Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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2-54 Prog ra mmable Flash Rat es 2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of the 29 available options. (Refer to Ta b l e 2 - 6 : F l a s h R at e s.) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Do Not Disturb Button flash rate is the rate at which your Do Not Disturb Button fla she s whe n y ou place your station in a Do N ot Dis turb mode . T his fl ash ra te can be pr ogr amme d t o 2 9 di ffe re nt opt ions identified in the flash rate table. This enables the programmer to cust omiz e t he k ey syst e m confi gur at ion to d es ir ed fla sh r at es . By def aul t, Do N o t Di st u rb B u tt o n f la sh r at e is se t fo r R ed St ea dy O n ( 01 ). Intercom Hold Button Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the ICM HOLD BTN flex button ( FLASH 07, Butto n #1 9). The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of the 29 available options. (Refer to Ta b l e 2 - 6 : F l a s h R at e s.) 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The I nte rcom Hold Butt on f las h r at e i s t he ra te at whi ch your Hol d but to n fl ashe s w hen you r ece iv e a n i nte rcom cal l and your st at ion’s i nt er com mode se le c tor s wit c h i s in the T position. This flash rate can be programmed to 29 different options identified in the Flash Rate table. Thi s enab le s t he pr ogr amme r to cust omiz e t he key sys te m confi gur at ion to des ir ed fl ash ra te s. By default, Intercom Hold Button flash rate is set for a Red 15 ipm Fl ash (09 ). ICM HO LD BTN 0 0-2 8 RED 15 IPM F LASH
Syst em Parame ters 2 -55 Sy s t e m P a ra m e t e r s Pro g ram mi ng S te ps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Pr es s FLASH and di al [09 ]. The following message displays: Des crip ti on Thi s sect i on de scr ibe s the pr oced ure s a nd s te ps nece ss ary t o pr ogr am System Parameters in the System Parameters programming area. The buttons on the digita l telephone are shown in the fo llowing illustra tion: SY ST EM PA R AMET ER S EN TE R B U TTON N UM BE R MUS I C CH # 3MUSIC CH # 4MU SI C CH #5MUSIC CH # 6 =1Q=2W=3E=4R MUS I C CH # 7MUSIC CH # 8 =5T=6Y=7U=8I =9O=10 P=11 A=12 S =13 D=14 F=15 G=16 H =17 J=18 K=19 L=20 ; =21 Z=22 X=23 C=24 V
2-56 Syst em Paramet ers MOH Assignments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the MUSIC CH # flex button (FLASH 09, Butto n #1 thro ugh #6). T he foll owi ng me ss age di spl ays: X= 3 - 8 YYY = CO Line number 2 . Ent er a val id nu mbe r (0 01 -0 1 2) tha t co rr es po nds to the CO l in e nu mber d esired. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard. Des crip ti on The MO H A ssi gnme nt s f eat ur e e nab le s t he sys te m t o a ssi gn CO li ne circuits as additiona l 6 m usic- on-hold inp uts . This increases the cap acity of mu sic channe ls be yond the 2 av ai lab le on the MI SU b oar d for us e b y MOH sources. A total of 8 channels are available for use on the system. By def ault, no cha nnels are a ssigne d. Table 2-7: Syste m Paramete rs Programming Program CodeFl ex ButtonFeat ureDefa ult ( a ft er in i t ia li z at i on ) FLASH 09 1 2 3 4 5 6Mu sic Channel #3* Mu sic Channel #4* Mu sic Channel #5* Mu sic Channel #6* Mu sic Channel #7* Mu sic Channel #8*### ### ### ### ### ### * Music Channels 3-8 can only be used for Music-On-Hold functions T he le adi ng digi t fe ature i s re move d in FP3. T he le adin g d igi t fea ture i s rep lace d by a ne twork in g tabl e (FL AS H 16). MUSIC CHANNEL X ## # , 0 01 - 01 2 YYY
