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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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    							2-84 L ocal Number / Name Transla tion Table 
    CO Line Attributes
    Thi s chap te r de scr ibe s t he pr oced ure s and s te ps ne cess ar y to pr ogr am CO
    Line attributes. If the system is in the programming mode, continue using
    the  pr o gra m c o des . If  st art i ng to  pr o gr am he re , yo u  mu s t fi rs t e nt er  the
    pr ogra mmi ng mode.  Re fe r to Fi gu r e 1- 2:  Pro g ra mmin g  B u tto n  M a pp i n g in
    chapter 1. 
    							Page A  Introduction 3-3
    Page  A  In troduction
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press FLASH and  di al  [40 ].  The following message displays:
    2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only 
    on e l in e i s  bei ng  prog ram med,  ent er  t hat  num ber  t wi ce  (0 0 1  00 1) .
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.  Flexible Button #19 (Page A) is lit.  The following 
    message displays to indicate current  programming  of that line or 
    g roup of lin es:
    XXX-XXX = CO  Line Range  (001 - 012)
    Des crip ti on
    When entering  the CO Line attributes portion of the  database, the 
    programmer may decide  to  enter information for a  range  of CO lines or 
    one spe c if ic  C O Line .
    Range  pro gra mmin g le ts  the  pr ogra mmer  chang e a s peci fi c p ar ame te r or  
    a few  parameters for an entire range of  CO Lines leaving  intact the 
    re mai ni ng da ta  fi el ds  tha t  do not r eq uir e  ch ange . T hose  data  fi el ds 
    continue to operate with the previously programmed data.
    I f H OL D is pre sse d with out e nte ring  a  C O r ange , ALL C O l ine s 
    (001-012)  a re  s el ect ed.
    XXX - XXX  PA GE   A
    EN TE R  B U TTON   N UM BE R 
    							3- 4 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    By de faul t , Pag e A  i s  shown.
    DTMF / Dial Pulse Programming
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  DT M F/ DI AL  P ULSE  fl ex ibl e  but ton (FLASH  40, Page A, 
    Bu tton  #1).
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries:
    [0] =  Dial Puls e
    [1] =  DT MF
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Each  ind iv idua l  outs ide line can  be programmed to b e D TMF  (ton e) o r 
    dial  pulse. By  default,  all lines  are set for DTMF.
    DTMF /
    DPCO / 
    CO  T O CO
    GR OUP
    =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S
    DI SP LA Y
    RIN G911
    TR U N K
    =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H
    =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ;
    =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
    PULSE / DTMF 0-1
    							Page A  Introduction 3-5
    CO /  PBX Programming
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  CO /P BX  fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 40,  Pag e A, Butto n #2). 
    2 . Ent er  a  0 or 1 whic h c orr es ponds  wi th the  fo ll owing ent r ie s:
    [0] =  PBX 
    [1] =  CO 
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    Each ind iv idua l outs ide line connected to the sy stem may be 
    programmed as a  CO or PBX line.  Use the PBX mark when identifying 
    Ce ntrex  line s.  By de fault,  all line s a re  as signed  as  CO line s.
    Universal Night Answer (UNA)
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the UNA flexible button (FL ASH  40, Page A , Bu tton  #3).
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    If  a li ne  is  mar ked U NA,  th is a cti vat e s ni ght s er vi ce an swe ri ng of i ncomi ng 
    calls  on this line by stations not normally assigned access  to  the line(s). 
    This  station  must have  a direct CO appearance  or an available loop key 
    assigned to do this. Lines marked as  UNA also activate Night Ringing over 
    Ext er nal  P ag e wh en i n t he  ni ght  mo de  i f E xte rn al  Ni ght  R ing ing  is  se t  to  
    Yes. By  default,  UNA is enabled.
    PBX / CO 0-1
    UNA 0-1
    EN AB LE D 
    							3- 6 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    DIS A CO- to- CO
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the DISA CO-TO-CO  flexible button ( FLASH 40, Pag e  A, 
    Bu tton #4).
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Des crip ti on
    The DISA  CO-to-CO (or Conference)  mark on  the CO line governs  a DISA 
    caller’s  ab ility  to  acces s other ou tside  line s.  CO line s m ust hav e  DIS A CO-
    to- CO  e nabl ed to al low a D IS A cal le r to est ab li sh a n out goi ng C O- to- CO  
    connection. This allows for specific CO line access restriction on DISA 
    calls. A station with  Conference enabled  can initiate  a conference on CO 
    li nes  r ega rdl e ss  of t he  CO  l ine  confe re nce  mar ki ng. By  de faul t,  DI SA  C O-
    to-CO is enabled for all CO lines.
