Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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1-24 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine 7. When the Receive XMODEM screen displays, enter path and file name for database file, then press to begin the download routine. The download is complete when a confirmation tone is heard from the comm unications p acka ge and the ADM> prompt returns . 8. Type M and press . 9 . Pr es s < A lt > + . 10. To ex it Procomm and return to the DOS prom pt, pres s . The down load fi le cont ai ns a se r ie s of A SCI I st r ings wi th a che cksum at the end of the string. The checksum is verified when the system receives the string. An error in the checksum results in rejection of the string. An er ror m ess age i s s ent t o t he PC whe n a st r ing is r ece ive d w it h an er r or. If the file uploaded from the PC contains: †Le s s in form ati on in a st r ing t han r eq uir ed by t he sys te m d ata bas e, the s yst em mai nta ins de fau l t in fo i n t he are a no t c ov er ed by s tr i ng. †More information in a string than required by the system database, the s yst em ign ore s t he add it iona l inf orma ti on. The D own load ed D ataba se cann ot be chan ged in the PC. The Up load/ Dow nloa d Routi ne i s on ly a me tho d to save an e xistin g da tabase . Data base ch ange s are ma de usin g the remo te ad min cap abi liti es . Bau d rate s o n I/O port s ar e NO T d ownl oade d or up load ed. Th e Da tabas e m us t be in itia lize d pri or to an u ploa d. T he s ys te m sh ould t hen be re set afte r the uplo ad. Receive XMODEM Please enter filename:
Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -25 PROCOMM -- Uploading an ASCII Database File 1 . Ent er t he inf orma ti on on th e f oll owing sc r ee n c ap tur e. 2. Pres s to disp lay the Up loa d Protocol screen . 3. Type X to send the upload file to the X-Modem for tracking and c or re c t ing er ror s dur ing th e up loa d pr oc edu re. Eng. Ver. 0 .0 e- FFF F DAT E: MM/DD/YY TIME: HH:MM:SS EN TE R PAS SWO RD : adm> A DM IN PROGRA MMING adm> , ENTER PROGRAM NO adm>86 (and press Enter) LOAD DATABASE ROUTINE ENTER BUTTON NUMBER adm>q (a nd pr ess En ter ) UPLOAD DATE BASE PRESS HOLD adm> The HOLD butto n on a keyset is the same as t he key on the keyboard. Press Ent er. Upload Protocols - 124811648 bytes free X) XMODEM A) ASCII Z) ZMODEM R) RAW ASCII Y) YMODEM (Batch) T) TELINK G) YMODEM-G (Batch) M) MODEM7 O) 1K-XMODEM W) WXMODEM E) 1K-XMODEM-G I) IMODEM C) COMPUSERVE B+ 1) [EXT 1] K) KERMIT 2) [EXT 2] S) SEALINK 3) [EXT 3] Your Selection: (press ENTER for XMODEM)
1-26 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine 4. When the Send XMODEM screen displays, enter a path and file name f or the da tab ase fi l e a nd p re ss t o upl oad de sir e d fi le t o t he system. The upload is complete when a confirmation tone is heard and the AD M > pro m p t re tu r n s. 5. Type M and press . The following screen displays: 6 . Pr es s < A lt > + . 7 . To exi t P roc omm and re tur n t o t he DO S p romp t, pr es s < Ent er >. 8. When the upload procedure is completed, reset the system for fu ll a c ti vat i o n o f the da ta base p ro gr ammi ng t o t ak e e ffe c t . adm> m exiting admin... DAT E: M M/DD/YY T IME:HH:MM:S S exiting maintenance utility... Send XMODEM Please enter filename:
Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -27 HY PE R T ERMI NAL -- U ploading a D at abase File Af te r o pe ning Hype r Te rm inal , and the Ne w C o nnec t i o n sc r ee n di sp lay s, complete the following steps: 1. Type a co nnectio n nam e a nd s elect the app ropriate icon, the n click . 2 . Whe n t he Pho ne N umbe r sc re en di spl ays, c hange t he se tt in g i n t he C onnect Us ing box to: Direct to COM1, a nd then click . 3. Once the COM1 Properties screen displays, change the settings as shown, and then click . †Baud Rate = 9600 †Pa ri t y = N o n e †Data Bits = 8 †St op Bi ts = 1 †Flow Cont rol = Xon /X off 4. Press and complete the following fields: 5 . On the t o o l bar, c li c k < Tra nsfe r> a nd s el ec t S end Fil e. 6. Chan ge Protocol s etting to X MODE M. 7. Click to locate database file, and double-click on the filename. 8 . Cl ic k . The Ad m> pr ompt di spl ays whe n t he fil e tr ans fer i s comp lete. Sc reen Fiel ds Acti on ENTER PASSWORD: Type password: XXXXVODAVI (XXXX = default password for online adm inistrati on) ADM>, Type pr ogram num ber. ADM>86 Lo ad database r ou tin e. Ty p e bu t t on nu m b e r. ADM>Q Upload database. Press HOLD butt on. ADM> Press key twi ce.