Att endan t St ation Ass ignment 2 -57 Figure 2-2: Wiring - M usic S ourc e to a CO Line Attendant Station A ssignme nt Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [10]. The following message displays: 2. Enter a valid station numbe r (10 0- 131) on the di al pa d. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The system identifies an attendant station for the purpose of receiving re calls and activ ating night s ervice. The s ystem can ha ve up to three atte ndan t(s ) pr ogr amme d. Enter in g [# ] thre e ti me s r emo ves that atte ndan t a ssignme nt or diffe re nt station numbe rs can be progra mme d. By de faul t , S ta ti on 1 0 0 is ass ign ed as the fi r st at te nda nt. AT N D STA A SSIG N MEN T 10 0, ## #, # ## 1 0 uF 1 0 uF + - - + Resistors are 680 Ohm / 1w. Capacitors are 10uF/50v. + - KSU C OM u si c sou rce Power Supply +24 or -48 VDC 68 0 Ohm68 0 Ohm 12 0 vac
2-58 Sys tem Tim e an d Da te Sy s t e m T i m e a n d Da t e Pro g ram mi ng S te ps To set the time and date that appears on display telephones: 1. Press FLASH and di al [11]. The following message displays: MM M = Month DD = Day YY = Ye a r HH = H ou r MM = Minute 2 . Choos e d is pla y for mat by pr es si ng t he appr opr ia te but t on i n t he f le xib le but ton fi el d. T he ti me can b e dis pl ayed in th e s ta ndar d 12-hour format or the 24-hour format 3 . Di al th e t i me and dat e i n t he or der sh own be low (2 di git s for ea ch entry, for a total of 10 digits): Yea r Month Day Hour Minute 4. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. DAT E AND TIME MMM DD YY HH : MM am To pro gram a pm t ime afte r sele cti ng the 12-hou r fo rmat, use 24-ho ur n umberin g, e.g., To pro gram a ti me of 5:00 pm, en ter 17:00. 12/24 HOUR =1Q=2W=3E=4R
PBX Dia ling Codes 2 -59 By defau lt, the time is set for 12 hour display format. When entering the t i me and d ate , u s e the fo l l ow ing dat a: LED O ff = 1 2 Hour Di sp lay LED O n = 24 H our Di spl ay PBX Dialing Codes Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [12]. The following message displays: 2. Enter valid numbers (one right after the other) on the dial pad, up to t en di git s. I f a si ngle di gi t code is re qui re d, e nte r code fol lowe d by [#]. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. 4. To de le te a co de, enter [# ] [# ] an d pres s H OLD. Des crip ti on Five 1- or 2-digit PBX access codes can be progra mmed into memory. When dialed, these codes signal the system so toll restriction is applied at the ne xt di al ed dig it. W hen a s ingl e di git code [9] i s enter e d, i t must b e fol lowe d by [#] a s the second di git. T o de le te an entry , en te r [# ] twice and Pre ss HOL D. Line s must be pr ogr amme d a s PBX li ne s b efor e the se code s app ly. By d efa ult , n o PBX di al in g code s a re as si gned . Pr ogra mmi ng i s pe rfo r m e d i n FL AS H 4 0 , P A G E A, B u t to n 2. Th e D ate an d Ti me ca n be ch ang ed or set b y the Fir st Atte nda nt st ation using d ial co de [692]. PBX DIAL CODES ## , ## , ## , # #, # # Ta bl e 1 -- C an be se t to dia l [9] for Ce ntre x 911 call s. If th e CO is se t to 911, en ter yes and the u nit is o n Ce ntre x. T his w ill dia l t he C ent rex 9 (n ot LC R).
