eting a n U CD Ov er fl ow Stati on 1. Press [#] three times. 2. Then press the HOLD button. UCD5XX ALT ERNAT E GROUP XXX UCD5XX O VE RFLOW STAT ION XXX
UCD Group Program ming 7-5 Des crip ti on When an Overflow Station is assigned, callers that remain in queue for a specified amount of time are routed to the assigned Overflow Station. The Overflow S ta tion MAY NOT be one of the UCD Group s ta tions. Only CO calls transferred to a UCD Group, overflow to the Overflow Station when R AN T abl es ar e ass igne d. UCD Primary Age nt Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the PRIMARY AGENT flexible button (FLASH 6 0, Bu tton #7). The following message displays: 2. To add a st at ion as a pr i mar y a gent of t he UCD group, use t he di al pad as follows: †Ent er S SS 1 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Press the HOLD button. 3. To de le te a st at ion from bei ng a pri mar y age nt of the UCD grou p, use t he di al pad as fol lows : †Ent er S SS 0 (SS S = s ta ti on). †Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the d isp lay u pda te s. 4. To view pr im ar y a gent s in the UC D gr oup, pre ss but ton #7 . Des crip ti on The Primary Agent Assignment feature allows the stations serving as primary agents to be entered into the UCD group. Up to 8 UCD Agents can b e entered in to a Group. UCD5XX PRIMARY A GE NTS XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
7- 6 U C D Gr ou p P r og ra m m i n g UCD Primary RAN Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the PRIMARY RAN flexible button (FLASH 60, Button #10). 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) for the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A Pri mar y Me ssa ge Ann ounceme nt may be as si gned to th e g roup. T his mes sag e i s the fi r st one pr es ent ed to th e c a ll er . Sec on dar y RA N Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he SE CO NDARY RAN fl exi bl e but ton (FLASH 6 0, Bu tton #11). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid numbe r (1-8) for the de sire d RAN Announce ment Tab le or a (#) to remove the entry. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on A Se condar y Me ssa ge Ann ounceme nt may be as si gned to th e g roup. This announce ment ca n be us ed for follow- up information after the Pri mar y me ss age . UCD5XX PRIMARY RA N 1-8 X UCD5XX S ECONDARY RAN 1-8 X
UCD Time rs7-7 UCD Time rs Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [6 1]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on Si x t im er s f or U CD oper at io n ar e pro gra mmabl e on a sys te m-w ide ba si s. The UC D t im er s i ncl ude: a Ri ng Ti mer , Me ss age In te rv al Ti mer , an Ov er flo w Ti mer , an Aut o Wr ap- Up T ime r , a No/A nswe r Re cal l T ime r , and a No/Answer Retry Timer. Each timer is described in the following section The buttons on the digital telephone are defined as shown when enter i ng the UCD Ti me rs pr ogra mmi ng a re a: UCD Ring Time r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he R I NG T IM E R fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLASH 61, But to n # 1). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-300 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. UCD TIMERS EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R RIN G TIMERMI T TIM EROV E RF L OW TIMERWRAP -UP =1Q=2W=3E=4R NO -AN SWER REC AL LNO- ANSW ER RETR Y =5T=6Y=7U=8I R I NG 0 00- 30 0 06 0