Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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2-24 Sys tem Feat ures 1 Prog ra mming Des crip ti on The sy st em may be pr ogra mmed t o hav e E xclu siv e or S yst e m Hol d. †For Exclu siv e H old: Press HOL D once for Exclus ive Hold, and twice for Sys te m Ho ld. †For System Hold: Press HOLD once for System Hold, and twice for Excl usi ve Hold. Refer to System Ti mers for System and Exclusive Hold recall times. By default, Hold Preference is System Hold. External Night Ring Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he EX T NIG HT RI NG fle x b utt on ( FLASH 05, Butto n # 3). 2. Enter a valid number (0 or 1) that corresponds with these entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on Whe n Ex te rna l Nig ht R ing is se t to yes , i t ac t iv at es Ext er nal Ni ght R i ng which produces a tone that is sent over all external page groups. When outside lines are marked UNA, ringing activates a tone over external pa ging wh en an incoming call occurs on those lines during night service. By default, External Night Ring is disabled. Exe cuti ve O ver ri de War ning To ne Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he EXE C O VER WA RN TO NE fl ex b utt on ( FLASH 05, Button #4). 2. Enter a valid number (0 or 1) that corresponds with these entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d EXTERNAL NI GHT RING 0-1 DISA BLE D
Syst em Feat ures 1 Programm ing 2 -25 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The Executive Override Warning enables Executive stations to override and barge- in on other k ey sets eng aged in convers ation on a CO line. Prior to actual cut through of the third party, a warning tone is presented to al l par ti es not if ying t hem of t he bar ge -in . T his war ni ng t one, howe ve r, is a programmable option on a system-wide basis, that either enables or di sabl es t he ton e. Whe n t he t one i s d isa bl ed, no a udib le si gna l i s pr ese nt ed to the p art i es to si gnal t he bar ge -in . By de faul t , E xec ut iv e Ove r ri de War ni ng T one is ena bl ed. Page Warning Tone Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t h e PAG E WA RN TO N E f le x b u tt o n ( FLASH 05, Butto n #5 ). 2. Enter a valid number (0 or 1) that corresponds with these entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. EXE CUT IVE WAR NI NG 0- 1 EN AB LE D Use of this feature when the Executive Override Warning Tone is disabl ed may be inte rpr ete d as a vi olat ion of fede ral , state , or loca l la ws, and a n inv as ion of p riv acy . C he ck a ppl icabl e la ws i n you r area befor e int rudin g on ca lls us ing t his featu re. A ch ange in v olume may oc cur on th e CO lin e or in ter com call a fter th e barg e-i n occu rs. Th is fe ature also affe cts A C D S upe rvi so r Barge -in warn ing to ne. PAGE WARNING TONE 0-1 EN AB LE D
2-26 Sys tem Feat ures 1 Prog ra mming Des crip ti on The Page W arn ing Tone de te rmine s whether a pa ge warning ton e sounds over the Key Telephone speakers or external paging speakers, prior to a page a nnouncem ent. By de faul t , Pag e W ar ning Tone i s e nab le d. Background Music Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he BA CKGR OUN D M US IC fl ex butt on ( FLA SH 05, Bu tton #6). 2. Enter a valid number (0 or 1) that corresponds with these entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The system can be programmed to let stations activate their Background Musi c, i n ad dit i on t o Musi c-O n-Hol d. A musi c s ource must b e co nnect ed to the BGM/MOH connector on the MISU. By default, the Background M usi c c hanne l is en abl ed. Least Cost Routing (LCR) Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he LCR E NABLE fle x b utt on ( FLASH 05, Butto n #7 ). 2 . Ent er a 0 o r 1 tha t c o rr es po nds wit h the se en tr ie s: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. BACKGROUND MUSIC 0-1 EN AB LE D LEA ST COST ROUTING 0- 1 DISA BLE D