    The CO line con ference flag  affects a  DISA caller’s  abi li t y t o acce ss 
    outg oing  CO lines a s s hown in the follow ing  ta ble:
    DISA  CO-TO-CO 0-1
    EN AB LE D
    Ta ble  3-1 :  CO Li ne Co nferenc e Fl ag
    Incoming DISA CO
    D I SA  C al l er  At t em p ts  to  A cc ess
    CO-t o-CO Enabled CO-to-CO Disabl ed
    CO-to -CO En a bl ed C al l Al low ed C a ll D en ied
    CO-to-CO Disabled Call Denied Call Denied 
    							Page A  Introduction 3-7
    Pr iva cy
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  P R IVAC Y  fl exi bl e b utt on ( FLA SH 40,  Pag e A, Butto n #5).
    2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
    [0] =  Disab le d
    [1] =  Ena ble d
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard.
    Disabling Privacy F unction
    The  sy st em  c an b e p rogr amm ed  to  el imi nat e  CO  Li ne  P ri vac y , whi c h 
    allows  anothe r  station  to  join e xis ting o uts ide  line  conv ersations a s 
    fol lows :
    †Stations  mus t  have  a d irect CO line  a ppe ara nce  to join CO line  
    conver sat i ons i n p rogr es s.
    †A  st at ion  must  a lso  have  Pri vacy  di sab le d be for e  the  sy st em  all ows 
    tha t st at ion to ent er  an exi st in g c onver sa ti on.
    †A pr ogra mmed  war ni ng t one is  pr es ent ed to bot h pa rt i es pr ior  t o 
    actual cut-through (Flash  06,  Button 1).
    †Up to s eve n othe r s ta tions  may  join a n ex isting conve rs ation.
    †The station joining the call  receives a  solid  red LED indication.
    PRIVACY 0-1
    EN AB LE D
    D is abli ng th e pri vac y fea ture  ma y be  limit ed by  fede ral , s ta te or 
    l ocal la w, so  ch ec k the  rel ev ant law s in  y our are a be fore di sa blin g 
    							3- 8 Page  A I ntr o ducti o n
    B y de fau lt , P r iva c y i s e nab le d for  a ll  CO  Li nes .
    Loop Supervision Programming
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1 . Pr es s t he  LOO P  SUP V  fl exi ble  b utt on ( FLASH 40, Pag e  A, Button  #6).
    2. Enter a valid number (1-9) on  the dial pad which corresponds to 
    100-900 ms. (0 = disabled).
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    Loop  Supe rv is ion  is  use d p ri mar il y w it h DI S A,  Voi ce  M ai l /A ut o A tt e ndant  
    and wit h un supe rv ise d con fer enc e  a ppl ic at i ons. It  l et s the  s yst em det e c t 
    when loop current  is broken and an  outside line is  no longer being used. 
    To  determine  timer value  for  loop supervision, consult your local central 
    office  for  typ e  and d ura tion of  loo p sup ervision signa l.  By default, Loop  
    Supe r vis ion  is  se t  for  4 00  ms  for  a ll  CO  Li ne s.
    Ta ble  3-2 :  CO Li ne Pri vac y Fl ag
    Sta tion Attempting  to
    Ac ce ss CO  LineCO  Line  in Use  by Another Station
    Pr ivacy Enabled Pr ivacy Disabled
    Pr ivacy Enabled Pr ivat e
    (no cut -thr ough)Pr iv at e
    (no cut -thr ough)
    Pr iv a cy  D isa bl ed Pr iv at e
    (no cut -thr ough)Pr ivacy Release
    ( c ut-t hr ou gh  a llo wed )
    							Page A  Introduction 3-9
    DISA Programming
    Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
    1. Press the DISA flexible button (FLASH 40, Page  A, Bu tton  #7).
    2 . Ent er  a  val id  numbe r  (0 -5 ) on  the  di al  pa d t o i ndi ca te  t ype  of  DI SA 
    [0] =  No D IS A
    [1] =  24-H our  DISA
    [2] =  Ni ght  DISA
    [3] =  24-H our  DISA with  forwarding
    [4] =  Night  DISA with  forwarding
    [5] =  Telecen te r  24-Hour D IS A  with f orward ing
    3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
    display updates.
    Des crip ti on
    Each CO can be assigned as a DISA line using 1 of the 5 DISA types 
    ava il abl e.
    †DI SA can  be  pr ogra mme d usi ng  Range  pr ogr ammi ng.
    †DISA callers are subject to  the Class  of Service  placed  on the  line 
    acces sed for out dialin g.
    †The  sy ste m a dmi nis tr at o r  c an c o nt ro l  t he  c al l  du ra ti o n a fte r 
    es ta blishing  a Trunk-to-Trunk ca ll.
    †Af te r  expi ra ti on of  t he  Confe re nc e T im er,  a t one  is  pr es ent ed  to  bot h 
    DISA parties, then one minute later the system automatically releases 
    both trunks.
    †The  Conf erence  Time r  does  not af fect or control a  DISA-to-S ta tion 
    c al l.  By de faul t , t her e  ar e n o out si de  li nes  as si gned  as  DI SA  l ine s.
    DISA    T YPE 0-5
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