2-60 Execu tive / Secret ary Pairs Executive / Secretary Pairs Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [13]. The following message displays: The fi rs t but ton is l it i ndi ca ti ng t he fi rs t pai r may be pro gram med. 2. Enter a valid Executive station number. 3. Enter a valid Secretary station number. 4. Press HOLD to save the data. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. †To pr ogra m a se cond pa ir, pre ss th e s econd fl exi ble b utt on i n t he fl exi ble b utt on fi e ld and ent er st at i on numb er s a s i n s te ps 2- 4. †To pr ogra m a thi r d pa ir, pre ss t he thi rd but ton in t he f le xib le button field and enter station numbers as in steps 2-4. †To pr ogra m a four t h pai r, pre ss th e f our th but ton in the fl ex ibl e button field and enter station numbers as in steps 2-4. Des crip ti on There are four Executive/Secretary pairs available. When an Executive st at ion is bus y or i n DN D, int er c om c a ll s a nd t r ansf er s a re aut omat i c all y routed to the designated Secretary. The assigned secretary may Camp-On to the Executive Station when the station is bus y or in Do- Not-Disturb. T here can be only one pairing of st at ions , wi t h no dupl ic at e s. Y ou c annot pa ir E xec ut iv e 10 0 to Se c re ta ry 101, then pair Secretary 101 to Executive 100. The same Secretary station can be specified for more than one Executive station (101-105 and 102-105). Entering [#] six times removes the assignments. Individual pairs may be changed by pressing the associated flexible button. By default, no E xec ut iv e / Se cr e tar y pai rs ar e ass igne d. EXE C S ECY PA IRINGS ###, ### PAIR 1 EXEC / SECY PAIR #1EXEC / SECY PAIR #2EXEC / SECY PAIR #3EXEC / SECY PAIR #4 =1Q=2W=3E=4R
On-B oard Relay Programmin g 2 -61 On-Board Relay Programming Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [14]. Button #1 is lit to indicate Relay #1 is se le cte d. T he fol lowi ng me ss age di spl ays: X = 1- 2 YYYYYYYYYYYY = Ext Page Zone 1-2, LBC Sta XXX, Ran S tart X, CO Control XX 2. Press the button that corresponds to the desired relay. That button lights . E nter one of the following s equences on the keypa d: [1] + [1] Ex te rna l Pa ge Zon es [2] + [ 1 through 8] = RAN Start (RAN Announce ment Tab le s 1-8) [3] + STA # = Loud Be ll [4 ] + CO # = CO Li ne Con t ro l [0] = D isa bles Relay 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Eac h ti me t he u ser p re sse s a r el ay b u tt o n, the LCD u pd ate s wit h t he relay number and the function assigned to it. Des crip ti on The Tr iad-S has two relays on the BKSU that can be programmed to perform certain f unctions. These fun ctions a re loud b ell, externa l page control, RAN S ta rt, and CO Line con trol. RELAY X TYPE YYYYYYYYYYYY REL A Y 1REL A Y 2 =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I
2-62 B aud R ate Ass ignment s Baud Rate Assign ments Pro g ram mi ng S te ps Pre ss FLASH an d di al [1 5]. The first button is lit and ready for pr ogra mmi ng Por t #1. T he foll owi ng me ss age di spl ays : Des crip ti on The Tr iad-S Sys tem p rovides outputs such a s S MDR or ICLID to the optiona l RS -232 con nectors on the MIS U. Port #1, #2, #3 Baud Rates Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he de si re d PO RT # fl ex but ton (FLASH 15, Bu tton s #1, #2, or # 3) to determine the port to program. 2. Enter a 1-digit number fo r the baud rate: [1] = 150 Baud [2] = 300 Baud [3] = 600 Baud [4] = 1200 Baud [5] = 2400 Baud [6] = 4800 Baud [7] = 9600 Baud [8] = 19.2K Ba ud 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. PORT BAUD 1 960 0 PORT #1 MI S U 1PO RT #2 MISU 2PO RT #3 MODEM =1Q=2W=3E=4R =5T=6Y=7U=8I
Ne t wo r k i n g Ta b l e s 2 - 63 Des crip ti on Port #1 -- Firs t RS-232C port on the optiona l MISU Port #2 -- Second RS -232 po rt on the optional MIS U Port # 3 -- Op ti onal Mode m By default, Port #1 (MISU RS-232C), Port #2 (MISU RS-232) and Port #3 (Modem ) ba ud rates are set f or 9600. Ne two rk i n g Tab l es Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press FLASH and di al [16]. T he foll owi ng me ss age di spl ays: 2. Press the desired bu tton, make the necessary entry, and then press H OLD aft e r e ach ent r y t o se l ect a tr unk group, st at ion ra nge, and system number: [1] = Se le ct Trun k Group (0-23) [2]= Station Range FROM (1000-9999) [3] = Station Range TO (1000-9999) [4] = Reserved for future feature [22] = Page Up [23] = Page D own [2 4] = S el e ct syst em numb er (1 -1 6) NETWORKING TABLES SELECT SYS NO