Syst em Feat ures 1 Programm ing 2 -27 Des crip ti on Whe n Le ast C ost R out ing is us ed, it m ust be en abl ed her e. B ef ore enabling LCR, refer to the Least Cost Routing section (Flash 75) and pr ogra mmi ng t abl es (Product Description Manual - A ppendix C). When the tables are programmed, you may then enable LCR for the sys te m. Aft e r syst e m i nit ia li z at ion, a d efa ult LC R da tab ase i s l oad ed int o the L CR se ct ion of me mor y. By de faul t, LCR is di sab le d. Account Codes - Forced Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s A CCO UNT CO DES fl ex but ton (FLA SH 0 5, Bu tton #8) to det e rmi ne whe the r the u s e o f A c co u n t Co des i s f o rc e d o r o pt io nal. 2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The sy st em can f orce account code s on al l re st ri ct ed ca ll s. †Whe n t he Force d Accoun t C ode opt ion is en abl ed, and the account code is ent e re d, a st at ion’s Class of Service is upgraded to day COS1, nig ht COS 1. †If opt io n is di sa ble d, a st at io n’s COS is not upgraded but the acco unt code continues to be pa rt of the SMDR record. By de fault, us ing account code s is optiona l. FORCED ACCOUNT CODE 0-1 DISA BLE D
2-28 Sys tem Feat ures 1 Prog ra mming Gr ou p L is t en in g Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the GROUP LISTENING flex button ( FLASH 05, Butto n #9). 2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on All digital key telephones have built-in speakerphones. Station users may use the speaker to monitor a call while u sing the handset to converse with the outside party. This enables other people in the room to listen to bot h pa rt ie s in the conv er sat io n. Group listening is unavailable when the station is in the headset mode. By default, Group Listening is disabled. Id le S pea k er Mo de Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the IDLE SPEAKER MODE flex button (FLASH 05, Button #10). 2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries: [0] = First d igi t di ale d i s Hea rd (Di sab le d) [1] = First d igi t di ale d i s Mute d (E nabl ed ) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The Idle Speaker Mode feature determines whether the first digit dialed is hea rd ov er th e di gi tal ke y t el ephon e sp eak er . Th is f eat ur e c an be e nabl e d or dis abl ed on a sy st em- wide b asi s. By de faul t , t hi s mod e i s dis abl ed . GROUP L ISTENING 0-1 DISA BLE D IDLE SPEAKE R MODE 0-1 DISA BLE D
Syst em Feat ures 1 Programm ing 2 -29 Call C os t Di spl ay Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CA LL CO ST DI SPLAY fl ex but ton (FLASH 05, Bu tton #11). 2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The Call Cost Display feature lets a user view the approximate cost of ea ch cal l made . T his ap pr oxima te cost a ls o pr in ts as par t of t he SMD R re c o rd . The Ca ll Co s t Di sp la y re pl ac es the c al l d urat i o n di spl ay whe n a c a ll is mad e u sin g LC R. Co st inf orma ti on i s pr ogra mmabl e in LCR Fl ash 75 . This enables the user to program four separate costs based on the time of day. Costs entered in the tables are costs for one minute, however, costs are calculated using 1/10th of a minute value. These costs are rounded down and based on the call start time, even if the call extends into a different time period. The SMD R printout contains a cost ca lculated using 1/10th of a minute increment, however the station display updates app roxi mat el y eve ry 3 0 s ec ond s. The use r must us e LCR t o ge t t he ca ll cost di spl ay. By d efa ult , the Ca ll C ost Di spl ay fe atu re i s di sa ble d. Mu si c -O n -H old Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the MUSIC-ON-HOLD flex button (FLASH 05, Bu tton #12). Th is fea tur e tog gle s on and off eac h ti me t he b utt on i s pre ss ed; t he di spl ay up dates wi th each togg le . [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d CAL L COS T DIS PLAY 0- 1 DISA BLE D
2-30 Sys tem Feat ures 1 Prog ra mming 2. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on When connected to the system, a music source provides music to all lines on Hold, parked calls, transferred calls and calls waiting to be answered by Automatic Ca ll Distribution (ACD ) or Uniform Ca ll D istribu tion (UC D). Thi s fe at ure i s al lowe d or den ie d on a sy st em- wid e ba sis in p rogr am ming. By de faul t , Mus ic-O n-H old is en abl ed. Call Q u al if ier To ne Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CA LL QUA L T ONE fl ex but ton (FLASH 0 5, Bu tton #13). 2. Enter a 0 or 1 that corresponds with the following entries: [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The C all Q ual if ie r Tone fe at ure i s a ssoc i at ed wit h the A CD Ca ll Q uali fi er code and determines if a confirmation tone is heard after the ACD Call Qualifier code is dialed. If programmed, the confirmation tone is heard through the key set speaker. This feature allows: †Up to four digits for the ACD SMDR reporting functions that are compatible with the Ba sic AC D s oftware p acka ge. †Entry of up to twelve digits. By default, the Call Qualification Confirmation tone is disabled. MUSIC ON HOLD 0- 1 EN AB LE D CAL L QUALIF IER TO NE 0-1 DISA BLE D