1-28 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine HY PE R T ERMI NAL -- Dow nload ing a Databas e File Af te r o pe ning Hype r Te rm inal , and the Ne w C o nnec t i o n sc r ee n di sp lay s, complete the following steps: 1. Type connection na me and select appropria te ico n, then click . 2 . Whe n t he Pho ne N umbe r sc re en di spl ays, c hange t he se tt in g i n t he C onnect Us ing box to: Direct to COM1, a nd then click . 3. Once the COM1 Properties screen displays, change the settings as shown, and then click . †Baud Rate = 9600 †Pa ri t y = N o n e †Data Bits = 8 †St op Bi ts = 1 †Flow Cont rol = Xon /X off 4. Press and complete the following fields: 5. On the tool bar, click and select Receive File. 6. Chan ge Receive Protocol setting to XMOD EM, and click . 7 . Type dat ab ase fi le nam e a nd cl ick . The Adm> pr ompt di sp lay s when the file transfer is complete. Sc reen Fi elds Ac tio n ENTER PASSWOR D: Type password: XXXXVODAVI (XXXX = default password for online adm inistrat ion) ADM >, Type pro gr am number. ADM >8 6 Load dat abase ro ut ine. Ty pe b u tto n n um ber. ADM >W D ow nl oa d da ta b a s e. Pr ess HOLD button. ADM > Pr ess key t wice.
Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -29 ECO M - - U pl oadi n g a Dat aba se Fi le Af te r o pe n in g EC OM : 1 . Pr es s< A lt > + to ope n CO M Por t O pt ions . 2 . Chan ge COM p or t set t ings as fol lows , a nd cl ick . †Baud Rate = 9600 †Pa ri t y = N o n e †Data Bits = 8 †St op Bi ts = 1 †Flow Control = no boxes checke d, X on=17, X off= 19 3. Press and complete the following fields: 4. Pres s on key board or locate f ile and s elect U ploa d. 5. Highlight XMODEM and click . 6. Type or select upload filename and click . The Adm> prompt displays when the file transfer is complete. Sc reen Fiel ds Act io n ENTER PASSWORD: Type password: XXXXVODAVI (XX X X = d efa ul t p a ssw ord fo r on li ne a d min istr at io n) ADM>, Ty p e p rog ra m n u mb er. ADM>86 Load database rou ti ne. Type button number. ADM>Q Upload database. Press HOLD but ton. ADM> Press key tw ice.
1-30 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine ECOM -- Downloading a Database File Af te r o pe n in g EC OM : 1 . Pr es s< A lt > + to ope n CO M Por t O pt ions . 2 . Chan ge COM p or t set t ings as fol lows , a nd cl ick . †Baud Rate = 9600 †Pa ri t y = N o n e †Data Bits = 8 †St op Bi ts = 1 †Flow Control = no boxes checke d, X on=17, X off= 19 3. Press and complete the following fields: 4. Press on keyboard or locate file and selec t Download. 5. Highlight XMODEM and click . 6 . Type or sel e ct d ow nloa d fi le name and cli ck < OK> . The Adm> pr ompt displays when the file transfer is complete. Screen Fields Ac tio n ENTER PASSWORD: Type password: XXXXVODAVI (XX X X = d efa ul t p a ssw ord fo r on li ne a d min ist ra tio n) ADM>, Type pr ogram num ber. ADM>86 Lo ad database r ou tin e. Ty p e bu t t on nu m b e r. ADM>W Download database. Press HOLD butt on. ADM> Press key twi ce.
2 System Parameters Programming This chapter desc ribes the procedures and steps needed to program system features for the Triad-S Systems.
Syst em Timers 2-3 Sy s t e m T i m e r s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Pr es s FLASH and di al [01 ]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on Thi s sect i on de scr ibe s the pr oced ure s a nd s te ps to pr ogra m s yst em ti me rs in the S yste m Ti me rs pr ogr ammi ng a re a. The buttons on a digi tal telephone are shown in the following illustration: SY ST EM TIMER S EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R SY STEM HOLD REC A LLEX C L H O L D REC A L LATTEND ANT RECALLTRAN SFER REC A LL =1Q=2W=3E=4R PR ESET FOR WAR DCALL FWD NO/ANSWERPAUSE TIMERCALL PARK TIMER =5T=6Y=7U=8I CONF/DISA TIMERPAGING TIM EOUTCO RI NG DETEC TDI SA / SL T REC EIV ER =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S MS G W A I T REMIN DERHOOK FLASHHOOK FLASH DEB OUN CESMD R CALL QUALIFICATION =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H AUTO CALL BACK TIMERREM INDER RINGIN TER -DIG IT TIMEO UT =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V