Syst em Feat ures 2 Programm ing 2 -31 Sy stem Features 2 Pro gramming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Pr es s FLASH and di al [06 ]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on Thi s sect i on de scr ibe s the pr oced ure s a nd s te ps nece ss ary t o pr ogr am Sys te m F eat ur es i n Sy st em Fea tur es pr ogr ammi ng a re a. The but t ons on the d igi ta l te le phone ar e shown in t he f oll owi ng i ll ust ra ti on: SY ST EM FEATU R ES 2 EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R BARGE-IN WAR N TONECO R I NG TO NEVER IFIED ACCT COD ESCALL FWD DI SPL A Y STA TUS =1Q=2W=3E=4R EXT D AY RIN GINGACD/UCD OV ERFLOW STA FWDDI R ECT TRANSFERSTATION ID LOCK =5T=6Y=7U=8I LCR CALL PRO GRESSONE-TOUCH RCD WARNING TONERINGBACK ON TRANS- FERACD AGENT REC A L L =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S 91 1 FEATUR EENHANCED 911VMID STATION NUM BERS =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
2-32 Sys tem Feat ures 2 Prog ra mming B a rge -I n Wa rn To ne Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pres s the BARGE IN WARN TONE flex button (FLASH 06, Button #1). The following message displays: 2 . Ent er a 0 or 1 on t he di al pad to ena ble / dis abl e the c onf er enc e ton e. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Ta bl e 2-4 : S yst em Feat ure s 2 De faul t s Program CodeFlex ButtonF eat ureDef ault (after initialization) S yst em Fea tures 2 FLASH 06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Barg e-In Warn To ne CO Ring Tone Veri fi ed Acco un t C o des Call Forward Display Status Ext ernal Day Ri nging ACD/ UCD Over flo w Sta Fwd Di re c t T ra ns f e r Station ID Lock LC R C a ll Pro gre s s One-Tou ch Rec ord Warn in g Ton e Ri ng ba c k o n Tra n sfer ACD Ag ent Rec all 911 Featur e Enhanced 91 1 VM I D St at io n N um be r sEnabled Enabled Di s ab le d Enabled Di s ab le d Di s ab le d Enabled Di s ab le d Enabled Enabled Di s ab le d Di s ab le d Di s ab le d Di s ab le d St at ion Num ber s=VMI D BARGE IN WARN TO NE 0-1 EN AB LE D Display stations continue to receive the CONFERENCE display reg ardle ss o f th e warn ing t one se ttin g.
Syst em Feat ures 2 Programm ing 2 -33 Privacy is ensured on all communications in the system. If desired, the use r may el ec t t o di sab le t he Barg e I n fea tur e, t hus a ll owin g up to se ven oth er st at ion s t o j oi n ex ist i ng C O L ine conv er sat ion s. CO Ring Tones Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CO RI NG TO NE fl ex butt on (FLA SH 06, Bu tton #2). The following message displays: 2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable the tone ring signal. [0] = Disab le d [1] = Ena ble d 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The ring tone s ig nal th at notifies stations of an incoming call ca n be changed in administrative programming to provide distinctive ringing on a pe r CO line bas is . A C O Ring Tone can be progra mme d for e ach C O line th at rings ea ch station. T he sys te m provide s 36 diffe re nt ring pat t er ns t hat ca n be s el ect ed for CO l ine s in the sy st em. By d efa ult , C O Ring Tone s is ena bled. Dis ab lin g of t he Ba rge I n fea ture ma y be limit ed by fede ral , s ta te, or loca l law, s o ch eck the rel ev ant la ws in you r area b efore dis ab ling priv acy . Tabl e 2 -5 : CO Li ne Ba rge In Fl ag Station Attempting to Ac ce ss CO LineCO Line in Use by Another Station Pr ivacy Enabled Pr ivacy Disabled Pr ivacy Enabled Pr ivat e (no cut -thr ough)Pr iv at e (no cut -thr ough) Pr iv a cy D isa bl ed Pr iv at e (no cut -thr ough)Pr ivacy Release ( c ut-t hr ou gh a llo wed ) CO RING TO NE S 0-1 EN AB LE D